Chapter 670
This time, Xu Daliang can definitely be regarded as gaining both fame and fortune: he personally has won countless honors.

In one meeting after another, Xu Daliang was the focus of all attention, standing in the center of the spotlight.

"Camel City Daily", "Camel City Radio Station", "Camel City Scenery Magazine" and a series of newspapers, radio, magazines.

They are all competing to report Xu Daliang's advanced deeds and his advanced experience.

at the same time,

The relevant regional departments also rewarded the Guanzhuang production team with a "Dongfanghong 54" tractor, which was used to add bricks and tiles to the water conservancy construction of the Guanzhuang production team.

The cadres and masses of the entire Guanzhuang production team heard about the matter after hearing the officer sent by the commune.

As a result, the whole Zhuangzi was boiling!
All the members and cadres of the Guanzhuang production team were full of joy, and they went around triumphantly to publicize the great achievements and honors they had achieved.

Especially when they faced the members of the Shilipu production team, their words were even more ostentatious.
It's just because the Shilipu production team has made a big splash in front of Guanzhuang's production team over and over again.

Regardless of the feces grabbing battle in the city, the Guanzhuang production team lost.

This made it so that from then on, in front of the cesspit, the Guanzhuang production team could only obediently be the second child.

——In the face of a pit full of tempting dung juice, others scooped up the thick ones, but the Guanzhuang production team could only drink thin ones.

so embarrassed
This made the people in Guanzhuang, who had been steadily suppressing the Shilipu production team, very dissatisfied in their hearts!

What's even more detestable is that during the Chinese New Year this year, the production team of Guanzhuang distributed a bag of flour to every household in advance.

In the end, after the leaders finished their inspections and left, the cadres of the production team went door-to-door.

Take back more than half of those white noodles! !
Tell me, is this something people do?

There's more to it than that.

Take a look at the Shilipu production team, and organize members to eat nine big bowls in their own restaurant.

During the Chinese New Year, pigs and sheep are slaughtered again, and every household distributes so much meat
If the big guys don't have to eat, Ren Ren will pass.

But seeing the members of the Shilipu production team all smiling and carrying such a large piece of meat home, it was very uncomfortable.

Now the Guanzhuang production team has produced a role model, and was rewarded with a "tractor" by the relevant regional department!
It was not easy to catch the people from Guanzhuang who could make people proud of the opportunity.

And why not show off quickly?

At Dou Jiande's home.

Mrs. Dou Jiande, who had just been humiliated by the relatives of the Guanzhuang production team, couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, "Oh, those people in the Guanzhuang production team are showing off too much! All the members of our production team are worried Angry!"

Dou Jiande glared at his mother-in-law and aunt, "Don't talk about this in front of the production team cadres. Their consciousness is low, so why are you meddling with it?"

"You guys are just angry!"

Aunt Dou Jiande raised her neck: "How many years has our production team been suppressed by the Guanzhuang production team? Now, it's finally our turn to straighten our backs. But we were immediately discounted by them!"

"It's not just that they have tractors, they have advanced models."

Aunt Dou Jiande plausibly said, "Don't even think about it, this year we will participate in the county float parade. No matter how beautiful our donkey cart is, it is just a donkey cart after all!"
But what did the Guanzhuang production team produce?That's a brand new tractor!

I heard that there are big red flowers hanging on it!Can our donkey carts compare to them? "

Women's team leader Wang Chunhua sighed, "Well, the Guanzhuang production team was rewarded with a tractor this time.

In fact, their members can't take advantage of it. The tractor has nothing to do with them personally. "

The captain of the militia took over the conversation: "Lier is the reason. But their mentality is different!

It is said that the steamed buns are not steamed to win the air. This year's parade will definitely be the production team of Guanzhuang.The members of our production team will inevitably be ridiculed by them at that time. "

Accountant Li, whose injuries were under control, was furious at this moment!

I saw him slamming the table: "No way! We have to find a way to compete with the Guanzhuang production team!"

Dou Jiande has a gentle temper.

Hearing Accountant Li's words, he couldn't help puffing out a puff of smoke and sighing: "Suppress it? It's not like turning over on the kang, and you can easily suppress your own mother-in-law. Someone has a tractor!

