Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 525 Hard and Simple Old Leader

Chapter 525 Hard and Simple Old Leader

The bus leaves Spring City.

The place I passed by in the morning was full of vitality and harmonious scenery outside the car window.

But when the shuttle bus drove to the afternoon, the cultural landscape along the way no longer had the pleasant feeling it had before.

At this time, the shuttle bus was already driving on the rugged mountain road.

The bus stops and stops along the way, passengers are constantly getting on and off, loading and unloading goods.

It stands to reason,

This kind of long-distance bus generally does not pull short-distance passengers in the middle.But this car is obviously different: as long as someone beckons, the shuttle bus will stop at the side of the road without hesitation.

Drivers and conductors even get out of the car to help.

Let those who want a ride get on board.

It's just waving and stopping.

And what is especially surprising is that the driver and the conductor, how could they be enthusiastic and go down to help?

According to the market,

Drivers are condescending and indifferent to passengers!
As for the conductors, most of them are the kind of women with loud voices and bad tempers.

They often yell at passengers.

How come here, the driver and the conductor have changed their temperament?
"They dare not yell at passengers, uh, except for foreigners like you."

Na Mu explained: "The people in the village near the road have a bad temper.

don't you seeAround their waists, all of them held long waist knives? "

Zhang Xiaoli leaned on Luo Xuan's shoulder, and said softly, "It seems that this place is a bit unsafe. If something happens to you, don't fight with him."

Luo Xuan nodded, expressing that he would not cause trouble.

It's not a long-term solution to always make the women around you worry about yourself.

Not to mention giving her a sense of security, at least Zhang Xiaoli should feel at ease.

"You, get up and give up your seat."

The female conductor on the bus didn't look very old, that is, she was in her early 20s.

A dark-skinned, short female conductor with a dark face.

He shouted at Zhang Xiaoli, "There is a compatriot from the Shui tribe coming to take the bus. Please get up and give him a seat."

Before Zhang Xiaoli could react.

Na Mu on the side pouted and said, "Don't pay attention to him."

The female conductor glanced at Na Mu: "I'm talking about her, a person from the mainland who gave up her seat. You girl, why are you messing around again?"

Na Mu pulled out the dagger she carried with her from her waist, carelessly scratching her fingernails.

He said in a low voice, "Isn't he amazing? We guests from the X clan, why do we have to give up our seats to him? Did we not buy tickets, or something?"

Hearing this, the conductor looked at Na Mu with a little fear, and then at Luo Xuan.

It may be that she is concerned about Na Mu's background and the waist knife in her hand.

At the same time, I was also a little bit afraid of having an extraordinary temperament and looking like Luo Xuan of a public servant.

The female conductor hesitated for a moment, then turned to face the short, dark-skinned man standing in the aisle.

He muttered a few words in local dialect.

Then a shy, honest smile appeared on the man's face and he nodded.

Na Mu pouted and explained to Luo Xuan, "The driver and the conductor have been running this route for a long time.

So if anyone along the way wanted a ride, they didn't dare to ignore them at all.Otherwise, the next time his car passes through this road section.

Maybe you will encounter such things as foreign nails, big rocks, or even felled trees on the road. "

"Just now, she saw that you seemed to be from the mainland. That's why the conductor, in order to please that sailor, asked you to stand up and give up your seats to him."

Na Mu snorted coldly, "People are far from their hometowns. The man who was riding in the car, his village is also far away from here.

If you are very close, you don't need to shout at the conductor.Maybe he will rush over directly and ask someone to make room for him."

After Luo Xuan listened, he suddenly realized!
The composition of the people living in this place is very complicated.

There used to be large-scale fighting and violent conflicts between different villages and different pawns.

What kind of earthen guns, earthen artillery confrontation is a very common thing.

The antagonism that has lasted for thousands of years made them like to wear a knife around their waists when they went out.

First, it was for self-defense.

Secondly, it is also the local environment that forces them to do so.

There are high mountains, dense forests and many gullies.

