Chapter 644

Work on the construction site, you do it!

I will be in charge of food and funding matters!
This is Luo Xuan's promise to the Shilipu production team, all members and cadres.

So far, in the production of the entire Shilipu production team, no matter whether they are cadres or members of the commune.

Everyone is unwilling to interfere with the affairs of Luo Xuan's warehouse!

Because everyone knows: there is a big hole in there, a very, very big pit
After people get around, being able to fill in this hole is already pretty good!

Manages the warehouse storage room with such a big pit.

Don't expect anyone to be able to reap the benefits, the custodian doesn't put himself in, it's not bad!
Get a fart.

Since everyone knows that the current warehouse keeper will definitely not be able to make money, who would care about him?
To be a human being is to have a conscience, right?
The entire northern part of the Great Wall is sparsely populated.Along the national road, I want to find a piece of land to build a hotel.

It is very easy.

In Saibei, it is different from Laos County. The people here are very hardworking, and they are willing to open up barren mountains and wasteland to cultivate.

However, due to severe water shortage and pollution by salinity, those wastelands where not a single blade of grass grows are everywhere.

Everyone is unable to find a suitable place to transform it into fertile land.

But Laos County is also sparsely populated.But because there is no shortage of water and the climate is warm.

So a lot of land is overgrown with weeds, but no one wants to develop those wastelands.

But in the eyes of others, places like Laos County and Zhimi County are poor and backward.

But it is Luo Xuan's favorite: often the place where the starting point is low, its development potential is stronger.

Otherwise, in later generations, how could the Tuocheng area become one of the most economically powerful cities in the entire Shanzhou Province.

How can it be ranked among the "Top 100 National Economic Cities"?

build a hotel,

Originally, according to Li Accountant and Dou Jiande's vision, it would be enough to build a large courtyard with stones as the infrastructure material and cover 2 to 30 cave dwellings.

But Luo Xuan insisted on building a small second floor of brick-concrete structure.

Among them, the first floor is used as a temporary rest place for restaurants and drivers.

The 2nd floor is used as a venue for running a guest house.

As for the large courtyard,
In addition, there will be some ancillary buildings such as a warehouse for storing sundries, a duty room for drivers to guard vehicles, etc.

After the big guys saw the sketch drawn by Luo Xuan, they were surprised and delighted!

The joy is: such a bright and tidy roadside restaurant with a spacious area can be said to be from Dongsheng City in the north to Chuanluo County, which is famous for its apples.

On the edge of the entire national highway, within a range of hundreds of kilometers in front and back.

The scale and the beauty of the building of this hotel are considered to be among the best!
Aside from the joy, everyone was worried: to build such a big and good hotel.

By then, will so many customers come to your door?
And where did the huge sum of money to build the hotel come from? ?
Luo Xuan raised two fingers, "Finance, fundraising."

Accountant Li was puzzled, "I know about fundraising. That's it. The members of the production team each claimed some small shares.

This is equivalent to agricultural cooperatives, the earliest primary cooperatives.

Everyone can use livestock and agricultural tools to invest in shares.At the end of the year, the income of the cooperative is distributed according to the shares. "

"Then what is financing?"

Accountant Li asked, "Who can afford such a large sum of money?"

Luo Xuan answered his question, "Of course I can't get this sum of money privately, but I can get a bill from the public."

"Public units? In Zhimi County, the factories and mines with some liquidity are nothing more than the 'chlor-alkali factory'.

But it is a provincial state-owned enterprise, which is under the direct management of the provincial government.Can people like it, cooperate with our production team and open a small restaurant? "

"It doesn't look like it, and I don't want to cooperate with them yet."

Luo Xuan laughed, "How can it be possible that the cadres in the chlor-alkali factory are higher than Zhimi County, and they will cooperate with us to open a restaurant?"

The head of the women's group is impatient, and she said in a hurry, "Oh, don't be fooled.

Well, after all, where are we going to get so much money?
"Pair support."

Luo Xuan explained, "I worked for the Laotian County Laku Production Team, the Jiangnei Textile Machinery Factory, and the Xiaolaojunshan Nature Reserve Office.

Wrote an urgent registered letter respectively.

In the letter, I asked these three units to form a support pair with our Shilipu production team.

Once we have their strong support, let alone open a small restaurant.It is not a problem to set up a large factory! "

"That's a good feeling!"

Accountant Li, Dou Jiande, and the women's team were overjoyed, "But the question is...will they be willing?"

Luo Xuan said with a smile, "Leave the word ?. Let me ask you units, can their money be at their own disposal?"