When the floats are parading, when others twist the accelerator, they 'boom boom boom' and run away.We've got to whip our whips, woo, woo, woo. "

The women's captain, Wang Chunhua, was amused by Dou Jiande, who was dancing and dancing, "It's not just that!
When we met the little donkey, the donkey lost his temper, and we couldn't move!If you meet that little donkey, it will be even more troublesome if you poop and pee after a while. "

The Shilipu production team started various construction projects.

For the future, everyone, a little light of hope has just risen.

At this critical juncture, this weak flame cannot be extinguished.

"Then buy a tractor."

Luo Xuan thought for a while, and finally said: "Since the tractor is related to boosting the confidence of all our members, and it is related to making our members look better. Then we will also buy tractors. Buy two at a time!"

"Buy a tractor?"

Everyone was shocked: "Buy two more? Where can we get so much money?"

Luo Xuan asked Accountant Li: "The last time I heard about your idleness, I remember that Accountant Li said that in Zhimi County and in our commune, there has always been a purchase quota for idle tractors?"

Accountant Li nodded: "For the old areas like ours, the tractor factory has sales indicators. It's a pity that we are poor! We only have indicators, but we don't have the money to buy them."

At this time, Dou Jiande's mother-in-law, she was not feeling well, and she was no longer staying in the house.

Luo Xuan asked Wang Chunhua to close the door tightly.

Then the tone became severe: "The content of the next meeting, I hope everyone must keep it secret."

As he spoke, Luo Xuan looked around with cold eyes, "Now the superior calls on all the production teams to learn from Guanzhuang.

The big guys also know that, based on the reality of our Shilipu production team, what would it mean if we learn from Guanzhuang's method? "

Luo Xuan's tone was stern: "But we can't openly violate the orders from our superiors."

"So we can only go slanted and bypass this call in different ways."

Luo Xuan said, "Developing agriculture can consolidate the capital. Developing industry can lead the villagers to become rich. Therefore, I decided to jointly set up a factory with others."

"Set up a factory?"

The first thing Accountant Li worried about was the source of funds, "How much money do we have to invest? How can we raise this initial capital?"

Luo Xuan explained: "Strictly speaking, the factory I run is a small workshop, and it doesn't cost much. But the benefits will be very high, and the results will be very fast."

"Comrade militia captain, please stand guard outside the door."

Luo Xuan began to order: "From now on, no one is allowed to approach this cave!"

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan revealed his plan to everyone in detail.

people in the house,

They all listened carefully to Luo Xuan's words with their ears pricked up, not daring to say a single word.

After more than an hour,

With a "squeak", the door was opened.

The militia captain who was standing guard turned his head to look, and suddenly felt that everyone had changed: the face of production captain Dou Jiande was glowing with pride.

The original furrows on his face had completely stretched out at this time, as if he was 10 years younger.

The women's captain Wang Chunhua's face is like a big girl who is about to become a monk, full of excitement and anticipation.
It seemed that there was still a little bit of tension.

Looking at Accountant Li at this time, he seemed to be a different person.

I saw Accountant Li holding his head high and chest out, no longer looking straight at people, but just staring at everything in front of him from the corner of his eye.

It seems that from now on, no one in the whole world will be looked down upon by him!
It's like a little cock who has successfully competed for a spouse: it's so proud!
Next, everyone split up to gather the members: Today, everyone gathered in the restaurant run by the production team.

Knead white flour, pound apple jelly, pear sugar and make filling.

When all the members heard this posture, everyone immediately understood: In the production team, this is going to give out fruit fillings to everyone!
Saibei's fruit filling is made of white flour, lard, sesame oil, and eggs, and then wrapped with sugar fillings, similar to Cantonese-style moon cakes.

This is amazing.

This kind of fruit filling contains sugar, oil, and white flour eggs. Even the people in the city are reluctant to eat it.

The most important ones are those "officials" in administrative units and public institutions.

During the holidays, the unit will give them 3 or 5 fruit fillings for them to take home and share with the family.

High-end food like fruit stuffing, if brother is in the production team.

When members of the commune marry a woman, if they meet relatives who are "public family members" in the city, they will come to present the ceremony.

If this relative can send two fruit fillings, plus 1 yuan and 2 cents, that would be a great gift.

Now this big gift is heavily slammed on the heads of all the members of the Shilipu production team!
This is simply joy.

All the members of the Shilipu production team were overjoyed!

People in Saibei love to gossip, and this kind of atmosphere is much stronger than other places.

Therefore, the practice of the Shilipu production team was widely criticized when it was spread to other production teams:

"Tch, the Shilipu production team is messing around!"

