Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 788 Evil has evil retribution

Chapter 788 Evil has evil retribution
Second Rehabilitation Hospital,

A strange thing happened: there was a patient named Zhao Zhengrong. I don't know why, maybe it was because he looked up at the stars with his neck up.

As a result, the movement was too violent and the elevation angle of the cervical spine was too large, which caused damage to the nerves in his cervical spine.

This makes it impossible for the instructions issued by his brain to be effectively conveyed to all parts of the body.

From then on, the patient named Zhao Zhengrong became a wooden man directly.Unable to speak or move, he had to be fed by others for food and wiped by others for excretion.
The case where I damaged my cervical spine because I raised my head too hard is one in a million.

It's really rare!

The doctor issued a diagnosis report, but he couldn't find it when he looked back.
At that time, the doctor wondered: Where did you put it?Why is my memory getting worse?

Whoever takes this thing is useless.

The attending physician in the hospital had no choice but to pick up a pen and re-issue a medical certificate after a few words.

at the same time,

In the general medicine department of another hospital in Baiyun District, the doctor had just issued a diagnosis certificate to Liang Jiahui and Gu Tianyi, two patients who had undergone resection, and the diagnosis certificates were also inexplicably lost.

Lose it and lose it.

There are fewer people in the department and more things to do. The doctors are often dizzy from the busy work. Sometimes they can't find them, or they are thrown into the trash can, which is normal.

Just rewrite it.

Two separate hospitals are busy.

In Baiyun District, at the entrance of the Tonghe Sub-district Office, there is a wall where all staff photos and positions are posted.

Unexpectedly, it caught fire!

It's just a bit of wood, some paint, a little floral border, and a few photos.

How could there be a fire?

This made the director of the street office puzzled.

In desperation, I can only tell the staff to find someone to come over quickly so that I can recreate a display wall.

There are so many things to do in the street today: I just received news from the neighborhood committee that it is the staff of the street office, the handyman Liang Jiahui, and the person in charge of the cafeteria Gu Tianyi.

The two were at home last night, drinking behind closed doors.

As a result, they drank and drank, and they didn't know whether they had different views because they were discussing the conflict between the southwestern border and Ah San, or the things on Zhenbao Island.

Maybe they both wanted to show who was more manly.

Anyway, in the end, the two of them were in the room, and the fight was turned upside down, with wine bottles flying around and tables, chairs and benches swept away.

Fighting is called fierceness, and fighting each other is called ruthless!

Even when the neighbors ran up to knock on the door, those two people didn't even bother to open the door, they were still beating desperately in the house.
Wait until someone arrives from the police station and forcibly breaks open the house.

The two people involved in the brawl were each seriously wounded and lay dying on the ground.

The neighborhood committee organizes staff and sends them to the hospital.

As a result, the doctor shook his head when he saw it, and the family members shed tears after hearing it: These two friends who are usually on good terms with each other, this time, they are also very close, regardless of their parts.

If you see it right, you will smash it to death!

As a result, Liang Jiahui's head was cut open, and his lower body was bloody.
The other Gu Tianyi had his sky eyes opened, and the glass shards on the wine bottle blinded him in one eye.

The roots of his descendants were also smashed by the Liang family, like shit that had been stepped on, and they couldn't be pieced together into a complete piece.

After rescue at the hospital, the lives of these two guys were saved.

It's a pity that for the rest of their lives, these two people's images were damaged and they had bad records.

There is no way to keep a job.

What is even more frightening is that they will not be humane in the future. If they want to marry a wife, they will have to wait for the next life
Since this is a serious public security case, the police station also needs to question the parties.

It's just that Liang Jiahui and Gu Tianyi are seriously injured, and they are not completely out of danger at this time, so they cannot cooperate with the investigation.

However, according to the on-site investigation records: the doors and windows are closed, the window bolts are intact, and there are only footprints of the two parties on the ground.

There was no trace of the presence of a third party.

After careful inspection, the inner window glass of that house was intact, and all the latches were inserted well.

The only door that can be used for people to enter and exit.

At that time, it was forcibly knocked away from the outside by the relevant personnel who were dispatched by the police.

To sum up: there was no third party in the house at the time.

Conclusion: This serious fight was purely due to two people drinking too much.

As a result, they started to fight in a nonchalant manner.

As for the cause of the fight, outsiders don't know. Anyway, there are quite a lot of people on the street who start fighting for no reason.

The mere fight between two people is really not on the stage at this time. If you want to watch the excitement, go to the street!There is great excitement every day.