All kinds of beasts, snakes infested it, and it was impossible to even go out without a weapon at hand and with you.

The main job of the men in this area is to go hunting in the mountains.

So carrying firecrackers on their shoulders and sharp daggers on their waists has become the standard equipment for these mountain people.

No wonder just now,
Passengers on the way, each of them had a waist knife pinned to their waist and a short fire gun pinned to their back.

Without exception.

Every face showed a ferocious look, as if ready to start a war with others anytime, anywhere.
So tough!

Luo Xuan guessed that in this area, don't just say a word disagreement, even if there is a wrong look, it will probably lead to a group fight.
Now is the new era.

Thanks to the effective mediation efforts of the local commune, conflicts between different villages are less likely to occur.

But it doesn't mean,

Their habit of thinking and doing things for thousands of years has been completely reversed.

The deep-rooted antagonism can only slowly fade away.

It is also impossible to completely change it overnight.

Fortunately, this trip was accompanied by Na Mu who had returned home.

Otherwise, Luo Xuan really can't protect himself, will he conflict with others?
If the conductor had yelled at him just now, Luo Xuan would not have bothered with her.

Just give up your seat.

Just stand in the aisle by yourself, and it's over, it's no big deal.

But earlier, if it wasn't for Na Mu, the conductor would have been dismissed.

Luo Xuan definitely wouldn't, so he spared the conductor: How dare you bully Zhang Xiaoli?A life of doubt that he can beat up the female conductor!
The knife on someone's waist can scratch people.

Could it be his own fist, could he overturn her?

Isn't it just that there is a short firecracker pinned on the back of that man!

Luo Xuan definitely has that confidence: if the opponent has the ability to pull out the firecracker with his backhand, he will win.
We didn't intend to cause trouble.

But if something happened, and he took the initiative to find it on his head, how could he be afraid of it?
Although there are many passengers in this car, they belong to different villages and origins.

If I really had a conflict with a few of them, it would be fine if the other passengers didn't make trouble.

How could it be possible to make a move to help other people who are different?
The shuttle bus just stopped and squeaked like this, going all the way.

During this period,

The shuttle bus was on the way, and the "Traveler's House" stopped to let the driver and passengers eat and rest a few times.

After two full days and two nights.

It was not easy for the shuttle bus to arrive at the county seat of Laos.

This small border town is very small.

Compared with the Red Star Commune, the size of the county seat is about the same as a commune in the Mainland.

Only more than 1 residents with permanent urban household registration have built this dilapidated and desolate border town.

This small county town.

The first impression it gives people is that it is dirty, messy and poor.

Small, black pigs roam the streets, looking for food, and defecating.

Occasionally, groups of old scalpers can be seen leisurely walking through the streets.

It seems that these scalpers are not afraid of humans at all.They also didn't take those people in the county town who carried big panniers on their backs or carried big jugs on their heads.

Just put it in your eyes.

Cow dung, pig dung, defecating everywhere
This stinky coquettish atmosphere attracted countless blowflies and gadflies to chase the crowd in the street.

In the county town, there are two streets that have not been hardened with cement, making people covered in dirt on sunny days and muddy on rainy days.

In this county,

Those low and messy thatched houses constitute the mainstream buildings in the city.

When Zhang Xiaoli saw such a scene, she couldn't help feeling, "This is a very backward and primitive town!"

Luo Xuan said with a smile: "Comrade Xiaoli! Your ideas and cognition are unacceptable!

Do you think going to the countryside to jump the queue will send you to those very prosperous and wealthy places?

It is precisely because this place is very backward and poor that we are sent here to support the rural construction here! "

After arriving at the county seat,
Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli need to go to the local "Educated Youth Office" to go through the landing procedures.

And Na Mu, who has nothing to do,
But she didn't want to go back to the village alone, and she didn't want Luo Xuan to open a room for her in the guest house.

"Do not worry."

Na Mu, who seemed to never know what sorrow is, giggled and said, "As long as I have this waist knife on my body, I don't need to bring anything else.

