"Slow down."

Seeing that Luo Xuan was pushing too fast, Yang Che Namu couldn't help dissuading her, "Every time I go to the county town by water.

Halfway, everyone stayed overnight in a fixed 'water guest house'.You are going so fast, we can't reach the county town before dark. "

Hearing this, Luo Xuan thought about it.

I think what Yang Che Namu said makes sense: Even if I hang the lantern in front of the bamboo raft, use a flashlight to illuminate the river, and row to the county seat overnight.

The staff of the county government have already left work.

Then when I arrived at the county seat, I could only sleep in the guest house.

Instead of rushing so desperately, it's better to follow Yang Che Namu's suggestion and take a leisurely punting.

When the sun goes down,

The bamboo raft arrived at the destination and slowly docked under the bamboo building of the "Miaowabang State-run Water Guest House".

This is a not-so-small building on stilts, built near mountains and rivers.

It's simple, but charming.

Especially the golden sunshine, splashing on the sparkling water and resting on the straw roof of the guest house.

The eyes are all golden, very beautiful.

Dock the bamboo raft and fasten the rope.

Yang Che Namu climbed up the wooden ladder extending down from the bamboo building of the guest house very nimbly.

There are no single rooms in this hostel.

A spacious room is divided into two with a bamboo screen, and men and women sleep on the floor separately.

The reason why the guest house does this,

That's because the number of men and women among the passengers passing through the river every day is not fixed.

If there are more female tourists coming on a certain day, the screen will be moved to the side of male customers.

vice versa.

The travelers who live here are not high or low, and there is no level or level.

Everyone sleeps in the same bunk and eats the same meals.

Staying here for one night costs 3 cents and 7 cents per person.

Yang Che Namu paid for the accommodation fee by herself. Anyway, she kept the payment receipt, and she can take it to the accountant when she returns to the commune to approve the reimbursement.

As for meals, prices are set according to the needs of passengers.

Tonight, Luo Xuan ordered glutinous rice chicken and corn rice.

With Yang Che Namu, the two of them ate a total of 3 yuan and 2 cents.

Luo Xuan took the money.

Because Yang Che Namu was on a business trip, she received a fixed travel subsidy for food every day.

If she was asked to pay, Yang Che Namu might have to pay some money for this business trip.

With such a beautiful girl,

There is no reason for Luo Xuan to ask a girl to pay for the meal when two people eat.

After dinner, it was still early.

Luo Xuanbian and Yang Che Namu sat on the steps of the guest house, watching the scenery on the river leisurely.

And the bamboo rafts and boats coming and going.

The breeze is blowing, and the fragrance is pleasant.

Sitting on the sparkling, stilted building watching the scenery, there is a beautiful woman with a fragrance all over her body beside her.

It can't help but make people feel peaceful and comfortable.

"Those Pu Shao are here, be careful of the trouble they make for you."

Yang Che Namu pointed to the river and said, "Luo Xuan, are you afraid? If so, go back to your room and hide."

Luo Xuan asked her back, "Didn't it mean that when Pu Shao fights for a girl here, after the fight, don't they count as old scores?"

"Hehehe, so... you know these rules?"

Yang Che Namu said with a charming smile, "Yes, between the young masters here, if there is an appointment because of a girl, the fight will be over.

After that, it is not allowed to form cliques and seek revenge from each other. "

this area,
There is such a benefit: if it is because of jealousy, the two boys have a fight.

After the fight is over, the matter is over.

But if the feud is due to other things, the two sides can still go back and shake people, and start over again.

"Hey, since you know the rules here. Are you interested in going to the nearby Miaozhai?"

Yang Che Namu poked Luo Xuan with her elbow, and said with a playful smile, "If you're lucky, you might be able to meet those little wooden houses built by the girls outside the village.
You don't need to be crowded with those smelly men in the guest house. "

Luo Xuan shook his head, "Not interested."


Yang Che Namu pouted, "You people from the mainland always talk dishonestly! You are so young and strong, how could you not be interested?"

"Hey, I see, you are sick!"

Yang Che Namu clapped her hands and said with a smile, "Do you want to talk about it? Let me introduce you to a Miao doctor who can check your body for you?"

Luo Xuan glared at her. You are sick!

Get mad, believe it or not. Forget it.

The different pawns here have different ideas and concepts, and they have their own practices and habits in dealing with men and women.

If you don't understand the specific behaviors between them, it's better not to provoke them.

If the unity is accidentally destroyed because of these shit, it will be very bad
Luo Xuan and Yang Che Namu chatted for a while.

When it was dark, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the Datong shop, the young masters who were knocked into the water by themselves before were also sleeping in the room.

When they saw Luo Xuan, they just pretended not to see him, and they didn't come to cause trouble.

Silent all night.

The next day,

Luo Xuan and Yang Che Namu arrived at the pier in Laos County early.

After parking the bamboo rafts, a long-term agreement was signed between the Mengli Commune and the people on the pier who were in charge of taking care of the bamboo rafts.

It is somewhat similar to the nature of "monthly pass" and "annual pass".

So naturally Luo Xuan didn't have to worry about the money for taking care of the bamboo raft.