Everyone shook their heads: "No. No matter how much profit the company has created, all its funds and income will be managed and dispatched by the higher-level financial department and the planning committee."

During this period, all factories and enterprises.

Once there is a loss in their production and operation activities, and when they encounter a shortage of working capital.

Just report to the higher authorities and ask for funding support.

Bankruptcy is not going to go bankrupt, and you will never go bankrupt for a lifetime.

As long as there is continuous blood transfusion, the enterprise can survive like this.

Because once these enterprises go bankrupt, it will have a serious impact on the local employment environment, society and nature.

Not so much these factories, they are based on the pursuit of economic efficiency as a priority.

It might be better to say that their first priority is to pursue social benefits, and this task is the overriding one!

Since these factories and enterprises will not go bankrupt, there are strong local grassroots departments to back them up.

That in turn: the economic benefits they create.The factory itself does not have much control and use rights.

If it makes a profit, the factory will hand over the profit.

If it loses money, the higher authorities will back it up.

Making money or not is secondary, the first thing to pursue is a "stability"!
That's why Luo Xuan is very sure,
I will definitely be able to persuade Liu Fugui to allocate a large sum of money to support the Shilipu production team's agricultural and sideline construction projects
It is not easy for the people in the old areas. They have paid so much in those years, and they have saved money to support the frontline for decades.

Now is the time for the fraternal units to help the people in the old areas.
Accountant Li is more thoughtful.

When he heard Luo Xuan's solution, Accountant Li thought it might be possible.

But when it is actually implemented, there will be great resistance. "The question is the leaders of these brother units, are they willing?"

"Of course I would."

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, "The money belongs to the unit. The honors received by counterparts in helping the poor and supporting the people in the old areas belong to both the unit and the individual."

What Luo Xuan said: the honor belongs to the unit and individual of the other party.
For this,
Accountant Li could comprehend its subtleties in his heart: this is Liu Fugui in the future, his proud capital.

But this kind of thing can only be felt.

"Moreover, this is a counterpart to help the people in the old areas."

Luo Xuan continued to explain: "The higher-level authorities of the machinery factory must also strongly support this, and they are happy to hear it."

Will there be strong support? Are you really happy to hear it?
Accountant Li didn't know.

But what he knew was that the higher authorities of the machinery factory would definitely not object to this.

As for the reason. Hehe.

Seeing that the issue of the source of funds has been properly implemented, the big guy's heart suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

Just when everyone in the office of the production team was smiling.

Luo Xuan, who is the clearest about all sources of funds, is also very happy:
In the Daxiaolaojunshan Nature Reserve, the unknown village hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.

Now their food has piled up like a mountain!
Luo Xuan, who was worried about not being upright and took out the batch of grain for use, was able to take the opportunity to dispose of this batch of grain.

Make it piles and piles of cash.

As for Laku Village in Laos County, next year there will be a large amount of money from selling rubber. This money will not be used for the construction of the Shilipu production team.

Putting it there is also idle in vain.

When all the projects on my side have started, the restaurant has also entered the operation stage.

A little longer, the Shilipu production team will also produce considerable economic benefits.

At that time,
Then I will slowly draw out the funds I have advanced in the early stage. In this way, such a large amount of funds.

Not only was it revitalized, but it also became white and fat.

A proper win-win situation!

The general direction has been discussed above, and now it is necessary to formulate some detailed rules for the implementation of hotel management and water conservancy projects.

Luo Xuan was going to let the members of the Shilipu production team and several families unite to contract the earthwork project for a ravine.

In order to prevent the members from working without effort, and to prevent them from doing foreign work.

"Let's go out, don't say the word contract."

Luo Xuan warned everyone, "Let's say a few families joined forces to build an earth dam.

The repair is completed, the quality and quantity are guaranteed, and the work task is completed.Our production team will distribute food and corresponding cash rewards to him.

Remember clearly, this is called 'labor responsibility system'. "

"If their project progress is slow and they work to cut corners and materials. Then the restaurant in the production team will not recruit family members from these families to work in the restaurant."

At last,
Luo Xuan characterizes this hidden, actually "contracting" management method: "This is called rewards and punishments, with clear responsibilities. Everyone works together and collectively shares the fruits of labor."

Accountant Li asked, "What about the hotel? What kind of regulations is that?"

The women's team leader, she is also very concerned about this issue:

Because all the members of the production team, now they are discussing in private every day:
Let's see if I can arrange the eldest daughter and second son of my family to work in a group restaurant?
Life in the countryside is hard!

