Chapter 695 A Fire in Winter
In this world, are there really will-o'-the-wisps?

Udur thinks there is, he is convinced of this, and he does not accept any refutation.

Anyone who dares to argue with Udur on this issue will say that there are no ghosts and ghosts in the world.

And if anyone tries to use the phosphorus contained in human bones, the phosphorus will spontaneously combust under the right conditions.

So it looks like a will-o'-the-wisp.

blah blah blah.

Whoever dares to use this scientific explanation to argue with Udur on the issue of will-o'-the-wisps
Guaranteed Udur, he'll go wild on the spot!
Maybe he will pull out his waist knife and fight the guy in front of him desperately!
The reason why Udur had such a strong reaction was because he saw is believing!
That is all his personal experience!

This morning, when it was almost 5 o'clock in the morning, Udur, who drank too much deer blood and was hot all over, was woken up by the strong urge to urinate in his bladder.

The sentry tower for him was narrow, and there was no way to solve this problem inside.

So Udur put on a thick cotton-padded jacket, and was about to make a volley on the fence outside the sentry box
When he just took out the murder weapon and was brewing feelings.

But in the burning fire, a flaming lump of coal the size of a fist flew straight out of the swaying burning fire!
At this time, the sky was not clear, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The entire sky was shrouded in darkness.

Let’s talk about this time, if someone uses a shovel to shovel out a piece of hot coal from the burning fire.

Take back his yurt and light the stove, as long as his position is clever enough.

So from the perspective of Udur, it is still possible to see only the red coals, but not the person.

after all,

The heat emitted by the fist-sized lump of coal is large enough, but its light is not so sufficient.

Especially when there is wind on the barren plateau, when the headwind blows, that little bit of flame will float backward.

It will make people who are downwind less able to see the person holding the shovel.

But this time, Udur is clearly in the upper hand.

Moreover, it is 5:[-] in the morning, the coldest time of the morning!
Who would choose to get out of the warm bed at this time and come to the burning fire to borrow a fire?
You know, people who are qualified to live in the area outside the coal mine enclosure and inside those yurts.

They are all masters, people who are served by people every day, these guys!How could it be possible for them to run out early in the morning and borrow the fire to go back and light the stove?
There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Don't look at Udur's laziness on weekdays and his lack of formality at work, but he cares about those noble people living in yurts.

Udur is still very responsible.

Just to make sure, what the hell is going on here?

Udur didn't even bother to put the murder weapon back, so he hurriedly ran back to the sentry box and picked up a pair of discarded 8-hand military binoculars.

Observe the situation carefully through the glass windows on the sentry tower.
It's okay if you don't look at it, but it frightens him when you look at it! !

Where is there any figure? !
I saw that ball of red coal floating up and down out of thin air in mid-air.

And in the front, back, left, and right sides of the coal, there is no trace of people at all! !
Sometimes, there are impurities in the burned coal, which will deflagrate.

Often at this time, what bursts out is nothing more than fingernail-sized cinders.

How can a fist as big as a lump of coal be able to fly away by itself in the cold morning wind up and down like a light feather? !
"Oh my god! Damn my mother!"

With a "gudong", Wudu'er, who was terrified by the strange scene in front of him, fell to the ground: "Batu! Batu!! Quick, get up!"

Udur trembled with fright, and shook his companion vigorously: "Quick, get up quickly, Batu, yes, there is a ghost!"

"Don't, don't make noise"

Batu, who drank too much last night, wrapped the quilt tightly, "I still need to sleep."

To say that Batu could really sleep, Udur's panicked voice didn't really wake him up.

"Batu, yes, there are ghosts."

Udur was about to cry: "It's not right for ghosts to steal fire, and it's not right for ghosts to steal coal."

Batu, curled up in the quilt, muttered a few words indistinctly, "What are you talking about? Stealing, stealing coal? Who the hell would run tens or hundreds of miles here to steal coal?"

"If he really lacks coal to burn at home, let him take it away."

Batu licked his lips, and bowed his body more and more, "As much as he can carry, let him carry it!
From the main road to here, running so far back and forth 150 miles to steal coal?Like Brother Dun, stealing your sister is almost the same!
If it were me, I wouldn’t even want to fuck your younger sister. It’s not worth letting me run 150 miles to steal her. "

"Batu, can you get up?"

Udur half-kneeled on the ground, poked his head through the glass window, and continued to look at the 'wild fire' in fear: "Ah? It's over, it's over. It's over now!"

Batu ignored Udur's yelling and just slept under the blanket.

At this time, in Udur's eyes, there is no longer a mass, only the will-o'-the-wisp the size of a fist.

