Overnight, it seems that the sky has changed.

3 factories involving over 100 families were suddenly shut down without warning!
It happened early this morning.

Today, the "Founding Sand Foundry" and "Oriental Timber Board Factory" are collectively owned by Shilipu Commune in Zhimi County.

As well as the cadres and workers of the "Yuejin Farm Tools Ironware Factory", which was restructured from the former ironware society.

They got up at 7:00 as usual, slowly cooked porridge and steamed buns.

After everyone had breakfast, they put on their coats and walked to their units, ready to go to the factory to continue spending the day's wages.

By the time the big guys gathered near the factory from all directions, the factory workers who were originally in groups of three or two had now gathered into a large crowd.

I saw them getting together in threes and fives among themselves, and began to ask each other about the alleged "abolishing" issue.
"Director Liu, I heard that our timber factory is going to be closed down?"

"Director Liu, if our factory is gone, how can we meet the building materials needs of the people of Zhimi County?"

"Impossible? Director Liu. We are all a big family. The superiors won't just watch us have nothing to do and nothing to eat, will they?"

Director Liu, who was being chased and questioned by the workers on the road, was also in a state of turmoil.

But he, who is used to putting on airs as a leader in front of the employees, will not show timidity at this time: "Ahem, what, ah.

Everyone is gone, don't make random guesses.Here I can only tell you one thing, the superiors will not ignore us. "

"Really, Director Liu?"

"Factory manager, our factory can't do full work for a month a year, the superior will really let us continue to work?"

"Director, will our factory really keep it?"

Director Liu was annoyed by the questioning.

So he stopped and turned his head, and said calmly, "I said, you workers in the workshop, what are you doing asking about major policy issues?
What decisions the superiors make naturally have their reasons.If we resolutely implement it, it will be over? "

"It's over!"

A worker in a timber factory let out a mournful cry!
"It's over! It's over"

Another employee followed suit.

"It's over, it's over!!"

The other employees all roared with grief and indignation on their faces and tears in their eyes.

"What's the end?"

Director Liu didn't like these guys' sudden behavior, so he scolded them impatiently: "Come on with me!

Now our factory is not doing well. I heard that someone in the commune has already started to clean us up.

Maybe the commune will send people down to make a surprise inspection, trying to seize some of our handles so that we can make use of them.See what you all look like?

Keep your chest up and walk well, but don't dare to let them see our free and undisciplined appearance! "

"Look at it."

The employees of the timber factory who were respectful to Director Liu just now lost all awe: "Director Liu, why are you still like before?

Always ignoring the specific situation, just looking at the big guy with a hood, is it a reprimand? "

How many years has it been since Director Liu was contradicted by the employees of his factory?
Now that he was suddenly aroused by this, in a short while, he couldn't fix Director Liu anymore.

Before he got angry,
Another employee pointed to the factory gate and said, "Director Liu, look, the gate of our factory seems to be locked by someone else."


Director Liu was shocked: "Which saboteur who doesn't have eyesight, dares to come here to be a demon?"

When Director Liu hurriedly pushed through the crowd and rushed to the gate of the timber factory to take a look, he suddenly felt dizzy!
I saw that the gate of the timber factory was locked tightly with a thick iron chain.

Director Liu, who has been the leader of the factory for more than 10 years, how could he not know that this iron lock is definitely not something that is equipped in his factory?

Regardless of the eye-catching "Letter to All Cadres and Workers of the Timber Factory" on the wall of the factory gate, Director Liu also understands what it means that the factory gate is locked.

Director Liu, who was dizzy, suddenly went dark and fell to the ground.

"Factory Manager! What's the matter with you, Factory Manager?"

The inexplicable grief and indignation of the timber factory workers around them, regardless of the desolation in their hearts, hurriedly helped the factory director Liu who was lying on the ground, and hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up! Send the factory director to the doctor's office." room!"

Lao Wang, a strong timber factory employee, had just carried Factory Director Liu on his shoulders, and suddenly asked again: "Our factory is gone, so how can there be a factory infirmary?"


Only then did everyone realize: Now that the factory is gone, how can there be a factory infirmary?

Don't talk about the infirmary, now what kind of staff canteen, staff bathing hall, and those ping-pong tables, basketball and volleyball courts
Now, it's all gone!

In the past, the workers in the timber factory still disliked the lack of doctors and medicines in the infirmary of the factory and the poor skills of the factory doctors.

Usually, the big guys just go to the infirmary, "shun" a few pagoda candies, a few packets of headache powder, and go home with some medical gauze and tape.

