Chapter 10 Candy Rare
The door panels were removed one by one, and the employees of the supply and marketing cooperative, wearing white shirts and "He" brand Jiefang shoes, finally opened the door of the non-staple food store and officially started business.

A large group of people who had been waiting for a long time rushed into the store at once, and went straight to the counter where they needed to buy items.

"What are you running? What are you crowding? Robbing people?"

A person who looks like a cadre is wearing a slightly yellowish fine count worsted white linen short sleeves.

This kind of fabric was used to make summer bed sheets in later generations, but it was extremely rare in this period.

He yelled loudly: "Everyone go in line! Those who run at the front all go to the back!"

These farmers who came out of the mountains have to travel a long way back.

Not to mention that the road is long and difficult, even the midday sun can dazzle them.

Moreover, their neighbors, relatives and friends will ask them to bring things, so when they rush into the store, they feel the most urgent.

After being yelled at by the cadres of the supply and marketing cooperative, the mountain people, who have always been timid and fearful, immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them froze in place, at a loss.

"Go to the back, don't you hear me?"

The cadre came over, grabbed the shoulder of the man who suggested that Luo Xuan go to the door upside down, and pulled him outside!
"Is this how you serve the people?"

Luo Xuan, who was following behind the crowd, walked in at a leisurely pace.

I questioned the cadre: "The masses rushed out from the mountains overnight just to buy things early so that they could go back. They don't want to delay agricultural production, so it's understandable that they feel a little anxious. You How can you treat the people with such a rude attitude?"

The cadre was taken aback, turned around and stared at Luo Xuan!
Luo Xuan also stared straight back, his eyes showing no sign of weakness!

"Deputy team leader Zhao, this little comrade is right, your attitude just now is indeed inappropriate."

At this moment, another cadre came out from the employee passageway behind the store, first smiled at Luo Xuan, "This little comrade is right in criticizing, the service attitude in our agency is lacking.

On behalf of all the employees of the second store of non-staple food, I apologize to this little comrade and to all the masses! "

The supply and marketing cooperatives in this period also had a competitive relationship with the outside public-private joint venture stores.

In addition, the employees in the supply and marketing cooperatives have also joined the work not long ago. Everyone cherishes this hard-won job very much, and everyone is very enthusiastic about their work.

Therefore, their service attitude is not bad at this time.

Luo Xuan caught the fault of the deputy head of the cabinet team, and put a big hat on him, and the effect was indeed immediate.

The leader came out from behind and nodded to everyone, as an apology to everyone.

Then he waved his hand, "It's getting late, please go and pick out the products, ah, don't worry, get the food stamps and sugar stamps ready, everyone can buy them."

After finishing speaking, the cadre winked at the deputy team leader, and the two went back to the staff passage.

Before approaching the passage, the deputy team leader Zhao looked back at Luo Xuan deliberately, his eyes were full of doubts
A middle-aged man from the country, dressed in tatters and smelling like fish, but when he speaks, how can he be more director than the director?

It's not that deputy team leader Zhao discriminates against anyone, the contrast in Luo Xuan's performance is so great that he really can't figure it out.

what to see? !
Luo Xuan didn't take it seriously in his heart: Anyone who knows a little bit about this era knows this technology.

It just depends on whether he has the courage to say such words fluently.

Just like not everyone can stand in the spotlight calmly and sing a song smoothly.

Walking to the counter selling sweets and pastries, the farmers in the mountains automatically made way for Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan smiled slightly, and quietly moved to the back of their line without making a sound.

Now that the posture is out, I have to do it thoroughly, and I can't make everyone feel that my tail is up.

Children who are humble and low-key are always more pleasing.

"This doll speaks a little level."

"That's right, Deputy Director Luo of the Procurement Office should be a sharp-spoken and well-spoken person? In my opinion, this baby has grown up and is much better than Deputy Director Luo."

Non-staple food stores are on the market.

