The golden light spell at the beginning, I was exposed by the school flower live broadcast

Chapter 43 Human life is short, but some people still want to take shortcuts

Chapter 43 Human life is short, but some people still want to take shortcuts
Several bigwigs are still raising the price up, almost to 3 million.

Lin Jiaxin looked at the barrage and thought they were just kidding me, right?
Does it have a magical effect as the book friends say?
She took a closer look, and it wasn't a big deal.

This group of fans are really good at acting, right?

But seeing that so many bigwigs are bidding, it seems that they don't want to be fake.

Because the gift is indeed a trick.

Isn't it just a word, really so valuable?

If it is true, if Jiang Fan writes one word every day, wouldn't she make a lot of money?

When Jiang Fan came out, Lin Jiaxin was going to ask if the word was for sale.

"Student, your word."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan seemed to understand something.

"You don't need to trouble yourself to throw away these rubbish, I'll just burn them."

After speaking, he threw out a talisman, and the strange spells in the talisman glowed, and a tiger's head appeared in front of the talisman and spewed out flames.

The red flames burned what Jiang Fan thought was a 'garbage dump'.

Reduce all these 'craft garbage' to ashes, leaving none behind.

Seeing that the fire was almost under control and did not burn to other places, Jiang Fan was quite satisfied.

What he makes is not a one-time charm, the kind that is thrown away after one-time use, which is not environmentally friendly.

The talisman floated in the air, and after spraying the fire, the tiger put it into the talisman paper and returned it to Jiang Fan's hand.

This is the spell with the power of heaven.

Auras can be stored in each spell.

Unless it is destroyed, it is enough to wait for the aura to be consumed and then take it back to replenish it.

"Let's go."

Jiang Fan put the talisman into Qiankun's sleeve, as if he had done a trivial thing.

But the fans in the live broadcast room and Lin Jiaxin were dumbfounded.

Brother, don't you hesitate a bit when you burn it?

3 million. Just gone?
"Wait for me."

After being stunned for a while, Lin Jiaxin finally came to her senses and hurriedly chased after her.

Although it is a pity, she is a relatively contented woman.

In her heart, Jiang Fan can let her live in such a big and safe house, and let her broadcast live, which is already the greatest gift to her.

In the past few days, the income from the live broadcast has reached nearly one million, so what more is there to ask for.

At first she said she wanted to share the bill with Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan said it was fine, just let her spend it.

Although Jiang Fan did not seem to be short of money, she still felt that what should be made clear was the score.

As long as you have tens of thousands of dollars and can eat enough, you can't be greedy.

It was this thin desire and sense of satisfaction that made her have no reaction even when she saw the word 'Mie'.

Annihilation is just annihilation of the protruding part of human nature.

It is normal for people to have seven emotions and six desires, but there are always some people who have strong desires for certain things, such as greed for money, lust, gambling and so on.

Killing the characters can smooth out these excess parts, making the body feel balanced and comfortable.

Lin Jiaxin has no special desire to protrude, so she doesn't feel much when she sees this word.

But she has a particularly protruding figure, so the word 'mie' may not work.

Jiang Fan is just a monk, not a fitness trainer.

However, it is difficult to become smaller, but it is still easy to become larger, and it takes time to hone.

And she didn't mention the matter of writing and selling it again, she felt that Jiang Fan's identity was offended.

Jiang Fan was driving according to the navigation to find a place with dense aura.

The suburbs during the day are not as deserted as at night, and there are many vehicles passing by.

Jiang Fan followed the set navigation and drove at the prescribed speed.

Not long after, the car stopped at a place with a village.

Looking at the mountain in front of him, Jiang Fan nodded, this is it.

Before he came, he checked the information of the neighborhood.

Surrounded by mountains and mist, lush and green.

This type of place is commonly known as Yunling Mountain, and some Lingshan even produced dragon veins.

The dragon vein is the spirit of the earth, protecting the water and soil.

Where there are dragon veins, even treasures of heaven and earth can be bred.

On the outskirts of Hangze City, several Taoist temples and temples are located on Yunling Mountain.

At the foot of Yunling Mountain, villages were built one after another.

This is not only protected by Taoist temples and temples, but also the land is fertile, and the things grown are very valuable and can increase income, so there are many residents.

"Hello, fans in the live broadcast room, this is Xuantian Taoist Temple. This Taoist temple has a history of a hundred years near Hangze City. As for me, I just want to go up and find some fairy bamboo that can be used to make puppets."

There are also bamboos in the nearby villages, but Jiang Fan doesn't like them.

The texture determines the durability and some other functions of the puppet.

Walking through a winding stone ladder, the two finally came to the Taoist temple.

Mountains surrounded by clouds and mist, lush forests.

When you reach the top of the mountain, you can see the whole picture of the surrounding area.

Dozens of emerald peaks surround Xuantian Taoist Temple, like a large natural formation, closely linked.

In the distant mountains, where the peaks and ridges overlap, there seem to be fairy birds and beasts playing, and then plunged into the clouds and disappeared.

Seeing this, a sense of elegance and demure arises spontaneously. Just looking at this beautiful scenery can make people feel refreshed.

The screen in the live broadcast cut here, and many fans sighed.

: Is there such a place near Hangze City?It's the first time I've seen it.

: Wow, I really want to check in, is there anyone with me?

: +1
: Take me one too.

: I've been to this place, the scenery is nice, but the abbot of Xuantian Taoist Temple is a bit hot-tempered, Brother Fan, be careful.

"How exactly?"

Jiang Fan went up to ask for some materials. After all, as a staff member of the Lingguan Bureau, he didn't want to have conflicts with these local monks.

: The thing is like this, haven’t I been very unlucky recently, I was hit on the head by bird droppings when I was walking on the road, I ate stones when I was eating, and my teeth were broken, so I asked the abbot here to help me change my luck, and then he He took out a cup half filled with tea and asked me what I saw?
"How did you answer?"

Jiang Fan knew the answer to this question, and the abbot wanted to tell him that being optimistic would always bring good luck.

Because an optimist will say that the cup of tea is half full, and a pessimist will say that it is half empty.

The abbot definitely wanted to use this to clear up his doubts, but...
: Oh, I said it was like a cup of urine, and he kicked it out.

Jiang Fan: "."

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "."

"Brother, with all due respect, he has a good temper if he doesn't beat you up. If you bump into me, I'll give you two knives if you go up, believe it or not!"

Jiang Fan can understand the abbot's mood, you have prepared a lot of truths for him, and you want him to understand something.

As a result, this kid came out of nowhere. If it wasn't for a monk with a certain level of xinxing, I couldn't help but want to beat him up.

I really don't understand how this fan survived until now.

And Jiang Fan also realized a truth: human life is short, but some people still want to take a fucking shortcut!
 Thanks to the book friend 'Warming the Wine Years' for the 688 reward.

  Thanks to the book friend 'Happy Horse' for the reward
  Also, according to the reliable news I got from the editor, it is said that there are book friends who look a lot like Wu Yanzu are voting for my recommendation and monthly votes. I don’t know if it’s true, everyone Yanzu!
(End of this chapter)

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