Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 649 Give him an honorable funeral

Chapter 649 Give him a decent burial
Li Liangang absconded in fear of crime!

In fact, Li Liangang was already prepared for running away.

At the beginning, the production team asked him to repay in full the grain he had stolen in installments.

at that time,
Li Liangang, who was extremely afraid that he would eat peanuts, was still very grateful at the time. The cadres of the Shilipu production team gave him a break.

So in the following days,

Li Liangang not only went to the homes of all members of the production team, but also went door to door to borrow money and food in a humble manner.

In order to make up for the holes I have poked over the years as soon as possible.

Moreover, Li Liangang was still licking Zhang's old face, and ran into the county to beg those seven aunts and eight aunts to help him.

Saibei people attach great importance to family affection.

These relatives of Li Niangang saw that he had indeed encountered great difficulties.

If you don't help him, this guy's life will most likely come to an abrupt end this year.

Relatives extended a helping hand to Li Liangang.

During his more than ten years as a custodian of the production team, Li Lian just owed too much money!
Even if he is in the county, these relatives are trying their best to help him.

But that is a drop in the bucket, a drop in the bucket.

the hole is too big,

How can we fill it with mud here and ash there?
Li Liangang's own lack of self-control and greed is still to blame for today's consequences:

From the very beginning, Li Liangang was a little worried about stealing half a catty of grain, to one catty, to two catties.

Slowly, he became more and more courageous, and his attacks became more and more ruthless.

So much so that in the later stage, Li Liangang was not satisfied with taking 20 or 30 catties of grain at all.

He even dared to mobilize his whole family to move whole bags of grain from the storage room of the production team to his home in the dark.

The obtained food, in addition to satisfying his personal family consumption.

Li Liangang would also use 20 or 50 catties of grain to exchange with the female members of the production team for something he wanted.
Other than that,

When encountering the frog market in Zhimi County, when trading, Li Liangang would go ahead of schedule, the night before.

So he moved the food to the county seat, to his relatives' home.

Then the next day, I asked relatives to help him take out the grain and sell it.

With the money he got, Li Liangang gave gifts to his relatives in the county town, and gave them generously.

And consume a part of it.

Most of the money was taken by him to make friends with those officials in various units.

Whenever he ate and drank with those officials in the restaurant and called them brothers and sisters, Li Liangang would feel that he had successfully integrated into them.

He will feel that he has more face.

Often at this time, Li Liangang would be immersed in an illusory pleasure of success
At this time, Li Liangang always felt that he could dominate the whole Zhimi County and call the wind and rain.

Back in the production team, Li Liangang himself is a warehouse keeper.

In addition, he is a respected patriarch.

In the whole Zhuangzi, basically no one dared to provoke him.Everyone regards him as a superior and omnipotent figure.

Usually, people around Li Liangang are full of flattery and flattering smiles
Over time,
Li Liangang, whose feet are floating on the ground, really regards himself as a big boss who can cover the sky with one hand.

The more unrestrained Li Liangang became, the more wild his greed became.

So that in the end, no one can cure him.

Until the Shilipu production team, after three educated youths who jumped in the line came, Li Liangang, who still hadn't noticed the current situation, had begun to undergo drastic changes.

He still has his eyes above the top and does his own thing.

It wasn't until Luo Xuan proposed to check the accounts and exposed the hole Li Liangang made to everyone.

Li Liangang, who desperately went to the production team and went around to borrow money and grain, finally understood what it means to "throw down the wall and push it down, and break the drum and beat it."

until this time,

Li Liangang finally realized a fact: that is his own prestige and appeal in the production team.

Far lower than he imagined.
When Li made steel, he managed to scrape together 176 yuan and more than 300 catties of grain.

After returning all these things to the accounts of the production team.

At this time, Li Liangang knew how difficult it was to fill the hole he poked.
Desperate in his heart, he immediately had the idea of ​​fleeing in fear of crime.

But before escaping, Li Liangang took advantage of Bai Fuguier's accidental death.That night, he found Bai Fugui's mother-in-law and aunt.

Li Liangang also gave more than 100 catties of grain to Bai Fugui's mother-in-law.

So Li Liangang used the ulterior deal between the two of them as a threat to let him go to Luo Xuan's residence and make a big fuss!
According to Li Liangang's plan: Bai Fugui's mother-in-law and aunt are definitely no match for the three educated youths.

