in this reply letter.

The previous content is that the Zhimi County and Shilipu production teams in the Tuocheng area will build cofferdams to fetch water in thousands of ravines, and then a large number of new fertile land will inevitably be produced.

The relevant departments in the area reported the actual situation to the leaders of Shanzhou in detail and truthfully reported it.

At the same time, the relevant departments in the Tuocheng area specifically raised a question in the request document sent to the leaders of Shanzhou Province:
It is a foregone conclusion that the Shilipu production team in Zhimi County will add hundreds of acres of fertile land this year.

Originally, this was a good thing to be happy.

However, due to these newly added fertile fields, the land in a single cofferdam is not of a large scale and is scattered among countless ravines.

This made it impossible for the Shilipu production team to organize members to work together and work together like other production teams.

In this request document, the regional leaders specifically asked the provincial leaders a question: Since the members of the Shilipu production team cannot eat, live and work together, can the members of the production team be divided into several "labor groups"? ", Let them work separately.

Members of the Shilipu production team, in the form of dozens of "labor teams", are each responsible for farming a small piece of newly-added fertile land?

Many people may not understand: the relevant departments in the Camel City area are unable to make a decision on such a seemingly trivial matter.

Instead, you have to ask for instructions from the province?
It stands to reason that based on the fact that the land of the Shilipu production team is scattered and it is impossible to concentrate and cultivate it in a unified manner.

It is not a problem to divide the members into several groups, and then divide them into responsible for spring plowing and autumn harvest.

But the problem is: this form is somewhat similar to the "initial stage of agricultural cooperatives", the kind implemented, members use large farm tools and large livestock to invest in cooperatives.

Then the commune members organize themselves freely in private, find other commune members who are compatible with them, and form "production teams" one by one.

In the end, the harvested grain will be distributed rationally according to how much everyone works and the proportion of large farm tools and large livestock shares.

But don't forget: now is the "Agricultural Cooperative Advanced Society" stage!
If you have reached the stage of high-level clubs, but go back to adopt the method of low-level clubs?
Oh, this is called going back
And behind this letter of request for instructions, there are instructions from the big leaders: focus on large collectives and develop large-scale production in an all-round way, and we will never waver on this point.

We must respond to the call and firmly take food as the key link.Work hard to prepare for spring plowing, pay close attention to production, and strive for the total grain output of our province this year to reach a new level.

Behind the instructions of the big leaders, there are instructions from the big leaders of the region: Zhuanzhimi County responsible comrades read it, and take positive measures to implement this spirit.

What's more interesting is that at the end of this document is the reply from the comrades in charge of relevant departments in Zhimi County: forward it to the comrades in charge of the Shilipu Commune for reading, and hope that this instruction will be implemented as soon as possible
After reading the document, Lao Ma looked up at Deputy Director Liang, and asked him interestingly, "Old Liang, what do you think about this?"

"I see? I moved a bench and stared wide-eyed!"

Deputy Director Liang said with a smile: "The meaning of the above is not to say that our commune should work hard to do a good job in spring plowing and production.

This is the most important task after we finish the aftermath of the flood! "

The old horse asked: "And then?"

"Then? Walk on two legs."

Deputy Director Liang said quite impressively: "So on the one hand, we must call on the cadres and members of the production team to devote themselves to the spring plowing production work with all our strength.

On the other hand, cleaning up Luo Xuan, a guy who went against the trend and took the lead in selfishness, had to be done at the same time! "

"It's cool! What kind of behavior is that guy Luo Xuan doing?"

Deputy Director Liang waved his hand: "How can we not stop this unhealthy trend? If all the big guys follow suit, then it won't be a mess?"


The old horse pinched off the butt of the cigarette, then stood up and smiled at Lao Liang: "Man, you are still too enlightened.

Go, let the militiamen of the commune let them go, let Luo Xuan go back to their Shilipu production team, and immediately organize the commune members to prepare for spring plowing with all their strength!
If their Shilipu production team doesn't give me a bumper harvest this year, and don't hand in more public grain, let's see how I deal with him then! "


Deputy Director Liang was stunned: "Let him go? No, don't criticize that guy several times, just let him go so easily?"

The old horse chuckled: "Otherwise, what else can we do? Do you believe that Luo Xuan will be detained for a few more days, and eventually when the Shilipu production team hand in the public rations this year, they will procrastinate and be unwilling? "

Old Liang got angry: "He dares!"

"That guy, why don't you dare?"

Lao Ma pushed open the office door, looked at the room where Luo Xuan was "writing the review" and said with a smile: "If you don't kick Luo Xuan back to the production team immediately.

When the public rations are handed in this fall, this guy will definitely find an excuse, saying that our commune made a mistake and detained him by mistake.

