Chapter 699 I Am Luo Xuan

The originally bustling Doujiapan Coal Mine.

Now it suddenly became deserted and empty.

Brother Zeng asked Luo Xuan while peeling the sheep's skin, "Brother Luo Dabang, do you know what to say here?"

Luo Xuan nodded: "Leave the goat's stomach and intestines for me, and I'll fry the goat's intestines with green onions."

Most of the food in the coal mine was taken away by those miners who escaped before. Even the aluminum boxes for eating were taken away by them.

But there are bundles of green onions in the kitchen, and they don't take them.

The green onions here are neither like the green onions in Qilu, nor the shallots in Bashu.

It's a kind of red onion with dry skin, but after peeling off, the inside is still emerald green.

There is a lot of sediment on this kind of onion, it is estimated that the miners buried it first, so they didn't take it.

Brother Zeng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give it all to you. Hey, brother Luo Dabang, since you are familiar with this place, can you find me a job?"

Luo Xuan was slightly taken aback: "What are you doing? Didn't you get a lot of money? Could it be that you got the money, why don't you go home quickly?"

"I dare not go back."

Brother Zeng shook his head: "I came out, back and forth, and even counting the delay in going back, it was only a month in total. I got back so much money at once? My old lady didn't use her locust tree walking stick to beat me up." It would be strange to jump around like chickens and dogs!"

Luo Xuan thought for a while: This is true.

This second brother Zeng, their family's tutor is strict.

With such a large amount of money back all of a sudden, Second Brother Zeng's wife will definitely suspect that he has done something illegal and criminal!

Not to mention that the second brother Zeng went back to lie and just took out the money in his pocket bit by bit.

this will not work!

Rural women are very curious. After Second Brother Zeng returns home, his old mother and wife will definitely ask him questions: What kind of work did you do when you went out?

Is it bitter?Are you tired?How much salary do you have a month?Is it good to eat?Is it cold where you live?
How could Second Brother Zeng deceive his mother who had raised him for decades?

To put it in a bad way: when my son sticks out his butt, what kind of fart does he want to fart.

Second brother Zeng and his wife are very clear about it.

How can I cheat?

Luo Xuan said, "How about you stay in the coal mine? I'll take that Jian Teng away."

The knife in Zeng's second brother's hand snapped: "Can this coal mine be kept? Everyone is eager to escape quickly. This is a place of right and wrong!"


Luo Xuan said with certainty, "Crisis, crisis, within danger lies opportunity."

Before Second Brother Zeng could ask, Luo Xuan waved and called Liu Fusheng and the others over.

Luo Xuan asked them: "Think about it, if such a big incident happened in the mine, wouldn't the higher authorities know about it?"

"Yes, I estimate that the relevant departments here will receive the report by tomorrow morning at the latest."

Liu Fusheng pondered: "There is such a big incident over there in the yurt, the superior will definitely send someone to investigate carefully."

Luo Xuan nodded: "Yes! It's just that the people who came to investigate are criminal investigators. But I want you to look at the problem from another angle. Will this Doujiapan coal mine continue to operate?"

"Probably not?"

The second brother Zeng was puzzled: "This is purely a private coal mine with no formalities. The public did not know the existence of this coal mine before.

Now that it is known, the public will not allow it to continue to exist. "

Chen Xiaobai's brain is the best among these people.

He smiled wryly: "Wrong! The government does not allow this kind of private coal mine to exist, but the superiors will not be willing to give up this cornucopia and blow it up for nothing."

Chen Xiaobai asked: "You said that all the production facilities and production machinery in this coal mine are intact?"

Everyone nodded: "Yes. As long as there are enough miners to work, this coal mine can resume work immediately."

Speaking of this, everyone immediately understood:

There is no need to worry about recruiting people when the public comes forward.

The miners in the coal mines run by other people have establishments, medical insurance, and pensions in the future.

If the government comes forward to recruit miners, there is no need to worry about recruiting people!A lot of people are queuing up.

And the technicians and management personnel of Doujiapan Coal Mine all ran away.
What does it matter?

In the northern part of the Great Wall and outside the Great Wall, there are not 1000 public coal mines, but also 500.

At that time, there will be a lot of "brother coal mines" sending people to support.

If you want to invest in a coal mine, you need to conduct preliminary exploration, evaluate the thickness and direction of the coal seam, excavate the kiln mouth, purchase coal mining equipment, and build supporting facilities for production and living.
The investment in these areas is quite huge.

As for the Doujiapan Coal Mine, although it belongs to the kind of "black coal kiln digging the corner of the public house".