But even if a fly can't kill a person, it can still disgust others!

Anyway, Li Liangang was about to run away.

Bai Fugui's mother-in-law, to what extent and what kind of results will be caused.

In the end, there was no loss for Li Jiangang.

Bai Fugui's mother-in-law was beating and rolling in Lao Li's house, making a lot of noise.

Li Liangang hid on the slope far away from the old Li's house, seeing that silly woman with his own eyes, he didn't make much trouble.

He ran away without hesitation!

"Li Liangang ran away. How should we deal with this matter? Let's discuss it."

Accountant Li was a little worried, "If he is caught by other commune militiamen, the affairs in the storage room of our production team will not be able to drag on."

Dou Jiande's eyes were slightly closed, and he said with a deep pain, "If you can't drag it on, then solve it!

I will go to the commune and explain to the director the problems that our production team has.As for how the highest level will deal with it in the end.I am willing to do it, and I have no complaints. "

The Shilipu production team is in the storage room because of the lack of effective supervision for a long time.

So much so that it caused a great loss to the collective property.The instigator, Li Liangang, is nowhere to be seen.

As the captain of the Shilipu production team, Dou Jiande must take the primary responsibility!
"Hey, I'll go back now, pack some clean clothes, and then prepare to have a public meal."

Accountant Li sighed: "No matter what I say, I don't care about my sophistry. The accounts of our production team are unclear and the management is chaotic.

I have an unshirkable responsibility for the collective property that suffered heavy losses in this matter. "

"Luo Xuan, from now on, you will be more responsible for all the big and small things in the production team."

Accountant Li's face was solemn, and he seemed to be a bit of a puppet, "I really have to work hard for you.

After we all go in, you have to take care of all the things in the production team.
After we left, those newly promoted production team cadres, their working really far behind. "

Dou Jiande, the team leader, Wang Chunhua, the women's team leader, and the militia leader stepped forward one after another.

All of them spoke solemnly,
Open your mouth and ask Luo Xuan: we must give the Shilipu production team a boom in construction.

We must help the fathers and villagers in the production team to bid farewell to the bitter cold life of eating the last meal and worrying about the next meal.
It seems that they all have to collectively repair the railway or plant trees.

Luo Xuan was taken aback, "Why are you all so tragic when you all say it?

I seem to smell the stock, the smell of the strong man gone forever.Do you want to make it so sensational and tragic? "


Dou Jiande, Accountant Li, the militia squad leader, and the women's team leader all sighed: "Although we said we didn't get a grain of food from the public.

But once the matter of Li Steelmaking is pulled out, we will be regarded as a serious dereliction of duty.

The superiors will definitely punish us severely. Except for Luo Xuanyou, there are only one of us present, and no one can escape! "

Looking at the people in this room, everyone looks miserable.

Luo Xuan pondered, "Perhaps... things are not as you imagined?"

Accountant Li shook his head, "What else can I do?"

Wang Chunhua, the leader of the women's group, suddenly heard something: "Hush, quietly! Listen to what Luo Xuan said?"

When the big guys all looked at him eagerly.

Luo Xuan explained leisurely: "I want to ask you, Li Liangang, is the trick he stabbed really big?"

Everyone nodded: "It's huge, bigger than the Mu Us Desert."

Luo Xuan asked again, "Is he very well-connected?"

"Very wide."

Everyone still recognizes the energy of Li Steelmaking's activities, "From the cadres in the county to the members of the production team.

Li Liangang even knows a lot of people in the coal pipe stations and coal mines in Inner Mongolia and Xishan! "

Luo Xuan raised four fingers, "The people you mentioned. First, no one in the county will protect him. Second, the members of the production team are not capable of helping him."

"The remaining coal pipe stations are also public units. It's no problem for ordinary people to eat, drink and brag with Li Liangang."

Luo Xuan has only one finger left, which is still stretched in the air.

At the beginning, everyone in the kiln didn't understand the meaning of Luo Xuan's words.

Accountant Li slapped his thigh: "You mean, Li Liangang hid in the coal mine?!"

Luo Xuan nodded, "Li Liangang is burdened with serious crimes.

He was afraid of being caught, and he didn't have a pass note issued by the commune, so Li Liangang, he was destined not to take a train or a car to fly far away in an open manner. "


The captain of the militia suddenly realized, "So my second dad, he can only pick up the train, or hitch a ride with the coal truck driver he is familiar with and escape."

