Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 616 Hukou Protective Cover

Chapter 616 Hukou Protective Cover

People of this period,

I like everything big!

Educating a child from an early age is to let him set lofty goals.

Of course, the ideal has to be lofty.

It is clearly a small project, and the slogan next to it is also called "how fast, save money, and work hard."

Director Peng is also big. Everything is big!
His addiction to cigarettes was abnormally high. In the past, he was in charge of a large group of drivers.

These drivers are all veritable uncles!

No matter where these drivers go, who can laugh with them and hand them two packs of cigarettes?
But when these drivers, who are uncles outside, return to the car transport service agency.
Director Peng must be counted among them, he is the only uncle!

——Except for Luo Xuan, he worked in a car transportation service agency and learned to drive for a while.

Director Peng had no choice but to condescend to be the second uncle for a period of time.

But the second uncle, he is also an uncle!
It's still the drivers, you can't afford to mess with them
Which of the drivers couldn't laugh along with him, and handed Director Peng two packs of cigarettes?
If Director Peng smoked these cigarettes without working overtime, wouldn't that be a great loss?
So Director Peng is addicted to smoking. He gets at least three packs of cigarettes a day.

There is also a reason for this.

Director Peng is not only addicted to cigarettes, but also has a big temper and a loud voice!
If you want to calm down those old fried dough stick drivers, you need to have a bad temper.

But what is the biggest thing about Director Peng?
That is his addiction to meetings, the biggest!
When I was in the transportation service agency, Director Peng had morning meetings, morning meetings, and evening summary meetings.
That is a daily compulsory homework.

If there is a small incident in the unit.

Director Peng will definitely call all the cadres and workers to hold a collective meeting.

Medium work, then hold a medium meeting.

If it's in the unit, if something really big happens, Director Peng will only work with two assistants.

Have a little briefing.
Anyway, no matter what,
Director Peng, who is addicted to meetings, will feel exhausted if he doesn't have a meeting for a day.

If there is no meeting for three days,
Director Peng seemed to be suffering from a serious illness. He was listless and listless.

this day.

On the playground of the No. [-] Primary School Affiliated to the County Government, Director Peng stood on the stage in glory again.

Hosting a meeting of thousands of people.

"Respected leaders, respected colleagues, and representatives from all walks of life in Rongwei County, good morning everyone!"

The host began to speak.

Naturally, it was the same set, the already used rotten opening template.

Wait until the routine opening remarks are finished.

The host of the meeting turned around and raised his hand respectfully towards Director Peng, "Next, we invite our respected Director Peng to guide everyone."

"Clap clap clap."

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

Director Peng, whose face was flushed, smiled and raised his hand, gesturing to the crowd in the audience.

While waving his hands, Director Peng's sharp gaze was patrolling the crowd below the stage.

This is Director Peng's habit: he is looking at the crowd in the audience, who is applauding seriously?
And who is just perfunctory there?

Applauding serious people, Director Peng may not promote him.

But for someone who just waved his hands to pretend but didn't really applaud, Director Peng would definitely take that person.

Silently memorized in my little notebook
This is like those drivers who give themselves gifts during the holidays: Director Peng may not remember who sent the gift.

But whoever didn't give him a gift, Director Peng will definitely remember it clearly!
In addition to carefully observing the audience, whoever applauds is not serious enough or passionate enough.

Director Peng still needs to see clearly, whose face is really excited and encouraged;
And on whose face, there was a perfunctory, even mocking expression.
Director Peng uses these detailed observations to determine which people are sincerely willing to follow him.

Those people, on the surface, are respectful and flattering to themselves.But behind the scenes, he was not convinced with himself.
When I first looked down the stage, the smile on Director Peng's face was still very sunny and brilliant.

Why did this guy come here?
When Director Peng saw Luo Xuan's familiar face in the crowd, but it made Director Peng inexplicably terrified.

At this time, Director Peng suddenly had a feeling of eating a pig's head meat, but suddenly eating a fly.
That's fine for me, but that brazen, muddled and reckless Luo Xuan!

Him, he didn't applaud or say anything.

That guy actually raised his hand!imitating their own appearance, waving non-stop in mid-air
There was a nameless anger in Director Peng's heart, and it suddenly rose up! !
If it wasn't for the close relationship between Luo Xuan and his uncle Ji Xuyuan.

If it weren't for Ji Xuyuan, who still held some shady handles about Director Peng's past
snort! !

Suppressing the unhappiness in his heart, Director Peng returned to the middle of the stage.

He reached out and patted the microphone wrapped in red silk.

From several large speakers in the distance, there were a few "bang bang bang" echoes.

That means the microphone, and the loudspeaker are functioning normally, and you can start to speak formally.

"Well, cough cough!"

Director Peng began to speak, "Ah, everyone be quiet. Next, I will give you a few simple words."