As a result, this year's Shilipu production team delayed preparations for spring plowing, resulting in a reduction in grain production and income. In the end, will you, Lao Liang, bear the responsibility, or will I bear the responsibility? "


Lao Liang still couldn't figure it out: "The above didn't say that we should focus on large-scale collectives and large-scale production, so we can't."

The old horse turned his head and glanced at Deputy Director Liang meaningfully: "Didn't you see that the back of the reply emphasized the importance of food production in a large space?
Go, old Liang, the longer you keep this Luo Xuan in the commune, the more that guy will laugh.

And I bet you: you didn't keep him for long.In a few days, I estimate that the more than 300 disaster-affected people who were placed in the Shilipu production team should organize a group to come to the commune and ask us for food."

Director Ma, he has already made his words so clear.

Lao Liang, who had always been obsessed with it and had to deal with Luo Xuan severely, also reacted at this time.

And when he thought of the more than 300 people who came to the commune in a group with bowls and went to the food group to eat by themselves, Deputy Director Liang's scalp tingled!

Looking at the entire Zhimi County,
Except that the Shilipu production team has the ability to resettle so many affected people, except that the Shilipu production team can convert these people into labor force.
Who else can do it?
If the Shilipu production team is playing tricks, they really want to sit idly by and let go.

There are so many disaster-affected people who are especially able to eat and drink, and they all rush to other places to scoop up food and eat everyone!
Figure out what's at stake.

Lao Liang had no choice but to bite the bullet and "ask" Luo Xuan to leave the commune compound.

But as the saying goes, it is easier to invite God than to send God away.

Luo Xuan came to the commune compound this time, if he didn't get some benefits, how could he leave easily?
The highly respected Director Ma came forward and promised to allocate 3 tons of "carbon ammonia" fertilizer and 1500 catties of "urea" to the Shilipu production team.

That's how I managed to get that thorny head out of the commune compound
Here, the Shilipu Commune is in a hurry.

And in the compound in the Camel City area, in the office of the big leader, a small-scale "meeting meeting" is also being held.

The big leader, Director Zhao, asked his secretary calmly: "Xiao Liao, I asked you to investigate the Shilipu production team in Zhimi County. What is the result of the early construction of the flood embankment?"


The big leader pointed to the leaders of various departments sitting in a circle in the office, and said, "Now, while everyone is here, you can introduce to everyone the details about the educated youth Luo Xuan!"

Secretary Liao picked up the file in the folder, which showed the document with the words "X-level cadres can read", and began to introduce Luo Xuan's situation to the people present:
After talking about the name, age, family name, original household registration location and household registration migration, and education, etc. first.

Secretary Liao said: "As for Comrade Luo Xuan's slogan of 'preparing for war and drought', he was actually building a dike to prevent floods.

After investigation, it was found that this project has a clear purpose and strong pertinence, with the obvious intention of preventing catastrophic floods and construction standards. "

Secretary Liao took out the structural anatomy diagram of the "flood embankment" of the Shilipu production team, and showed it to the leaders of various departments present.

On the drawings, there is a "Bu"-shaped structure between the embankment built by the Shilipu production team and the Wuding River.

A leader of the Water Conservancy Bureau looked at it and immediately exclaimed: "What kind of trench is this? And this is by no means an ordinary flood embankment that we often see.

It is a special flood embankment that is highly targeted and has a clear goal, and is specially used to block incoming attacks from upstream! "

Hearing what the leader of the Water Conservancy Bureau said, the other leading comrades present widened their eyes, and they all urged: "Then tell me quickly, what's going on?"

"Colleagues please look carefully."

The leader of the Water Conservancy Bureau pointed to the drawing, the angle between the flood embankment of the Shilipu production team and the river, and began to explain in detail the doorway to the big guys.
Ordinary flood embankments are built along the river to protect the fertile fields and houses behind the embankment.

But the ditches and dams built by the Shilipu production team in the name of "war preparation trenches" have an angle of 45 degrees with the river.

The embankment built in this way cannot prevent the Wuding River from flooding in the daily spring.

——The river embankment, if the embankment is not built along the direction of the river, can it still be called a "river embankment"?
After the head of the Water Conservancy Bureau said this, the leaders of other departments immediately understood: the dam built by the Shilipu production team has a strange direction.

It was clearly not built to prevent spring floods in the Wuding River!
This embankment, which is several meters high, is more likely to be built to prevent catastrophic floods and to reduce the huge destructive force brought about by the flood rushing down! !
The flood embankments built by others are all built along the river bank.

However, the Shilipu production team did not follow common sense and did not go to the Wuding River to build dams.

