Follow behind Lao Min.

That young woman, about 24, looks like 5 years old.

The facial features are exquisite and attractive, and she is petite and exquisite.

The convex is convex, and the concave is concave.

And the other one, the girl who followed the woman.

Looking at her eyebrows, she seems to be somewhat similar to this woman.

There was also a little boy who seemed to be the young woman's brother. Or a son?

People here get married early, which can shock people's jaws.

So whether this little boy is her brother or her son, if you don't ask clearly,

It's really hard to guess.

Lao Min raised his hand far away to say hello, "Luo Xuan, do you want a wife? No bride price, just take care of food and housing."

"Old Min, where are you going to get back so many things?"

Luo Xuan pointed to the pots, pans, bedding and clothes Lao Min was carrying.

Full of surprise, he asked, "You are not abducted women and children, are you planning to abscond and go back to the mainland?"

Lao Min pouted, "That volume! Seeing me walking so hard, I was sweating profusely. Luo Xuan, you don't know how to come and help me, and you still stand there and make sarcastic remarks?"

put something down,

Lao Min wiped his sweat,
Pointing to the petite and beautiful woman, he introduced, "This is Hanzhu, from now on you have to call her sister-in-law."

"The younger girl is Miao Meisha, she is your sister-in-law's younger sister.

You. You can call her whatever you like!If you want, the two of us can do the burden. "

Old Min introduced the little boy, "This is my new son, and his Chinese name will be Min Buhui from now on."

This name is taken!
Lao Min is implying that he won't reply?
He can't go back anyway
Still do not regret?

Does Lao Min mean that he doesn't regret spending the rest of his life in this remote mountain forest?

Marry a wife and send a cheap son.

And with a beautiful sister-in-law?
Luo Xuan's eyes widened in surprise, "Buy one get two free?"

"That's right! Add a lot of hair, and I'm happy."

Old Min laughed loudly, "We only care about harvesting grain, and don't care about planting seeds. How about it, isn't Allah a good one?"

Old Min didn't care about it, so that Hanzhu remarried with his younger sister and son.

As a bystander, it is naturally not suitable for me to gossip about Lao Min.

Luo Xuan asked him, "It would be nice to bring my younger sister and dowry here. But can so many people live in your kennel?"

Lao Min shook his head disapprovingly, "What's the point? Just follow your example and build a few houses."

It doesn't cost much to rebuild the house.

But it costs food.

Lao Min's one-month ration is only 28 catties.

Just like this, Lao Min had to take half of it out to help that disabled girl named Emily.

I don't know where Lao Min got the confidence to add so many people all at once?

The people here are very easy to feed.

If the food at home is not enough to eat, then go up the mountain to dig wild vegetables and wild cassava.

Collect chestnuts, wild fruits, etc., and just pick up dried fruits when you come back.

Now that Lao Min dares to bring people home, he probably has his considerations.

Since Lao Min couldn't go back to the Shanghai stock market, and he was not too young, he couldn't keep going to other villages every night.

Drill into the small huts used by those big girls for blind dates?

This is the equivalent of dew, occasionally used to quench thirst.

It is possible.

But if you want to feel more at ease in your heart, it is better to keep a water tank at home, which is serious.

"Stop talking, let's go in and eat."

Luo Xuan greeted Hanzhu and Miao Meisha to have dinner together, "From now on, we will be neighbors who help each other.

You have traveled such a long distance today, I am afraid that you are already starving, right?Come on, come to my house and eat something. "

Sisters Hanzhu and Miao Meisha,
They are completely different from Namu and Nali, they are two more polite people.

I heard Luo Xuan greet them for dinner.

Hanzhu just blinked her long eyelashes and turned her head to look at Lao Min.

Instead of making good claims, he followed Luo Xuan into the house.

Old Min chuckled, "Luo Xuan and I are brothers. You don't have to be so polite, let's go! Go eat. Huhu, it smells so good!"

If two small native chickens are to feed so many people.

In fact, it is far from enough to eat.

It's just Na Mu and Na Li, including Hanzhu and Miao Meisha brought by Lao Min.

It seems that there are too many dishes and few dishes, and I don't care too much.

If the dishes are rich, they will eat more.

If there is really not enough food for dinner, Najudi, Nali and the others will mix chili noodles with salt.

Dip a little more salt on top.

In this way, even if there is only a small piece of chicken, Na Mu and the others can eat a pot of rice.

while eating,
Both Na Mu and Na Li grabbed it with their hands.

And Hanzhu and Miao Meisha, including the little boy they brought over, are the same as Luo Xuan and Lao Min.

I use chopsticks to eat.

Zhang Xiaoli asked Lao Min, "It seems that Hanzhu and Namu are from the same clan?"