Arrived at the county government,

Luo Xuan went directly to Lao Li, the deputy county magistrate, and asked about the planting of rubber trees. What kind of supporting documents does the county have?

Deputy county magistrate Li heard that Luo Xuan planned to plant rubber trees.

He couldn't help being overjoyed: "Good! Young people have this kind of idea, very good! The province attaches great importance to the development of the rubber industry.

to this end,

The superiors have also specially held several special meetings.Encourage everyone to use barren mountains and wasteland to plant rubber on a large scale. "

Lao Li immediately asked his assistant to call the person in charge of the Forestry Bureau.

In his office, in front of Lao Li, I asked the person in charge to introduce the specific support measures to Luo Xuan.

The person in charge of the Forestry Bureau said, "In our province, a subsidy of 2 cents and 7 cents will be given for planting a rubber tree.

At the same time, our Lao County, in order to encourage the communes and production brigades under our jurisdiction, actively planted rubber trees.

The county finance will also provide an additional subsidy of 8 cents per tree.In addition, as far as I know, your Mengli Commune also has a subsidy of 5 cents. "

Luo Xuan asked, "Leader, that is to say, the province, county, and commune are subsidized.

Our production team can get a total of 4 cents as a subsidy for every rubber tree planted, right? "

The person in charge of the Forestry Bureau nodded, "That's right. However, these subsidies are not allocated all at once."

"It's your production team. After the planting base is leveled out, you will be subsidized for 1 cents first. After the rubber trees are planted, you will be allocated a subsidy of 2 cents."

The person in charge of the forestry bureau explained, "After the rubber tree survives and passes the inspection of the county and the commune, it will be subsidized another 6 cents."

"As for the last 1 cents, it will be allocated in one go only after the rubber trees start tapping."

The person in charge said: "In every link, the superior will send people to your production team for on-site inspection.

If a certain link is unqualified, a rectification order will be issued. "

After listening to the introduction, Luo Xuan couldn't help pondering.

According to the construction progress of the rubber plantation, it is not a problem to pay.

But the final subsidy of 1 cents can only be obtained after 7 years?

Those who have dealt with the commune and the county government all know...the final payment, I'm afraid...hehe.

Isn't this equivalent to hitting an IOU? !

Comrade in charge of the Forestry Bureau, while explaining the official book of support to Luo Xuan.

Lao Li has been by the side, carefully watching Luo Xuan's reaction and the change of Luo Xuan's expression.

at this time,

Seeing that Luo Xuan was silent, Lao Li asked, "What's the matter? Comrade Luo Xuan, what concerns do you have?
If you have any ideas, you can speak up boldly.Let's discuss it together and see how to solve it! "

Luo Xuan thought about it.

He asked Deputy County Magistrate Li, "Leader, you already know that our Laku production team is poor! The poor 8- and 9-year-old children have nothing but their buttocks. The poor ones don't even wear trousers. "

Lao Li waved his hand, "Stop talking nonsense! They don't like to wear rockers, cough cough cough, you are trying to say that your production team has no original funds.

Is it used to buy saplings and organize members to level the land? "

Luo Xuan gave a thumbs up, "I still lead you to see the essence through the appearance.

Or lead you to look at the problem with more depth and breadth.All of a sudden, you can grasp the essence of the matter. "

Old Li glared at Luo Xuan, "You are so young, where did you learn so much sycophancy?"

"How about this, I'll find other responsible comrades in the county to discuss it together and see how to solve this matter?"

Lao Li said, "If it really doesn't work, why don't you first allocate some start-up funds to your production team financially?
Tell me first, how many rubber trees are you going to plant in your production team?Come up with a specific plan. "

Lao Li kept saying that Luo Xuan's plan to plant rubber trees was a collective act of the Laku production team.

In fact, he has a thorough understanding of the county and the specific situation.

How could Lao Li not know that planting rubber trees was Luo Xuan's personal business using the mountain he was assigned?

However, this is not the key.

The crux of the problem is: provinces, cities, and counties are all making great efforts to encourage everyone to plant rubber trees.

It is good to provide sufficient raw materials for the country's industrial construction.

In open-minded areas, the land of those production teams is already relatively tight.

There is not enough food to grow, so how can there be extra land for planting rubber trees?

In the vast deep mountains and old forests, the land is sparsely populated, and there are many unused barren slopes and wasteland.

But the members of the production team over there, when they are full, like to lie flat in the sun, catch fleas on their bodies, and lice on their heads.

Who has the time and effort to plant rubber trees?

Although the county government of Laos attaches great importance to the development of rubber plantation, it has achieved little success.

As a result, the planting tasks assigned by the superiors to Laos County have not been completed so far.


Now it's hard, a guy jumped out and wanted to take the lead in planting rubber trees.

Regardless of the scale of Luoxuan planting,
As long as Luo Xuan reclaims the rubber plantation, he can set an example!
Is it okay not to pay attention to it? !

Luo Xuan handed the plan written by himself to Deputy County Magistrate Li.

Lao Li took a look and couldn't help but gasp!
Good guy!
Old Li raised his head slowly, staring at Luo Xuan quietly: boy, are you Luo Ritian?
Or Luo cowhide?

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