Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 537 Crisis in the Deep Forest 4 Volts

Na Mu and the others are working today,

The condition is better than yesterday: After all, yesterday when they went out to cut bamboo, they would dig bamboo shoots, catch stick insects and bamboo maggots along the way.

Dig out a field mouse hole or something.

But today's work is on the construction site where the house is being built, so there is no way I can't go there.

So Na Mu and Na Li paid more attention to their work.

In addition to Zhang Xiaoli and Lao Min, they are all working non-stop.This also made the 10 or so girls feel ashamed to be as distracted as they were yesterday.

"Hey~Na Li, now the head of the village wants Luo Xuan to hand over a wild boar."

Na Mu asked Na Li, "How could he, a person from the mainland, catch wild boars? And it was within three days. This is simply impossible!"

Nali giggled, "Then what do you say?"

Na Mu said, "Then why don't we go up the mountain with a shotgun and bring back a wild boar for Luo Xuan?"

"You want to be punished to kneel at the gate of the village and apologize to the mountain god?"

Nali was startled, "The hunting on the mountain is a man's business. If we women get involved, what will happen if we offend the mountain god?"

Na Mu pouted, "I don't know who made the rules, hunting in the mountains can only be done by men.

We women can only go up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots and gather wild vegetables and fruits."

Nali chuckled, "This is the rule set by our ancestors. For thousands of years, isn't this how our ancestors have lived?"

"Hey, if Luo Xuan can't get the wild boar back, then this house will also have to be demolished."

Na Mu just lay down on the ground like that, "It's not covered! What a fart to cover it, I don't know if it's covered, whether it will be able to live in the end."

Nali turned her head,

He said to Lao Min, "Old Min, you are a man, why don't you help Luo Xuan hunt wild boars?"

Lao Min shook his head, "Luo Xuan won't let me get involved in this matter. Besides, look at me with thin arms and legs.

Should I hunt wild boars, or deliver food to wild boars? "

Wild boars are omnivores, but they also eat meat.

Sometimes, the children in the stockade play boldly and go to the deep mountains and old forests alone.

The thing that was finally eaten by a wild boar also happened.

Lao Min, who is not active in limbs, has never gone hunting in the deep mountains, because he knows that in the mountains, except for the beasts such as blind bears, wild leopards, elephants, and bobcats, which can hurt people.

Like wild boars, or even monkeys.

All are likely to attack humans and cause serious consequences to humans.

"It's useless!"

Na Mu pouted, "Old Min, you are useless, you are not a man."

Old Min chuckled, "Whether I'm a man or not is up to you. It's up to the girls from other nearby villages to comment."

"Don't worry. Luo Xuan is not that simple."

Old Min smiled and said, "From the moment he opened his mouth and bargained with the head of the village, I knew that this guy was absolutely sure that he could do it.

If it doesn't work, he can still spend money to buy a pig back, just make up the number!

It's just a formality, do you really think that the mountain god will eat those pork?God's mansion is responsible for the blame, where do mortals eat meat, don't they all do it like this? "

"It's possible to buy a pig, but how much will it cost?"

Na Li pouted, "Why don't you go home and steal that pig from your family, Na Mu, and ask Luo Xuan to borrow it first?

Let's deal with this matter first and then talk about it.After he raises the pigs, he will pay you back. "

The people in the village are very poor.

How poor is it?Nali is 19 years old this year.

But in the past 19 years, the money in her pocket has never exceeded 10 yuan.

Na Mu is a little bit better.

Sometimes, she would go back to the boundary river to help cut some rubber, plant rice seedlings and harvest rice.

When doing these jobs, Na Mu is always paid.

In addition, when she was recommended to the mainland to go to a minority school, the commune gave Na Mu a subsidy and travel expenses.

So she was Na Mu, who had seen a little of the world, and she had a little money in her pocket.

As for the other girls in the village, they don't have a few cents of pocket money in their bags.

Nali was worried about Luo Xuan, and she came from a long way to jump in the queue, and she probably didn't have much money with her.

That's why they came up with such a bad idea to ask Na Mu's family to take her pigs first.

To "borrow" out emergency.
Although the villagers don't have much concept of private property, they are very concerned about the large livestock such as pigs and cows raised at home.
Still watching very closely.


Na Mu pouted and said, "I'm not going to do it, we can play together. You have to be a pig for Luo Xuan? Then if it spreads, you won't be laughed to death by the people in the village?"

Zhang Xiaoli was working beside her.

His face sank, "We will solve our affairs by ourselves. I don't need to bother you."

Na Mu clapped her hands and giggled, "That's right! Look at how reasonable Xiaoli's sister is, she doesn't need us to take care of this matter, she can solve it by herself."

Na Mu with completely different ideas.

In fact, she didn't know at all why Zhang Xiaoli was sulking because of something.
And on the roof,
Seeing this, Lao Min, who was busy building the roof, couldn't help but smile wryly.

I secretly sighed in my heart: If Zhang Xiaoli gets angry because of these things.After that, I'm afraid I'll be very angry
Here, the waistbands are loose.

No.. There is no belt on top of the tube skirt.


The streets of Mengli Commune are small and the layout is messy.

But here's a bonus: There are private rice noodle stalls on the street.You don't need food stamps to eat here.

And the price of rice noodles is surprisingly cheap.

Luo Xuan spent 1 dime and 2 cents and ate a bowl of rice noodles.

Then I went to the daily miscellaneous store of the supply and marketing cooperative and bought a trolley with iron sheets and rubber wheels for 36 yuan and 9 cents.

By the way, I bought 10 more hoes.

It's a strange place to sell hoes: they only sell the front iron heads, not the handles.

