Chapter 599
There's chaos in the camp!
The crowds were densely packed, and countless laborers were awakened in their sleep, panicking and crawling one by one.

They escaped from their respective rooms and rushed into the yard together.

On the other side of the guards' dormitory, flames are soaring into the sky, and flames are everywhere!
With the help of the bright fireworks, the people in the yard, regardless of men and women, were almost naked.

The top is big, that is, at the key point, there is a piece of cloth behind it.

The incident happened so suddenly that no one was prepared.

The loud noise at the beginning woke up everyone suddenly, and the ground was shaking violently!

Some people think that the sky is thundering.

Some people were ignorant and thought it was the earth dragon turning over.

But along with the loud noise, there were also monstrous flames and billowing smoke!

until this time,

Only the laborers with a little better brains finally realized: Is this an explosion? ! !

Fried. Well fried!

It was unlucky to blow himself up, but it was also a relief.

It would be great if it could blow up a few of those armed guards who did a lot of evil and were full of crimes! !

"Give you the gun."

Luo Xuan threw the m16 he had snatched to Lao Dao, "Save and shoot, there are only 20 bullets in it. If you finish shooting, you have to grab those magazines for armed gatekeepers by yourself."

Lao Dao took the gun, "This gun looks really strange! Hey, why did you shoot?"

Luo Xuan glared at him, "It's all the same! Pull the bolt, three points and one line, aim and shoot."


The dormitories of the guards had already collapsed into ruins.

But one of them is so lucky!
He was bleeding from all seven orifices, and he was struggling crookedly to stand up from the collapsed wall.

The old knife who had just got the gun, aimed at the guy impatiently, and fired without hesitation.

Shoot him straight away!
"You have a good heart and gave him a good time!"

Xiong Ying pouted dissatisfiedly, "That guy, his internal organs have been seriously injured by the shock, how can he survive?

Who told you to shoot at this kind of living dead?What a waste of bullets! "

Xiong Ying's words,

Instead, he reminded Luo Xuan: Xiong Ying, like himself, had to receive militia training since childhood.

Previously, I hadn't thought of this: Xiong Ying also knows how to shoot!

Not only that,

Xiong Ying is no stranger to basic combat skills and battlefield survival skills!

at this time,

The entire camp was like an ant nest thrown into a firecracker.The yard was noisy and messy.

Countless naked male and female laborers are like frightened fire ants: bumping here and swarming there.

It’s also like behind the glass, those blowflies who are forced to rush, slamming and running around
"Bang bang bang-"


There was a lot of gunfire! !
The armed gangsters who were sleeping in the dormitory were caught by the sudden bright fireworks.

They walked together in an instant and sent to the mountain god to accept the confession.

And at the gate of the camp, there are 3 gates.

Among the three sentry boxes, there were six armed bandits.

Because they are far away from the dormitory, there is still a long distance.Therefore, these 6 guys did not have time to accept the baptism of fireworks.

Seeing the crowds in the yard, the laborers have escaped from their respective dormitories.

The six armed bandits stationed at the gate.

Some of them are a little smarter.

Seeing that something was going wrong, he quickly grabbed his gun, let go of his feet and fled outside the gate!
He is planning to escape from this wrong place as soon as possible.
And among his accomplices, there are naturally stupid people.

Seeing that his companion ran away, that guy raised his gun and yelled, "La Jianwei, why are you running? Why don't you hurry up and give these damned piggies to my teeth? ?!!"

"Bang bang bang-"

While yelling, this lifeless guard raised his gun and beat the crowd in the yard, just like a random blow!
far away,

The two guys who had already fled shouted loudly, "My teeth! You bastard, you bastard!
Didn't see the big boss there, is it also a ping-pong-pong?

We're here to get paid, not to play hard!You are stupid, the team that can make such a big commotion, will there be fewer people rushing over? "

There are 4 more armed guards who are busy shooting.

When they heard
Immediately also reacted: Yes!At the back door of the camp, the big boss and the big manager live in their residences.

With so many violent explosions in succession, how can anyone survive?

Even the big boss and the others wouldn't die if they weren't bombed on the spot.

Zhen was also shocked to death!

Now that the boss is dead, then here I am, no matter how hard I work.

Who pays the wages? ?

"Run! If you want to work hard, you have to be paid by someone."

One of the gangsters turned around and ran away with a gun in his hand.

Lao Dao raised his gun: "Bang——"

Among the armed gangsters who turned around and were about to flee, one of them fell to the ground
On the battlefield, life and death are often decided in such an instant.

It's only now that I think of running. It's too late!

At the same time, Luo Xuan also raised the riding rifle in his hand.

"Bang bang bang-"

3 shots knocked down 2 bandits.

There was only the last gangster left, his legs were trembling, and his whole body seemed to be shaking.

Duoduo stood there in a daze. His legs were weak, and he couldn't run.

"kill him!"

Angry laborers, these guards have suffered for a long time!

Seeing this guy standing at the gate, he looked panic-stricken and dazed.Angry workers, "hula la" rushed over
"Go and put away the guns. We'll need them on our way out."

Luo Xuan led Lao Dao and Xiong Ying and ran towards the gate, "Anyone who dares to hide the gun privately and is unwilling to hand it in. Kill him!"

The bandits in the camp have been completely wiped out.

But then, have to face a long escape journey.

The mountains are high and the water is far away.

On the way to escape back to the Celestial Dynasty, he must face many unknown and huge risks.

It would be too strenuous to protect so many people by myself alone!

Since Lao Dao's marksmanship is good and Xiong Ying's tactical quality is not bad, it is equivalent to having two more right-hand assistants by his side.

