Chapter 98

In cities of this era, residents generally went to bed early.

Since everyone has no TV or radio at home, apart from working hard to create human beings, everyone has nothing to do for entertainment.

In this era when there are no noisy cars, motorcycles, or bicycles, only the loudspeaker broadcasting in the community, which will be played regularly for an hour and a half, it is really quiet at night.

Except for the children playing under the street lamps, the streets are empty, without the hustle and bustle of later generations.

After Luo Xuan washed his feet, he went to bed early.

I don't know how long I slept, but I heard "Tu Tuk, Tuk Tuk. Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk" on the door, and there was another rhythmic knock on the door.

Luo Xuan was awakened by this sound in his sleep, threw off the quilt, and shouted impatiently, "There is no business for you here, stop arguing! I fell asleep!"

The knock on the door stopped immediately.

Hearing footsteps walking away from the door, Luo Xuan turned on the light, got up and went to the door to check the situation carefully.

The latch on the door was still intact, but a note was stuffed into the crack under the door.

Picking up the note, under the dim light, Luo Xuan carefully deciphered the words on the note.

I saw it said: [If you have goods to sell, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, wait for me under the fifth streetlight in Carrot Lane. 】

There is no signature under this note, which makes people look a little baffling.

However, based on the fact that he asked the hotel owner about Quan Miaozi today, Luo Xuan guessed that this note was most likely sent by Quan Miaozi!
After carefully checking the doors and windows again, Luo Xuan returned to the bed and continued to sleep soundly.

Wait until the next morning.

Before dawn, Luo Xuan got up and took out the anglerfish from the space, and put them into bamboo baskets and tubes.

Then he picked up two bamboo tubes and walked towards the Qingxi River Bridge.

Just walked out of the alley of the hotel.

Luo Xuan saw two people in blue clothes and red armbands, standing under the street lamp, smoking and chatting idly.

Since the other party had already seen him, Luo Xuan didn't dodge, but calmly carried the burden and walked towards him.


One of the inspectors stretched out his hand to Luo Xuan, and asked, "Going out so early? What are you doing?"

Luo Xuan patted the burden on his shoulders: "Go to the river and release the fish fry."

"Release fish fry?"

The two inspectors were taken aback!
Immediately, he stepped forward to untie the straw rope, tore off the banana leaves from the bamboo tube, and looked into the bamboo tube with his head.

The street lights at this time are brighter than at night because the voltage is a little bit higher, but the light is still very weak.

The two inspectors were not issued flashlights either.

So they could only vaguely see that there were indeed some small fish swimming inside the bamboo tube.

But I can't see clearly.

One of the inspectors even fished out an anglerfish and caught it in his hand for careful observation.

Looking left and right, he didn't see a trick.

But he saw that this kind of fish was really small, so he turned his head and said to his companion beside him: "This kid, is it really to release fish fry?"

Luo Xuan took the small fish out early in the morning, according to the general guess of the two patrol team members: Luo Xuan is going to sell fish in the market by the river!
As for Luo Xuan talking about "releasing life", there are actually such things.

After all, some people who believe in Buddhism will secretly go to the river to release animals to pray for their families.

When they saw the small fish in the bamboo tube, they really didn't look like they could be sold for money, so they believed more than half of Luo Xuan's words.

Since there is nothing wrong with the goods.

Then one of the inspectors raised his head and said to Luo Xuan, "Which street are you a resident?"

Luo Xuan replied, "I'm from Hongxing Country."

The patrol team asked again: "Then do you have a travel certificate?"

Luo Xuan reached out, took out the certificate from his pocket and handed it over.

The inspectors looked at the contents of the certificate carefully by the street lamp, and then handed the certificate back to Luo Xuan, "It's all right, let's go."

Luo Xuan smiled at the two inspectors, and immediately picked up the burden and left.

The trading market in the county is different from the frog market in Hongxing Township. It is relatively fixed and opens every morning.

Carrying the burden, Luo Xuan climbed up the embankment of Qingxi River.

In the shelter forest by the river, there are many trees such as locust trees and pine trees, among which there are many green plants such as evergreens, peaches, and gardenias.

With the cover of these tall bushes, it is very convenient for buyers and sellers who come to the market to hide their bodies.

These bushes are also convenient for everyone to escape when the patrol team comes to arrest people.

Patrol teams generally don't come to do this, unless the market is really going too far.

Otherwise, the inspection team would not come to smash the door of everyone's convenience.

There are tens of thousands of people in the county seat, and the scale of the market here is not comparable to Hongxing Township.

In this market with many passages, many places are very remote, and basically no one passes by.

Luo Xuan deliberately picked a remote place, next to a small bush, and put down the burden on his shoulders.

Taking advantage of no one around, Luo Xuan stepped into the space, used the sacks that were placed in the space before, filled two sacks of sweet potatoes and came out.

Anyway, in the trading market in the county, there are people from more than 20 villages and towns. Everyone comes from complicated sources, and no one knows anyone.

If it were placed in the frog market in Hongxing Township, I would never dare to sell the sweet potatoes
There are many units and many industrial and mining enterprises in the county seat.

There are also a lot of people who come to purchase various supplies.

There are various sources of materials in the market, so Luo Xuan dared to take out sweet potatoes to try.

