Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 749 The First Volcanic Eruption

"Primula State-run Hotel" in Zhimi County.

There was a crowd in the box, and the group of cadres who had attended the meeting before were basically there.

This time, the dinner party was proposed by Miao Changqing, because now everyone is not someone who can be reimbursed with a signature like before, so they have to eat themselves.

So everyone is drinking this time, using the method of "fighting with friends".


As soon as the three cups of wine were down, the grumpy person started to get angry: "What is his surname Chen?!

It's just an outsider who escaped from the famine.

I think back then, when Lao Tzu was working on song titles here, his surname Chen was still wearing crotch pants.

Fortunately, this kid is standing on the industrial foundation that we have worked so hard to create, eating the mature fruits of our hard work, and at the same time pushing us old comrades away!
Shit, this tone, I really can't bear it! "

Now that someone takes the lead, someone else will join in: "Isn't it? When we were poor and white, in order to build a foundry, we were really braving the wind and snow, not afraid of the cold and heat.

Two months, I have not been home for two full months at the pre-construction site of the foundry factory!
Even when my mother-in-law and aunt gave birth, I didn't bother to go back and take a look. Now it's good, someone kicked us out! "

Someone is fanning: "What's the use of paying more?

Back in the day, I was gnawing on the steamed rice buns that were frozen like ice cubes, eating with lukewarm water, and I didn’t dare to put down the work at hand!

At that time, we really gave up our strength to do it!
In order to do a good job in the industrial construction of Shilipu Commune, we really forgot to sleep and eat, and worked hard.

Everyone thinks in one place, and uses energy in one place.Everyone worked desperately with the determination of 'as long as you can't die, you have to die'.

But now, I'm asking for power, people don't want us old guys! "

Some people did not forget to light the fire: "It's not just that we old guys are not wanted? They have to send us far away and let us live in other counties!

Everyone didn't see it, but he thought it was an eyesore for us loitering in front of him! ! "


Miao Changqing slammed the table, and yelled angrily, "That Luo man is too much! A macaque, a southern monkey, dare to ride on our heads and shit?
Let me ask all of you here, are you still men, after being bullied like this, can you bear it? ! "

There were those who fanned the wind, those who had a fire, and of course there were those who added firewood: "Hold on!

Since the guy surnamed Luo doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth is thick, and turns his face against others, then we have nothing to do with him and tease him! "

There is no shortage of good people anywhere.

At this moment, someone stood up, pressed the shoulder of this one, patted the back of the other to persuade them to fight: "Calm down, calm down, we are out to drink.

In the future, it will not be easy for us old brothers to get together and have a drink like this.

Come, let's drink.This wine is yours only if you drink it in your stomach. It's not worth it if you get angry. "

With a peacemaker, naturally we can't short the fool.

Immediately, someone asked full of puzzlement: "Hey, let me tell you how many brothers, it makes sense for you to scold that kid surnamed Chen earlier.

But now, why are you scolding Director Luo again?If you don't like that skinny monkey named Chen Xiaobai, let's go up and beat him up, that is, why scold Director Luo? "


Deputy Factory Manager Niu was deeply ashamed for having such an unclear guy in his team: "Which onion is Chen Xiaobai?

Who doesn't know that he used to be a guy who sold pigs and dogs, and dumped some fruits and vegetables for a meal?

If it wasn't for that Luo who insisted on promoting him, he, Chen Xiaobai, might still be wandering around the countryside, trading chicken feathers for candy! "

Miao Changqing was originally assigned to the Zhimi County Office.

It stands to reason that he works so close to home, which is much better than his other companions.

But Miao Changqing, who was supposed to have the least opinion, became the most angry: "That's right! I said Lao Zhang, why are you so confused?
On the surface, it seemed that Chen Xiaobai was messing with it.But the real instigator wasn't him, who else could that Luo be? "

No one wants to admit in public that he is a fool.

After all, Lao Zhang was also the deputy director of the timber factory before. Don't you want to lose face?

Seeing that Lao Zhang was about to say a few words, the deputy factory director Niu on the side became impatient!
I saw him glaring at Lao Zhang, and then said with disgust: "There are some people who look very shrewd. But I always wonder if they are pretending to be bean dregs in their minds?
I can't even understand such a simple thing. No wonder their lumber factory collapsed early and the ball can't take two orders all year round.

When you encounter such a foolish person doing foolish things, you spend your days in a muddleheaded way. If the factory fell into the hands of such people, it would be no wonder that it collapsed soon. "

Lao Zhang was ridiculed by the deputy factory manager Niu with a gun in his arms, and Lao Zhang's angry face turned blue and red.

