Chapter 791
This alley was originally very narrow.

In addition, the residents inside like to occupy the public space and pile up some sundries.

So the narrow alley, which was originally twisted and turned, is almost like a sawtooth. There is a big vat here, and a few bamboo poles there.

There is a chicken coop on the left, and an abandoned bed board on the right.
"Brother-in-law, this way."

Luo Xuan just ran forward for about 100 meters. Li Na, who was hiding behind the water tank, whispered to Luo Xuan who was running over: "There are just two water tanks here, and we are hiding in one of them. Don't worry, I will I've seen it, there's no water in it, and it's still covered!"

Taking a quick look at the two water tanks Li Na mentioned, the smaller one can accommodate the extremely petite Li Na to hide.

As for the big water tank, it's not a big problem if you want to hide it in yourself.

At this time, Li Na was holding the wooden cover on the water tank with one hand, stretched her legs and was about to step into the water tank.

In this situation, Luo Xuan looked at him speechlessly and choked: Everyone is a liar, why are you belittling other people's IQ.

Does it fit?

This bitch, it seems that one day she will have to be enlightened.
With Li Na involved, Luo Xuan ran forward with her.

He also overturned the two water tanks to the ground in order to slow down the speed of the pursuers.

There is one advantage of running away in this kind of alley: the people running in front can overturn the things in the alley at will.

Those who are chasing from behind need to keep clearing all kinds of obstacles on the way forward.

In this case, the person who escaped in front must have the advantage.

Wait until Luo Xuan and Li Na run a few hundred meters away.

But at the entrance of the alley ahead, there were people with armbands shaking there.

"not good!"

Luo Xuan said inwardly that something was wrong: there were actually a team of people in front of the alley, intercepting them there!

I don't know if they came here specifically to block me, or because of something else.

But no matter what, I and you both speak foreign accents, as long as they catch you, you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die!
Even if you have a work permit and a letter of introduction, it doesn't matter.

These guys can even ask directly in front of their faces: Do you have a work permit?Do you have a letter of introduction?Do you have proof of travel?Do you have a temporary residence permit?

When I take out these things, they can be torn off in one go. Well, now that there is nothing left, take a walk with our village committee compound!
Anyone who dares to object to this will be served with a stick.
Of course I can fight them, otherwise these dozen or so guys would not be a big problem.

But the problem is, that nature is serious!

This is completely different from the fact that I beat that liar just now and made him unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life.

"This way."

Luo Xuan tugged the panting Li Na who was running like a headless fly, and suddenly turned to the side alley!
And at the mouth of the slightly wider alley, the team members who were looking for prey, some of them had obviously heard the movement and saw the figure.

I only heard them roaring: "Chasing! Over there, hurry up!"

"Don't run! Stop for me!"

"Over there, hurry up!"

"Don't run! If I get caught, I might give you a discount on your legs!"



It is impossible to stand still in this life, the only way to be serious is to run away quickly.

Don't expect them to break their legs if they stand still?

Same thing.

Not even a stick
run run run!
Knowing the danger in the middle, Luo Xuan ran even faster than when he was chased by those crooks just now.

"Brother-in-law, why are we running?"

While running, Li Na asked out of breath, "Now that we have these shooting teams in the village, don't those liars dare to chase after them?"


Luo Xuan spat, "You think I'm afraid of those liars? I'm so mad, I'll stop them from cheating people every minute. Let's run! These village squads are so f*cking scary!"

Is it so scary?

In Li Na's clear eyes, a layer of mist gradually formed: this cheap brother-in-law, who has always been very calm, is not even afraid of the militiamen in the commune in Zhimi County.

Why are you so afraid of them?

Lao Xuan and Li Na are running desperately in front, and the man behind is chasing desperately!

run and run.

Front yard.But suddenly became enlightened.

There are many households scattered here, the kind of old houses that can be seen to be old at a glance.

Although the house is old,

But from the carved dragons and painted buildings, the green bricks and green tiles, we can still see the magnificence of the owners of these luxury houses in the past.

Here, it seems that there were rich families in the past, no, it should be the place where rich and powerful families gather.

It's a pity that in this slightly open area with well-organized housing plans, it will be even more unfavorable for those who escaped.