Throughout the year, there is no oil or meat.

If the children of the commune members can work in restaurants, they will not only be paid wages, but also have good food to eat.

And there is one less food in the members' homes.

If you calculate the inside and outside, you will make a lot of money!

More than that,
It would be a very decent thing to be able to work in a restaurant.

And whether it's a boy or a girl, when they look for a partner in the future, their status and standards will be different.

When negotiating the bride price issue with the other party, you can also grasp more initiative
So, who gets to work in a restaurant?This has become the most concerned issue of all members.


Now members of the Shilipu production team, they work in the ravine during the day.

And at night,

Big guy, he didn't even bother to take a bite of the meal, so he hurriedly put on a thick cotton jacket.

Going around for activities, trying to intercede with the cadres of the production team.

Everyone wants to stuff their children into restaurants
But now the small environment in Shilipu Zhuangzi has changed: Li Liangang, who used to be one-of-a-kind, is still running around the homes of his seventh aunt and eighth aunt every day, borrowing money and grain everywhere.

When the wall falls, everyone pushes it, and when the drum breaks, everyone beats it.

Today's Li Liangang is worse than a dog in the water.

In the Shilipu production team, it's his turn to speak!

Dou Jiande is honest and honest, he can keep his eldest son, and he can go to the restaurant to go to work.

Dou Jiande couldn't talk about other things.

In the entire Zhuangzi, the one who really has some real power is Accountant Li.

Accountant Li, who had already figured out Luo Xuan's strength and ideas, wisely chose to keep a low profile: even his second father's child is also Accountant Li's cousin.

Even his cousin's child, accountant Li, didn't reach out to give him a hand.

What about others?

The members of the production team were not stupid. Gradually, they began to understand: now who is the real talker in this village.

But they are not familiar with Luo Xuan.

And these two days, Luo Xuan was so busy that he didn't touch the ground, and he didn't care about chatting with the members.

Old Li Tou, the landlord of the educated youths, became the target of all the members, desperately cursing:

Today, Mrs. Zhang brought 2 catties of sunflower seeds and came to Lao Li's house to talk.

Before Mrs. Zhang left, Zhao Erni's mother came to visit with another catty of peanuts.

After a while.

Widow Li limped again, carrying a wicker basket, and entered the door of Old Li Tou's house
Looking at the piles of peanuts, melon seeds, and white flour rolls on the kang table.

Old Li Tou couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion: "I, Old Li Tou, have lived in the village for decades, how have I ever been treated like this? Comfortable, it's worth living for this person!"

Lao Li's mother-in-law Ji turned around and looked at the three chickens brought by others in the yard.

He asked, "Rongrong's father, let's stew a chicken tonight, shall we serve it to Zhang Xiaoli and the others?"

"Kill! End!"

Lao Li was very proud: "If you stew a chicken, we don't keep a piece of chicken. Give it to Luo Xuan, Zhang Xiaoli and the others."

Little Rongrong's saliva was drooling, and her big eyes rolled straight away: "Father, mother! Brother Luo Xuan and sister Xiaoli have no shortage of chicken to eat. They cook chicken stew every night."

"Say it! Don't ruin Luo Xuan's reputation."

Old Li glared at her: "He doesn't accept gifts! We live in a house every day. When did we meet him and accept even a frozen pear or a date?"

"What Xiao Rongrong said may not be Kazakhstan."

Ji Zhuanzhuan was thoughtful, "Every night, the smell of meat comes from Luo Xuan's kiln."

Xiao Rongrong nodded, "Yes, Dad. Sister Xiaoli let me eat meat every day! If you don't believe me, you can ask my younger siblings. Every time I hide a few pieces of chicken, I will give them a taste."

Ji Zhuanzhuan frowned, "Where did they get the chicken?"

Lao Li thought about it, but he still didn't come up with a ugly Yinmao.

Old Li waved his hand: "I don't care. Luo Xuan is a man of great ability! Hundreds of thousands of tickets can be obtained by writing a letter. How many chickens are there?"

"Braised Chicken!"

Lao Li told his mother-in-law, "Do you think these chickens in the yard were given to me by others?

The amount of face is not that big!They came for Luo Xuan and them.Stewed chicken, Luo Xuan they have chicken to eat, that's their business. "

"It's our duty to deliver the stewed chicken to others."

Lao Li is obviously very clear about why he is able to live such a glorious life now.

"From now on, we'll follow Luo Xuan and the others to work hard, and we won't lose money."

 [Thanks]: 1 self-improvement boss
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(End of this chapter)

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