While taking these things, everyone pouted and disgusted: what kind of stuff, it’s not worth a lot of money
As for whether these things are useful after taking them home?
That's another story, everyone is the master of the factory. We still have this kind of master spirit.

People often don't know how to cherish it when they have it, but only when they have lost it completely will they know how valuable it is.

The truth contained in this sentence can be regarded as thorough and deeply understood by the workers of the timber factory today:

like before,

The big guys dislike the food in the cafeteria, the soup is too watery.I suspect that the water in the worker's bathroom in the factory is not hot enough.

I dislike the products produced in the wood factory, they are too big, so it is not convenient to go back home a little bit
But now, in the eyes of the big guys, there is no broken unit worth cherishing.

As a result, now... all of a sudden it's gone! !

All the cadres and workers felt empty in their hearts. When everyone walked back, the emptiness under their feet was like stepping on cotton.

It's really unreliable!
Lao Wang carried Director Liu on his back, and walked back slowly full of loneliness.

Colleagues on the way asked: "Old Wang, our work is so... gone?"


"Then what shall we do in the future?"

"Waiting for the arrangement of the superior, let's take one step at a time. Otherwise, what else can we do?"

at this time,

Director Liu, who was carried on the old Wang's back, has slowly woken up.

He said weakly: "As far as I know, I heard that two new companies have been established in the company.

What kind of furniture factory is one of them?There is even a 'freight information service agency'?
As for this service agency, what exactly does it do?I can't say no. "

"It is said, it is said that ha."

Factory Director Liu added: "The establishment of these two enterprises seems to be used to resettle the cadres and workers of our factories who have been laid off."

"Yo, that's a good feeling!"

among the crowd,

Some people heard that they did not lose their jobs, but might be reassigned by the commune to work in a new factory.

They immediately felt a little better, "I thought the superiors didn't care about us!
Now it seems that the cadres in the commune have not forgotten those of us, the employees who have worked hard for the commune and enterprises. "

Some people also said: "Then congratulations to Director Liu."

Factory Manager Liu patted Pharaoh on the shoulder, motioning him to put himself down.

Then Factory Director Liu asked: "Gu Yuan is begging for red envelopes from you, how can I be so happy?"

The employee named Gu Yuanchao forcefully replied with a happy face: "The factory manager is a cadre, and the administrative salary is high.

When you go to work in these two new units, aren't you still a management cadre?Maybe you can still get promoted! "

"Great ass!"

Factory Manager Liu smiled wryly: "Now I don't hide it. To tell you the truth, as early as two days ago, when I heard the news that our timber factory was going to be abolished,
I bought some good things that night, and sneaked to the Shilipu production team in the dark, hoping to find out the exact news.

As a result, guess what? "

When Lao Wang and Gu Yuanchao heard this, they sneered disdainfully in their hearts: Do you want to inquire about the news?
Now in the entire commune, among the cadres and workers working in the factory, no one knows Luo Xuan, the director of the Industrial Office of Shilipu Commune.

He lives in the Shilipu production team!
Didn't Director Liu visit him with his belongings just because he wanted to operate in secret and find a better position?
But Gu Yuanchao must be stupid enough to expose what Director Liu didn't say clearly.

So he followed the words and asked: "Hey, I said the factory manager, don't be fooled, you also know that the workers in our workshop are all stupid.

Factory manager, just tell me, what happened?Let us know the news earlier, so we should be prepared, right? "

Factory Manager Liu smiled wryly: "I went to the Shilipu production team, but I didn't see the person I wanted to see, but I saw a sign at the gate of the courtyard."

Lao Wang asked, "What is written on that sign?"

Factory Manager Liu sighed: "The content written on the sign is not complicated. That is to say, comrades who come to give cigarettes, wine, chickens, ducks, meat, please be careful, no matter what kind of gift you bring, I will accept it all.

It's just that these things will become the welfare of the members of the Shilipu production team the next day.

Gifts can be accepted, but things will never be handled!

So whether or not you need to put down the gifts in your hands, please think carefully and think clearly: Do you want to be this kind of enthusiastic people who do good deeds without leaving names? "

Old Wang was taken aback!
Then he couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahaha, I gave you a gift, but you can't leave your name on the gift book?
And he also said straight to the point, just accepting gifts and not doing anything?Then who would dare to risk the meat bun to beat the dog, rushing to do such a money-losing thing? "

Gu Yuanchao was curious, "Director, then you came back in the end, didn't you bring the gift?"

