Chapter 521
Go a few more miles.

Luo Xuan, Zhang Xiaoli and the others finally arrived at a place with a mountain spring.

This waterfall is not big, it is just an arm-thick mountain stream flowing down.

"Let's rest here tonight."

Luo Xuan said: "Seeing that in another hour or two, it will be dark.

On this kind of trail, it is too dangerous to drive overnight.

If you accidentally fall, or get bitten by a poisonous snake in the grass, it would be too cost-effective. "

Zhang Xiaoli looked around, her face full of doubts.

There are many rocks and bushes here, how can we survive the long night?

Don't look at Qiuhu is still very powerful now, the weather during the day is still very hot.

But the climate in the mountains has a large temperature difference between day and night.

After the sun goes down, the cool air will permeate.

If you wait until midnight, the temperature will drop sharply, which can really make people shiver from the cold.

It's just that Zhang Xiaoli is very concerned about maintaining Luo Xuan's face and authority.

However, Zhang Xiaoli would unconditionally obey any suggestion Luo Xuan made.

I will never disobey half a sentence.

Therefore, although Zhang Xiaoli had concerns in her heart, she didn't say it out. Probably she was thinking in her heart: They are all human beings.Since Luo Xuan can do it, let's spend the night here.

It's a big deal for me, so I will suffer with him!

Zhang Xiaoli has scruples in her heart.

But Na Mu on the side clapped and applauded: "Yes, yes! I will stay here overnight. There is a source of water, and there is a flat ground between the mountains and rocks. It is very comfortable to live in!"


I saw Namu's hands and feet were nimble, and she threw the luggage on her back heavily on the ground with a "bang" sound!
This situation and situation,

Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli, who were watching, couldn't help but twitch in their hearts: How rich is this Namu's family?

I don't care about my luggage so much, I don't feel bad about it.

That enamel pot, enamel jar, just throw it on the rocky ground like that?
You know, during this period.

Everyone is very, very thrifty.

It is no exaggeration to say that the vast majority of people have brought the spirit of saving to the extreme.

Even if there are 8 holes in his underwear, no one will throw it away easily.

No one is willing to throw away even a piece of toothpaste skin
Like Na Mu's prodigal behavior just now, if she was placed in the production team, she would definitely be beaten up by her parents and nagged for several days.

"I'm going to get something to build a hut, you guys go find some dry wood and prepare to make a fire."

Na Mu took Luo Xuan's machete, and went to work in a bouncing manner.

I have been staying in Little Laojun Mountain for a long time.

As for the skills of survival in the wild, he is barely half an expert.But the Na Mu in front of her, obviously, is also a person with rich experience in wild survival.

It didn't take a while.

Na Mu, carrying a bunch of plantain leaves and a few bamboo poles on her shoulders, rushed back triumphantly.

As she walked, she was still humming an incomprehensible tune, looking very happy.

"Hey, the firewood you picked up is quite suitable!"

Na Mu put down the banana leaves and giggled, "I thought you guys would just pick up some dead branches and pull some dead grass to save trouble.

Unexpectedly, you guys still know how to find some large pieces of dry pine wood, find some mint leaves, wormwood, etc. Hee hee, it turns out that you are not fools! "

Fool, you are the fool!

Hush in public, and act like it's a matter of course.
It was supposed to be an embarrassing thing for you, Na Mu; but it's a real thing, embarrassing others.

Na Mu is quite special. She does things and speaks differently.

But I have to admit that Na Mu's survival skills in the wild are quite brilliant.

Seeing that she went to and fro, she tied the four bamboo poles with withered vines into the shape of two forks.

Then Na Mu set up one of them, a fork-shaped bamboo frame, and asked Zhang Xiaoli to help her support it.

Wait until another bamboo frame is erected.

Na Mu put the longest bamboo pole on top of the two bamboo frames and tied it up.

So far,

The skeleton of a shack can be regarded as erected.

Then, at the bottom of the bamboo frame, at a height of more than one foot from the ground, two long bamboo poles were tied.

Then put the banana leaves one by one, layer by layer, and tie them vertically on the bamboo frame.

back and forth,

It didn't take Na Mu half an hour to build a shack in the wilderness that can shelter from wind and rain, and can also block most of the moisture.

It was completely built by her.

At the same time, Luo Xuan had lit a fire.