Lao Min shook his head, "No. Hanzhu's hometown is on the other side of the river, and they belong to Miaozu."

Luo Xuan frowned, "That means, they don't have registered permanent residence now? In this way, what will you do when your family Min Buhui wants to go to school?"

Old Min chuckled, "What does the hukou matter? It's not an urban hukou for residents to eat.

Going to school is easy, and I can teach him how to read at home.And you see how many young masters in the village will actively go to school?
Besides, isn't there still you and me here?Can't we teach this doll? "

Old Min smiled slightly, "Hanzhu and the others are young men who attach great importance to education.

So, in the future, Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli, you have to bother to use more snacks to help me teach this child. "

Luo Xuan complained, "You are old in the Three Realms yourself. You raise and teach your own children."

Lao Min sighed, "I will be under a lot of pressure in the future! I have to go out to find food every day, so it is inevitable that there will be places that cannot be educated.

Luo Xuan, you have a good brain, and Zhang Xiaoli is very patient, so I will count on you in the future! "

Said Lao Min stood up,

He bowed deeply to Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli, "I'm causing you trouble."

The old Min in front of him has already talked about this.

So what else can be done?

Sometimes, when it rains all day long, take the time to teach Min Buhui cultural knowledge!

Anyway, teaching children on rainy days is also idle.

After eating,
Na Mu, Na Li and the others went to Luo Xuan's bamboo bed again, laughing and playing.

But Hanzhu and her younger sister Miao Meisha rolled up their sleeves and took the initiative to help tidy up the stone platform, wash pots and dishes, and clean up.


Their humble personal cultivation and living habits are indeed similar to those of the girls on the Lakuu production team.

Very different.

Lao Min once said that the people on Miaozu's side had more advanced ideas.

When people do things, they have more plans.

Therefore, the standard of living there is generally better than that of the people in the Laku production team.

It's much higher.

It seems that this has a lot to do with their emphasis on education and their ability to improve their self-cultivation and quality.

Drinking the same river, and holding the same sky.

On the same piece of land, two different groups of people live, the reason why there is such a big gap in living standards between them.

In the final analysis, it is still a gap in ideological cognition.

Recognized this.

Luo Xuan felt that he could change the confidence of this group of people and their ideas.

And a little more.

After eating, Luo Xuan couldn't take a rest.

Then he rolled up his trouser legs and started weeding the wasteland behind the thatched cottage.

This piece of land is about two acres.

Luo Xuan wanted to reclaim it, and use half of it to grow vegetables in the future; and the other half to grow some corn, sweet potatoes and so on.

People here,

There is not much habit of reclaiming land for cooking.

Their year-round vegetables mainly rely on the mountains to collect wild vegetables and wild fruits.
Dig bamboo shoots and pickle sour bamboo shoots.

People who are a little bit more diligent will also plant a little bit of beans or pumpkins in their own wasteland.

These are relatively simple, hassle-free vegetables.

But they generally have a habit of growing vegetables: lazy to grow and lazy to harvest.

The seedlings were neither fertilized nor weeded.Not to mention catching insects and loosening soil for vegetables.

Anyway, as long as the seeds are thrown into the ground, they will be left alone, and how much can be received in the end.

No matter how much.

This approach is very incomprehensible.

But for thousands of years, people have been living in this way, and no one will take them
"Your name is Luo Xuan, right?"

The two sisters of Meisha, a seedling with pearls, helped to clean the pots and bowls at home.

Luo Xuan's house was cleaned again inside and out.

The two sisters, one after the other, came to Zhang Xiaoli and Luo Xuan who were busy.

He said softly: "Originally, we should have come to help you weed and cut down bushes.

But we don't have a place to sleep tonight.So we have to go over there first and get busy building the house.

I'm really... a little sorry for not being of any help to you. "

Luo Xuan said with a smile, "It's okay! Go ahead and do your work first. This old Min is really serious. He didn't fix the nest first, so he brought you here in a hurry."

Zhang Xiaoli blinked at Luo Xuan, "Why don't you help them build a house first?

After all, they have to find a place to sleep tonight. "

Luo Xuan shook his head, "Wait for a while, after I have cut down all the thicker bushes, I will go over and help them cut bamboo and make a bamboo fence."

Although Zhang Xiaoli has great strength, she is a big girl after all.

How could she be allowed to do a job like cutting bushes?
If you are not careful,
Zhang Xiaoli's face was cut by thorns, or her soft air sac was stabbed. How distressing is that?
Hanzhu, Miao Meisha, and Lao Min are not outsiders.

But in any case, they are not as important as Zhang Xiaoli to themselves.

There is a priority in everything; whoever should help is divided into relatives and estrangements.

This must be clarified.

People who are better to outsiders than to family members are absolutely unreliable!

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