"How could I do that?"

Now that I hold the position of factory manager, it seems that I can't keep it.

So Director Liu completely lost the airs of the past, and became very easy-going, "This gift-giving is learned.

Sending a small gift, Director Luo Xuan may not remember us, a person who has never met and has no friendship.

But if I don't give it away, maybe Director Luo will remember it in my heart.

Two nights ago, when I put my things at the gate of the courtyard, I just said hello to the one who opened the door, an educated youth who seemed to be called Huang Xuan, who jumped in line, and reported my home, and then I hurried away on my bicycle. "

Lao Wang began to laugh: "That's a good thing, since people accept your gift, it means there is a bit of drama."

"A fart show!"

Factory Manager Liu smiled bitterly and said, "I asked someone to find out: the two roosters and a piece of Monkey King cigarettes that I sent over the night before.

It turned out that the roosters were distributed to the "new members" of the Shilipu production team and used them for stewing soup.

As for the two Monkey King cigarettes, together with the cigarettes that were sent by someone who did not know before, Director Luo put them together.All were distributed to the old members of the production team! "

When Lao Wang and Gu Yuanchao heard this, they felt bad: since the gift was sent over, Director Luo was all distributed to the members of the production team, and let them take it away and destroy it.

Then the gift that Factory Manager Liu sent over this time will not have any effect at all.

Not to mention that Director Luo would not owe Director Liu any favors.

Since he doesn't owe himself, Director Liu, any favors, Director Luo naturally doesn't have to show mercy to Director Liu when he starts to do things.
Accept a gift, and openly say that you can accept it!

But receiving gifts belongs to receiving gifts, that is, not doing things for the giver.

Director Luo's style of doing things is a bit difficult to deal with.

Didn't he make it clear that he would not reject the world's sophistication, but he would definitely not be restrained because of it?

"Hey, don't eat oil and salt, don't eat soft and hard, it's difficult."

Director Liu laughed at himself: "It would be easier for those who explicitly refused to accept gifts.

Some people are very principled, and they really don't accept gifts.There are still some people who may dislike the light gift we give. "

"If this is the case, we still have a bottom in our hearts and know which direction to work hard."

Liu Chang smiled wryly: "I have never seen such a person who openly said that he would not refuse anyone to give him a gift, but even if he accepted the gift, he would never help with the work. This really made me feel at a loss. I don't know. What should we do?"

at the gate of the lumberyard,
Whether it is the cadres or the employees, there are mixed feelings in their hearts, and everyone is uneasy, up and down.

Such a situation happened at the gate of the foundry factory and the iron farm tool factory at the same time.

And in the office of the director of the Shilipu Commune, Lao Liang, the deputy director of the commune, started to jump again: "Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Anyway, I am also the deputy director of Shilipu Commune in charge of industrial production.

What is he doing?He is not a [acting] director of the Industry Office without a formal establishment!

How dare that guy send people to shut down other people's factories without even saying hello?

What kind of style is this, is it a copycat bandit?Overbearing and domineering, he Luo Xuan still talked about the methods and methods of work, and didn't care about the feelings of the majority of cadres and workers? "

The old horse took a puff of cigarette, and asked lightly: "Then what should you do when you say you are sitting in the position of Luo Xuan?"

Old Liang snorted coldly: "At least he has to let the cadres and workers in these three factories have some exposure, so that they can be mentally prepared, right?"

Lao Ma said, "Come on! The commune just held a meeting and began to study the remaining issues of these three factories, and the companies below got wind of it.

If Luo Xuan sent the officers in the commune to go to these three factories separately to do everyone's ideological work, Lao Liang, believe it or not, even if it takes a year, there will be no effect? "

"If it is said that Luo Xuan shut down the factory and rescheduled those cadres and workers to work, the progress of this work is too slow."

The old horse laughed and said: "Do you believe that people who carry things every day and queue up to intercede can break through the threshold of Luo Xuan's family?
Once this happened, would Luo Xuan still have to work?Going to deal with these people every day? "

"That's not OK!"

Lao Liang was really angry this time: "In the factory as a group, the workers must make decisions! Since Luo Xuan doesn't care about the feelings of the workers, the workers in our factory don't have to be polite to him!"

After hearing this,

Director Ma frowned: Deputy Director Liang is planning a car-to-car, horse-to-horse battle. Are you going to fight Luo Xuan?
That's very good.

It's not bad to squeeze a festering sore early.

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