But after all, it is a coal mine with complete facilities and complete supporting facilities, which has been officially put into operation.

At that time, the government will directly send people to take over and resume production quickly, which will also save the government a lot of money.

How could it be possible to go to the mouth of the kiln and stuff a pack of explosives, and it will be done with a "bang"? !

Isn't this a great waste of social wealth?

It can be inferred from this that this Doujiapan coal mine may eventually change its nature and even change its name to a new mine.

But it will certainly resume production.

Second Brother Zeng pondered for a while: "But even if the government comes to take over, what does it have to do with us then?"

"There are relationships."

Chen Xiaobai explained for Luo Xuan: "You did not participate in the destruction of the coal mine facilities, that small number of people.

Besides, everyone else is gone, but you are still insisting on guarding the property of the public when you are isolated and helpless. I don't need to talk about the latter things, right? "


Jian Teng laughed loudly: "If you say you are forced to leave, you can't leave. Then you can't! You have to say it's because of protecting the public."

"Stop talking. These things can only be understood."

Luo Xuan interrupted Jian Teng's words, "The same is staying behind, your starting point is different, and the final determination is also different. That's all, what to do next, what to say, is up to you to decide."

Many people tend to like to go back to the position based on the results.

If Brother Zeng and the others choose to stay, the standpoint of "staying" and the starting point are very important.

——That is quite important!

It is so important that it can be related to whether they can pass this matter and be regarded as typical.

So as to achieve a gorgeous turn.

From then on, he became a real official employee of the public coal mine.

This is related to whether they can enter the establishment and whether they can enjoy medical insurance and retirement wages for the rest of their lives.
Liu Fusheng and Brother Zeng in front of them have nothing to say about their character.

Definitely kind enough.

But Luo Xuan believed that they were not stupid.

When they face this kind of major choice that can change the fate of a lifetime, Second Brother Zeng and the others should make a correct choice.

Wait until the meal is finished.

Liu Fusheng, Brother Zeng and the others have decided to stay and stick to the coal mine.

Now in the Doujiapan coal mine, there are still three bags of rice, half a sheep, and five big fat roosters.

Enough for them to stick around for a long time.

not to mention,
Wait until tomorrow at the latest, and the relevant departments in the banner will definitely receive the report, and then they will send people over to check the situation and investigate the incident of the Mengbao fire that caused heavy casualties.

When the personnel from these relevant departments arrived, there was no need to worry about the survival of Liu Fusheng and Brother Zeng.

With the leaders of these departments present, they will definitely make proper arrangements.

Besides, the number of relevant personnel who came to investigate the fire in the yurt would not be too small.

Their workload is so heavy, and the time they need to investigate here is probably not short.

Since they all need to stay here for a period of time, how can the higher authorities not send supplies over?
Pack your belongings.

Luo Xuan, Chen Xiaobai, and Jian Teng brought some rice balls and a few pieces of boiled mutton, and each carried their bedding rolls on their backs and began to hurry on their way.

Jian Teng is still young.

Luo Xuan didn't want to keep him in the coal mine, although the Doujiapan coal mine was expected to be converted into a state-owned mine.

If he worked in it, his salary, medical care and pension would indeed be guaranteed in the future.

But this does not mean that the workers who go down the well will not get sick.

If Jian Teng suffers from silicosis and tuberculosis at a young age, it is not worth it.

After bidding farewell to Liu Fusen and Brother Zeng, the three of Luo Xuan came to the gate of Tuweizi with their bedrolls on their backs.

"Don't keep these things."

Before leaving the house, Luo Xuan pointed to the Tibetan mastiffs trapped between the soil fence and the barbed wire, "These beasts have already bitten people to death. I really can't keep them."

Liu Fusheng looked at those tall Tibetan mastiffs with long hair.

Trembling and asking: "What should we do with these things? Damn it, we really can't handle them."

"There are still some round pipes in the mine, and big firecrackers for mining. You won't reward them two?"

Luo Xuan said, "Use a few guns to keep a close watch first, to ensure your own safety, and then throw a few sophomore kicks at them."

Brother Zeng waved his hand: "Brother Luo Dabang, don't worry! I know how powerful I am, and I will take care of them."

The two sides waved goodbye, so farewell.

These Tibetan mastiffs must be dealt with!

Now in the mine, there is not so much food to feed them.

If they are starved for a day or two, these Tibetan mastiffs will instinctively start to look for food on their own.

At that time, maybe the 10 people who stayed in the coal mine will be in danger.

The managers of the Doujiapan Coal Mine did not take the guns from the security department of the mine with them when they fled.