At the same time, in the campfire, add a little mugwort leaves and mint to repel mosquitoes.

There are many mosquitoes in the mountains, and they are also very fierce.But they also come out during the day and evening.

At night, there are actually no mosquitoes in the mountains, just because the temperature is very low at that time.

Mosquitoes, unable to bear the cold, have long since hid in the grass and stone caves.

That is to say, some moths who like fire light will come to Yingying to fly.

But there are no blood-sucking mosquitoes.

Since it is only necessary to repel mosquitoes for a short time, the amount of mint, mugwort, and a kind of mosquito repellent grass called "Lagoudan" and "Lalayang" collected by Luo Xuan is not much.

Anyway, I can cope with it, the 1 or 2 hours in front of me will do, and it will be useless to collect too much.

Namu saw that Luo Xuan had built a fire and was using an enamel jar to boil water for drinking.

He giggled, "You people, what a trouble! You have to boil water to drink.

We are all members of the x family who drink raw water, who has the kung fu to boil water slowly?And it doesn't taste good when boiled. "

Luo Xuan smiled slightly: "That's a bad habit you have developed for thousands of years. The water in the stream, the water in the river, and the water in the pond.

You dare to pick it up and drink it.

Therefore, I estimate that among your clansmen, there may be quite a few people with parasites in their stomachs. "

Na Mu didn't take it seriously: "Then the people there are still alive and kicking?"

Luo Xuan said, "But don't even think about it, how long is their average lifespan?

In your area, there are not too many people who can live past the age of 50, right?
Among thousands of people who can live to be 7 or 80 years old, it is probably rare to be able to find one. "

"who cares!"

Na Mu began to take off her clothes, "When you're alive, just be happy. If you have to be cautious here, you have to be careful there.

What's the point of living for decades?Are you tired? "


Luo Xuan saw Na Mu undressing there as if no one was there.

Can't help being surprised: "What are you doing?"

And Zhang Xiaoli, who was standing aside, was also stunned by Na Mu's actions!
"I'm undressing."

On the contrary, Na Mu felt aggrieved, "I've been busy for so long, and I'm covered in sweat. I have to take a bath under the waterfall. Isn't it right?"

Luo Xuan nodded: "Pay attention to personal hygiene, you should."

Na Mu turned her head and asked Zhang Xiaoli: "When you take a shower, do you take off your clothes?"

Zhang Xiaoli nodded blankly: "Of course I have to take off my clothes."

Na Mu stared, "I'm dirty now, I want to take a bath.

So here I am undressing.Why are you looking at me like a monster? "


All of a sudden, Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli were there.

He couldn't think of a suitable reason to justify his surprise just now.Then it's even harder to blame Na Mu's behavior.

Zhang Xiaoli stepped forward slowly, using her body to block Luo Xuan's sight.

Na Mu has a face, and her actual age is not very obvious.

Judging from her figure and face when she was wearing clothes, Na Mu seemed to be somewhere between 18 and 20 years old.

But judging from Namu's scenery just now, this is a girl between a green apple and a red peach.

Just like the quality of steak that foreigners love to eat.

After boiling the water, Luo Xuan put the boiling water aside to dry, then took out a few boiled eggs and a cold pot to warm it up from the luggage.

By the way, he also opened a can of beef. Luo Xuan put the can next to the fire and let it heat up slowly.

I don't need to drink this kind of boiled water, it's for Zhang Xiaoli.

In the col.

The bonfire is blazing, and the smoke is curling up.

The pot helmets in Bashu Province have long been famous.

After the cooled pot helmet is roasted by the bonfire, the tempting fragrance will diffuse in the mountain depression.
Coupled with the canned beef of this period, it is definitely a real material.

The beef, which was already cooked, exudes a tempting aroma after being heated by the bonfire.

"Yeah, what is this, so fragrant?"

Na Mu, who had already showered, was covered with a bed-like cloth.

Just put it in neutral and squat by the fire in the ditch.

She loosened her nostrils greedily, her saliva was about to flow out, "The tortillas we have over there are not delicious at all.

It's better that you make these weird things, which look more delicious."

Between Luo Xuan and Na Mu,
Across a bunch of raging bonfires, Zhang Xiaoli really couldn't stand in the middle.

He blocked Luo Xuan's sight with his body.

Luo Xuan said, "Na Mu, can you put on your underwear?"