Instead, surrounded by wooden fences, the monstrous flames burned by the roof tent! !
This fire was unusually strange and burning extremely fiercely!

The wind helps the fire, and the fire borrows the power of the wind.

From the side of the tent that Udur had just seen, a flame with thick smoke was ignited, and it developed into a mass of monstrous flames, swallowing all the tents.

The whole process, up and down, did not take more than 1 minute!

Too fierce! !

Udur stared straight at the yurt area where the smoke was billowing and the flames were billowing, and he couldn't help but be infatuated.
What is this fire?

Every year on the prairie, many yurts catch fire due to careless use of fire.

But how can there be such a reason in front of you, just blinking your eyelids a few times, and then "hooing", engulfing the entire yurt area in a sea of ​​flames? !
So that even the people sleeping in the yurts didn't even have time to make a cry for help or howl?
"It's over, it's over."

Udur fell to the ground, "Even if God comes, it can't be saved. I'm begging, damn it, I have to find a job again."

"Go to the water!"

Because the Doujiapan Coal Mine was covered by an earth fence, people in the miners' dormitory located at a lower level were snoring loudly, but no one noticed anything unusual.

Only the people on the second floor of the two small buildings, because of their high position and the people living in the building, their windows are bigger and brighter.

So the first person who noticed the flood was Director Li who lived in the small second floor: "It's flood! Everyone, get up and put out the fire!!"

Hearing Director Li's roar.

People in the front, back, left, and right rooms also woke up at this time.

When they opened the curtains and saw the raging flames in the distance, they all couldn't help but turn pale with shock: "It's flooded! Put out the fire, everyone hurry up and save people!"

"Clang clang-"

The electric bells used in coal mines to call everyone to meetings, or to commute to and from get off work, reminded me of the shrill knocking sound.

The intensity of the fire this time was really too fierce.

It was simply that the flames were soaring into the sky, and the thick smoke covered the entire wasteland, and even made everyone have an illusion that the entire sky was filled with thick smoke!

"Fight the fire!"

I saw the disheveled coal mine workers either jumping behind the glass windows on the small second floor, or standing behind the glass windows, yelling heart-piercingly!

Don't look at everyone calling Huan.

But those who really dare to run downstairs to look for a container of water, and plan to rush out to put out the fire.
not a single one! !
The big guys are standing in the aisle, behind the window, and even in the dirt-enclosed yard, yelling, jumping and jumping.

Everyone expressed their deepest concern for the area where the fire was taking place, and expressed their highest sympathy with their mouths to those who were devoured by the fire
Besides, what else could they do?

The vastness of the wasteland is beyond the imagination of most people.

Even if you stand on the small second floor on weekdays, you can clearly see the yurt.

But if you really want to go around the gate of Tuweizi and run to the yurt with your legs, it will be three or four miles away at least!

It's just a long distance.

In this wilderness where not a blade of grass grows and not a drop of water can be seen, even if people run across.

How can it be?

It's nothing more than watching the raging flames hundreds of meters away, and everyone can only waste their energy and worry.

Don't look at the anxious faces of the people on the coal mine.

In fact, they all knew in their hearts that even if they ran over at the risk of being frozen to death or frostbite, they were just warming up at the fire far away.

Look at the posture of the flames, and watch the sparks crackling and splashing from a distance.

Even the most stupid people can understand: this fire is hopeless!

Even if there were 10 fire trucks coming at this time, they would not be able to suppress the fire of this scale.

The whole mine was in a mess.

At this time, the miners were also awakened. All of them wrapped their cotton clothes tightly, ran to the yard, hopped around, and looked towards the yurt.
There was only one thing that Lao Tong was most concerned about, and he was stunned in frustration: "It's over, my wages!"

Gu Xiangyu's eyeballs rolled wildly, and with a pair of beady eyes, he glanced at the watchtower at the gate of Tuweizi from time to time.
The miners crowded in the yard in a dark crowd, huddled together in a mess.

At this time, in the area away from the miners' dormitory, in this power distribution room that no one has ever been willing to set foot in.

Luo Xuan stared coldly at the accountant in front of him: "Can you write?"

The accountant smiled contemptuously. It's a pity that the muscles on his face were frozen stiff at this time, "Boy, if you let me go now, maybe I can go to Brother Dun to say something nice for you, maybe they can still let you go." Die fast."

The accountant's eyes were full of contempt: "With me speaking good words for you, Brother Dun and the others wouldn't smash every bone in your body and then throw you to the dogs.

Boy, think about it, you are dead!It's just that I can make you die more quickly."

