The golden light spell at the beginning, I was exposed by the school flower live broadcast

Chapter 74 I would rather die standing than live on my knees! (4th update, please subscribe)

Chapter 74 I would rather die standing than live on my knees! (Fourth update, please subscribe)

"You will kill me? What a ridiculous statement. You must have never felt this kind of power in your life, right?"

Mo Xuange still didn't understand that what he was about to face was a scourge!
He was still narcissistic, his expression was like that of Yelang's arrogant monster.

Continue to yell: "You knelt down now, beg me, maybe I'm in a good mood, and give you some meat."

"Eat your horse!"

Jiang Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and blasted up faster than a bullet.

He wants to kill this demon cultivator with his own hands!

At this second, Mo Xuange was extremely confident.

The height is over three meters, and the veins on the right hand are popping up!

There is the power to collapse mountains and open rivers in every gesture.

He was afraid of that terrifying feeling, it was too powerful!

He wants to let the junior in front of him know what it means to be beaten!What is heart-wrenching pain!
next second.

The entire arm bone was smashed to pieces!
His eyes changed from confidence to panic. He couldn't imagine that his body, which had been strengthened dozens of times, would be shattered and fractured just by meeting him?
Although Yaoxiu's recovery ability is strong, he has no time to repair it.

Because next, golden fists like cannonballs bombarded him, and many parts of his body were directly dented.

The golden light body protector, which is usually tried and tested, didn't work much.

how so!
But he didn't have time to think, his huge body was held down by Jiang Fan with one hand, and his neck was grabbed by Jiang Fan like a chicken.

Then he kept bumping on his back and bumping.

Trees, stones, even mountains.

They were all smashed by the back of his head.

Just like that, Jiang Fan grabbed his neck and bumped him for a full 2000 meters!
A deep gully appeared directly nearby.

Then Jiang Fan smashed it hard.

Mo Xuange's demon body crashed at the foot of a mountain.

That force shocked the whole mountain.

The powerful impact made him almost faint.

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

Mo Xuange gritted his teeth and got up, he was not reconciled, why did he become weaker after being demonized!

So he took out a talisman and read a strange incantation, then stuck out his tongue and rolled the talisman into his mouth.

The lightning and golden light around him went berserk!

The broken hand also healed quickly.

"It's useless."

Because the aura of the Golden Light Curse in Jiang Fan's body was surging, and he couldn't help feeling like it was about to explode.

With all his strength, Jiang Fan's fists transformed into golden light kept hitting Mo Xuange without reservation.

Mo Xuange was able to resist at first, and then covered his body with both hands, until all the golden light on his body was scattered by Jiang Fan.

There was a final loud bang in the mountains.


The proud Mo Xuange knelt down powerlessly on the ground, with his hands propped on the ground, the arrogance in his eyes no longer existed, only confusion remained.

Master, am I really wrong?

Recalling the first time he entered the Heavenly Master's Mansion, he was attracted by this dazzling golden light, determined to practice the Golden Light Curse to the extreme, and become a master, the ultimate Heavenly Master.

Mo Xuange seemed to have thought of something, and tried to summon the Golden Light Curse with his hand.

For the first time, he felt that the Golden Light Curse repulsed him.

It turned out that it was no accident that he lost.

Ridiculous, I still feel that I have become stronger, and I still feel that I can win.

Hearing the approaching footsteps from the opposite side, Mo Xuange raised his head.

Although he didn't want to admit it, this one in front of him was the real dragon and phoenix among people.

But at this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were full of killing intent, obviously he did not intend to let him go.

Mo Xuange stepped on the ground with his feet and stood up forcefully.

Just when Jiang Fan was guarding against his desperate fight, he saw Mo Xuange thrust his demonic claws into his chest.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, and then with all his strength, he dug out his demonized heart.

Pinch hard.

This heart, which was still beating just now, exploded in an instant.

And with the rapid loss of life, his body slowly returned to its human appearance.

He lost, but he is not afraid of death, it's just that he is just a generation of arrogance, and he doesn't want to die like a monster.

surrender?These two words are not in his dictionary.

Mo Xuange has his own pride.

I would rather die standing up than live on my knees!
At this second, he seemed to be on the same level as Jiang Fan again.

At least compared to Xia Liu, Jiang Fan admires his approach even more.

Really, dead decent.

In front of Mo Xuange's eyes, there was a kindly smiling face, that was his master.

