Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 540: The Dance Is Beautiful Without Hot Feet

What Lao Dao said is an understatement.

When Lao Min heard this, he was overjoyed!
He turned his head to look at Luo Xuan, and said in a low voice, "It's done! With Lao Dao's words, everything will be easy to handle.

In the future, when you are in this village, no one will bully you; no one will dare to come to your door to provoke you for no reason. "

Luo Xuan was a little puzzled.

Old Min chuckled, "People here are not good at expressing themselves. Lao Dao has been on airs for a long time. He is usually very seldom open to praise others.

When you are satisfied, you can't see him smiling.When Lao Dao wants to deal with people, you can't see him getting angry. "

Lao Min pulled Luo Xuan up and left, "Go back, you will know after staying here for a long time. Lao Dao is such a dick."

Luo Xuan nodded.

Then he waved his hand to say goodbye to Lao Dao.

When he got home, Luo Xuan didn't care about rest.

I hurried to work overtime and prepared to make two bamboo beds.

Na Mu and the others have dealt with bamboo since childhood, and their use of bamboo has developed to the point of proficiency.

kitchen roof,
They can make a perfect roof without a tile or a straw, and all of them use bamboo.

I saw Na Mu cutting it in half.

Then knock off the bamboo knots inside the bamboo to make two concave and convex bamboo tubes.

Just like two halves of PVC pipes, buckle the front and back of the bamboo tubes together, just like that.

This kind of roof made of bamboo can achieve excellent effects of preventing rain and moisture.

just not very durable,

After 2 or 3 years, the roof needs to be taken down and remade with bamboo.

It takes less than an hour for Na Mu and Na Li to make two simple bamboo beds.

These girls are so playful.

Just after finishing a bamboo bed, and whoever said something, a large group of girls lay on the bamboo bed and began to laugh and fight.

He didn't even do any work.

If they were from the Mainland, others would think that Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli had no place to sleep at night.

I will definitely finish the work first and then talk about it.

But these girls, they have no concept of time, let alone a sense of urgency.

No bed, no bed!

Get a piece of bamboo fence and put it on the ground, and then bring a bundle of straw, and you can make do with it overnight.

What's the hurry?
Luo Xuan took out a small round mirror, raised his hand and asked them, "Which one of you wants this mirror?"

Najudy is quick,
I snatched it up to take a photo, and then exclaimed, "Wow, this thing is good! You can see it really clearly. It's much better than combing your hair in the river."

Seeing this, several other girls gathered around and rushed to see it.

Na Mu said, "I want it! Give me this mirror!"

"I also want!"

Nali also asked for it, "The last time I went to the Mengli Commune to go to the market, I saw this thing in the store that sold a lot of goods. But it was too expensive, and I didn't have the money to buy it."

Nahwa wants it too, and Nami wants it too.
For a time,

In the house, you scrambled for each other, and each side refused to give in.

Fighting and fighting, there are more wolves and less meat, a group of girls are at a stalemate.

They all looked at Luo Xuan, "Luo Xuan! Give me this mirror. Don't worry, I will come to help you with work tomorrow. How about it?"

"Give it to me Luo Xuan, I want it! Don't tell me, come back tomorrow to help you work, and I can help you work tonight."

"Think beautifully!"

Na Mu pouted, "Give it to me Luo Xuan, we met first, and our relationship is the best, right?"

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, "There is only one side of the mirror. Discuss with yourselves, who will you see it for?"

The girls in the room started chattering again, discussing who is qualified to get this mirror?

Luo Xuan ignored it, what was the result of their discussion?Turn around and go out to help Zhang Xiaoli with the bamboo fence.

As long as they are greedy, as long as there is a disagreement between Na Mu and the others.

After these girls,
Sooner or later, there will be ideological divisions because of material things.

Although the round mirror is small, it has a great effect.

But it is the wedge in the heart of this group of girls. Luo Xuan believes that it doesn't matter if it's Na Mu or Na Li.

Sooner or later, they will gradually develop a sense of competition and the concept of private property.
Teach them, you have to take your time.

Little by little, change their thinking habits and work style.

Such a small round mirror is sold at 2 yuan and 9 cents in the store of the supply and marketing cooperative.

For such a small amount of money, most of the girls in the village would not be able to afford it.


Even if they go to the boundary river, help cut rubber, or plant rice for others, and get some wages.

These girls would not hesitate to go to the commune while they were going to the market, and spend money to buy a few bowls of rice noodles, deep-fried dumplings and other things to eat.

save money?

They basically don't have that habit.

And girls like Na Mu usually have greedy mouths.

Even if she had some money in her pocket, most of it would be used to buy something to eat.

Buying property for the family?
Most of them would not do this kind of thing.

Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli were busy building a fence outside the house.

A large group of girls came, chattering in the room, with red faces and thick necks.

Discussing the ownership of this mirror.

Wait until dinner time.

Na Mu grabbed the rice with her hands and sent it to her mouth.

