Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 652 Ye Wanli Gives Bacon

Chapter 652

The two trucks did not drive into the parking lot of the hotel, but drove directly to the back door of the hotel's warehouse.

Not only did two chefs from Bashu come down from the truck.

And there are two other people who are old friends of Luo Xuan: Mr. Huang from Rongwei County Motor Transport Service Agency.

In addition, there is actually Miss Ye Wan!

"Long time no see. You have grown taller, and the edges and corners of your face have become more distinct. It seems that you look much tougher than before."

As soon as Ye Wan got out of the car, she swept away the tired look on her face, rushed up and grabbed Luo Xuan's arm, and would not let go: "We all miss you so much!"

Luo Xuan looked at her a few times, "Not bad, now your aura has improved several levels, like a girl in a big city."


Miss Ye Wan smiled coquettishly, "Following Mr. Ji and being educated by sister Xiaoduan, if I still can't make progress, I might as well let those two wolf kings take me away."

"Do they dare to provoke you?"

Luo Xuan chuckled, "I heard that you treat them like Erha, want to kick them, want to pull their ears and ears. If you lend it 100 guts, those two guys won't dare to provoke you."

Miss Ye Wan also laughed: "That's true! If they don't dare to be disobedient, I'll let those two little wolf cubs kill them!"

Luo Xuan asked, "Why did you come here thinking of coming here? Didn't you ask Master Huang to bring over a cart of grain, let me deal with emergencies first, and bring the two chefs here along the way.

And the rest of the grain, can it be sent by train leather?Why did you come along? "

Miss Ye Wan straightened her chest: "Maybe I will get married after a while."
From now on, I will never come out and run around again.What, you don't welcome me? "

Luo Xuan nodded thoughtfully, then looked around.

I saw that Zhang Xiaoli was busy at the service desk of the hotel, not at the warehouse.

Luo Xuan said with a smile, "After so many years, it is indeed time for you to start a family.

I heard that you are now a clerk in the office of the Textile Machinery Factory?Then your eloquence should have improved a lot, right?Come, come, let me test you. "

Ye Wan pouted: "It's been so many years, and I don't know how to change it."

"Okay, okay, this is just for emergency."

Speaking of which, Luo Xuan pulled Miss Ye Wan up, and went to the office, "I don't have anything to eat here, so let's make do with it first."

into the house.

Miss Ye Wan took out a "Spring Plowing" cigarette, or "Harvest" brand?
Anyway, according to Miss Ye Wan, this cigarette is actually not fragrant.If you smoke hard, it will easily cause her to vomit.

Miss Ye Wan's little hands were trembling, her scarlet lips were trembling too,
Maybe it's because she hasn't practiced for a long time, but now she doesn't seem to be very good at smoking.

Trembling, I stuffed it several times in succession before finally stuffing it in.

Luo Xuan struck a match and lit it for her.


The restaurant of the Shilipu production team is different.

On the left side of the hotel, there is a large parking lot surrounded by barbed wire.

The parking lot is large enough to accommodate 100 coal trucks at the same time and park them overnight.

Moreover, there are porters on duty in the parking lot, and 7 or 8 heavily armed militiamen patrolling the parking lot day and night.

In order to prevent bad guys from stealing the coal on the car and the belongings of the drivers.

And in those other, roadside restaurants.

When the drivers stopped for meals and accommodation, some of the coal in the car was stolen by local bad guys.

That is no longer the usual thing.

Just because those restaurants are run by local production teams.

And the people who came to take sheep and coal by the way were actually members of the local commune.

Even some restaurants have people guarding their parking lots.

But these duty personnel, because they are also local commune members.

When they were on duty, my third uncle, second father, and eldest father came to unload coal with wicker baskets and shovels.

How could these officers on duty stop them?

in contrast,

Those on duty will not only not stop, but they will also go up to help.Otherwise, Tie will be complained by his elders.
But this restaurant in Shilipu is really different: on the fence wall of the parking lot, there are two large plaques erected.

It says [Please rest assured, drivers and friends!The property in your car, the hotel promises: lose one and pay two. 】

In order to ensure the safety of the drivers' property, the Shilipu production team has held several general meetings in succession.

During the meeting.

Accountant Li and Dou Jiande took turns announcing in public:
Whoever dares to rely on himself as a local and secretly collude with those militiamen to go to the parking lot to steal coal.

Whether it is the person who steals coal or the person on duty, they will be punished extremely severely! !

If the amount of theft is small, then beat him half to death first, and then punish him and give him 10 times the compensation.

If the amount of theft is relatively large, then tie it up and send it to the county for justice!

Accountant Li patted his chest and promised: It doesn't matter who intercedes! !


Drivers traveling from south to north will gradually understand: if they park in the hotel of the Shilipu production team, they will stay and eat.

