They say fire and water are ruthless.

A flood of a slightly larger scale can bring great losses to everyone.

As for the destructive power of the flood peak, compared with the subsequent flood, its destructive power is more than 10 times more violent?
Luo Xuan and Li Xue were on the cusp of the storm, ups and downs, tossing and rolling.

Because the flood peak is mixed with a lot of sand and sundries, and these things are constantly rolling up and down due to the influence of the eddy current.

Luo Xuan and Li Xue, who were tightly bound together by ropes, were stacked together, with Luo Xuan on top and Li Xue on the bottom.

As the waves rolled, the two of them would immediately lose each other: Li Xue was on top and Luo Xuan was on the bottom.

Such constant tumbling caused the two to take turns drinking large amounts of water.

It made the two of them feel dizzy, and their bodies kept turning upside down, and they vomited endlessly.
The flood was muddy, with a lot of sediment and sundries in it, as well as the remains of many drowned animals.

This is the pungent smell of mud, blood, and flood water, which made Li Xue and Luo Xuan choke, with snot and tears flowing together, vomit and blood foam flowing together.
The two were ups and downs in the turbulent torrent, after suffering all kinds of torture.

Finally, at a gully 30 miles downstream from the Shilipu production team, they parted ways with the roaring flood mainstream of the Wuding River.

In the low-lying part of this ravine.

Members of the local production team, in order to prevent spring floods from rushing into the gully and destroying the land there.

Therefore, these members of the Shisilipu Commune in "Suide County" built a simple earth dam on the edge of the ravine near the Wuding River early on.

However, this mud and sand dam is fine for resisting the floods that were not too high in water level and not particularly fast in previous years.

But this year's spring flood, not only is the flow large and fierce, but the water level is also unusually high.

Under the impact of the flood peak after wave after wave, until the wave engulfing Luo Xuan arrives.

This earth dam finally couldn't withstand the rolling flood, and it washed away round after round.

The already massive flood, coupled with the loud noise from the sudden collapse of the earth dam, immediately filled the entire world.

The power of sound waves is amazing!
Especially in the flood, the lethality of the sound wave is infinitely magnified, and in an instant, it will still be able to maintain a trace of rationality, and faint from the shock.
At this time, Li Xue had already been choked by the muddy flood, unconscious and unconscious.

I don't know how long it took.

When Luo Xuanyou woke up, he found that he had been washed by the flood into a huge cellar in a ravine that was washed out alive by the flood.
This cellar is very high, roughly 15 to 6 feet.

Overall, it is in the shape of a clay pot with a small mouth and a big belly.

With a structure like this, it is indeed extremely difficult for people trapped inside to escape.

In the cellar, there was the sound of water.

A turbid and dim flood was still flowing down from above, bringing bursts of "rumbling" noises and countless splashes of water.

It's just that these water mist and water splashes have no aesthetic feeling at all.

Just because of the high content of sediment mixed in the water flow, those splashed water droplets fall on people's bodies, and they are all stains and scales.

Luo Xuan shook his head, trying to wake himself up a little bit.


It was good that he didn't move, but when Luo Xuan moved a little, his groggy and dizzy head suddenly became even more dizzy.

The turbid smell of sewage in the stomach makes people's throat really unrestrainable.

Hearing the sound of "Wow", Luo Xuan's mouth immediately turned into a column of water that was more fishy and filthy than a flood, and spewed out immediately.

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, Luo Xuan vomited a few more times, finally calmed down, began to focus his sight, and observed his current situation.
Now that I have fallen into a huge earth and rock crypt, it may be a bit unrealistic to get out of trouble in the short term.

The rope tied around his waist made Luo Xuan's thinking a little clearer.

Turning around to look under her body, she saw that Li Xue was so dirty that her original face could hardly be recognized in the thick but soft mud because it was full of water, and she was deeply sunk in it.

It turned out that it was just now when the two of them were rushed into this crypt by a huge flood.

Because the two were tied together by the same rope, in the muddy flood, Li Xue and Luo Xuan changed their positions and fell from the top of the crypt.

When the two finally fell into the mud, they smashed deeply into the burrow with Li Xue on the bottom and Luo Xuan on the top.

And when the flood peak broke down the earth dam, it diffused into this gully at first.

In fact, at that time, there was no such crypt.

It’s just that under the thick soil of the loess high slope, there are countless coal layers and rock formations formed in the Jurassic, as well as some rare earth, magnesium ore, and salt mines.

Therefore, some hollows will be formed under a part of the loess soil.