At the same time, he said, "Luo Xuan, we have discussed it, and we will come to help you with work tomorrow.

At night, you judge who works the hardest and does the most work.At that time, who will this mirror belong to. "

For this, Lao Min,

I was a little surprised: "Yo, Na Mu, have you changed your sex today? You also know how to work in exchange for things.

That's right!Look at those girls in Miaozu village next door. "

Lao Min smiled and said, "People usually make sour bamboo shoots, go to the mountains to collect Chinese herbal medicines, Miao medicines, and make ethnic backpacks to sell.

Do you believe that the girls in their village have a lot of private money? "

Nali said to Old Min, "So what if they have money? They put it in their purse and don't spend it.

If you get married in the future, isn't it just a waste of money for others? "

On the border of Laos County, there is no such thing as bride price.

When the girls here get married, not only do they not receive the dowry, but their natal family even pays them a cow.

A pig has to be killed for the wedding.

So Nali felt:

Not to mention those who are sticking to pigs and cows at the same time, in the end they have to bring the private money they saved to the man.

Therefore, Nali and the others thought that it was a huge loss for the Miaozu girl next door to do that.

This has led to Na Mu, Na Li and the others not wanting to save private money at all
How tiring it is to work hard and save money!How can it be comfortable to play every day?

Lao Min saw that he couldn't enlighten them, so he stopped pushing.

But for the concept of saving money, they can be gradually cultivated in the future.

But today, a small makeup mirror can make Na Mu and Na Li willing to work for it.

This harvest is not bad!

at least,

They also know how to use their labor to get the reward they want?

It seems that

It is not so difficult to train this group of girls well.

As long as they are stimulated enough,

I believe that Na Mu and the others have the lazy and muddled thoughts of the past.

Soon, there will be a big change.

After dinner that night, Lao Min threw the bowl away.I was ready to go out and send warmth to other villages.

Luo Xuan asked him, "You always wholesale hats outside like this, are you afraid that one day someone will come to your door and settle accounts with you?"

Old Min chuckled, "Last time, last time!"

Luo Xuan snorted, "Yesterday was also the last time I said it."

"It's really the last time. If you become famous, I will get married."

Old Min said haha,

Wanting to fool around, "You don't know, I've actually already taken a fancy to a widow. If you can really make something out of it after a while.

I will take her back.

By that time, I will be busy planting my own land!Why do you still have time to spare, go out every day to help others plow the land? "

Luo Xuan said strangely, "Old Min, you are so strange. I am famous for my work here, and there is a half-money relationship between marrying you?"

"It's related, of course it's related."

Old Min laughed and ran away, "If you make a name for yourself here, I will marry a wife and come back to live a better life. Only in that way can I support her, right?"

As he said that, Lao Min had already run far away.

After everyone finished eating, Zhang Xiaoli took care of washing the dishes by herself.

Na Mu, Na Li and the others did not have the habit of washing the dishes after eating.

They all wait until the second meal to wash the dishes temporarily.

——And you still need to use a few bowls, just wash a few bowls.

If there were many dirty bowls left over last time, wait until the next time, even if the leftovers in these bowls are hairy.

They also don't know how to do it, wash it
There are also many small problems in life like these, Na Mu and the others have many problems.

It's unbelievable and unbearable.

But these are little things.

Luo Xuan's current mind doesn't care about these aspects.

That night,

Na Li and Na Zhudi wanted to stay overnight at Luo Xuan's place, saying that they wanted Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli to share the same bed.

The few of them slept in another room.

But Luo Xuan was very resolute and refused: In this respect, we must not let them get used to it from the very beginning!
if not,

From now on, Nali and the others will often come here to stay overnight, making people feel uneasy.


Nali and the others were helpless, so they had to return angrily.

Early the next morning, the sun had just climbed halfway up the mountain.

The dancers in the village,

So he took two assistants and carried a wooden sculpture to Luo Xuan's courtyard.

Set up the mountain god,

The dancer asked his assistant to kill the chicken, and was about to start doing things.

The blood of the chicken is sprinkled on the hot soil, and the feathers of the chicken are stained on the bamboo door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

A dancer who wears a messy cloak and a top of his head decorated with many colorful feathers.

There were bursts of spells and strange screams from his mouth, but people couldn't understand half of them anyway.

singing and singing

I don't know if it was an epileptic seizure or the upper body of the mountain god.

Anyway, after a while, the dancer was foaming at the mouth, and his whole body began to twitch.

at this time,

Na Mu and the others who came to help with work also came one after another.

Maybe a dancer,
He saw that there were more people.As a result, his epilepsy became more severe!
"Boom boom boom——"


Two assistants, one with gongs and one with drums.

The rhythm became more and more intense, high-pitched and excited.

"Wow, wow, milu, cluck, gurgling, Humani—"

While the dancer was chanting the mantra, he was bouncing vigorously, which seemed to be quite rhythmic.

It is far less than the "hot foot dance" of others, it dances beautifully

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