Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 546 Distress in the Mountains and Forests

In the open space in front of the house, it was empty.

Luo Xuan is going to dig a small fishpond, and later get some fish to raise in it. If he wants to eat fish, he can fish it. This is quite convenient.

It's just that there is no need to worry about this matter, wait until you are free, and then do it slowly.

In the stockade, he and Zhang Xiaoli were also divided into half a hill.

Up to now, Luo Xuan has never cared about going up to his own mountain to see such a thing.

This is different from the mainland.

On the surface, this is still a commune, production brigade, and production team. This is the division of administrative management levels.

The people in the village should also be called "production team members".

But in fact, the land in the stockade is said to be collective, but it is actually allotted to private individuals, who cultivate it alone.


They don't have to pay public grain, so they don't even count as "land contracting".

The people in the village are all self-cultivated and self-sufficient.

This is very different from the mainland's land policy.

If it is in the interior, there is no division of land, and everyone works together.

At the end of the year, according to the work points, go to the production team to settle the settlement and distribute the money.

The food for members of the inland members is the fixed ration given by the production team according to the policy.

It's just that when the food is distributed, the members need to make up a little difference to the production team.

It's like those people with urban household registration, those who eat residents' grain, when they carry bags to the grain station to buy grain.

In addition to showing the "Certificate of Grain Supply to the Urban Population" to the grain station, every catty of grain has to be supplemented by the grain gap.

People here,

It's too lazy, too loose!
If collective labor is implemented, even if the production team leader yells his throat, it is estimated that he will not be able to gather a few members in a day to go up the mountain to work.

Just like the members of the inland production team, if anyone is unwilling to go to the fields to work, the worst thing is that they will not get work points.

If the members in the mainland do not have work points, they will not be able to live.

But among the mountain people here, who cares about that little work?
Put on the shotgun, put on the waist knife and drill up the mountain.

If you are lucky, if you catch a wild boar weighing 6 to 70 catties, you will have enough food for 3 to 5 days.

Or a family, go up the mountain to collect a large bag of wild chestnuts. Is this not as good as going to work in a group, and gain more?
If anyone dares to force them to work, believe it or not, these people have many tricks and far-fetched reasons for being lazy.

Can you make people jump?
If you push them into a hurry again, each of them will carry a long firecracker for you, and they will keep loading powder and iron sand there.

Then unload, repeat and reload gunpowder.

He even turned towards the sky when he had nothing to do, and suddenly shot a gun. If he couldn't hit anyone, he would be so scary!

So after a long time, the captain of the production team here is not willing to go to work because he loves to work!

it's here,
Most of other people's hills are used to raise cattle.There are not many villagers who burn it down and turn it into slope land, and then plant upland rice.

this day,
Luo Xuan wanted to go up the mountain to have a look.

It just so happened that Najudy also wanted to go up the mountain to play.

This girl is young and very playful.

But she is the most diligent among all the girls.

She asked, "Luo Xuan, do you want to go up the mountain to touch crabs?"

Luo Xuan asked her back, "Shouldn't you jump into the stream to catch crabs? Why are you still running up the mountain instead?"

Na Mu giggled, "There are crabs in the river, but not on the mountain? Let's go, let's go catch some crabs, and have fun with grilling crabs and drinking rice wine at night."

Nali and Namu have been working with Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli these days.

They are also a little bit more diligent than before: this is mainly because Na Mu and Na Li saw the two acres of land Luo Xuan sorted out.

It is flat and neat, and the grooves are regular.

The irrigation canals and drainage ditches are neat and tidy, making people feel comfortable and full of hope for a good harvest.

Looking at that piece of land full of hope.

As long as people who have participated in labor, they will feel a sense of accomplishment in their hearts, which is very comfortable.

Nali said, "There are very few crabs in the river, let's go up the mountain with more crabs! Go up the mountain and play."

Luo Xuan asked Zhang Xiaoli if she would go?
Zhang Xiaoli shook her head, "I'm a little scared of grabbing those claws. I won't go. I'll just stay at home and make shoes."

In order to encourage Na Mu and Na Li, they will work harder in the future.

In the past few days, Zhang Xiaoli has been taking the time to collect the soles of her shoes, preparing to make a few pairs of cloth slippers as prizes for them.

People here,

Usually all bare feet.

That is to say, when there is a wedding or funeral in someone's family, they will go under the bed board and dig out the rotten cloth shoes and leather slippers that they don't know which year they left behind.

Other than that,

Throughout the year, everyone basically runs around with bare feet.

There are 5 girls who went to play on the mountain today: Na Mu, Na Li, and Na Zhudi.

There are two other old girls who are dark and not lost: Nami and Naxigu.

The journey up the mountain is very long, and there are many accidents on the road, so when can I come back?
This time cannot be predicted accurately.

Just in case,

Luo Xuan put some rice, salt, and chili noodles in his satchel.

In the deep mountains and old forests, there are many unexpected situations, so Luo Xuan even prepared two first aid kits.