In addition, other salespersons in the cabinet group who sold pickled kohlrabi, dried cured lettuce, dried plum vegetables, and salted vegetables whispered to each other in twos and threes: "Which brigade is this from? I'm afraid his parents are the brigade captain, and they speak so loudly!"

"Impossible, it's from the captain's family, dressed so badly. Cough cough, so simple?"

"I think he looks familiar but I can't remember it."

"Zheng Yuanchao, did you mention a bamboo shoot? It's so light, and it doesn't even stand up to your fart. Think about it again, which brigade does he belong to?"

"I think he looks familiar, but I still can't remember."

These salesmen are whispering.

And Luo Xuan, who was standing behind the crowd, began to lower his head and think: How should he arrange the two or two five candy tickets in his hand and the one yuan, two cents and four cents in his pocket?

In the round glass sugar bowl on the counter, there are only sweet potato candies and corn hard candies for sale.

The white sugar and brown sugar are pre-packaged in straw paper, wrapped with a layer of white paper, and a small square red paper with the word "囍" in red is pasted on it.

There are packs of one catty and half catties.

That was given as a gift.

Bulk white sugar and brown sugar are placed in large pottery vats inside the counter. When customers need to buy, the salesperson will open the wooden lid.

Hard candies such as sweet potato candy and corn candy are called "hygienic candy" because they are wrapped with a layer of colorful wax paper, which makes people feel clean.

But Luo Xuan knew that they had little to do with "hygiene".

These candies are boiled in an iron pot with sweet potato and corn, and finally the syrup is boiled.

When the sugar embryos were about to cool down, the county supply and marketing cooperatives, the strong workers in the self-run candy factory, carried the sugar embryos on their shoulders and repeatedly pulled them.

When they pulled the candy, they hung one end of the candy embryo on the wooden post, and the other end on Chi Guoguo's shoulder, and they pulled it back and forth repeatedly.

Wait until the air bubbles in the sugar embryo are almost pulled out, and then put it on the chopping board and knead it into strips.

At this time, workers, men and women, gathered around the chopping board and cut the long strips of sugar embryos into candy particles the size of little fingers with iron knives.

Finally, wrap the outer layer of paper, and a candy is produced.

The whole process is purely handmade.

Luo Xuan was sure: the shoulders of those strong men who were in charge of pulling the candy embryos were all smooth, and there would never be a single hair on them!


Luo Xuan was finally in line.

Luo Xuan took out the two-two-five candy ticket, and told the salesperson that he needed to buy 1-two-five corn candy, and the rest of the candy tickets would be bought as brown sugar.

Luo Xuan had already eaten enough red sweet potatoes, and when he smelled the unique smell of red sweet potatoes, Luo Xuan felt sick.

If it wasn't for starving to death if he didn't eat, Luo Xuan would never want to be contaminated with sweet potatoes again.

The candies are very small, so you don’t need to weigh them on the scale. One piece weighs 1 yuan, and 1 candies are 10 tael.

One candy costs one penny, and I bought 1, which cost 15 cents in total.

The rest was bought as brown sugar, which was only 4 yuan the size of a thumb, and it cost another 1 cents and 8 cents.

Candy is not expensive, but it is difficult for rural children to eat a few candies a month, mainly because of the difficulty of getting candy tickets.

The issuance of sugar tickets in rural areas is irregular. It is difficult to tell whether there will be sugar tickets in a year and how many tickets will be issued.

Even for the distribution of sugar tickets, a strong labor force is issued only two or five a year, and at most five taels are issued at a time.

Usually, if everyone has money but no sugar tickets, they can only stare blankly at the sugar bowl of the supply and marketing cooperative.

The reason why Luo Xuan bought brown sugar was because brown sugar melted faster than hard candy. Luo Xuan worried that when his hypoglycemia was severe, the hard corn candy would be too slow to take effect.

Finish buying candy.

Luo turned out of the dark non-staple food store, but saw the mountain people in front of him standing at the door, as if they were waiting for him.

Among them, several mountain people looked at Luo Xuan, making Luo Xuan always feel that they were looking at his future son-in-law.
Makes people hairy!

(End of this chapter)

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