The ones played by others are called wonderful, and those are called intense, "chug chug", "bang bang bang"

In the morning, the sky just dawned.

Now the furniture booth has been withdrawn and the samples have been processed.For the next two days, there is nothing to be busy with.

So everyone gets up late.

As soon as Lin Keer opened her eyes, she saw Luo Xuan sitting on the small stool beside the bed, "Take a look, you'd better control your emotions."

Lin Keer, who was full of doubts, looked in the direction Luo Xuan pointed, and saw three medical reports lying on the bedside.

On each one, their respective photos are pasted intimately, so as not to confuse them.

".this is?"

Lin Ke'er picked up the report, "Ah?! These bastards!!"

Lin Ke'er burst into tears, her hands trembling violently, "Retribution! Woohoo, the heavens have eyes, and finally let the bad guys get the punishment they deserve! Woooooo."

Luo Xuan patted her sobbing shoulder, "After reading it, burn it."

Then he turned around and walked out of Lin Ke'er's bedroom door, but almost bumped into Sheng Zai, who was worried about his sister!
"What are you doing?"

Luo Xuan pushed Sheng Zai, "What are you doing standing here furtively? Are you still worried that I will bully your sister?"

"No no."

Shengzi scratched his head, pulled Luo Xuan into the living room, and asked cautiously, "I heard that guy surnamed Zhao is crazy?"

Among the hooligans who took part in bullying Lin Keer back then, Shengzai only knew of Zhao Zhengrong, but the names of the other two hooligans, Shengzai didn't even know who they were.

So Shengzai wanted to avenge his sister.

In these years, besides working hard to make money and maintaining the life at home, he also provided rehabilitation massage for his mother and younger sister.

Whenever Shengzai has time and energy, he is actually inquiring about Zhao Zhengrong's every move.

It's a pity that Shengzi's ability is limited.

Just earning money to support his family and taking care of his mother and sister's daily life is exhausting for him.

Therefore, the thought of revenge can only be postponed indefinitely.
"What is Zhao Zhengrong? I also know you two sisters here. And... oh, that girl named Azi, what kind of bullshit is Zhengrong? I'm still hideous! It's really inexplicable."

Luo Xuan sat in the living room and muttered, "Go and cook, I'm hungry."


Shengzi replied, got up and went to cook.

On the way, he looked back at Luo Xuan and thought: Why do I feel that something happened to Zhao Zhengrong, and it seems to have something to do with Director Luo in front of me?

For the past two days, he was always away from home, acting mysteriously, and he didn't know where he went every day.
"Still watching?!"

Luo Xuan glared at him, and Sheng Zai was so frightened that he ran away.

In the big bedroom, there was a conversation between Mrs. Sheng Zai and Miss A Zi: "Ah Zi, why is there crying in the room?"

While helping Sheng Zainiang rub her thighs to prevent her muscles from shrinking, Azi comforted Sheng Zainiang: "Auntie Liang, maybe something happy happened to Ke'er?
Sometimes people cry when they are too happy. "

"Hehe, that's right! That's right, just like now, I often cry in the middle of the night, but in fact, I'm happy in my heart."

Sheng Zai's mother could not help sighing: "At first, I thought that my Ke'er and I would be Sheng Zai's burden for the rest of our lives.

I am afraid that Shengzi will be ruined in the hands of our mothers and this family in this life.

Unexpectedly, now that Shengzi has a job, Keer can also go to work. I am so happy!I'm so happy that I want to cry... woo woo woo. "

"Auntie Liang doesn't cry, we don't cry."

A Zi softly comforted: "Now our life is as sweet as drinking honey, we have to laugh, every day we smile more beautiful than flowers!"

in the big bedroom,

Sheng Zainiang and Ah Zi are chatting.

As for Luo Xuan in the living room, he was reflecting on whether his behavior had revealed any flaws in the past few days?
When I was dealing with Zhao Zhengrong, I used my powerful mind to manipulate a few plastic dolls, which first made him a little nervous.

This is to leave an illusion to the people around Zhao Zhengrong: Zhao Zhengrong is a little crazy, and his mind is a little abnormal.

And then let Zhao Zhengrong completely collapse, making his neighbors unanimously believe that Zhao Zhengrong has indeed gone crazy.

In this way, it can pave the way for the next action.

Crazy, it's reasonable to do any unbelievable and weird behavior, right?

After thinking about it, Luo Xuan felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Then he started to reflect again, sorting out the details of Liang Jiahui and Gu Tianyi.