Accountant Li also understood, "It makes sense! Besides, Li Liangang doesn't have any special skills.

If he wanted to survive outside, he could only suffer. Digging coal in the coal mine was undoubtedly his best choice.

Not only is it easy to hide there, but it's also easy to hide your identity.

More importantly, the wages in coal mines are higher. "

Saibei people have a strong sense of locality and family affection.

The meaning of Accountant Li's words is that Li Liangang has caused a great famine in his own home.

In order to be able to let the family live a little better.

Therefore, Li Liangang, he will definitely choose to earn as much money as possible, and then find a way to secretly get it back later.

So that his mother-in-law and children can live well.
But Li Liangang, who was panicking like a bereaved dog, spoke with a thick Saibei accent.

Just for that,
First of all, the possibility of him running to the south to get work was ruled out. This is like a shelduck duck suddenly appeared among a group of reed chickens.

If he did that, Li Liangang would attract everyone's attention.


It will cause him to be easily reported by "non-sunrise masses", thus revealing his identity.

Therefore, it can be inferred according to this common sense: Li Jiangang will only choose to go north; and then go to the desert to find an unknown coal mine.

Incognito, worked hard inside for several years.

If he is lucky, Li Liangang can still make a name for himself in the coal mine.

Then he saved a sum of money and came back to pay back the famine owed by him in the production team.

Here's the best ending:

In the future, Li Liangang will be able to start a new life, walk openly in the sun, and lead a normal life.

If he'd been in the coal mines, he wouldn't have made a name for himself, but he'd saved a little money.

Then sneakily took it home to help the mother-in-law and children at home
Now everyone unanimously speculates: Li Liangang will probably not be arrested.

because in the north,
Those super-large coal mines owned by the government, small coal mines run by village collectives, and even [not too white] coal kilns.

There are simply too many!

Don't talk about hiding Li Liangang alone, even dozens of people scattered in the ravine, not even a ghost can be seen
As for the people in charge of many small coal mines, they don't worry about the origin and past of these workers!
The miners could not see the light better.

——Just in time, I can take this opportunity to deduct some of their wages.

If there is any production accident, these unidentified miners will be better dealt with.

Think about those small coal mines, what kind of miners do you prefer to use?
After thinking about these things,

Now everyone is almost certain: Li Jiangang will definitely go to a certain coal mine and struggle to survive.

It is even very possible that he will die in the mine inexplicably in the end.

But anyway,
Anyway, these cadres in the temporary production team don't have to worry about eating free black buns.

Everyone who had settled down in their hearts began to discuss how to deal with the funeral for Bai Fugui's family.

Originally, in the new era, simplicity in everything was advocated.

Moreover, people like Luo Xuan, Zhang Xiaoli, and Peng Yong's hometown follow the practice of "reserving thickly and burying lightly".

But in Saibei, the funeral culture is quite different from Bashu.

Secretly here, they actually still like to have rich burials. There are even some unbelievable and unspeakable funeral customs.

In everyone's heart,

In fact, I still want to give Bai Fugui a dignified burial and hold a beautiful funeral for him.

For one thing, doing so can eliminate the resentment in Bai Fugui's family members.

Secondly, it is actually for the cadres of the production team to buy peace of mind.
But due to the fact that Luo Xuan was here at the scene, the big guys didn't dare to express their inner and true thoughts.

Now among the collective cadres of the entire production team, Luo Xuan's decision already has absolute authority.
no way,
Who told everyone to play with their minds and tricks, so they couldn't be Luo Xuan's opponent?
The more important thing is: everyone present counts as one, and they are all of the kind who can report because of Luo Xuan at any time.

They have to clean their butts and prepare to experience the good life of "holding steamed buns in their hands, without a drop of oil in the dishes".

——I was caught by someone.

It's really hard to get up.

When the big guys all looked at Luo Xuan eagerly.
Two words slowly spit out from his mouth: Burial!


Everyone was surprised: What does this Luo Xuan mean? !

Is he trying to obey the wishes of everyone?
Or spend the collective money, do not feel distressed?
Why did Luo Xuan take the initiative to hold a grand funeral for Bai Fugui?
It's really weird
(End of this chapter)

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