According to the salesperson's introduction, Luo Xuan learned that the mountain people generally lack cash on hand.

And the trees here are all over the mountains and plains.

Big guys despise hoes with hoe handles, which will cost 3 cents more.

So in order to save money, they all chose not to hoe, but went home by themselves, cut down small trees and did it by themselves.

Anyway, time and labor are worthless here.

The big guy has a lot of kung fu, let's grind it slowly
Considering the farm work in the dry paddy fields, it is necessary to use the plow pulled by the ox in the inland.And here, there is no ready-made iron plow for sale.

So Luo Xuan used his own "Certificate of Educated Youth" to go to an ironware service agency and bought dozens of thick and long iron nails.

This nail,

Local people use it to nail wood when building houses.The iron nails are very thick and very long.

1 iron nail, Luo Xuan probably weighs more than 1 catty.

Fortunately, during this period, ironware was no longer a controlled item.And when the educated youth first came to jump the queue, the commune gave them some support.

after all,

The educated youths are newcomers, and they must buy some daily necessities and farm tools.

Otherwise, how can they survive?
If you go to the mainland, jump in the production team, it's easy to handle.

The land of the inland production teams is collectively cultivated, and large farm tools and large livestock are also collectively owned.

And educated youths,

Then you only need to listen to the whistle of the production captain, get the tools, go to the field with the big guys, and go to work together.

But Mengli is a special place.

Therefore, the farm tools used by the educated youth need to pay for it themselves.

buy something good,

Luo Xuan put these things into the trolley and returned along the way he came.

Walking to the uninhabited mountain depression, Luo Xuan raised his thoughts and flashed into the space.Then put all these things in the space.

As for himself, he was only carrying the old-fashioned gun that was probably older than himself.

Towards the Lakuu production team, go back the same way.

Along the way, there are high mountains, dense forests and many wild animals.

A lot of naughty monkeys squeaked strangely in the forest, jumping up and down in search of food.

Unfortunately, they encountered Luo Xuan.

If you meet other mountain people, if you don’t keep them together, someone will shoot at these very powerful monkeys that harm the crops
Luo Xuan buried his head in his way.

It is estimated that more than half of the trip has passed.

At this time, the sky has begun to darken a little.Especially when walking through the dense forest, the light is seriously insufficient.

The scenery in the woods began to become a little vague and hazy.

Often at this time,
It was the time when many wild beasts in the forest, who like to hide at night and come out at night, began to come out to look for food.

When Luo Xuan walked into a very dense forest and encountered a green bamboo-leaf poisonous snake in the morning, he felt an ominous premonition.

It started coming to my mind again.

Overhead, there was a slight sound of wind.

Luo Xuan also looked up, relying only on his intuition, he pointed the barrel of the long-fire gun behind him towards the source of the wind.

Poke hard.
"Crack" sounded softly.

Apparently preparing to sneak attack on him, the beast, its bones, could not withstand the violent impact of the barrel of the firecracker.

Already broke a few on the spot

An extremely shrill scream resounded in the dense forest!

The monkeys, turtledoves, and thrushes hiding in the treetops fluttered in shock.

Judging from the tactile sensation of iron and animal bodies coming from the barrel of the firecracker when they hit violently.

This beast is small in size.

It is estimated that its weight should not exceed 7 or 8 catties, and it is a small beast.


The wounded beast fell heavily into the bushes, making the slight sound of breaking dead branches and falling on fallen leaves.

Luo Xuan was not in a hurry.

Instead, he raised his mind and dodged to enter the space again.

Get an extended, three-section flashlight and strap it to the front of your rifle for illumination.

Holding the rifle, Luo spun out of the space.

With the help of the strong light of the flashlight, he poked through the bushes with the barrel of a gun and carefully looked for the seriously injured beast.


A pair of bright yellow eyes mixed with faint blue eyes suddenly appeared at the bottom of the bush.

This beast, which is spitting blood and showing fierce eyes, is yellow and black all over, making people feel a little hairy and shuddering when they look at it.

Especially with its miserable howls, it makes people's scalp tingle!

big cats!
This ferocious beast is aggressive, cruel, and vicious in nature.

Likes to be sneaky, lurking in tree branches, or lurking in bushes.

When the prey passes by, it will pounce on it!

It bites the neck of the prey with great precision, in order to kill the prey with one blow.

"Hiss, woo woo..."

From the wild cat's throat, there were low growls, as if warning Luo Xuan, don't get any closer!
Luo Xuan scolded with a smile, "You sneaked up on me first, and now you're still wronged?"


Gunshots sounded!

The wild cat suddenly became silent
This kind of wild cat is also called "golden cat" and "yellow tiger".It has a very wild and aggressive temperament, and belongs to the most ferocious beasts in the tropical rainforest.

In the dense forest, many times even the leopard had to hide.

This seriously injured golden cat, now sees Luo Xuan approaching.

Even without hesitating to spit blood at the mouth, he also uttered threatening sounds at himself. It can be seen from this that it is impossible to tame this ferocious beast in front of him.

The beast was badly injured.

I used the barrel of the gun before, not only did it break its ribs, but also the broken bone rolled into the chest cavity, probably injured its lungs.

Can't live!

then it can only be freed as soon as possible
In the dense forest, there is no room for the weak to gain a foothold.

Even if he didn't shoot it, the golden cat would eventually die from pain, hunger and cold.


Gunshots sounded.

The golden cat was relieved.

But in the bushes in the distance, there were bursts of huge movements at the same time!
At the same time, accompanied by the nasal sound of "arch arch arch"
Luo Xuan was overjoyed immediately!

This kind of voice, I couldn't be more familiar with it!
Haha, where are you going? !

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