Reborn in the red years, I am farming in space

Chapter 47 3 pounds of deboned meat

Chapter 47 3 pounds of deboned meat
After selling the eels, Luo Xuan went to the meat section of the food station and waited.

Earlier, Fatty Gu had promised himself that after he finished his work at the frog market, he would come over to get boned meat for himself.

It is not easy for ordinary people to buy deboned meat from food stations.

But Fatty Gu, who is an ordinary person, is obviously not an ordinary person in the true sense.

Luo Xuan waited for a while.

I saw a few people wearing leather aprons and white hats on their heads, each carrying several large baskets of meat, and went straight to the back door of the fresh meat store of the food station.

to the ground.

One of them took out the key, opened the back door, greeted his colleagues, and carried a frame of pork into the store.

At this moment.

Some related households who had been waiting outside the door also followed them in through the back door.

Most of these people are the people in charge of the cafeterias of various agencies.

Public to public, there is no problem.

During this period, no one dared to take care of their relatives and friends privately in front of everyone.

So these so-called related households are actually public households.


Fatty Gu carried the eel that Luo Xuan sold to him, and a few carps and old turtles he bought from the market, and walked over with an unhappy expression on his face.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan hurried forward to take the tin bucket and the old turtle from Fatty Gu's hand.

Then Luo Xuan's face was filled with a dirty smile and he greeted him earnestly: "What's wrong with you, leader? Who offended the leader? Tell me, and I will criticize him severely for you!"

"Hahaha, fuck you, I'll just count you as sweet-mouthed kid."

Fatty Gu scolded Luo Xuan with a smile, then pointed to the old turtle in Luo Xuan's hand and said, "It's just such a crap, how dare you sell me 5 yuan! Even if it's a bastard turtle, it's not that valuable, right?"

The old turtle is very common in Hongxing Township, and the locals call it "turtle fish".

Moreover, there is another place in Hongxing Township, which is the confluence of two small rivers, and the name there is Tuanyudang. (dàng)
It is said that there are many soft-shelled turtles there.

It's just that the rural people nowadays generally don't like to eat this thing very much.

During this period, it seemed that things whose meat grew in their shells, such as soft-shelled turtles, crabs, river mussels, and snails, were not very popular in rural areas.

I heard Fatty Gu complain that soft-shelled turtles are too expensive.

Luo Xuan's heart moved, and he asked Fatty Gu, "Boss, do you often buy these things in your unit?"

Fatty Gu replied as he walked towards the back door of the food station: "It's not a regular purchase. It's just that when someone greets our unit, we will prepare these things in advance."

Fatty Gu stopped in his tracks, turned his head and asked Luo Xuan, "Why, you also have soft-shelled turtles for sale?"

Luo Xuan thought for a while, nodded and said, "In a while, I will have it. And as long as the leader says hello, I can bring the turtle over at any time."

"That's good."

Fatty Gu patted Luo Xuan on the shoulder, "In this way, I don't have to look for the source of the goods everywhere. You Zhengxing production team, I know where it is. Oh, by the way, which team are you from, what's your name ?”

Luo Xuan has been dealing with Fatty Gu for so long, and he only remembered to ask his own name now.

It is conceivable that he had no place in his heart before!
"My name is Luo Xuan, from Production Team 6."

Luo Xuan said: "In the future, I can provide you with soft-shelled turtles, eels, and fresh mushrooms at any time. And the eels are not small in size, so please don't worry about it."

Fatty Gu nodded, "The eels you bring over every time are not bad in size. As for soft-shelled turtles and fresh mushrooms, let's talk about them when we see them."

After finishing speaking, Fatty Gu walked into the back door of the meat store, and went straight to get the meat reserved for him at the food station.

It didn't take long.

When Fatty Gu came out again, he had a meat bun made of banana leaves in his hand.

"Take it, here is 3 catties of deboned meat, a total of 8 cents and 1 cent."

Fatty Gu handed the banana leaf bag to Luo Xuan.

And Luo Xuan counted the 8 cents and 1 cents to him, not too much, not too little.

After accepting the money Luo Xuan gave him, Fatty Gu took Luo Xuan to the direction of the "catering service agency" where he worked.

