Chapter 741 Why He Did It
Luo Xuan was in a hurry.

There are also changes within the region.

The order is now issued.

The leader of Zhao Da in the region is about to leave for the province in a few days to take up his new post.

And his secretary, Xiao Wei, chose to go to Zhimi County for training and took up a deputy position.In the future, he should be responsible for presiding over the affairs of Zhimi County and industrial construction.

Leader Zhao and Xiao Wei have worked together for many years, and they usually cooperate tacitly in their work, so the personal friendship between the two of them is also very deep.

Before leaving, the leader of Zhao Da had a brief exchange with Xiao Wei.

"Xiao Wei, this time I'm going to the province to work with other comrades to temporarily manage a large enterprise with tens of thousands of people.

This company is a key leading company in our province. I went to work there, maybe as a kind of excess.

At the same time, this is also a test of my work ability for the leaders of relevant departments. "

Director Zhao said with a smile: "And you, have you really decided not to go with me? You know, after you sharpen your skills on the big stage, you can go to a bigger stage in the future and show your talent to the fullest. "

Xiao Wei shook his head: "This thick land has carried too many memories of mine. I feel that all my feelings have been maintained on this barren land.

Where there is something in the heart, it is home.

I was born in Sri Lanka and grew up in Sri Lanka. This is an inseparable blood connection.

My biggest wish in this life is to use my meager power to change the existing appearance of this northwest land, which has been relatively poor for thousands of years, to make it rich and green water everywhere. Qingshan has become the real Saibei and Jiangnan. "

"Well, since your ambition is here, I won't force anything."

Director Zhao asked: "Now you are going to Zhimi County to perform your duties. There used to be no separation from Jia County, and they were collectively called Zhimi District.

How poor there is!This is not only materially poor, but also spiritually poor.

Now that you are going to work there, you must be mentally prepared to face all kinds of difficulties! "

Xiao Wei nodded: "The sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Please rest assured, the leader, you know me as a person, and I am not particularly strong in terms of personal work ability.

But I will try my best and go all out to do everything well.I dare not extravagantly expect to achieve any dazzling good results in the end. I can only do things with all my heart. "

"it is good!"

Xiao Wei has always been very humble and low-key, and this is the first time he has expressed his feelings so straightforwardly in front of Director Zhao.

Director Zhao nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "Oh, yes, last time I told you to keep an eye on that guy Luo Xuan. How is the situation over there now?"

Xiao Wei first made a report to Director Zhao about Luo Xuan's recent movements.

Then Xiao Wei said worriedly: "Comrade Luo Xuan's methods at work this time, isn't it a bit too rough?"

Director Zhao pondered for a moment, and carefully considered several key information.

Then he smiled slightly: "On the surface, Luo Xuan's method seems a bit simple and rude.

But the lesser of two evils.

Considering the status quo of those enterprises in Shilipu Commune, I am afraid that Luo Xuan's method of direct shutdown is the most efficient and the easiest to achieve results. "

Director Zhao asked Xiao Wei: "Actually, it's not that you don't know about it in your heart.

Well, now I will let you talk about it, why do I say Luo Xuan's method is the most effective reason? "

Xiao Wei replied carefully: "The work at the grassroots level is very complicated and cumbersome.

The reason why Luo Xuan didn't warm up and warm up the cadres and workers in the factories that were about to be abolished in advance;
Do not hold a meeting of all cadres and workers in advance to communicate and discuss with the majority of cadres and workers.

Instead, it adopts this kind of sudden attack to shut down, so that these three burdens can be cut off at the fastest speed.

I guess this is one of the reasons why Luo Xuan did this. "

"Secondly, Luo Xuan shut down these three factories overnight in such a simple and rude way.

He did this to reduce the anxiety time of those cadres and workers in these three factories.

Now that the factories have been shut down, that's where the dust has settled.

Everyone just wait for the follow-up arrangements, and don't have to think so much.

The reason why Luo Xuan did this was to maintain social stability to the greatest extent possible.At the same time, it can also reduce the time for those who rely on relationships and go through the back door to bother him. "

"Third, Luo Xuan is playing psychological warfare with the cadres and workers in the dismissed factory.