Generally speaking: if you just open your mouth and say a few simple sentences, often there will be more than two hundred sentences.

Even eight hundred sentences, that is possible
"Clap clap clap-"

After Director Peng finished speaking, thunderous applause rang out from the audience as usual.
This is not what Director Peng said, every word is eloquent and brilliant.

That's because the people in the audience, they all know a truth: a few slaps will kill you.

If you don't take these few shots, it is very likely that you will be put on small shoes for no reason.

Director Peng is very satisfied with the reaction and cooperation of the audience and the audience. Except for that Luo Xuan!

Thinking of this guy, Director Peng's heart was full of anger!

"Ah, everyone be quiet."

Suppressing the shocking response to Luo Xuan in his heart.

Director Peng continued to speak, "... Instruct us, we must do it?"

pat the mic,

Director Peng turned his head and looked at the PA equipment maintainer standing under the stage: "Why is the microphone silent?"

The staff member was about to jump onto the stage to carry out maintenance.

Unexpectedly, in Director Peng's hands, the microphone that kept beating made a "bang bang bang" sound again.

"All right?"

Director Peng grumbled.

Then he started talking again, "... Instruct us, we must do it? Why are you silent again? Damn it!"

Equipment maintenance personnel, just about to jump onto the stage.

The microphone in Director Peng's hand somehow returned to normal.
".Instruct us, we must have a rough order! Hey, hey, hello? What's the matter, there's no sound again! Rough order!!"

"Boom bang bang-"

Director Peng patted the microphone. It was so, so good!

".Instruct us, we must talk nonsense!!"

"Boom bang bang-"

The microphone returned to normal.

".Teach us, we must make my liver cool!"

Director Peng scolded this swear word.


people around,

Everyone was stupefied,

Everyone fell into a terrible silence.
On stage and off stage, the entire time and space seemed to have come to a standstill.

Director Peng, who didn't know about this, continued to yell angrily, "My liver is cold! What, what's going on?!"

On stage and off stage, there is silence like Silent Hill
"Hey, hey, huh? Are you okay again?"

Director Peng looked left and right at the microphone, as if he wanted to give the research a thorough understanding of this microphone, which was designed to be against him.

"Peng, you don't need to talk about it!"

The deputy team leader sitting on the stage stood up angrily, and slammed the table with a 'bang', "Come on! Take this wolf-hearted guy down!"

"Deputy Team Leader Gu, what do you want to do?"

Director Peng turned his head full of puzzlement, and stared at the deputy team leader Gu, "I'm not dead yet! When will it be your turn to yell here?"

Another deputy group leader waved his hand,
With a sigh in his mouth, "Put it down. There is no need to save it. Alas!"


It wasn't until this moment that Director Peng fully recalled it.
I saw Director Peng, who was blushing and thick-necked because of anxiety, his face was within 0.01 seconds.

Suddenly became as pale as toilet paper!

Countless beads of sweat the size of soybeans trickled down from Director Peng's face and forehead! !
At this time, Director Peng only felt that the sky was thundering, the sky was dark, and the sky was spinning! ! !

At the moment Director Peng was about to pass out.He seemed to have seen Luo Xuan in the crowd under the platform, and waved goodbye to him.

Director Peng staggered a few steps, but finally rolled his eyes and spit at the mouth.

Passed out on stage.
Luo Xuan has a strong mind power, not to mention pulling out and plugging in the microphone plug that is plugged into the power amplifier.

I just want to make Director Peng, who weighs more than 100 kilograms, up and down all over the place, and let him fly freely.

it's not a big deal
But if I really use my mind to make Director Peng embarrassing in public.That big top can only bring him a little physical damage.

This result is not enough to solve the problem.

Since Director Peng is a mixed official, it will completely cut off his future, this is the best policy

Rongwei County is closer to Jiangnei City.

This time,
Now that I have arrived in the county seat.Luo Xuan planned to take a shuttle bus from Rongwei County to Jiangnei City after the director Peng's matter was settled.

The matter of returning home privately.

Luo Xuan is not particularly worried about how serious the consequences will be. The big deal is to continue to be a farmer.

That's it
Since then,

I may have basically completely said goodbye to the opportunity to enter the factory as a worker brother.

It will also make a person's fate in this life fall from the sky to the ground.And his child will lose at the starting line from now on.
After all, there are educational resources, medical resources, and job opportunities in the city.

It is not a poor rural area that can be compared.

not only.

Once from the city, after being sent to the countryside.

Not only the punished himself, but also his descendants.

In the future, people around him, various resources, including his knowledge, circle of friends in life, etc.
The quality will plummet.

Luo Xuan himself is not afraid of being revoked the urban household registration.

But what about Zhang Xiaoli?
I have the protective cover of "urban household registration", and I can resist the severe punishment that will follow.

As for Zhang Xiaoli, she herself has a rural household registration.

Then how could she resist the severe punishment?

(End of this chapter)

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