Or take a short break.

Don't worry at all, you will lose anything in your car!
The property safety of these coal truck drivers has been guaranteed.Shilipu Hotel has to ensure that they not only eat well, but also sleep soundly.

And it will meet the entertainment needs of drivers in various ways.

to this end,

The hotel also specially allocated a sum of money to build a garden on the right side of the hotel.

In this garden, many fruit trees such as vines, pear trees, jujube trees, apricots, walnuts, and peaches have been transplanted.

After next spring,
All kinds of fruit trees will bloom, bloom and bear fruit.

Drivers can take a walk, play chess, brag and fart in the yard filled with the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

Since it is winter now, the advantages of this garden are not yet reflected.

In order to let the drivers pass the long and boring time, the hotel also specially built a small screening hall.

In this auditorium.

Accountant Li entrusted his relationship and bought a movie projector from the county movie theater.

And also bought copies of some old movies that were eliminated from the movie distribution station.

Don't watch these outdated videos, they are very old, but they can also make those drivers who are busy on the national highway every day watch with gusto!
The restaurant of the Shilipu production team not only has a screening room, but also an entertainment room.

In these entertainment rooms, there are table tennis tables, simple billiard tables, and tables, chairs and benches for drivers to play poker together.

Those entertainment facilities are provided free of charge for drivers to use at will.

for free!
Based on these points,
The hardware facilities of the Shilipu Hotel have far surpassed all the roadside restaurants from Inner Mongolia Dongsheng, to Liulin, Xishan Province, to Tuocheng, to Yanzhou.

But the facilities of Shilipu Hotel are far more than that.

The hardware facilities have been upgraded, and the software must also be grasped!
During this period, don't talk about service awareness.But in this restaurant of the Shilipu production team, all the staff are strictly required to learn various advanced service concepts.

All staff in the hotel must establish a "customer-centric" service awareness.

Let's take a simple example: in another hotel.If you are in the aisle, you will meet a waiter serving dishes.

Their waiter would hold up the tray and yell: "Rang Rang! Rang Rang, you knocked over the plate, you pay for it?!"

This is often the case,

Customers who come to consume need to stand by and avoid.

In the Shilipu restaurant, the situation is just the opposite: if there is a customer, walk through the aisle.

The waiters at the Shilipu Restaurant would stand by the aisle with trays.

Smile, please give priority to customers
In addition, the waiters in the Shilipu restaurant are all dressed in uniform: all light green suits with collars make people look clean and tidy.

Nothing like other hotels.

The waiters in those restaurants all wear their own clothes, the worst is to wear a white hat on their heads.

Wear an apron around your waist and put on a pair of sleeves.

The waiters acted casually and spoke rudely.

It really doesn't look like serving others at all!
Don't underestimate these details, the subtle bonus it can bring to the restaurant business.

But in this period, no one will pay attention to these at all.

As a result, Shilipu Hotel has a unique business philosophy.The remarkable effect it brought was reflected in the afternoon:
On the day the restaurant opened, at noon it was to entertain the cadres of several nearby production teams, as well as the directors and officers of the commune.

So at noon that day, the restaurant's turnover is "0".

Not only that, but hundreds of catties of grain were pasted in, which made Dou Jiande and Accountant Li twitch!

But at noon the guests dispersed separately.

Then one after another, some drivers drove large trucks and came to the restaurant to inquire about the price of the food, the environment of the accommodation, and the charging standard.

Accountant Li, who is in charge of receiving guests and managing accounts in the hotel, is quite proud!

Seeing that he directly ordered the chef to braise a plate of tofu on the spot, make a pork belly stew, and a plate of meat hook chicken.

Accountant Li, neither humble nor overbearing, invited the four drivers to sit down: "Masters, let's not talk about the price of the food.

Please eat first, wait until you finish eating, and then give money!

If you think it is not to your liking, please turn around and leave, I don't want yours for a penny. "

The drivers are very surprised by this: they are on the road all year round, and wherever they go, they are groups that are easy to be angered and slaughtered.

But in this newly opened restaurant, the feeling given to them is completely different.

Let’s just talk about the beautiful waitress as soon as you enter the door:
The smiles on people's faces,
The drivers could tell that they were not the most common kind of waitresses in roadside shops, they had the kind of flattering smiles on their faces as if they saw the God of Wealth.

Not to mention the cold faces of waiters in some restaurants.

The smile of this waitress is very sincere and clean.

Can make people feel peaceful.
After waiting for the 4 drivers, I confirmed repeatedly: I really let myself eat the food first, and then after paying the money

One of the drivers added a piece of tofu, and then asked Accountant Li with a surprised face: "Did you use Yulin Taohuashui tofu for this tofu? Why is it so tender?"

