Chapter 30

Luo Xuan couldn't figure out how the dumb got the starch.

Then just let this matter go.

Luo Xuan made up his mind that he would pay more attention to the mute's every move in the future, so as to slowly figure out his way.

Starch is also food!

Luo Xuan is now trying to find ways to save more food to prepare for the coming difficult times.

After finally sending off the production team leader Peng Zhikun, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang who helped, it was already dark.


The moon is already hanging on the treetops on the opposite side of the mountain, like a white flour cake, which makes people greedy to look at.

Bathed in the bright moonlight, Luo Xuan's new home looked even more warm and charming.

But the new house, which was supposed to be immersed in the sounds of crickets and frogs, was extremely lively and noisy at this time.

Just after seeing off a group of people, Luo Xuan ushered in more guests.

The seven aunts and eight aunts in the production team, the young and the old, and the children of half-sized children, all with their families and children, all ran to Luoxuan's small courtyard to enjoy the shade.

By the way, they also gave Luo Xuan a gift of "moving to a new house".

It is said to be a gift, but Aunt Li brought 2 catties of soybeans, Uncle Ding sent 3 catties of peas, and took a handful of vermicelli and 2 catties of dried sweet potatoes to cover her hands.

But politeness is light.

While accepting the gifts, Luo Xuan kept these people in his heart, and only waited for the opportunity in the future to return these favors.

have them.

Luo Xuan wanted to be quiet, but it became a luxury.

The sound of children playing and the men arguing about the development of the situation in the village made the noisy people dizzy.

The women, on the other hand, whispered all kinds of nasty and private things that are not suitable for children.
In such an environment, how could it be possible to calm down?

Summer nights are hot.

Members of these production teams used to gather together every night, waving palm-leaf fans and gossiping about family affairs.

Members enjoy the cool at night and like to join in the fun.Luo Xuan's new home was completed today, many people couldn't sleep because of curiosity, and it was a bit stuffy at night.

So everyone ran to Luo Xuan's small courtyard, watching and talking nonsense.

If others are willing to come to your home, Luo Xuan can't drive them away, right?
A lot of people came tonight, so Luo Xuan scattered all the small half-pack of "Hongmei" cigarettes left in his pocket, not to mention.

I had to lick my smiling face and chat with them a few words, so I couldn't get out to catch eels.

Waited a while longer.

Luo Xuan saw that everyone was having fun, and there was no sign of an early end, so Luo Xuan had no choice but to bite the bullet and say to everyone: "I'm really sorry, elders and neighbors.

Luo Xuan is really grateful that you can come to my humble shack and visit my ineffective junior. "

"Stop, stop! Luo Xuan, don't talk about these civilized words, what kind of neighbor? We are all vulgar people who can't read big characters, how can we afford an expensive word."

among the crowd.

Uncle Ding put the cigarette that Luo Xuan handed him earlier, and sniffed it carefully under his nose, but he was still reluctant to smoke it.

At this moment, he could only hear him yelling in a rough voice, "Luo Xuan, you can say whatever you want, talk about it, why do I get goosebumps on my back?"


Luo Xuan smiled awkwardly, "Look, sir, you all come here to warm my house, but I don't even have a pot of tea. Hehe, let alone tea, I don't even have a sip of boiling water here, to quench the thirst of the elders."

"I smoked one of your Fa Cai cigarettes today, and I'm already in a bad situation. Why do you drink tea?"

Uncle Ding waved his hand grandly, "We are not brigade cadres holding enamel jars, Luo Xuan, you are welcome, just scoop up a few bowls of cold water."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan couldn't help laughing wryly: I'm not being polite to you guys!

Listen to the gong, listen to the sound, listen to the sound, Mr. Ding, why don't you really treat yourself as an outsider?
When I said these words just now, I was actually driving people away implicitly.

Luo Xuan doesn't have the capital to sit idle.

Hurry up, go out and catch more eels and sell them for a little more money, that's serious.

But the men, women and children in these production teams didn't have to toss for a few hours, so don't let them stop.

Since everyone didn't want to leave, Luo Xuan had no choice but to turn around and go into the kitchen to scoop up water.

In this new home, there are really no such things as buckets and kettles.

When Luo Xuan usually drinks water, he sneaks into the space and drinks the spring water there to quench his thirst. How can there be any need to boil water?
After entering the kitchen room, he picked up a few large coarse porcelain bowls, and Luo Xuan stepped into the space.

Fill the space with spring water, and Luo Xuan delivers it to everyone in the yard.


A woman took a sip of water and suddenly exclaimed, "Luo Xuan, why does your water taste so good? Where did you get the water? Why does it taste sweet when you drink it? ?”

"Yes, this water is delicious!"

Uncle Ding also raised his bowl and nodded in agreement, "Drinking this water makes people feel comfortable in their mouths!"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan was shocked in his heart!
I was careless!

I drink the spring water in the space every day.As time passed, Luo Xuan didn't feel that there was anything special about the spring water.

But when the members drank this spring water for the first time, everyone could clearly feel the difference between it and the well water they usually drink!
"Ahem, cough, it's nothing. This is the water seeping from the cracks in the rocks that I brought back from the taro forest behind the house."

Luo Xuan hurriedly opened his mouth to explain: "Maybe it's Uncle Ding, you just happen to be thirsty, so it tastes good to drink?"

"Well, what Luo Xuan said makes sense."

The woman who first yelled that the water was delicious nodded and analyzed, "It's like when a person is very hungry, a baked sweet potato can make people panic. Luo Xuan, I'll give you two Mother scooped up a bowl of water, and I want to drink some more."


Luo Xuan spread his hands, and said apologetically, "I don't have a bucket or tank at home. I still brought the water back from the casserole."

"No water?"

The woman couldn't help but shook her head and sighed, "It is said that people are poor and their water is endless. Luo Xuan's family is so pitiful that you don't even have an extra sip of water. Oh, what a crime!"

Seeing that this matter has finally been fooled, Luo Xuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Luo Xuan secretly warned himself: It seems that I have to be more careful in the future!
Be careful, no matter how careful you are, no matter how cautious you are in your words and deeds, you can't be too cautious.

This era is not an era of daring to let loose.If you don't pay attention, you will fall into an abyss of danger beyond redemption.

Really careless!

Luo Xuan was reflecting on himself, when Uncle Ding spoke again: "Hey, Luo Xuan, why don't you get a water tank?"

Hearing Uncle Ding mention the water tank, the woman gave Luo Xuan an idea, "Luo Xuan, go to the street, there is that kind of big pottery tank sold in the daily miscellaneous store of the supply and marketing cooperative. You can buy one sometime Come back and use it as a water tank."

Luo Xuan shook his head, "Let's talk about this later. Now I don't have much money on hand, so I need to save some money."

"I do have a stone water tank there."

Uncle Ding said with a smile, "If you don't dislike it for being small and old, you can use it as a gift from me to warm your house."

Zhengxing brigade is rich in big bluestone.

Most of the water tanks in the houses of the commune members are stone water tanks made of a whole block of stone and chiseled with a hammer.

This kind of stone water tank is large and small.

Uncle Ding's family has a large population and consumes a lot of water. Later, his house was replaced with a large water tank.

And the original small old water tank in his house, which has been used for countless generations, was discarded by Uncle Ding behind the house.

In Luo Xuan's house, there is no need for a water tank.

But hearing Uncle Ding's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but feel his heart move: the broken clay pot used to hold fish in the space can no longer hold more and more eels and loaches.

Go get that water tank back by yourself, isn't it just right for you?
(End of this chapter)

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