Na Mu was stunned, "What is underwear? We all wear shorts inside, and then we can wrap it in this kind of tube skirt. It's cool!"

Luo Xuan sighed, "Then yours should be worn inside, where are the shorts?"

Na Mu pointed at the stone next to her, "Here, isn't that it? It's already dirty, so I washed it. It's dripping with water, and it's not dry yet."

Alas, not on a channel.

It's really impossible to communicate.
Zhang Xiaoli went to dig it out, and handed a pair of girls' panties to Na Mu.

But she refused, "It's troublesome to put on! It's not breathable at all."

Zhang Xiaoli was left speechless on the spot.

While baking cakes, Luo Xuan said leisurely, "I guess you haven't been studying in the Mainland for long, have you?"

Na Mu nodded, "I used to go to school in the village in the territory of the Celestial Dynasty. Later, a public school was established in the village.

Hee hee, don't you know?My academic performance in school is the best!

A full 17 students miles!I was the only one who got No.1. Great, right? "

Na Mu's face was bursting with pride, "So, the village head recommended me to go to that... what, what, what name... school?

Said to let me go to further study. "

Na Mu pouted and said, "Hey, do you think I don't look good now? Why do you want me to go and make a further improvement? It's really strange."

Luo Xuan asked her, "Then how long have you been studying in a prestigious school?"

Na Mu held out a finger.

Zhang Xiaoli: "One year?"

"One week."

Na Mu giggled, "There are too many rules there! I really can't stay any longer.

Had to jingle the bell to let me out to play. And it's only 10 minutes off, which isn't fun at all.

To go to the toilet, you have to go to that special room, which stinks!I don't like to go. "

Rows of squatting pits, plus a big latrine.The smell in the toilet, of course, is not very pleasant.

How can there be a place in the wilderness, with ventilation on all sides, a 360-degree panoramic view without dead-end skylights, where wanton booing is comfortable?
Luo Xuan baked cakes while watching the scenery.

Zhang Xiaoli couldn't help but glared at Luo Xuan, "Let me bake the pancakes. I'm afraid your eyeballs might fall into the fire."

Na Muqi said, "Sister Zhang Xiaoli, I think Brother Luo Xuan's roasting is very good and he's quite skilled.

Why do you want to rush to do these jobs?You must know that in our village, those "Pu Shao" will not work for women. "

Pu Shao refers to those unmarried young men

It is equivalent to what we call "handsome guy".

Na Mu's words made Zhang Xiaoli who was not good at arguing with others.

Immediately give the whole will not.

I can only let Luo Xuan browse comfortably there.
Just now,

Zhang Xiaoli spoke like that, since Luo Xuan had known Zhang Xiaoli for so long, it was the first time she spoke to herself in such a tone.


How wonderful is the ravine opposite Luo Xuan?
Beautiful scenery, delicious people.

The wine is delicious, so why don't people like it?

Baking pancakes. How could Luo Xuan be willing to let the weak Zhang Xiaoli do such a hard job?

It's not good to cheat and play tricks in front of beautiful women.

Na Mu is like a wild flower in the mountains far away from the bustling world, she is used to being free and undisciplined.

In her concept, I am afraid there is not much, modern thinking and consciousness.

This is a weirdo!

It's just that people who can't tolerate the big environment will be regarded as weird guys by the big guys.

But when Luo Xuan and Zhang Xiaoli arrived at the border area, in the deep mountains and old forests.

I'm afraid that it will be difficult for me and Zhang Xiaoli to blend in with them.

until then,

In the eyes of others, why aren't I and Zhang Xiaoli two weirdos?

  whispering wind
  Flesh and skinny

  Thanks to the three big guys for their rewards!Thank you for your love!

  Moyu Qingkong
  Leopard head Y zero charge
  Dragon Emperor

  Misty Traveler 119
  Sansheng is lucky to be sad

  Help Brother Hua

  Stuffy gourd

  Book Friends 20211019225137693
  lost lazy sheep
  rush to money

  Simon homeless
  free nickname
  crazy young.qdcn
  whispering wind
  dusty light
  summer's strength

  if you are fine!

  red candle in the wind

  Blooming Linyu

  It's annoying to listen to books and have feelings
  summer's strength

  Little People Plus
  Stuffy gourd

  when the stars are shining
  Book Friends 20220508001242866
(End of this chapter)

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