Perhaps Luo Xuan's original intention was to make these cadres and workers despair.Let them slowly start to get a little bit mentally prepared to accept the worst result. "

Xiao Wei pondered and said, "However, after I carefully read the "Application for Establishing Shilipu Commune Furniture Factory and Tuocheng Area Freight Information Service Agency" submitted by Luo Xuan.

I understand the Shilipu Commune's drastic move this time to abolish those low-efficiency factories.

If the two companies that Luo Xuan applied to open can run smoothly as soon as possible."

There was a relaxed look on Xiao Wei's face: "I believe that for these cadres and workers who have been laid off, their tomorrow will not get worse, but will get better and better!"

Director Zhao smiled and said, "Oh? Is that why you have so much confidence in Luo Xuan and Shilipu Commune's great efforts this time?"


Xiao Wei said very firmly: "We have 12 counties in the north and south of the Tuocheng area, and each county has at least 7 or 8 communes under its jurisdiction. According to my analysis, the so-called freight information service agency alone can accommodate nearly 100 employees! "

Xiao Wei looked relaxed: "And I specifically called Luo Xuan to ask about it, and according to him, it was just that new furniture factory that was planning to recruit 200 cadres and workers in the early stage.

And Luo Xuan also assured me: before the end of the year, it is estimated that there will be 100 new jobs in this furniture factory. "

After listening to Xiao Wei's words, Director Zhao made a rough estimate in his heart:
If things can go according to Luo Xuan's idea, then the two new enterprises established by Shilipu Commune will be able to accommodate at least nearly 400 employees.

As a result,
Not only the 3 cadres and workers in the three factories that were abolished can be properly resettled.

Nearly 300 new jobs could be created.

300 workers!

That's 300 job openings.

This is a considerable number, let alone a small Shilipu Commune, or even a small Zhimi County.

Even in the Camel City area, there is rarely a factory that can accommodate so many people at one time.

Director Zhao and Xiao Wei who were present knew in their hearts that it was right for Luo Xuan not to inform the cadres and workers in the factory that they were about to be laid off.

Luo Xuan's actions were inconsistent with the situation, and it did hurt the feelings of those workers who had lost their jobs.

But actually,
From the bottom of his heart, Luo Xuan's actions did the least harm to their feelings.

Comparing your heart with your heart: If you let the wind out in advance, saying so-and-so, your unit will be laid off.You have to be mentally prepared for this.

That will only make the cadres and workers in these units feel anxious and keep them awake at night.

It will only increase their psychological burden, and it will not help.

If Luo Xuan had let the wind out one month in advance, there was a high probability that the collective property in these three factories would be lost a lot as a result.

Even if everyone's awareness is high, don't do that.

But it is conceivable that in the days to come, how could they have any intentions to do things well?

As a result,
A lot of defective products are produced more, and the money lost, isn't it public property?

If Luo Xuan pretended to be "we fully respect the rights and interests of workers" before dismantling the three factories, and thus released the wind in advance.

As a result, in addition to creating anxiety and causing losses to these three factories, what positive effect can it play?
Everyone is the same: Once he hears that his company will be shut down, he must feel very sad and lost.

During this period, there are not so many job opportunities, so let the big guys quit the boss and go to the west to continue working.

A job will mostly be with them for the rest of their life, or even three generations.

In this context, in this environment.

The instigator, Luo Xuan, if he expected to go to this factory, hold a few meetings of all cadres and workers.

Counting on this method to be able to do everyone's ideological work?

That's just a dream!
If Luo Xuan really did that, there would definitely be those intercessors who would never end his arguments, accept endless accusations, and refuse endlessly.

Arguing with them every day?

To deal with those related households who come through the back door all the time, to reject local influential people?

Then you don't have to exhaust people to death!
How can I have the energy to do other things?

Therefore, Luo Xuan simply adopted the simplest and most effective method in the end:

Use a [-]-meter broadsword to chop it down!
This knife is cruel enough.

Those who wanted to use their influence to change the direction of things were killed before they had time to react.

This slasher who planned to come to Luo Xuan to talk about favors, who wanted to come through the back door, was caught off guard.

The cadres and workers in the three factories that were cut down were desperate.

Human nature has one thing in common: when a person is desperate, when he does not dare to have any extravagant expectations for his future work.