——If anyone dares to take away the guns on the unit privately, the nature is very bad, and the consequences will definitely be serious!
Doujiapan Coal Mine, although it is a kind of dark coal mine.

But the guns and ammunition in the mine are not owned by those in the security department!

Anyone who dares to take these things away privately, and think about it with the strict attitude of the Celestial Dynasty, will know the nature of the problem.

Those guys from the security department are very clear about the importance.

Out of the gate of the coal mine.

Chen Xiaobai, who felt a little guilty and depressed, opened his arms and took a deep breath: "I, Chen Xiaobai! I finally came out!! Hahaha, I really didn't expect that there is a day when I will regain my freedom. Huh huh Woo."

Saying that, Chen Xiaobai knelt heavily on the yellow ground with a "plop".

"Woooooo, it's all my fault for not listening to Luo Xuan, it's all my fault for being too greedy. Woohoo, it's all gone now!"

Luo Xuan sighed: "As long as people don't die, hope still exists. Let's go, let's go back and talk about it."

On the one hand, Chen Xiaobai wept with joy because of his own regained freedom.

Crying and crying, Chen Xiaobai began to feel sad: Thinking of the little capital he had accumulated over the years, it was completely lost!
Moreover, Chen Xiaobai still owes Luo Xuan a large sum of food money.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobai feels guilty, regretful, resentful and at a loss for the future.

He is not afraid of suffering and suffering.

But a penny beats a hero.

Now Chen Xiaobai wants to make a comeback, but he only has the 200 yuan that he just got.

There is not enough to pay off Luo Xuan's debts, so what should I use as capital to continue selling beef and mutton?

"Get up! Get up wherever you fall."

Luo Xuan pointed to the deep Doujiapan coal mine, "Wait two days, and you can bring a batch of grain, beef and mutton over here. This is the real good time to make money."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Chen Xiaobai also reacted: After a few days, the Doujiapan Coal Mine will be taken over by the government.

That would count as: Reboot just opened!

At that time, hundreds of managers and miners will rush in.

The demand for grain and non-staple food is the biggest time!
Although this Doujiapan coal mine will definitely be converted into a state-run mine, there will naturally be food bureaus and grain reserves to provide them with designated food supplies.

But as we all know, the efficiency of those departments
Therefore, before the grain reserve was dispatched, this coal mine definitely needed to urgently purchase a large amount of supplies.

In order to meet the immediate needs.

During this period, whether it is a large state-owned mine or a small private mine.

They all pay attention to a "good start".

To put it bluntly, it is auspicious, and there is a need for a general meeting meal before the start of work, which can also be called a "start-up banquet".

Perhaps other state-run units don't pay much attention to these things.

But the coal mining industry is very special. Don't talk about "not engaging in fans".
It can be said that there is no coal mine in this industry, dare not pay attention to these.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobai can take the opportunity to resell a batch of grain, Wagyu and mutton to Doujiapan Coal Mine.

It's just that his operation methods will be different from before: this time he sells grain and beef and mutton to the Doujiapan Coal Mine.

You have to use the name of the public and use the form of "public to public" so as not to be caught by the tail.
To live is to be afraid of losing hope.

In Chen Xiaobai's heart, the fire of hope was rekindled.

He wiped away his tears, and carried the bedroll thrown on the ground onto his shoulder, "Luo Xuan, I owe you all these! Allow me to pay them back slowly."

"Luo Xuan? Brother Chen, who is your name Luo Xuan?"

Jian Teng on the side was confused: "Who is Luo Xuan? Why does it have the same name as that capable man in our county? I heard that Luo Xuan has already entered the city and became a city resident who eats the country's food."

Now, has left the coal mine.

Luo Xuan didn't have any worries anymore: "I am Luo Xuan from Rongwei County."

Jian Teng was startled, and leaned close to Luo Xuan to look up and down carefully, "Aren't you called Luo Dabang?"

Luo Xuan smiled and said, "That's fine too. If you're still staring at me like this, you can try and see if I'll give you a stick?"


Jian Teng cheered happily: "Brother Luo, I will hang out with you from now on!"

"Okay. As long as I have meat to eat, I can't miss your soup."

Luo Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's drive to the coal preparation plant."

Jian Teng asked: "Do you still have to drive away?"

Luo Xuan pointed to the sky: "It's already noon, do you think we can walk to the national highway on two legs before dark?"

The miners who had snatched money and goods in the morning ran away in a hurry.

It's because if they don't take advantage of the morning and enough time to drive, they won't be able to reach the national highway in time before dark.

If that's the case, it's really going to be frozen to death on the road
(End of this chapter)

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