It's easy to trick these two guys.

Just use ropes and hang them outside the window of their house.

Then use your mind power to let the two guys who are drinking start a fight.

At first, the Liang family would pick up the wine bottle and smash it at Gu Tianyi's head, not to mention that Gu Tianyi felt baffled.
Even Liang Jiahui was confused: What's wrong with me?

Why did he pick up the wine bottle and hit him out of nowhere?
Before he could figure out the reason, Liang Jiahui could only feel a huge force coming from his arm!

Before he could react.

That powerful force had already held Liang Jiahui's arm, swung the wine bottle round and smashed it down!
This smash not only smashed Gu Tianyi's head to pieces.

Moreover, his anger was blown out on the spot!

I was hit by a bottle before, and it can also be said that the other party suddenly issued a card and my head became hot.

Now that he was helplessly, he was hit by another wine bottle. How could Gu Tianyi, who was also fearless like this, endure it? !

The result was that the fighting between the two sides became more and more intense, and the fighting became more inappropriate. In addition, there seemed to be an inexplicable force pushing the two sides to attack each other.

So when the two of them were finally knocked unconscious to the ground.
Each of them is missing an important part.

Everything came so inexplicably, and ended so muddled.
Luo Xuan thought carefully about what he had done these two days, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he stood up and prepared to ask Li Li.

Hear what it's like for her to stay in Yangcheng and take charge of this new factory.

Wu Cheng wanted to knock on the door, but there was no one inside.

"Comrade Director Luo, are you looking for Li Li and Li Na?" Azi put her posture very low, and reported to Luo Xuan respectfully: "They have gone out."

"Where did you go?"

"Didn't you say that while the Malay female chairman is still attending the meeting in Yangcheng, let the two sisters, Li Li and Li Na, get in touch with her more, so that they can learn something?"

Azi replied, "Maybe, they went to Tianhe Hotel to find Chairman Xiong?"

was talking.

But when she heard the door banging, Li Na hurried back, "Are you up? Lend me some money."

Li Na never called Luo Xuan's brother-in-law, and many times she didn't even call her by her name, just using "you" instead.

Hearing that Li Na borrowed money from herself.

Luo Xuan took out his wallet and asked casually, "Didn't I just give you 20 yuan two days ago? Why do you want money now? How much?"


Li Na ran profusely, "Hurry up!"

"Stop asking nonsense, petty, I'll pay you back in a while!"

Li Na snatched the banknote from Luo Xuan's hand and ran out in a hurry.

250 yuan is a lot of money for others.

But in the past few days, Luo Xuan went to the exhibition and needed to pay various fees, and also paid wages to temporary workers like Sheng Zi.

You also need to invite people to dinner and talk about things.

The daily expenses are huge, so I have a lot of cash on hand.

It is not a problem to lend money to Li Na, but her last sentence: I will pay it back in a while.

It was this sentence that made Luo Xuan's heart ring loudly: Li Na is just a little girl, how capable is she, and she can earn back 250 yuan in a while? ?
Even if Ah Zi is doing business, even if she meets the most generous clients, it would be nice to give Ah Zi 5 yuan at a time!

Moreover, Azi, who has washed her hands and landed, but has much richer social experience, now it is not an easy task to let her go out and earn a few dollars to come back with her strength.

Li Na, that little girl who doesn't understand anything, how can she earn such a huge sum of money?

Luo Xuan called out to Sheng Zi, who was busy in the kitchen, "You are more familiar with the surrounding roads, hurry up and come out with me."

Now we are preparing to set up this factory in Yangcheng, although it has not yet officially started.

However, the two brothers and sisters of Shengzi, including Azi, belong to the staff of the preparatory team, and they can also be regarded as the employee representatives of Tianjing Shixing Furniture Factory stationed in Yangcheng.

So it was only natural for Luo Xuan to command them.

I heard something happened.

Sheng Zai quickly put down what he was doing and asked Ah Zi to cook, while he followed Luo Xuan downstairs.

Then he followed Li Na from a distance and followed her all the way.

After Li Na made a detour, she hurried to a relatively secluded alley next to the farmer's market.

A crowd of people has long been crowded in the distance, and I don't know what they are doing there?
I saw that she pulled away the crowd with ease, and plunged into it
Luo Xuan didn't quite understand the market here, so he could only turn his head to look at Shengzi.

At this time, Sheng Zi was also at a loss: Li Na, what is she going to do?

(End of this chapter)

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