"That is, eat and drink, can this day last for a long time?"

"Isn't it the Shilipu production team, the educated youth Luo Xuan who jumped in the line? That guy needs to eat well, and wear well. At first glance, he doesn't look like a living person."

"Nonsense! It's a long-term solution to be diligent and thrifty. If you earn two and eat three, sooner or later you'll be ruined!"

The big guys are despising one after another, and Shilipu production is against this kind of practice.

But some people disagree.

"You can't eat sand dates, that is to say, there are worms in the dates? Let me tell you, the Shilipu production team did a good job."

Everyone has a herd mentality.

Now everyone is criticizing the behavior of the Shilipu production team.

Among the crowd, this discordant voice suddenly appeared, which immediately aroused everyone's dissatisfaction, "What are they doing well?

Look at them filling in the ditch, investing so much money and manpower back and forth, and making a name for themselves? "

The man was not afraid of others' accusations, "At least he has opened a restaurant, right? The members of the Shilipu production team of the young family, have they received benefits during the Chinese New Year?
We eat corn buns at home every day, but we go to talk about the members of the production team who eat nine bowls. Are they sour or not, you guys? "

Hearing this, the captain of the Guanzhuang production team was unhappy, "Yongqiang, what are you doing here? What kind of cats are they, and what kind of food do they eat?"

Next to it, a substitute teacher in the elementary school run by the Guanzhuang production team hurriedly added: "It's called Yin to eat more food."

"Yes! It's because of eating cat food."

The production team leader of Guanzhuang waved his hands and said, "It's not okay to live like that! It's like a bitch climbing the stove. It has a weak back foot.

The way of eating like the Shilipu production team will not last long! "

With the production captain speaking, the members naturally dare not say anything.

All I could do was smell the aroma of fruit stuffing from afar, and listen to Shi Mile Pu Chan laughing at the commune members.

The big guys in the Guanzhuang production team always feel a little bit off!
Alas, I'm afraid I have to wait until the fourth day of the first lunar month.

When the time comes to go to the county to participate in the float parade, the Guanzhuang production team will be able to fight a beautiful turnaround in front of the Shilipu production team. Right?
The members went to the restaurant and happily made stuffed pies.

At this time, Luo Xuan returned to his "educated youth settlement".

Wait until you open the courtyard door and take a look, good guy!
Today, the educated youth Huang Xuan, Gan Shuili, and Zhu Chanchao of the Guanzhuang production team, together with Peng Yong and Zhang Xiaoli.

All gathered in the yard to bask in the sun and chat.

"Why is this?"

Luo Xuan asked with a smile, "Why, are you going to have a drinking party tonight?"

Huang Xuan smiled coquettishly: "If you want to drink, you should just taste it? I'm worried that if you drink like this, you will be bankrupt in less than three days, Luo Xuan."

"That's right, every day we eat and drink all the time, student Luo Xuan, I'm afraid you can't handle it."

Zhu Chanchao also laughed: "I'm going to borrow a gun from the militia in a while. Let's go up the mountain and hunt a couple of pheasants and hares to eat. I'd be ashamed if I ate classmate Luo Xuan like this every day."

Luo Xuan shook his head, "Isn't it? We have a lot of meat for Chinese New Year, enough to eat.

As for Wuliangye wine, although I can't afford that much, I can still manage enough of this kind of wine from Old Yulin, which is locally produced here. "

"You can't drink like that, Comrade Luo Xuan."

Gan Shuili stood up, looked at Luo Xuan sincerely and said, "Comrade Luo Xuan, I know you may be a little bit aggrieved and unhappy."

"Perhaps... you want to drink away your worries?"

Gan Shuili spoke earnestly and earnestly to comfort Luo Xuan: "Student Xu Daliang, although he has achieved some achievements for the time being and has been recognized by his superiors.

But I believe you just need to change your mind and learn your lessons seriously.Then put aside your prejudices, learn from Xu Daliang, help each other and supervise each other. "

On Gan Shuili's face, there was a holy gleam: "As long as Luo Xuan, you can do this.

I believe that you will soon achieve good work results and be recognized by the people in the old districts. You said, right? "

Luo Xuan was taken aback: I am your size!

Just now I was just discussing, get together for dinner and drink in the evening.

In the new year, everyone is reunited and happy.
How come I was given an inexplicable ideological and moral lesson by classmate Gan Shuili?
cat cake! !

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(End of this chapter)

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