Then he carried the machete.

Zha Nu, the production team leader on his back, redistributed his firecrackers, and followed Na Mu and the others out the door.

Walked for about 7 or 8 miles.

Nali pointed to a tree-lined and bushy hill in front of her and said, "This is the hill that was assigned to you in the village."

Luo Xuan looked up, and couldn't help feeling slightly surprised, "So big?"

"Hehehe, this mountain is not too big."

Nali giggled, "If you want to burn wasteland and cultivate land, it's best to be at the foot of the mountain, so I'll show you the approximate location of the half of the mountain that belongs to you.

After we get into the mountains and forests, you won't be able to tell where it is, it belongs to you. "

In this mountain, Lin Shen doesn't know where he is.

What Na Li said made sense: it is not easy to distinguish the north, south, east, and west when you really get into the dense forest.

Who can know which piece, which piece belongs to this half of the mountain?

The mountain is huge.

Luo Xuan reckoned that if the pit was dug out, there would be at least several hundred acres of land.

With such a big place, how can I make good use of it?

The place is so big,
And it is so difficult to hire people to work in this area.

Looking at such a huge mountain, even Luo Xuan was not only a little bit worried, it was too much, it turned out to be a kind of pain!

No wonder people here don't have the concept of intensive farming when farming.

With so much land, how did you manage to cultivate it intensively?

Don't talk about farming hard, even if it is extensive farming, they are not willing.

The wild trees and bamboo forests all over the mountains and plains completely occupy the hillside without any gaps.

Large tracts of mountain forests have become a place for members of the village to gather wild fruits, dig wild vegetables, chop firewood and hunt.

High mountains and dense forests, jagged rocks.

Namu was the most courageous, leading everyone along the stream at the foot of the mountain, and started touching crabs and looking for wild mushrooms.

This kind of mountain seeps water, and the water flow is not large.

Under the rocks washed out by the floods in the rainy season, there are often some small crabs hidden.

This kind of mountain crab is very small, and one of them may not weigh more than one or two.

There is only a shell but no meat, and I don’t know what is delicious about it?
But for this kind of small crab, Na Mu and Na Li can jump up and down excitedly whenever they catch one: "Hahaha, I caught one!"

"I caught one too! Tonight, there are crabs to eat."

When Luo Xuan followed Na Mu and the others, they meandered up the stream.

At this time, the woods became more and more luxuriant, covering the sky and the sun, and it was extremely dark.

while walking,

Na Mu, who was at the front, exclaimed, "There is a four-legged snake! Come and help catch it!"


A stone, slammed like that lizard.

This kind of four-legged snake is not big in size, it looks like two or three. It moves very quickly and is difficult to catch.

Moreover, it has hard scales on its body, so it is difficult to kill it with a bamboo stick.

"Boom bang bang-"

Nali, Najudi and a gang of girls picked up rocks and smashed them!

There are so many people,

For a while, rocks fell like rain.

The vigorous four-legged snake wandered among dead branches and fallen leaves, and chaotic rocks.

How can it be so easy to hit it?

Luo Xuan raised his thoughts and made the four-legged snake, which was fleeing in panic, stop for a while.

Just at the body of the four-legged snake, it was slightly slow for a moment.

The stone in Nali's hand hit it accurately.

"Hahaha, I got it!"

Na Zhudi was very excited, went up and grabbed the four-legged snake and giggled, "Everyone, look around and see if there are any four-legged snakes?"

Luo Xuan asked Na Li, "Are you going to take this kind of thing to the commune's purchasing station and sell it for money?"

Nali shook her head, "This is for simmering.

Who would sell such a four-legged snake at the buying station for only 1 cents? "

How much money do you think you can sell a four-legged snake?
Luo Xuan looked around,

I saw a few four-legged snakes swimming among the dead branches and leaves in the distance.

If you think about it in the way of mainlanders, 1 cents is not a small sum of money.

Since one can't sell for much money, then grab more, and the accumulation of less will make more!
Anyway, after spreading this kind of four-legged snake with bamboo branches and drying it in the sun, there is no problem in keeping it for a year or two.

People here, their awareness of money concepts is very weak.There is no long-term plan that accumulates more.

Along the way, the mountain crabs caught half of the bamboo baskets, while the four-legged snakes only caught three.

The more you go up the mountain,
The visibility in the woods is even lower.

Suddenly Luo Xuan felt in his heart, an ominous premonition gushed out all of a sudden!
Scalp tingling, heart beating fast.
What's the danger here? ?

The ground trembled slightly and the bushes undulated.
"Gong Gong Gong—"

The cry was deep and deep, and one could tell it was that kind of big wild boar!
When Luo Xuan was in shock, he heard "bang bang bang—" three gunshots in succession!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Iron sand flying across, Mu Xiao leaves dancing.

"not good!"

Luo Xuan snatched Nali who was closest to him in that brief moment before the gunshot sounded.

All of a sudden, he rolled down the hillside.

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