At this time, just hand him some broken tires and wooden boards.

They will cherish it very much, and hold it tightly in their hands, for fear of losing this life-saving thing again.
People are drowning, and a plank is not bad.How dare they expect to be able to set foot on the kind of big boat they longed for in the past?

For people who are about to starve to death, a bowl of millet porridge is enough. Who would dare to expect big fish and meat to flow from their mouths?
As for the two companies newly established by Luo Xuan.

It is the piece of wood that can save them, and the bowl of millet porridge that can save their lives.

That is to say, first slap the ear fiercely, and the other person will be very angry, but they will be powerless to resist.

At this time, give him another big, sweet candy.
If you let the wind out in advance, that kind of approach is equivalent to holding a candy in your hand, and you don't know if you can eat the candy in your mouth.

Then I went to many people to discuss one by one: Look, if you let me slap you hard, I will give you this candy.

If so, some of them may be willing to take the gamble.

Some people will also rebel.

But it is estimated that most people will choose difficult, hesitate, and choose to wait and see.

They will first see how other people choose, so that he can follow the trend later.

If this is the case, it will take a lot of energy to get rid of these 3 factories, and the time will be very, very long
But this year, due to the lack of financial resources at all levels, and the sudden flood, the entire Camel City area has brought heavy economic losses.

Therefore, in a situation where finances are quite tight, as far as Zhimi County is concerned, what is urgently needed now is blood recovery.

In order to lay a solid economic foundation for future industrial and agricultural development and various livelihood projects.

Instead of continuing to support the kind of enterprises that suffer serious losses and cannot see any improvement in a short period of time.

As for those factories that have been abolished, of course the cadres and workers inside cannot give up, let alone abandon them.

Therefore, Luo Xuan had to find a proper resettlement method so that they could have work and food.

Only after these are resolved can we proceed to make more profound changes.

But in order to arrange these cadres and workers well, there is a very important prerequisite: let them understand that this job is hard-won.

Let these people who have changed their guards and invested in industrial construction again know that if they want to live their days as before, there is no way!

In the future, the standard for employing people in the factory is that the capable go up and the mediocre go down.

This is a warning to those who think they have a deep relationship and strong backing: In a new company, the old tricks of comparing seniority and relationship that they are used to playing will never work here!

Wait until Director Zhao figured out the stakes.

He couldn't help but said: "This kid! His style of acting, which seems simple and rude, will give people a feeling of being arrogant and unreasonable.

But in fact, those who are knowledgeable will understand that only by adopting this method can Luo Xuan cut the chaos quickly and avoid long nights and dreams.

The more important thing is that this kid is bold in doing things, but he still has a meticulous layout. He is a good seed for economic construction! "

"Luo Xuan will still face big storms in the future, have to be mentally prepared."

Director Zhao looked at Xiao Wei: "At that time, there are some things that you should come forward to carry for him, and you have to help him carry them."

"Yes, I know."

Xiao Wei nodded: "If these people are disrupted and rearranged, if someone goes up, someone will definitely come down; if someone is satisfied, someone will naturally feel resentful about it.

I can even foresee that after the work arrangement is settled, some people will inevitably form a group to the county or even the city to sue that so-and-so.

It is said that Luo Xuan tried to suppress the workers in vain, regardless of the overall situation, and wanted to learn from the previous capital and drink the blood of the workers. "

Xiao Wei couldn't help but sigh: "In fact, the big move Luo Xuan took this time is a very difficult thing, but it is not beneficial to him personally."

"Pathfinder is destined to take many unknown risks, and he is destined to be a lone brave man."

Xiao Wei summed it up: "The reason why Luo Xuan chose to do this, I personally think, is that he loves this land deeply.

He is serious and wants to change the current poverty and backwardness of Saibei. "

Director Zhao smiled slightly: "Your analysis is correct.

It's just why Luo Xuan did this, he may have hidden a more important purpose.But Xiao Wei, you are still a little underwhelmed, so you didn't see it. "

Xiao Wei was startled: "Please give instructions from the leader."

Isn't Luo Xuan's vigorous development of industry just to increase income and improve the financial situation of Shilipu Commune?

What else could he have planned?
(End of this chapter)

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