Accountant Li shook his head, "Do you think Yulin tofu is better, or our Shilipu tofu better?"

The driver tasted it carefully, smacked his lips and replied, "I feel that the tofu in your store is better than Taohuashui tofu."

Accountant Li smiled slightly: "That's good! Since you like to eat, please comrades open your stomachs and eat."

Then Accountant Li came to the office of the hotel.

Turning to Luo Xuan, who was looking at the account book, he asked in a low voice, "The tofu made by ourselves in our store has been reported by members, including customers, to be better than Yulin's Taohuashui tofu. Why is that?"

"Water quality."

Luo Xuan replied without raising his head: "The drinking water here has too much saline and alkali content, and the water quality is too hard.

So you didn't look at the kitchen and built a few extra-large water tanks?
That is used for layer-by-layer filtering.Cook tofu with filtered soft water and it will definitely taste better. "

Accountant Li suddenly realized: "So that's the case! The drivers at the tables just now were very satisfied with our meals and services.

They didn't bargain with us at all, and paid the money very happily. "

In fact, in the water tanks in the restaurant, there is space spring water mixed in by myself.


Those soybeans used to make tofu, Luo Xuan also put them in the space to improve.

Therefore, the tofu made in this restaurant has the best taste within hundreds of miles around.

I listened to Accountant Li's words.

Luo Xuan smiled slightly: "It's not unusual to pay for the food in our restaurant.

The focus of your work these days is actually to find a way to retain as many drivers as possible.

Only accommodation, that is our real profit growth point. "

Wang Chunhua, the leader of the women's group present, was a little puzzled: "Isn't opening a restaurant just to invite guests to come to eat? Why do you want to keep them here as much as possible?"

Accountant Li responded:
After all, the profit margin of selling meals to customers will not be too high.

But if the drivers can be retained to stay, it is just to change the sheets and quilts and provide some hot water.

The accommodation fee received as a result is basically pure profit.

Not only that, the hotel can also provide drivers with services such as laundry and haircuts.

As a result,
It not only creates higher profits, but also provides more jobs for members.

Let the members of the production team increase a large amount of income
The restaurant needs to make money, but it should create a shortcut to get rich for the members of the production team.

This is the ultimate goal of opening this restaurant!

The goal is clear.

But next, Accountant Li didn't know what to do: if it was in later generations, he could even advertise in order to attract business.

But in this period, no restaurant dared to go to the radio station to broadcast advertisements for itself.

People's radio stations are responsible for broadcasting news and conveying the spirit of superiors. Who would advertise for a small restaurant?
Unless he doesn't want to mess around!
"There are many forms in which to inform widely."

Luo Xuan didn't try to enlighten Accountant Li anymore, but told him what to do: "Go to the county printing factory and pay for it to print 10000 leaflets for you.

Then organize the half-children in the production team to take the leaflets to the coal inspection station and the truck metering station.
Tell the drivers that at the Shilipu Hotel, the accommodation will be free within one month! "


Accountant Li and Wang Chunhua were shocked, "Then we, don't we lose?"

Girl Ye Wan on the side stared: "Fool, how can it be possible to pay? These drivers live here for free, so he doesn't eat or drink?"


Wang Chunhua felt ashamed of herself in front of Miss Ye Wan, who had an outstanding temperament.

But it was related to the collective interests of the production team, so she had to say: "Then if these drivers, they live here and don't leave for ten days and half a month... then what should we do?"

"Ha ha"

Because of the careful training of an old businessman, Ji Xuyuan, Miss Ye Wan also has a bit of business sense.

Hearing what Wang Chunhua said, Miss Ye Wan almost laughed angrily, "Don't worry, those drivers are eager to finish pulling coal quickly, and then go home early to accompany their wives and children to warm up the kang.
How could they live here for ten days and half a month in order to covet free accommodation? "

Wang Chunhua patted her on the head: "Look at my stupid ass! I'm still from the south of you, and your brains are more flexible!"


Accountant Li and Wang Chunhua went to the county to print leaflets.

The other went back to the village and organized the half-children to go.

Girls Luo Xuan and Ye Wan in the office breathed a sigh of relief, and were about to have some small entertainment to relax.

At this moment, the production team leader Dou Jiande ran over panting: "Luo Xuan! I just received a notice from the commune, tomorrow's district leader.

They want to come to the Guanzhuang production team and our Shilipu production team to inspect the water conservancy construction project! "

Seeing Luo Xuan staring at him blankly.

Dou Jiande was full of worries: "The county and the commune require us to make all preparations for the reception, but you know this kind of thing, I have never been good at it."

Regional leaders come down to inspect?
Luo Xuan frowned slightly: Could it be that the Guanzhuang production team was listed as a typical example in the city.

And the Shilipu production team is the green leaves that set off the flowers, right?

(End of this chapter)

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