In the small alley that I ran past, although it was said to be winding and winding, it was like a maze.

But at any rate, the alley is narrow, and both sides are full of various sundries.

As long as you pick and pull something casually, you can effectively block the speed of the pursuers.

It's wide here, what can I use as a refusal post?

Whatever hill you stand on is what you sing.

Since it is not conducive to escape here, then think of another way.

Luo Xuan pulled Li Na and ran forward for a while.

At this time, from the alley that I just ran, there were waves of footsteps and threatening voices: "Si Laozi, don't run!"

"Fuck the street, wait until I catch them, and see how I deal with him!"

When Luo Xuan heard this, he immediately became ruthless: Want to catch Lao Tzu?There are no doors!

Even if she hits a wall and dies, Li Na will never fall into your hands
Determined, Luo Xuan observed the terrain on both sides while running.

At this time, another large corridor appeared in front of it, which must be the passage from the courtyard to the inner house of this kind of big family long ago.

There should have been a side door here.

Now it is empty, presumably the incomparably luxurious gatehouse in the past has been demolished.

Pulling Li Na, Luo Xuan suddenly turned to the corridor.

On both sides of the corridor, there are green brick walls with a height of more than 3m, and densely packed side courtyards.

Now these side courtyards are already crowded with all kinds of residents.

It would be a good choice to get one of them.

It's a pity that Luo Xuan never underestimated the evil of human nature: these residents would never favor him, let alone help him hide.

In all likelihood, they will go to the main passage instead and report their whereabouts to the pursuers.
Although betraying themselves, they can't get the slightest benefit.

But in the face of power, there are many people who are willing to be a flattering lackey.

Luo Xuan gave up the idea of ​​finding a family to hide in, and dragged Li Na forward for another hundred meters.

The scope of this family's mansion is really huge!When running through the corridor, Luo Xuan even saw two exquisite small gardens!

It's a pity that these exquisitely shaped small bridges and flowing water have long been horribly harmed by the newly moved residents.
When Luo Xuan and Li Na ran across a small courtyard.

Luo Xuan stopped suddenly: "Go up!"


Luo Xuan reached out and hugged Li Na's crotch, and violently sent her up!
Li Na is petite and very light.

When Luo Xuan lifted her up, he used a little more internal and mental strength.

Li Na, who weighs less than 90 kilograms in total, has not yet reacted, her whole body is like a shell fired.


He was sent to the top of the wall by Luo Xuan.

The incident happened suddenly, but fortunately, Li Na, a ghostly little girl, didn't react too slowly.

After she climbed up to the top of the wall, she immediately turned around, stretched out her hand and shouted to Luo Xuan: "You come up too, quick, I'll pull you!"

"No, move to the side."

Luo Xuan stepped back about 10 steps, then suddenly accelerated!
"Thump, thump, thump", with the help of strong inertia, Luo Xuan's feet alternated rapidly, stepping on the blue brick wall and rising more than 2 meters!

Wait until the strength is exhausted and the body is about to fall.

Luo Xuan stretched out his hand, and immediately put it on the top of the wall, exerting force with both wrists.

A kite turned over and jumped onto the wall.

Then he took a look at the terrain in the courtyard and jumped down gently.

He stretched out his hand and shouted at Li Na: "Jump down!"

After catching Li Na, Luo Xuan dragged her straight to the room in the courtyard.

The house in this yard seems to be small in size, but it is very delicately built.

He stretched out his hand to push the door, but it was locked and closed, and he couldn't open it.

Luo Xuan bent down, put a palm in through the gap between the threshold and the wooden door, and lifted the wooden door gently upwards.
"Crack" sound.

The wooden door and the door mortar were separated, and the door opened in response.

After entering the door, Luo Xuan had just put the protruding part of the wooden door back into the socket, and hadn't had time to adapt to the light in the room.

A deep male voice sounded in the room:

"This comrade... Oh, these two comrades, did you go to the wrong door?"

The man laughed and said: "To be honest, I'm already poor and hungry for six meals in three days. What else is there at home that will catch your eye?"

Luo Xuan straightened up and patted the dust off his hands with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, we don't steal anything."

"Aren't you here to borrow something?"

The man was stunned: "But why did you enter without telling me?"