Luo Xuan didn't say a word, just stretched out his hand and stuffed a dirty rag from the power distribution room into the mouth of the accountant in front of him.

Then, with his thoughts, he flew out from the door of the power distribution room with the chair in hand!

I saw this guy who was tied to the chair and wrapped tightly in cotton, slowly connecting the chair with the body in the middle of the air.

Such a weird encounter scared the accountant so much that he pissed on the spot!

Me, can I fly? ? ?
But, I am a pig!

The accountant's heartbeat accelerated: This, this is unscientific!Unscientific, very unscientific.

As for himself being able to fly, this strange phenomenon was far beyond his common sense.

Not to mention that Newton was not convinced, Confucius did not understand, and Mencius was confused.

Even I can't figure it out! !
The accountant doesn't even understand.

When the accountant rose to a height of 3 or 4 meters, he was still in shock, and suddenly saw the monstrous flames in the distance.


As for the accountant who has to manage the burning fire every year, he knows the firepower of the 2-meter-high burning fire best in his heart.

And the flames of the yurt in front of him, the scale of its burning is at least dozens of times that of the burning fire!
Not to mention the instant high temperature of thousands of degrees, even the choking smoke, the accountant also knew in his heart: there is no possibility that anyone can get out alive
On the side of the power distribution room, away from the area where the miners live.

Although they belong to the same soil enclosure, if you really want to walk from the staff canteen to the power distribution room.

At least there is a distance of 5 or 6 hundred meters.

And it's pitch black over there, and the yurt is full of flames, and the flames are blazing.

Under this contrast of light and dark, the side of the power distribution room is even more unclear.

——Also, no one cares about this side.

The yard outside the miners' dormitory was messy, noisy, crowded, like ants that had exploded their nests, what a mess!
"Second Brother Zeng, what's going on?"

Luo Xuan was also casually wrapped in a cotton coat, and his cloth shoes were casually piled up.

Luo Xuan probed his head and asked, "Why, they lit all the fires over there?"


Second Brother Zeng shook his head: "The yurt is flooded."

"Are you in the water?"

Luo Xuan was full of doubts: "Then how did the fire burn so big? How did it light up the entire sky? Then let's rush to put out the fire."

Brother Zeng still shook his head: "How can we save it? Let alone no water. Even if each of us brought a basin of water and ran over there, we probably haven't reached the place yet! The water in the basin may have frozen into ice lumps gone."

"that is!"

A miner next to him nodded in agreement: "Besides, one pot of water for one person can do nothing! Even if one person fetches 10 pots of water, it probably won't do the trick."

Another miner curled his lips, "Bring 10 basins of water? That's easy to say. I bet that whoever can carry water and run back and forth three times, if he doesn't get tired, I will take his last name!"

There was also a miner with an indifferent face: "Yes! God opened his eyes and sent down this fire from heaven.

burn!Burn hard!Burn these vicious black-hearted fellows to death"

Everyone is having their own concerns and talking about it.

All I heard was the iron gate of the compound, and at this moment "creaking" sounded, and a group of people were fleeing in disorder in the dark night.

It turned out that it was the managers of the mine. Seeing that the situation was over, they chose to abandon the mine and run away without hesitation!
They knew best in their hearts that this coal mine belonged to those who couldn't see the light, and everyone knew in their hearts: If they don't escape now, they will wait until the relevant departments investigate it.

As managers in this coal mine, they are equivalent to acting as accomplices.

By the time,
One counts as one, and all of them will be severely punished!

The managers, the guards all ran away.

The old fellow beat his chest, stomped his feet, and wailed loudly: "Director Li, Brother Dun, Accountant Wang. I, my wages! My eldest son is planning to get married this year! Please, give me my wages. Woohoo."

Many of the other miners had the same experience as Lao Tong.

The rabbit died and the fox was sad,

The old man felt sorry for his wages, because the fire in the yurt was wiped out.

In the same way, other miners more or less still have unpaid wages in the coal mine.

Now these miners can't help but feel sad, and they all cry in the yard.

Brother Dun, the person in charge of the coal mine, went to the side of the Fire Dragon King to wait for his orders.

If he had a soul in heaven, he would see so many miners in the Doujiapan coal mine, howling and crying bitterly.
When he saw this situation, he wondered whether Brother Dun should cry or feel relieved?
The miners were crying sadly there.

at this time.

There was only a loud "bang" at the gate of the canteen of the coal mine.

Gu Xiangyu scrambled and ran out with a terrified face: "Quick, come quickly! There are ghosts in the cafeteria!!"

Again, another ghost? ?
Everyone was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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