Seeing that a group of people who should have concentrated their firepower and acted in unison, they have not yet been able to unify their thinking and pace.

I started doing it internally first!

Miao Changqing hurriedly smoothed things over: "I'm talking about Lao Zhang Lao Niu, so please stop saying a few words!
The biggest challenge we face now is how to smash the conspiracy of the surname Luo so that we can all stay and work in Zhimi County and hold the management rights of the furniture factory tightly in our hands.

For this reason, we must unite and be of one mind, not to fight among ourselves, let alone hurt each other's friendship. "

As soon as Miao Changqing's words fell,

A majestic voice sounded at the door of the box: "What Director Miao said makes sense."

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, and saw a man in a cotton coat, smiling but still dignified, slowly walking into the door of the box
"Director Liang?"

"Ah, Director Liang is here, come and come, hurry up and drink two glasses of bad wine to go to the cold."

"Director Liang, you came just in time. We are missing a backbone, and we need you to preside over the overall situation!"

Deputy Director Liang waved his hand: "Comrades, please call me Deputy Director, this should not be messed up, ah."

"Hehe, it will be a matter of time to remove that word. With Director Liang's level, it is enough to go to the county, the city, ah, even the provincial capital."

Deputy Director Liang was very helpful.

But his face is full of seriousness: "You can't talk like this. It's said that there is no end to learning. This is life and learning. As grassroots cadres, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and we must remain humble." Discreet good quality.”

Deputy Director Liang smiled modestly: "Well, we are not Director Luo of the Industry Office, he is a young man with a drive, which is normal, right?
In addition, Director Luo has just taken up a leadership position, and it is the time when the spring breeze is proud and the limelight is in full swing.

It is understandable that he likes to be unconventional and eager to show a little big news, so as to attract the attention of his superiors and think of a little limelight. "

Deputy Factory Manager Niu spat: "Ah bah! Chunfeng is proud of horseshoe disease, and he is not afraid of falling to death!
Soaring up to [-] miles, are you not afraid of falling to your death? "

Deputy Director Liang waved his hand: "Deputy Director Niu, don't act like this.

For new comrades who have just taken up leadership positions, especially young comrades like Director Luo, we must be more tolerant, help him more, and guide him more. "

Miao Changqing, including the original factory directors and deputy factory directors present, actually disliked the deputy director Liang in front of him very much.

Just because they, as management cadres in a factory, like to follow established procedures.

They were all very taboo about someone like Deputy Director Liang who didn't follow the rules.

Everyone can be regarded as a person with status and status in Shilipu Commune.

People who have already sat in this position, they hate Deputy Director Liang very much: people who overturned the original cadres with fists and spit, and replaced them by himself.

but now,
Because Luo Xuan, the director of the Industrial Office of Shilipu Commune, didn't give everyone any face, and sent all the big guys outside to work in the office.

How could the original factory directors and deputy factory directors accept this move?
Back in the day, when everyone was on the three-acre land in Zhimi County, they could often wear a coat like Deputy Director Liang, with their hands behind their backs, and walk slowly on the streets of the commune.

Who can't greet them with a smile when they see them?
Whoever saw these factory directors and deputy factory directors coming over had to stand sideways on the side of the road and greeted with a smile on his face:
"Director Miao, are you going to work?"

"Factory Manager Niu, are you off work? Oh, Factory Manager, you have to wear thicker clothes, it's cold."

"Director Zhang, should you rest tomorrow? That's a good relationship. The glutinous corn planted in my private plot has just ripened.

Tomorrow, I'll let the mother of the child pick some corn cobs for you to try? "

"Director Wang, yo, why don't you take such a good piece of pork belly back? Tsk tsk tsk, this piece of meat is good, it's really fat!"

Those who are used to being factory directors and deputy factory directors, once they leave their hometown, they go to work in other counties.

When they get there, who will recognize them? !

In Saibei dialect: Who pees on him?
Don't underestimate this spiritual difference. The harm it brings to people is actually more serious than the reduction in economic income.

Master Lu Dangdang once said: There are multiple realms of human needs.

When a person has met his most basic survival needs, he will often turn to the pursuit of spiritual pleasure
The wages of the factory cadres present here may not be too high.

However, on the 15th day of the new year, the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Ninth Festival, the unit will send out a lot of things during the year-end and new year.

In addition, these cadres often welcome, send, and entertain people from brother units to visit, so they hardly pay for a little wine and big meat out of their own pockets.

As a result,
Everyone present here must be considered as the group of people who "have met the most basic survival needs".