Luo Xuan replied: "We came here on a special trip to ask for a pair of calligraphy from the master."

Didn't wait for the other party to speak.

"Don't worry, sir, there is still money to improve the pen."

Luo Xuan added: "It's just that I don't know, sir, would you be willing to spend a penny for mediots like me?"

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting."

The man clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Since the little brother is also an interesting person, let's go to the back room and talk about it."

After Luo Xuan and Li Na followed the man and entered a room on the side of the main room.

The light in front of him suddenly became sufficient.

This room is very small, about 10 square meters at most.

The furnishings in the room are also very simple, a table, a chair, a window, and a hard bed in the corner.

There are some pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the desk, as well as a lot of drawings and drawing tools.

Luo Xuan stepped forward and picked up a picture, which showed some very complicated mechanical structures, as well as the front and side views of some parts.

The dense size data is marked on it.

"I'm really sorry. I don't even have a spare stool here. It's really a disrespect for hospitality."

The man was in his 40s and was wearing a sky blue Chinese tunic suit with two pockets. The clothes were old and the fabric had turned white, but the starch was clean.

Luo Xuan asked, "What's your surname, sir?"

The man nodded slightly: "Miangui, my surname is Zheng, and my name is Zheng Haining, little comrade, you can just call me Comrade Zheng. Excuse me, both of you."

Luo Xuan and Li Na reported their names.

At this time, in the corridor outside the courtyard, there were already those people yelling: "Hey, where did the two punks go?"

"It should still be ahead, let's chase!"

"Chasing! Damn it, wait until I catch them and see what I do"


Zheng Haining frowned, then gently pushed open the glass window, "Outside the window is an abandoned back garden, which is surrounded by walls, and no one usually comes.

If you pass through the garden, there is a moon gate over there, which can lead to the area belonging to the fourth machinery factory. At this point, there are no people walking around in the dormitory area. "

Zheng Haining seemed to be talking to himself.

But Luo Xuan knew: the other party was reminding himself that if the situation was not right later, the best way to escape would be.
After Zheng Haining finished speaking, he asked Luo Xuan again: "Comrade Luo, how did you come to my yard?"

Luo Xuan replied: "When I passed by Mr.'s residence, I saw a couplet written in hand on the lintel, [Only sincerity and faith lead the prosperous age, hard work and thrift to build the country], and then I saw some bamboo sticks exposed on the wall of Mr.'s house. So Slightly."

When I was fleeing in the tunnel just now, I saw the Spring Festival couplets pasted on the threshold of the small courtyard where Zheng Haining lived.

This is one of them.

The second is the content on the couplets. Others follow the trend closely and write something like [the four seas are turbulent, the clouds and waters are rolling, and the five continents are shaking with wind and thunder].

The couplets of Zheng Haining's family are obviously unique and do not follow the trend.

From this couplet, Luo Xuan sees a literati who pays great attention to tradition, and his last remaining insistence.

In fact, the original text of this couplet should be [Only honesty and trustworthiness to do things in the world, practice family traditions with diligence and frugality].

But because of Zheng Haining's ancestors, he must have a big background.

So he didn't dare to write "family style" or something like that, and people would point their noses and scold: Why, do you still want to go back to the past and live the life of riding on the heads of the masses and domineering?

From it, Luo Xuan saw the master who wrote this couplet, who is both persistent and flexible.

In addition, the owner of this house still has leisure time to raise bamboo?
It can be seen that this is a person who likes to pursue a little elegance no matter how difficult it is.


The reason why Luo Xuan chose to hide in this house was because he liked the character of the house owner. This is a person with principles, integrity, and persistence.

Often such a person has a stubborn temper, but he can't do the kind of thing that betrays others.

Of course, Luo Xuan is also a bit of a gambler.

If you make a wrong bet, bet on the wrong treasure.
Then I had no choice but to slap the other party unconscious, and hide for a while before talking.

Assuming that the pursuers are going to break in by force, I will take Li Na with me, before they smash the door down.

Keep running over the wall.
Otherwise, what else can we do?

If you want to cut and crush them in a physical sense, it's not that you can't do it, and it's not that you don't dare to do it.

It's just that with Li Na by my side, it's inconvenient to do this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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