Luo Xuan, who was following Fatty Gu and carrying a heavy bucket, knew: This guy, he is treating himself like a donkey of the production team!
But even the donkeys in the production team must have a handful of fodder after doing the work, right?

Luo Xuan slandered like a belly, while struggling to carry things and followed Fatty Gu forward.

Fortunately, the pork that Fatty Gu bought will be delivered to his work by the staff of the food station in a short while, so there is no need for Luo Xuan to help him carry it.

Otherwise, Luo Xuan thought to himself that he might not be able to carry it.

Following behind Fatty Gu, the two walked to the outlet of the catering service agency in a short while.

At this time, the door panel of the service agency was the same as usual, only half opened, and the steam was steaming inside.

More than a dozen employees of the service agency are busy making steamed buns and steamed buns.

Fatty Gu reached out to take the tin bucket from Luo Xuan, said "wait for me here", then turned and entered the store.

After a few moments, when Fatty Gu walked out of the store again, he reached out and stuffed Luo Xuan with an oiled paper bag.

He didn't speak any more during the whole process, and then turned around and entered the store again.

Looking at the greased paper bag in his hand, without opening it, just by the feel of his hand and the unique smell, Luo Xuan knew: this is the pea cake that Fatty Gu gave him.

According to the thickness estimate, there should be about 4 pea cakes.

The pea pancakes were not hot, Luo Xuan reckoned that they were leftovers from the catering service agency that sold them yesterday.

The leftover pea cakes can also be eaten, the free pea cakes will only taste more delicious!
Luo Xuan found an empty corner, dodged into the space, and ate a piece of cake in threes and fives.

Then put the remaining 3 cakes away, drink a few sips of spring water, and go to the non-staple food store of the supply and marketing cooperative, waiting for it to open.

In front of the store, there are already people queuing at this time.

Luo Xuan looked around, but he didn't see those guys from Xiaolaojun's production team that he met last time.

I didn't even see Bu Yaoming, the production leader who asked him about the transfer of household registration.

Luo Xuan wasn't in the mood to listen to their chats, so he just stood quietly by the side, waiting for the stores of the supply and marketing cooperative to open for business.

The golden light of the rising sun slowly pierced through the curtain in the sky, and finally illuminated the dilapidated streets of Hongxing Township brightly.

The people in front of the door waited for a while.

There was finally a creaking sound from behind the door panel of the non-staple food store of the supply and marketing cooperative.

The sound of the friction between the planks and the grooves was ugly, but the sound that originally made people's teeth sour, but now it was heard in everyone's ears, but it made people feel very kind and pleasant.

Just like seeing her first love again, the gentle sentence on her cherry lips: Are you here?

When the door panels were removed one by one by the employees of the supply and marketing cooperative, the first person who showed his head smiled at Luo Xuan, "Are you here?"

Luo Xuan nodded, and smiled politely at him: "Leader, are you at work?"

The person who greeted Luo Xuan was the deputy cabinet leader Zhao who was labeled as "not treating the people well" by Luo Xuan last time because he scolded a customer.

"Everyone, please pay attention. Our store has ample supplies. Please rest assured that you can buy the products you like."

After the store was fully opened, deputy team leader Zhao stood at the door and said to the long-awaited customers with a smile: "So please don't be in a hurry, let alone crowded. Please line up and come in order, so that everyone can buy Wouldn’t it be faster and more comfortable when you’re doing stuff?”

The people waiting outside the store, upon hearing the words of the deputy team leader Zhao, consciously began to organize their formation and line up in order.

"Okay, thank you for your support and cooperation."

Deputy team leader Zhao clapped his hands, "Now, please come in and choose the products!"


He smiled and nodded to Luo Xuan who was standing in the crowd again, then turned around and went to work in the store.

During the whole process, Deputy Team Leader Zhao did not intentionally take revenge on Luo Xuan just because he was slapped in the face by Luo Xuan last time;

It's useless because Luo Xuan is special, so he will give Luo Xuan special treatment.

have to say.

People in this era are very public-minded, they can really correct their mistakes, and they all maintain a good quality of humility and prudence.

(End of this chapter)

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