This shows that Luo Xuan, the educated youth who jumped in the production team, insisted on building the flood embankment in this way to prevent a catastrophic flood!

He didn't take the Wuding River, the seasonal flood that erupts every year, into consideration at all.
Everyone present knows that the Shilipu production team is located on a slightly higher terrain.

The usual level of spring floods is temporary at best, submerging the cultivated land within tens of meters of the river.

A seasonal flood of that magnitude would last only a few days.

Therefore, it will not cause too much damage to the cultivated land in the production team of Shilipu, which is located on a slightly higher terrain along the Wuding River.

"Do you not hesitate to invest a huge amount of manpower to build dams specially used to prevent catastrophic floods?"

"In the upstream Guanzhuang production team, the ready-made water conservancy construction method of blocking the river and damming approved by the superiors does not learn, but they want to build such a special flood control embankment that may not be used for many years?"

These two questions linger tightly in the hearts of the leaders, and they can't let go of them.

"Comrade Luo Xuan, what he did and the logic behind it are very weird!"

The leader of the Construction Bureau pondered: "It stands to reason that he followed the water conservancy construction model of the Guanzhuang Production Team.

By doing that, Luo Xuan didn't have any personal risks, and at the same time, he didn't have to contradict the leaders of the commune and offend the heads of relevant departments in Zhimi County.

But why did he want to go his own way and do something like this? "

"For the limelight?"

While talking to himself, the leader of the Construction Bureau shook his head and denied his own speculation: "The last time I was with Director Zhao, I clearly remembered that there was a report from Laos County [About Comrade Luo Xuan, the situation of jumping in the queue at Lakuzhaizi in our county] notification letter]”

"It clearly says: Comrade Luo Xuan is selfless, selfless, and dedicated, and has built the poor and backward Laku Village into a production team that pays the most taxes and fees in Laos County and has the highest living standards for its members."

The leader of the Construction Bureau was puzzled: "Luo Xuan has achieved such a great achievement in Laku Village.

But not long after that, Luo Xuan took the initiative to apply to be transferred from Laku Village and go to another place to join the queue and settle down
Even Luo Xuan's application was not approved by the local 'Educated Youth Office' in time.

He even took the huge risk of 'violating discipline' and sneaked back to Jiangnei City! "

The leader of the Construction Bureau felt that his brain was completely insufficient at this time: "If Luo Xuan is greedy for fame and profit, why did he leave? What about the Laku production team that is getting richer day by day?"

Director Zhao smiled slightly and added: "It's more than that! Because Luo Xuan jumped in the queue in Laos County, he not only changed the mental outlook of the local production team.

Moreover, because he has made great contributions to the country's rubber plantation.

Therefore, the local Lao County has decided to train Comrade Luo Xuan as a 'reserve talent for economic construction in Namyun Province'. "

"It's just like this, when the personal future is bright, Comrade Luo Xuan has slipped on his feet!"

Director Zhao also felt that his thinking was really a little behind. "Comrades, come and analyze. Comrade Luo Xuan's series of actions, what kind of strange logic is behind this series of actions, supporting him to do this?"

The leader of the Education Bureau was the first to speak: "This guy doesn't want to stay in the old and poor border areas?"

The leader of the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately denied: "Now our Tuocheng area, isn't it an old area?"

The leader of the Finance Bureau smiled and said, "Could it be that Comrade Luo Xuan doesn't adapt to the climate over there?"

The leader of the Judiciary Bureau shook his head: "Impossible! Luo Xuan was born in Bashu, and the summer is hot and oily, and the autumn is cloudy and rainy, and the sun cannot be seen.

In Laos County, it is said that there is only a dry season and a rainy season. How different is the climate between this and Bashu? "

The leader of the Water Conservancy Bureau speculated: "Could it be that this Luo Xuan committed a life style problem in the local area, so he didn't dare to stay any longer?"

The leader of the Personnel Bureau smiled slightly: "I heard that in the village over there, they don't pay much attention to these aspects at all.

Anyone who did not have a few in-depth interactions with the opposite sex before marriage will be regarded as unattractive by others! "

The leader of the Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs speculated: "From my point of view, could he be getting married on the run? After all, Luo Xuan, the educated youth who jumped in the queue, has a long Shuan Zheng.

Over there, I heard that there are still customs such as walking marriages and robbing relatives. Maybe Comrade Luo Xuan was frightened by those unmarried wild girls? "


The leader of the Planning Committee said with certainty: "It is said that Comrade Luo Xuan can fight three people at once!

A few guys from northern Saibei couldn't do Luo Xuan, so he was afraid that a young girl would rob him to be her son-in-law? "

All kinds of speculations were ruthlessly rejected.

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