So they will take this position very seriously; they will pay special attention to the title of "long" on them.

Deputy Director Liang watched these people get angry.

So he said: "All comrades here, listen to me. You also just came down from the leadership positions of the factory.

Those of you who used to be management cadres should know that our work is to contribute to the industrial construction of Zhimi County; it is to make our Saibei more prosperous and stronger.

So, it doesn't matter what kind of job we do, no matter where we work. Isn't it?

I personally thought, ah.You should still obey Director Luo and follow that what? "

Someone added: "That guy's surname is Chen, Chen Xiaobai."

"Oh, I see, everyone should obey Director Luo and Comrade Chen Xiaobai's arrangement."

Deputy Director Liang sighed leisurely: "After all, he is a leader, ah. Young people don't have much experience in management. It's okay to make some mistakes and mess around for a while.

In the future, Director Luo and the others have accumulated a lot of work experience with the increase of experience. I believe that these two comrades can still achieve results.

But for now, we... can only obey their arrangements, after all, we have to allow young people to make mistakes. "


Deputy Factory Manager Niu was annoyed: "They are just trying to fix things, so we have to abandon our families and practice with them?

Everyone here, let's not talk about work problems, but about the offices in other counties where you are sent.

The big guys probably don't even have a meal every meal.If one is not careful, some people may go hungry for nine meals in three days! "

During this period, machismo in Sebei was relatively serious.

The men here basically don't know how to cook: when they were young, their mothers and elder sisters cooked for them.

After getting married and separating, there are mothers-in-law and women who cook and serve them
There are even some Saibei men who can really reach the state where they don't even bother to reach out to help the soy sauce bottle at home.

Are these grassroots cadres going to be dispatched now?

The situation of "nine meals in three days" mentioned by deputy factory director Niu may not be so serious, after all, they can occasionally go to restaurants to solve their belly problems.

But in daily life, if there is a situation where there is no meal, it will definitely happen.

After all, they can't afford to eat out of restaurants, not to mention that food stamps are not enough, but in terms of money.

Now that there is Deputy Director Niu, he jumped out and took the lead to vent his dissatisfaction.

How could the rest be willing to lag behind?

So in the private room, voices of condemnation filled with righteous indignation immediately came to mind: "Damn! Two hairless outsiders actually bullied us Saibei people!"

"I'm sick of it, two things? When he was working and I was working, these two boys still wore crotch pants. Now that the dog is in power, he actually arranged a master?"

"Yes! Something."

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene is getting more and more enthusiastic, everyone's emotions have been mobilized almost.

Miao Changqing took the opportunity to make up for it: "Just scold the big guys, and I'm sure that Luo and Chen will have a stomach ache and a brain ache!"

Someone was taken aback: "Hey, I said Director Miao, what else can we do besides whining and scolding mothers here?"

Miao Changqing snorted coldly: "If you can't solve the problem with your tongue, you can use your teeth! You guys haven't lost the bloodiness of our Saibei man, have you?"

Deputy Factory Director Niu asked: "But the problem is that Luo, who is trusted by his superiors, has full authority to handle the industrial adjustment affairs of Shilipu Commune. He is authorized by his superiors. What else can we do?"

"Fuck him!"

Miao Changqing gritted his teeth: "We have made great contributions to the industrial construction of Shilipu, but now we are being killed? Go, let's go to the superiors and report it. We must take this bad breath out!"

Someone glanced at the calm old Liang, and then asked him for help: "Director Liang, you have great influence in the commune and in the county. You have to help us with this matter."

As soon as this person's words came out, everyone present stopped clamoring.

All eyes looked at Deputy Director Liang in unison.

Although these people hated this Deputy Director Liang very much in their hearts, after all, the biggest enemy right now was Luo Xuan.

Temporarily relying on Deputy Director Liang's strength to beat Luo Xuan down is also an expedient measure.

"Since the big guys trust me and are willing to let me take over this matter."

Deputy Director Liang stood up, and swiped his big hand vigorously in mid-air: "That's okay, I will follow the wishes of the cadres and the masses, and I must take care of this matter!"

"Go! Go to the commune and find Director Ma!"

Deputy Director Liang turned his head and left: "If the old horse protects his weaknesses and doesn't make decisions for you, then we will go to the county.

I, someone from Liang, put my words here today: If no one decides for you, I will directly tie up that guy surnamed Luo, and then hold a mass meeting to see how I will deal with him severely! "


Jiu Zhuang is cowardly, his mind dazzled by anger, how can he have so many calculations!

A group of people followed Deputy Director Liang, and rushed straight to the Shilipu Commune aggressively!

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