rub the net in another world

Chapter 212 The Wind Here (4)

Chapter 212 The Wind Here ([-])

To put it bluntly, shouldn't you be the number one omnipotent person?
Meng Yanxiang felt that the cognitive exchange was more or less unequal, but fortunately, it didn't last, so he responded accordingly:

"Of course, it's not some kind of secrecy. You'll learn what's in the textbook in two years."

Zhou Sheliu, which is clearly listed in Chapter 12 of the brick book "Overview of Multiple Psionic Combined Applications", is not divided into the compulsory content of the classroom. The book simply puts forward the concept. If you really want to study it, You have to apply for elective courses.

There are so many useful and uncertain little tricks like this in the 21st Academy. Of course, the laws and regulations are mysterious and artistic, but the future prospects that cannot be grasped make people unable to make up their minds to delve into them.

There are many genres that have opened up the extraordinary road far enough, so why bother to focus on a mere possible inspiration and keep pushing forward?You must know that a new genre cannot see a lighthouse without decades of laying the foundation. If it is still on the wrong path, it will be a waste of time, and it will be a waste of time when the fellows have made achievements.

Not everyone has the talent to forge ahead, nor does everyone have the courage to walk alone in the dark. After being entangled, we only know how harsh the qualifications to be recorded by history are.

Therefore, there are so many kinds of skills, almost everyone has two hands or only two hands based on hobbies or personal development.

Meng Yanxiang turned his mind a few times, and imposed this as the reason why Zhou Ming didn't understand Zhou Sheliu in his mind.

The breeze blew by, and he frowned uncomfortably.Man-made wind may be more appropriate to be described in technical terms such as gas flow. It’s okay if you don’t know it clearly. When you clearly tell you that it is a product of psionic energy, you always feel that it is a bit softer than natural products, especially in other winds. It is also mixed with the smell of burning fireworks that have not been processed in the missing corners, which is even more unlikable.Meng Yanxiang sorted out subjectively to make himself feel better, and then pointed to Zhou Sheliu's first position.

Placed at the top obliquely opposite to the head of the dragon, if imposing meaning, it can also be regarded as the place where the dragon gazes.

Yet there is only a point of empty nothingness.

Zhou Ming instinctively focused on scanning, and the directional detection of the surrounding field is naturally better than the purposeless local and extensive detection. Conscious concentration adds an additional difference to the surroundings.Where there is a contrast, it is naturally clear.Zhou Ming also really noticed the fluctuation.

It is an unrecorded psionic fluctuation, very faint but complicated, it seems that there is more than one.

The "spiritual wave files" in the surrounding field seem to have a bright future, but the actual progress is only at the stage of proposing the name of the project. In the current situation, almost any psychic formula to be recorded can be encountered at any time, and only a few of them can be consulted. There are several commonly used ones.

Zhou Ming is no longer a beginner, and the surrounding field can fully display the advanced characteristics of the imperial magic, and in terms of concealment, it has achieved a height that the Blue Star perception class can't even hope for. Meng Yanxiang didn't notice Zhou Ming's peeping and recording behavior, so Click to continue:

"Most of the long-lasting psionic formulas rely on physical objects. Although they are often criticized, they are still the mainstream at the moment. Giving special effects to physical objects can also rely on the long-term existence of physical objects to have long-term effects."

The flaws brought about by the imperfect rule design are the lower layers that need to stop and make up for after the upper layers of the world in Blue Star have made rapid progress. Every bottleneck that is difficult to overcome represents a long theoretical tree that needs to be filled.

That is to say, but Meng Yanxiang's pointing position is obviously not real, so what is the routine.

"It's not impossible to find a psychic formula that can last forever without support, but whether you can find it or not is another matter. The time wasted and the uncertainty of trying is even more troublesome." Meng Yanxiang didn't give a shit , immediately came up with a statement.

"It is difficult to break through the frontal technology, and the side is tricky." Meng Yanxiang outlined the void with his fingers, and under the simple transfer of spiritual power, the interference occurred accordingly, as if there was an invisible sound of drawing, and a layer of polygons that could be called "transparent" was drawn in the previous point. The indicated position appears.

Ha, it's not that it doesn't exist, it's just invisible.

The sense of existence that can be detected after that point of concentration does not have any material dominant characteristics, and even a little bit of air flow cannot be interfered, and it will not cause the wind to change direction, and will not affect the falling point of raindrops.

Not to mention, a sense of presence.

When a bird passes by, there will be absolutely no lag, but if it is sensitive, it may have the "illusion" of passing through a barrier.

The "illusion" that is enough to increase the chance of failure by an eagle catching a rabbit by one in ten thousand.

It seems a little overthinking?Zhou Ming dispersed the vivid images that emerged.

In fact, some individuals who are submerged in the torrent of desires that are not called "society" aggregates, mentally clear or sensitive people may also notice the difference if they stare for a long time.

It was then questioned as a mental hallucination.

"In order to be more perfect, the design must have artistic aesthetics. Leaving an anchor point in the air is not very attractive, and it is also eye-catching and easy to be damaged." Meng Yanxiang smiled mockingly: " After all, human beings can't control their own instincts."

This joke didn't resonate, Zhou Ming looked at Meng Yanxiang strangely.

Is there something funny?
She shrugged her nose resentfully, cold jokes always fail.Meng Yanxiang pretended that nothing happened, and continued: "In this case, let's make it as meager as possible, so as to break away from the specific category of the conventional material layer."

"Not yet." Zhou Ming denied it, "You can always find it if you search hard, and the interference from the physical layer is not something it can avoid. It is too wrong to say that you are separated from the conventional material layer."

After thinking about it carefully, he tried to give a standard answer: "If you really want to be separated from the conventional material world, whether you observe it or not is secondary. The non-interference of the conventional material layer is the key point..." seems wrong?

Doesn't the interference with the non-material layer originate from the material layer for all transcendent beings?
In the middle of speaking, Zhou Ming stopped, thinking about the information in his mind in a mess.

Is there a specific definition for this?
After denying it, I couldn't tell why. In the midst of embarrassment, Mi Yiwen interrupted forcefully: "No, no! It's because you have a problem with the concept of the conventional material layer!"

Meng Yanxiang nodded approvingly.

"In our eyes, the conventional material layer is nothing more than the five senses. If you go deeper, you can only add some instruments to investigate. If you can't find these, then it can be classified as something else!" Mi Yiwen freely complained that someone thought The knowledge is not clear, "What does this kind of thing that needs to be detected by means of perception have anything to do with the material layer of our ordinary human beings?"

"Don't look at us Blue Star people with your extraordinary worldview!"

 Suddenly seeing the monthly pass of a book friend, I sat up in shock in my dying illness...

(End of this chapter)

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