Around the master are those brothers who have taken care of him.

"I'm sorry, brothers and sisters, I'm going to accompany Master first. After all, Master, the old man, likes me the most."

A generation of Tianjiao closed his eyes, lay down in the cold mountain, and ended his brilliant life.

Jiang Fan performed a very standard Taoist Jishou salute to his body.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Lei Jie above the nine heavens.

"You can come down now."

Lei Jie: "."

Shall we be ashamed?

When the thunder disaster was over, Jiang Fan's phone rang.

"Jiang Fan, where are you, are you okay?"

Director Feng Tianqiang's anxious voice came.

Because the person he arranged at the so-called 'entrustment point' had not waited for Jiang Fan for a long time.

I was afraid that something unexpected would happen to Jiang Fan.

"It's okay, it's okay, my car was smashed, come and pick me up."

"Okay, you turn on the positioning."

Not long after, three special armed helicopters appeared.

When we arrived at the scene, the sky gradually brightened.

But seeing this scene, everyone in the Lingguan Bureau was shocked.

There are traces of battles in this area of ​​hundreds of miles.

He took another look at the corpse next to Jiang Fan in the Taoist robe of a celestial master.

Even Feng Tianqiang and Zhong Guowei couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

"How could it be him, Mo Xuange from Tianshi Mansion!"

"Hey, I also guessed it was him, but I didn't expect him to be defeated by you."

Director Feng is obviously an insider, and this is also a trap he set up.

"Both bureau chiefs, can you explain to me what happened?"

Jiang Fan asked, he also had some guesses in his mind, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"I'll tell you when I go back, I just found out."

After all, he was his subordinate. Zhong Guowei explained to Jiang Fan when he returned to the meeting room.

It turned out that all three boxes were fake.

Ever since Feng Tianqiang found out that Ling Tianxing was sent over, he came up with the idea of ​​worshiping the demon sect.

Jin Zhuoyan would not fight Ling Tianxing under normal circumstances.

So it can be inferred from this that the one who will deal with Bu Xingshan and Jiang Fan must also be someone who makes it difficult for them to fight.

So Feng Tianqiang consulted many Taoist and Buddhist traitors, and Ye Xingkong and Mo Xuange were undoubtedly the best candidates.

Although Bu Xingshan is extremely powerful, Ye Xingkong, a Buddhist disciple, would struggle if he really wanted to do it, not to mention that Bu Xingshan still had concerns.

In the same way, Mo Xuange's strength was a full rank higher than Jiang Fan's, and he felt that Jiang Fan would give up resistance and throw out the box.

Therefore, such a tactic was designed to let the three delay time.

The trio who worshiped the demon sect certainly didn't know the authenticity of the box.

After all, the three of them are just intern cadres, not core members yet.

So if you snatch the box from the three strong men in the Spiritual Management Bureau, you can naturally take it back for business.

By the time they handed the box over to someone above, it was too late to discover it was fake.

The Mighty Ones of the Headquarters have arrived.

And Hangze City will not suffer huge losses, this is Feng Tianqiang's arrangement.

This rough-looking person is also very delicate.

He couldn't figure it out, but Jiang Fan was really fighting.

He also got rid of Mo Xuange, which can be said to be a surprise.

Jiang Fan's strength made Feng Tianqiang want to kneel to him.

I thought: Brother Fan is still reliable at critical moments!

After all, for a talented person like Mo Xuange to join the Demon Worship Cult, it would be a huge disaster for both the Spiritual Management Bureau and the common people.

If he could, Feng Tianqiang wanted to get rid of the other two as well.

He is not a soft-hearted person.

Assuming the position of director, you must consider the common people of Hangze City.

Hearing Zhong Guowei's explanation, the doubts in Jiang Fan's heart were resolved.

Then he looked at the two seniors with special identities from the Spiritual Management Bureau next to him.

That kind of feeling seems to say, I worked so hard to fight in the jungle, why don't you two hang up?
"Don't look at me, I didn't understand Director Feng's intentions until I saw my traitor junior."

Bu Xingshan unscrewed the thermos cup, and the smell of wolfberries permeated.

He was tired last night, it felt like he was fighting.

Not Jiang Fan.

"I don't know, I was threatened."

Jin Zhuoyan really didn't know Feng Bureau's arrangement, Ling Tianxing threatened the lives of hundreds of staff, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Just when everyone was about to go to work normally, there was a sound of propellers in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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