Due to the lack of water in Saibei in previous years, these holes hidden under the thick loess were not exposed.

Wait until this rare flood washes away the retaining wall beside the gully.

Under the washing and penetration of the waves, the crypt collapsed, swallowing the dead trees next to it.

At the same time, Luo Xuan and Li Xue, who were mixed in the flood, would also be engulfed together.

Fortunately, in the early days when the flood washed out the crypt, the crypt was far from being as big and deep as it is now.

That's why Luo Xuan and Li Xue got half of their lives back by luck.
Most of the people in Saibei live in a concentrated area.

This crypt is far away from the village where the members of the production team gather. At this moment, Luo Xuan, who is dizzy and his internal organs are churning, how dare he waste his energy calling for help?

Turning around and bending down, Luo Xuan yanked the unconscious Li Xue hard, but found that she couldn't pull her who was stuck in this kind of mud at all.

Looking up at the top of the crumbling crypt, the huge piece of loess that has cracked.

Luo Xuan was worried that the soil layer would collapse again, so he might have to move Li Xue to a higher place quickly.

But with the remaining strength in his body alone, Li Xue could never be pulled back.

In desperation, Luo Xuan had no choice but to forcibly mobilize his mind and use his powerful mind power to finally pull Li Xue out of the mud!

His body was weak and his organs were damaged, and now he exerted force again, Luo Xuan could only feel his world spinning, and a strong urge to vomit surged up.

The throat could no longer suppress the blood, and with a "poof", a big mouthful of blood came from Luo Xuan's mouth, splashing everywhere!

With the help of the faint light, Luo Xuan could clearly see that Li Xue, who was covered in yellow, was sprayed all over his head and face with his own blood.

Just like a blossoming red plum, it is shocking to watch

Li Xue let out a painful and weak moan, and moved her fingertips slightly.

But she still seemed to be in a coma and hadn't woken up.

Pulling Li Xue out of the mud, before Luo Xuan could breathe a sigh of relief.

I only heard a burst of strange noises coming from above the crypt, "Boom——".

I don't know if the loess at the top of the crypt is about to collapse, or if the second wave of flood peaks crossed the collapsed earth dam again and rushed towards the crypt again?


The sound grew louder and closer.

Luo Xuan didn't care about the pain of blurred vision and splitting headache, so he quickly picked up Li Xue on his back and moved up the slope formed by the mud.

Once this kind of loess is soaked for a long time, it will become a kind of molten asphalt, and once it is stuck in it, it will be difficult to move forward.

The situation was urgent, Luo Xuan couldn't take care of anything anymore, so he quickly summoned his thoughts again and ran desperately to the mound of mud!
Fortunately, my mind power used to be as high as 1000 kg.

Although my body is weak and my will is damaged now, my mind power can only maintain 1/3 of what it used to be.

But at least with the blessing of that powerful mind, Luo Xuan carried the limp Li Xue on his back, and after many twists and turns, he finally got rid of the shackles of the mud trap.

Then, the two came to the mound of mud near the base of the sandstone wall of the crypt.

Because of the fear of the top of the crypt collapsing and the fear that the second wave of flood peaks will continue to pour into the crypt, we can't stay here any longer, and we have to evacuate to a higher place as soon as possible.

Luo Xuan gritted his teeth, exerted all his strength, and desperately climbed up the gravel wall.

In the middle of the crypt, above this sandstone wall, there is a naturally formed cavity.

According to Luo Xuan's plan: if he can climb into that hole as soon as possible, then he will be temporarily safe.

It's a pity that the hole in mid-air seems very close.

But in fact, it is really not easy to climb up!

The broken stones trapped in the loess are far less stable than those in the caves in Bashu.

Luo Xuan tried his best to climb up, but at the same time, he had to carefully test whether each relay stone was stable and whether it could bear the weight of himself and Li Xue.


During the climb, a lot of broken stones fell and fell into the bottom of the deep crypt.

This situation and situation,

Luo Xuan was so frightened that he became more and more careful. Every time he climbed up a foot, he had to be extremely cautious and never dared to be careless.
The more you climb, the harder it is, even if Luo Xuan risked his life and desperately used his mind to help him climb up, he still felt more and more strenuous
At this time, the sky is getting darker and darker.

The yellow mud spots on Luo Xuan's body were dry and wet with sweat.

When Luo hovered in mid-air, the slightly larger platform stopped to take a breather.

The huge heat emitted from his body will dry up the wet mud again.
Gritting his teeth, Luo Xuan continued to climb up with all his strength after a short rest.

after a long time
at last!