Why not do it?


All the laborers in the camp had fled.

The formerly noisy camp compound is now quiet, but the originally clean ground has become messy.

——These laborers have been imprisoned for a long time, and they are hungry for everything.But everything you eat, drink, use, and wear.

Nothing, they didn't grab it!

Even the clothes and shoes on the four armed bandits who were beaten to death.

They were all stripped naked by laborers like wolves and tigers.
standing in the yard.

In the hearts of everyone, there was an indescribable and unclear feeling.

He was bullied and suppressed by the inhumane armed bandits in the mine.

The laborers can only eat half full every day, but they have to do heavy physical labor.

But even so,
After a long time, workers who have become familiar with this environment and adapted to this living condition.

On the contrary, in their bones, they are still full of a little attachment to the days in this camp.

And the reason why they,
There is such a feeling, in fact, this is also an excusable thing: just because people are very unwilling to face changes.

Most people are unwilling to face unknown risks and unfamiliar environments.

No matter how difficult it is to survive in the camp.

But those workers who have been here for too long.In their hearts, there will gradually be a slight attachment to this place.

What's more important is that they lost their familiar life in this camp.

Everyone will embark on a long and unknown escape road
That's why they have mixed feelings in their hearts: they want to escape from here.

But there is an inexplicable fear of the unknown in the future
Luo Xuan sighed slightly, "Xiong Ying, have you made up your mind? You really don't want to go back to China with us?"

On Xiong Ying's face, two lines of clear tears flowed down slowly.
"I'm not going back. Back home. Where can I go?"

Xiong Ying burst into tears, "It's not like you don't know, Luo Xuan. With my physical condition and my appearance, what can I do even if I return to China?"

Luo Xuan persuaded her, "Actually, you don't have to think too much, isn't the iron lady popular now?

Then you work hard and strive to be an assaulter or something.If you have reached that point, are you still worried that there will be no admirers chasing you? "

Xiong Ying slowly shook her head, "I can't go back. In Hongxing Commune and Rongwei County, my reputation has been completely ruined."

"Besides, before I was tricked into coming here, I was facing going to the countryside to jump the queue."

"In the end I left without saying goodbye, you know, what kind of problem is this?

This is an act against educated youths jumping in line, this is a problem of escaping from going to the countryside!very serious"

Xiong Ying wiped away her tears, "Since I can no longer go back to the hometown where I was born and raised, then I will treat myself as dead!
I plan to go out and make a fortune. If I can't get ahead, I will never go back to China! "

Luo Xuan's lips moved, knowing that he really couldn't persuade him anymore.

What Xiong Ying said actually makes sense:
For a person like her who escaped, there is nothing good to eat when she goes back.

If you add Yu Guijun, who is determined to kill Xiong Ying.Xiong Ying, who was charged with such a serious crime.

She will never escape, Yu Guijun's clutches
"Luo Xuan, after you return to the mainland, you must be on guard against Yu Guijun."

Xiong Ying wiped away her tears, concentrated on Luo Xuan,

He solemnly instructed, "That person is very addicted to being an official, and he doesn't recognize his relatives, and acts ruthlessly.

Moreover, he has been jealous of you and secretly hated you since he was a child!

You must not provoke him.Dodge as far away as you can, try to dodge as far away as possible. "

Luo Xuan sighed slightly, "I'm afraid I can't escape. In Rongwei County and Hongxing Commune, there are so many people I can't let go of, and I have so many concerns.

I'm afraid that sooner or later, I will have to have a life-and-death confrontation with that fellow Yu Guijun. "

"However, don't worry."

Luo Xuan patted Xiong Ying's broad and thick shoulders, grinning and said, "In terms of fists, he can't beat me. In terms of connections, he is still far behind.

Talk about playing conspiracies and tricks, relying on shouting slogans and occupying the moral high ground.

Just rely on him for this set of things? The 8 Yu Guijun are not tall! "

Xiong Ying laughed, "That's true! You have made arrangements in Rongwei County for so many years in advance. With the strength of Yu Guijun, I really don't have the qualifications to compete with you."

"Or, you and other people in the camp, if there is someone going the same way, you can go together."

Luo Xuan was a little worried about Xiong Ying's personal safety along the way. "After all, we are in a foreign country, and this place is sparsely populated. It will be very dangerous for you to go south all the way."

"Boom bang bang-"

Xiong Ying patted her chest, "Do you think I need to worry about my safety?"

Luo Xuan sighed, "Okay, I still have some antibiotics here, you take some with you. I wish you the best of luck!"

As he spoke, Luo Xuan took out some medicine and a pistol snatched from the guard who was killed.

Give it to Xiong Ying.

Then he took out some green notes and a couple of gold bars.

As Xiong Ying's travel expenses and start-up capital.

"Take care of yourself."

In Xiong Ying's eyes,
Two drops of crystal dripped sadly, "Maybe it will be 10 years? 20 years? Maybe it will be a lifetime. Gone. My old friend!"

"Treasure all the way."

Luo Xuan waved his hand towards Xiong Ying, "When you get there, after you settle down, send me a letter and remember your contact address over there, even if it costs a little more, let someone send it to you in private. I.

Never take the postal service!
When I need your help in the future, I will tell you how to write a few sincere letters to Yu Guijun."

Xiong Ying chuckled, "Don't worry! I will put a lot of seasonings in there to ensure that he has all the ingredients, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and salty."


Xiong Ying was carrying an M16 on his back, a pistol, and green bills and gold bars hidden in his waist.

Resolutely, go south

  Mu Xixi

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(End of this chapter)

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