Chapter 658

New Year approached!

It's not just the children of the production team who are eagerly looking forward to the new year.

Even the members who have been busy for a whole year now finally have a rare relaxed look on their faces.

When it's Chinese New Year, everyone can finally rest in peace of mind and have a good rest for a few days.

If it is normal, the members of the production team not only go to work in the team every day.

In winter, I have to go to the commune or the county to volunteer, helping build roads, leveling courtyards, and so on.

Moreover, the production team itself, from time to time, will also form "commando teams for smashing stones and hammers", "commando teams for repairing canals", and "commando teams for maintaining village primary schools".
Generally, the work done in this kind of commando team is very heavy, and many members of the commune can't stand it.

What's even more annoying is: even in snowstorms, heavy rain and windy days.

Members can't rest at home: just because the production team often organizes members to hold various meetings at this time.

Participate in various studies.
It's endless, it's not good if you don't participate!

Members not only have to participate, but also show enthusiasm, so as not to be criticized as backward elements
Now the entire Shilipu production team,

The entire management power has basically been monopolized in Luo Xuan's hands.

Therefore, everyone present had to follow Luo Xuan's advice on what kind of arrangement this year's New Year would be.

"I'll buy another 10 sheep and use the hotel's public account. All the lamb will be distributed to all members of the commune for the New Year."

Luo Xuan asked Accountant Li, "Accountant Li, please do the math, how much gross profit has the restaurant made in the past ten days since it opened?"

Accountant Li has to calculate every day, the daily turnover and expenditure of the entire hotel.

So he doesn't even need to do the calculations, he can directly report the result: "If you don't count the depreciation of equipment, the loss of sheets and quilts, etc.

In the 12 days since it opened, the gross profit of the entire restaurant was 786 yuan plus a fraction of 5 cents, which I did not count. "

Luo Xuan waved his hand: "Distribute all the money according to the proportion of the members' shares!
It's also good for the members of the commune to have a little more money during the Chinese New Year this year.At the same time, it can also let them see a little hope for the coming year. "

"Distribute all the profits?"

Accountant Li was taken aback: "The one who owns the majority of the restaurant's shares is Jiangnei City Daxiaolaojunshan Nature Reserve Office. Do they have any objections?"


Luo Xuan smiled slightly, "Before that, I had already made a private agreement with the old party secretary over there. Within three years, I just need to return the shares to them, and they don't want profits.

The old party secretary said yes, and it was used to support the people in the old areas. "

Dou Jiande was overjoyed: "Ah, then this year's big guy is going to have a fat year!"

"you do not say."

Wang Chunhua smiled brightly, "On average, almost every member of the commune can get two yuan. Then they will live happily this year."

On average, each member can get almost two yuan.

Although it doesn't look like much.

But suppose it is like Lao Li's family, he has 4 children, plus their old couple, a total of 6 people.

So on average, Lao Li's family can get a bonus of 12 yuan this year.

this sum of money,

For members who hardly see a few cents in cash all year round, it is tantamount to a huge sum of money
The members of the commune have this dividend on hand, which means that those little kids in this year's production team.

I'm afraid their New Year's money will be 1 or 2 cents more.

This year, an additional 10 sheep will be added to the production team to distribute to all members.

This made everyone present very happy.

in fact,

In the breeding room of the Shilipu production team, there are over 100 sheep.

It's a pity that the commune can kill as many sheep as the New Year for each production team.

It has strict indicators.

And the Shilipu production team, thanks to the blessing of this newly opened restaurant: since they have had this restaurant.

The Shilipu production team not only got the slaughter quota in the county; but in the dark, the restaurant also passed the coal truck drivers going north.

From the top of Inner Mongolia, secretly bring a little slaughtered mutton to the restaurant
With this restaurant as a cover, if the Shilipu production team wants to get 10 or 20 sheep to improve food for the commune members.

It is very easy to do.

The only two restrictions are: it depends on whether there is money in the public account of the production team.

And the cadres of the production team, are you willing to give these benefits to the members?
At this point,

The Shilipu production team is completely different from other production teams: those production teams, even the cadres, want to give more meat to the members.

It is also difficult to get indicators.

Everyone in the office discussed for a long time, and now the material matters have almost been resolved.