Although it's not the season for digging sweet potatoes, it's hard to say which mountain has sweet potatoes well stored, or where the sweet potatoes were dug early?
So Luo Xuan wanted to try to see if he could sell some sweet potatoes.

Put the sweet potatoes two or three meters away from him, and then Luo Xuan guarded the two bamboo tubes, waiting for customers to come to buy his anglerfish.

The reason why I put the sweet potato far away is to prevent Liu Fugui from jumping out suddenly to find me.

If this happens, Luo Xuan can pretend that those sweet potatoes are not his own.

Just squatting beside the bamboo tube for a while, a figure walked up to Luo Xuan's side and whispered: "Torch, two hairs."


It was pitch black in the woods, and all those who came to sell things needed to buy a torch from the "alternative managers" in the market.

If not.

Those who sell things will be expelled from the market by these 'managers', and he will not be allowed to come in and trade.

Luo Xuan took out [-] cents and handed it to the other party.

After the other party collected the money, he took out a bamboo pole from a big pocket, and lit it with a match.

It turned out that it was a bamboo pole soaked in diesel oil.

This is much better than the bamboo torches I used when I was catching eels. The lighting effect is much better.

With the weak lighting of the bamboo torches, those who come to buy things know that there are people selling goods here, and can see clearly what is being sold here.

Luo Xuan first put the torch next to the sack containing sweet potatoes, and then hid himself next to the bamboo tube a few meters away.


If Liu Fugui came to find him suddenly, Luo Xuan could use the excuse that he didn't understand the rules here and didn't buy a torch.

At that time, Liu Fugui will naturally find someone to buy a torch, so that the two of them can sell anglerfish.

Luo Xuan had just inserted the torch into the side of the sweet potato.


Two people, a man and a woman, came forward, looking through the sweet potatoes in the sack with the help of the dim light of the torch.

Only one of the women was heard, and she let out a low exclamation: "Huh? Section Chief Zhao, come and see! Why are there sweet potatoes now? And why are the sweet potatoes so big?"

That man, Section Chief Zhao, stepped forward and picked up a sweet potato weighing 5 to 6 catties, and looked at it carefully.

Then he asked, "Whose is this?"

Luo Xuan looked around carefully, but did not see Liu Fugui's figure.

So he hurried forward, "This is mine. Leader, don't underestimate this sweet potato, this is no ordinary sweet potato!

It is said that this is a new variety that has just been introduced from Algeria, called 'Fruit Sweet Potato'.It is very sweet and can be eaten as a fruit. "

Section Chief Zhao pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked Luo Xuan up and down.

He smiled and said, "I don't know which village you came from! Just brag, there will be sweet potatoes in Algeria?"

Luo Xuan chuckled.

Reaching out, he took out a kitchen knife, chopped off a bit of the sweet potato, and handed it to Section Chief Zhao with a smile: "Your level is still high as a leader, I don't understand these things. It's just that this sweet potato is very sweet, it's true. Yes, if you don’t believe me, try it?”

Hearing this, Section Chief Zhao didn't reach out to take the piece of sweet potato that Luo Xuan handed over.

Instead, he nodded to the young girl next to him, signaling her to do it for him.

The young girl took the sweet potato and put it in her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her eyes!
Nodding like a chicken pecking rice, "Chief Zhao, this sweet potato is really sweet! It's sweeter than loquat!"

Seeing the exaggerated expression on the girl's face, Section Chief Zhao looked puzzled: As for what?
Isn't it just a sweet potato, isn't that an exaggeration?

 [Thanks] Tuyu, World Dragon, Refreshing Green Persimmon, Wandering Daye, mflve, gangli123, baby ah 123, Qian Yuan, noting, crescent moon and clear water, Xiaowen^-^, Dark Night Windcatcher, Rain Banquet , chicken stir fried tea warrior, old story of old friends, , wht5518, Miao Shuce, little bookworms come and go and read it, only not good at it, , Cvcvczxgjd, Heming Jiugao, have a set, in charge of the end of the world, God Rabbit Two Elephants Sex, jpq, carovian, Longaotian 10086, Xuanyuan Dragon King, Fighting Alone 2015, shaoxian1111, ミ灬Ⅱ Boo!Quiet, quit smoking for you, FERE, 908, Qiuhu, Qiyue, hello 88, written by Xiaopang, someone you can't afford,

  Quack..., seemingly pure, blue999, ha ha da ah da, eating dry crispy noodles, sitting at home, daddy bear, Daoist, Tang, song, yuan, Ming and Qing-ling, Wang Shangbai, Tan, awa123, ignorant text, Phoenix's Daughter, 0kok, Dilapidated Small Household, Bingfengxuewu, Far-beneficial People, Wu Chichen, Anonymous Wang Ge, Yunlin Xiaowu, Zhang Baozun, Quiet Sky and Rain, wgjdxj, Ah Jie, Night of Embers, 0029j, Big Belly Belly, Sanshi Yiqiu, Linxuan Peiyin, Beixiang, wsp7892000, Buddha Chen Chen, Bodhi stole my grapes, /xin,

  Thank you for your company and support along the way!

  Many thanks! !
(End of this chapter)

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