Luo Xuan climbed to the bottom of the cave, only one foot away from the entrance, but suddenly found that there was a little bulge in front of the cave entrance!
Previously, I stood at the bottom of the crypt and looked up, because there were still many stones and mounds protruding from the cliff in front of me.

This makes it impossible to see the little protruding part in front of the cave clearly when standing at the bottom!
This is a very small platform similar to the one in front of the cave. It would not be a problem if it was changed in normal times.

Even if I turn over with a kite, I am afraid that I can easily turn over.

But the problem is: now Li Xue, who is unconscious on his back, is exhausted and sweating profusely.

Moreover, there is no good place to borrow strength around the cave!

Now, big trouble
It is impossible to go around, and it is impossible to go back.

Luo Xuan looked at the surrounding landscape, and saw that there was really no way to retreat.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Xuan summoned up his last bit of thought, desperately mobilized what little thought power was left, and let Li Xue on his back fly into the air, throwing her directly into the cave above!


Hearing the sound of Li Xue's landing safely in his ears, Luo Xuan suddenly felt more than just a burst of relief on his shoulders.

Moreover, my spirit suddenly became exhausted, as if a stretched rubber band had suddenly broken.
The dim scene in front of him turned into phantoms, dizziness, and cold hands and feet.

It can't go on like this!

While still a little bit awake, Luo Xuan secretly warned himself: Hurry up!Otherwise, sooner or later, I will fall into the abyss due to my physical exhaustion!
Forcibly mobilizing a little thought, Luo Xuan suddenly soared into the air.

At this time, Luo Xuan no longer relied on the cliff to borrow strength, but purely relied on his own mind power, and his body leaped up like a big roc spreading its wings.

It landed on the stone platform in front of the cave in an instant.
When his feet were on the ground, Luo Xuan only felt his head go numb, as if his mind was filled with heavy lead water, and his chest was billowing with blood.


A large mouthful of uncontrollable blood finally broke free from the restraint of the throat, gushing out with a "poof".

Stretching out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, Luo Xuan bent down to support Li Xue, and dragged her into the depths of the cave with difficulty.

After Li Xue was put away, Luo Xuan raised his thoughts again and entered the space in his mind.

in space,
The "Qin Ziyu" floating on the top of the space has become dim and gloomy at this time, twinkling like a star that is about to be submerged by the rising sun.

From the looks of it, this Taoist sacred object seems to be on the verge of running out of oil and energy.
As for Qin Ziyu's changes, Luo Xuan could only watch it change into what it is now, but there was nothing he could do.

Fortunately, the healing effect in the space was not affected much.

Luo Xuan lay on the edge of the spring water, drank a few mouthfuls of spring water, and then smoothed out the surging blood in his body.

Considering the outside of the space, Li Xue was still unconscious.

Luo Xuan also didn't care to stay longer, taking advantage of his body getting a little more comfortable, Luo Xuan hurriedly used the wooden barrel in the space to fetch a bucket of water and went out.

Then he returned to the space, took out some grain and mushrooms, and slaughtered a chicken by the way, before he fled out of the space with a large bundle of straw in his arms.

At this moment, Li Xue was still limp on the ground.

Seeing that she was dirty, covered with yellow mud, and there were blood spots on her body that she had sprayed on Li Xue earlier.

Luo Xuan had no choice but to go forward, stretch out his hand to take off her clothes, and then wipe Li Xue clean with spring water.

Li Xue is naturally beautiful, especially her long eyelashes, small and straight nose bridge, and extremely sexy lips. When Luo Xuan wipes her body, it is inevitable that she will feel a little bit moved
Wait until you finish wiping Li Xue's face.

Next, it is time to restore the original color of the jujube stones.

Maybe Luo Xuan wiped it too carefully, Li Xue, who was half lying on the straw, let out a low murmur.

I saw her long eyelashes moving slightly, but at this time the light was dim, and Luo Xuan's gaze had already sunk into the grass, and he didn't notice these subtle changes on Li Xue's body at all.
Wipe the plateau.

The gully was also filled with yellow mud engulfed by the muddy flood.

Luo Xuan had to cheer up and carefully wiped her clean little by little.
After finishing all this work, Luo Xuan slowly put Li Xue away, then hurriedly turned around to start a fire and cook, preparing for tonight's meal.

And behind Luo Xuan's busy figure.

Li Xue, who had always pretended to be unconscious, slowly opened her eyes at this time, and looked at Luo Xuan with a complicated expression in the dim light of the fire.

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