Seeing that the members of the Shilipu production team will definitely live a new year with the most abundant supplies this year.

Then it's time to discuss things about spiritual entertainment.

Wang Chunhua suggested: "This year's Yangko team and float parade team in the production team should be formed as soon as possible.

We can't continue to be like in previous years. When we went to participate in competitions in the county, we always got the bottom one and the bottom two. It's really embarrassing. "

Saibei people attach great importance to the parade of floats organized by the county during the Chinese New Year.

Competition with Twisting Yangko.

All members of the production team cherish that hard-won honor very much.

If the float of which production team is the most beautifully decorated, the cadres and members of the production team will go out to the market.

Everyone will feel more face-saving.

If it is the yangko team of any production team, the twist is the most complicated and beautiful.

Then all the mothers-in-law and women in the production team, when they go out to chat with others.

The sound should be louder.

Especially those young girls who participate in the Yangko team often go to the county to participate in Yangko performances.

It is also a great opportunity for these girls to show their beautiful faces and graceful figures to the people of the county.

There are also many girls among them, and their future husbands and sons-in-law are all through the girls dancing Yangko.

Because the girls left a very deep impression on each other.

That's why those young young children hurriedly asked the matchmaker to come to the door and propose to the girl
Therefore, there is a Yangko twisting competition in Saibei.

It is not just a simple entertainment and leisure activity, but also has a strong social function.

Can't help but let people not take this matter seriously.

But if you want to dress up a beautiful parade float, you still need to invest a lot of money.

According to Accountant Li's estimate: If you want to dress up the mule cart in the production team beautifully, you need to buy colored paper, boil paste, pull red silk, and buy colored flags.
Waiting for the expenses to come down, I'm afraid it will cost at least 25 yuan.


It was rare for Dou Jiande to be generous, "Luo Xuan is right! Money is a bastard, and if you make money after spending it, it will be paid from the production team's public account.

We must dress our production team and this year's floats beautifully. "

The reason why Dou Jiande's formal style has changed so much now.

Everyone felt that it might be because he saw hope!
Now the restaurant of the Shilipu production team has only opened for such a short period of time, and the business is already booming.

Moreover, the word of mouth has spread along with the drivers, and the reputation has spread within hundreds of miles.

Many driver friends now know that there is a very, very, very good restaurant in Shilipu, Zhimi County.
People live carefully, probably because the income is too low.

Since there is no place to open source, the big guys have no choice but to find ways to cut costs.

No one came into this world to suffer.

It's not that the people in Saibei are not optimistic, and it's not that they don't know how to enjoy it.

It is because the level of economic development has not yet reached the level that makes everyone stop and take a good breath.

During the Chinese New Year this year, the cadres of the Shilipu production team decided to kill 10 more sheep.Plus the original index of 2 Chinese New Year sheep.

Now there are more than 300 catties of meat, and an average of 8 taels of mutton per person.

In addition, in the production team, there are still 2 Chinese New Year pig indicators.

This is another 200 catties of meat.Pork and mutton add up to more than 500 catties!

On average, it is seen on the head of each member, which is about 1 catty and 2 taels.

Now, the members of the Shilipu production team will definitely have a good year!
The most air-permeable walls in the world are those women with long tongues in the countryside.

In the office here, a decision has just been made to distribute more meat to the members.

The wife of the production team leader over there,
Then she quietly told the good news to her trustworthy lady Huang: "I'm telling you, you can't tell others! This year, what's going on."

Huang's mother-in-law was delighted when she heard it, and she patted her chest and promised repeatedly that she would not leak this news.

As a result, as soon as Huang turned around, she told the incident to another mother-in-law who he believed in: "Uh, tell me. You dare not tell others about this."

Another auntie patted her shriveled chest, and swearing at the supernatural curse: "Don't talk about you for how tight our mouth is, even your man will hurt you!"

After getting repeated assurances from the other party,
Only then did Huang feel superior, lowered his voice, and told the other party the good news: "Well, let me tell you, this year our production team will kill 12 sheep during the Chinese New Year!"

that's it,
The wives and mothers of the production team patted each other's plump or shriveled breasts.