I can survive 10 days and half a month in the wilderness.

After you have completed the formalities, you can go to the edge of the county seat, under the electric pole, and wait for me early tomorrow morning. "

The electric pole on the edge of the county seat?
What Na Mu said!

No matter how small the county town of Laos is, it is divided into four directions, east, west, north, and south, right?
This Namu speaks,

It's the same as people from the Southwest: they don't distinguish between southeast and northwest, but only front and back, left and right.

Zhang Xiaoli was a little worried, "Why don't you let Luo Xuan open a room for you?
Anyway, we have to live in a guest house at night, and we have to open two rooms.You and I can squeeze in for one night, that's fine. "

Na Mu shook her head, "Those public servants in the guest house speak badly and look badly.

I don't want to be angry with them!Going to the mountains, it's great to be free and free. "

"Luo Xuan is too powerful, I can't beat him."

Na Mu said nonchalantly, "Now my cheeks, thighs, and waist still hurt a little, and my whole body hurts.

Hmph, I have to go to the river and get some dry catfish to eat. "


Carrying her luggage on her back, Na Mu bounced and disappeared into the rough streets.

"What can't you do?"

Zhang Xiaoli turned her face sideways and asked Luo Xuan, "What the hell is Na Mu talking about?"

Luo Xuan shook his head, "You've been in the car for two days and two nights, don't you feel pain all over your body? Besides, there are always many things in her words that are covered in clouds and mist.

Just like the dry catfish that Na Mu mentioned just now. Have you ever heard of catfish? Are there any that don’t live in water? "

Zhang Xiaoli giggled, "It's fine if you don't understand. Let's go! Let's go to the county government to find the educated youth office, and try to complete the procedures as soon as possible."

The county capital of Laos is not big.

Just an old 3-story building, which is already the tallest modern building in the county.

Luo Xuan carried two bedrolls on his back and led Zhang Xiaoli, and found the county government smoothly.

At this time, it is already late.

In order to keep a low profile, Luo Xuan never took out his watch and put it on his wrist.

In fact, I don't need luxury watches such as watches: in school, when should I get up and go to the hall to cook.

Naturally, there will be school handymen who will ring the bell on time.

If you live in a rural area,

Time loses its meaning of existence: it doesn't matter whether you do something earlier or later.

But now in Laos County, if you come to the countryside to jump in the queue, what do you do depending on the time?

People here live freely and freely.

Eat when you are hungry and drink when you are hungry.

If you want to do something bad, pull up her lover, and just dig into the grass
What do you usually do to calculate the hour and watch the time?
When Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli followed each other to the gate of the county mansion, they saw a man in his fifties.

I was using a bamboo clip to pick up dog poop and cow dung with my head buried there.

"Hi sir."

Luo Xuan stepped forward to say hello, "Excuse me, those comrades in the get off work unit, are you off work?"

The old man put a lump of cow dung into the dustpan and slowly raised his head.

He looked Luo Xuan up and down, and after he and Zhang Xiaoli glanced at each other, a kind smile appeared on his face, "Are you educated youths who came to jump in the queue?
Now comrades in some departments have already left work. "

The old man smiled slightly, "However, if you come to go through the landing procedures, I'll open the office right away and do it for you.

Lest you have to wait another night. "

There is a clear division of labor between departments within the agency.

normal person,

Wouldn't it be as easy as the old man said just now: open the office and get things done?
So Luo Xuan was a little puzzled, "Master, may I ask who you are?"

"Oh, my surname is Li. You can call me Lao Li."

The old man smiled and said, "I am the deputy head of Laos County, and I am also in charge of the affairs of the educated youth office. Therefore, I can issue you a certificate of landing."

Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli couldn't help being surprised when they heard this:
A majestic deputy county leader actually picked up dung for the production team on the street?

Look at the state of mind of others.

Look at others, this excellent style of hard work and simplicity is so admirable!

This made Zhang Xiaoli feel admiration for the kind old man in front of her.

This is a good leader, this is a cadre.

(End of this chapter)

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