The news, accompanied by splashes of saliva, spread throughout the ten miles and eight villages overnight.
so that in the end,
Even the commune sent an officer to the Shilipu production team to confirm the authenticity.

"Fake! These are country girls, gossips there."

Accountant Li also slapped his chest loudly, "We are all the cadres of the production team who are the most resolute and thorough in abiding by the law and carrying out the spirit of our superiors! How could we do such a thing?"

The commune officer is still worried.

Because he knew: Since the Shilipu production team, three educated youths who jumped in the line came.

This production team is doing things now, and it has completely broken the rules.
Now the other party doesn't believe it.

Accountant Li picked up the officer and left, "Let's go, I'll take the leader to the breeding room of our production team to count the number of sheep."

After the two were in the breeding room, they carefully counted all the sheep.

commune officer,
In front of Accountant Li, write down all the sheep counts in a small notebook.

Only then did I feel relieved and went back to the commune to register and file with my small notebook.
"Damn! I want to tear the mouths of those gossiping women."

The secret decision of your own production team was leaked so easily?
Outspoken Dou Jiande jumped: "I don't know which woman's tongue is so long? Mo Dan, not only can weave flowers, but also tie knots!"

Wang Chunhua said with a smile: "There are many women with long tongues in the village! With Dou Jiande and your little ability, how can you do anything to them?"

Mrs. Bai Fugui also laughed: "For thousands of years, in the villages where our elders have lived one generation after another,
It's just such gossip flying all over the sky, it's hard for anyone to tell whether it's true or false. Captain Dou, calm down.

If you really go to tear the mouths of those women, I am afraid that before you start, their saliva and spit stars can drown you! "

Bai Fugui's mother-in-law, she has more contact with outsiders now.

And the food in the restaurant is good, and the salary is not bad.So her confidence has also come out now, and she has become more generous in speaking and doing things.

In the office, everyone is joking.

Suddenly someone came to Accountant Li to sign, and when he arrived, he entered the door.

But it was Chen Xiaobai who served beef and mutton for the restaurant every day.

As far as this Chen Xiaobai is concerned, he is actually not from Saibei, nor from Xishan Province, nor from Inner Mongolia.

And he is an authentic southerner who came from the water town in the south of the Yangtze River to the north of the Great Wall.

Saibei people have a strong sense of locality and clan. When they face outsiders, they are a little bit xenophobic.

This Chen Xiaobai wandered to the Loess Plateau alone, struggling to survive alone.

Originally, life in Saibei was very difficult. The thin and weak Chen Xiaobai wanted to survive in this vast and boundless Saibei.

One can imagine that

How much pain has he experienced that others can't imagine?
But fortunately, Chen Xiaobai can kill pigs and sheep, chickens and dogs.

It is said that Chen Xiaobai was able to sneak into the sheepfold alone with a small knife in his hand.

In a few minutes, the skin of a live sheep can be completely peeled off.

The sheepskin was completely peeled off by Chen Xiaobai, and that sheep would not die, and it could be led away obediently by Chen Xiaobai.
These are all legends, and no one has ever seen the real situation.

But Chen Xiaobai's ability to kill dogs seems to be very powerful: as long as there is a place where he appears.Dogs within a range of three to five miles will be frightened and run around with their tails between their legs.

As long as Chen Xiaobai, he joined a certain production team.

Those dogs who had nowhere to escape, tied by iron chains, were all scared to death!Every dog ​​would be frightened by the death breath on his body, and quickly got into the kennel to hide.

Trembling all over, not daring to make the slightest sound
"Yo, Brother Luo Xuan is here?"

As soon as Chen Xiaobai entered the door, he showed a humble smile, nodded and bowed to greet Luo Xuan, "This time I sent only five sheep, please sign for me."

Luo Xuan asked him: Didn't you say that this time, you need to bring us 6 sheep?
Chen Xiaobai sighed: "Modan! I was unlucky enough to meet the 'anti-private team' when I pulled the sheep over.

Fortunately, when I used the trolley to pull the sheep, I pulled them separately one by one.Otherwise, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out this time!Scared him to death."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan couldn't help being slightly startled.

It's because of myself and this Chen Xiaobai, the two of them have an unspeakable secret in private
 A lawyer's article that teaches divorce to make money and guards against distributing family property

(End of this chapter)

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