So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 447 I hope that whenever you fall, you can remember the firmness when you made the oath

In the bedroom of Yangli's house, Hongli sat slumped in Heiyang's arms with a look of lovelessness.

"Damn it, I finally tricked you into changing it!"

Hongli raised her head and sighed: "In the end, I haven't had enough fun yet, so I returned to the original."


Heiyang rubbed the red glass in his arms, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and complained: "When you have had enough fun, who knows what kind of mess I will be made by you..."


Hongli sneered, then raised her small fist and waved it, her eyes sparkling.

"That's naturally a harsh training!"

"You can imagine that scene."

Hong Li's face showed longing.

"It will be very exciting and happy then!"

"Hehe, yes, yes."

Hei Yangpi smiled bluntly and said, "It's true!"


Hong Li's expression froze.

"Ahem, that, I'll just say something hahahaha!"

With a flash of her body, Hong Li came behind Hei Yang and stretched out her hand to pinch Hei Yang's shoulder.

"Oh, good husband, you don't really believe that your little Li has such a rebellious idea, do you? I was just joking!"

"Hehe, you better be."

Heiyang turned his head and gave Hongli a white look, moved his shoulders, and stretched, and the latter took the opportunity to flow into Heiyang's arms like a liquid.

"Are you satisfied this time?"

Heiyang patted Hongli lightly, and said with a broken smile: "Before, I always wanted to know about my past experiences, but now I have read all the memories for you, are you satisfied?"

"Oh my, I've always been content with you."

Hongli chuckled, suddenly thought of something, couldn't help but sighed, and said helplessly, "But speaking of this, I haven't finished exploring your memory yet!"

"Ha, I've finished exploring your memory."

Heiyang smiled triumphantly.

"How about it, it's amazing!"

"Grass, why are you inexplicably proud!"

A row of black lines were drawn across Hongli's head.

"My memory is not much different from Temeow Blank!"


Hei Yang smiled without saying a word.

"You still have the nerve to laugh!"

Hongli stretched out her hands to hold Heiyang's cheeks, gently tugged and muttered: "What kind of life do you live all day long!
I followed your line of sight to school, only to find that my classmates didn't even load their facial features!

Anyway, being a classmate, is that kind of image in your memory? "

"I can't help it, I'm really not familiar with it."

Heiyang sighed helplessly: "You will find that the clear picture is used for other things."

"That's true, the decimal points in your exercises are all clear."

Hongli rolled her eyes, opened her mouth to say something, but finally sighed, and reached out to touch Heiyang's head.

"It's so hard on you, baby.

I watched it for my mother for a long time, but I couldn't finish all of them. It's really... Tiring even thinking about it! "

"Climbing, climbing, who is your son!"

Heiyang glared at Hong Li viciously.

"Besides, I'll give you a son!"


Hongli took a breath.

"Ha people!"

Hongli shrank her neck, coughed twice, and changed the topic.

"Well, I digressed, let's talk about Brother Heiyang again hahaha."

Hongli laughed awkwardly twice, then sighed again.

"However, I still feel that those were the things you remembered most clearly in the past. It's really uncomfortable to think of how uncomfortable and tired you are."

Hongli curled her lips, poked Heiyang's chest, and said a little unhappy: "You lazy dog, obviously I am not willing to let you do heavy work."

"Well, that feeling..."

Hongli said in a metaphor: "It's like raising a dog that is cherished as a treasure at home, but it is sold to a dog meat shop by a dog thief..."


Hongli pressed her heart with one hand, with a sad face.

"It's really distressing!"

"Oh, oh, ok, ok, that was a long, long time ago."

Heiyang comforted Hongli with a helpless smile.

"By the way, I thought your focus would be more on other things."


Hongli froze for a moment, doubtful question marks flashed in her eyes.

"What do you call...other tops? What tops?"


A few question marks also flashed on Hei Yang's head, he frowned, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't you notice?"

"Ah? Discovered? Discovered what?"

Hongli's eyes also turned into question marks.

"Oh, just say no!"

Hongli couldn't help but glared at Heiyang.

"Riddler get out of bed!"

"Tch, don't leave, what can you do?"

Heiyang rolled his eyes back, stretched out his hand to hold Hongli's head, suppressing the opponent's rebellion.

"What I want to say is that I've read so many anime manga novels in my memory, it's surprising that you haven't read them with interest!"

After a pause, Hei Yang added: "Although I can't remember the faces of my classmates, I can still remember the faces of the anime characters very clearly!
Coupled with props and the ability to improve your own memory, you should be able to enjoy the viewing experience from the first perspective, right? "

"Huh? Is this still possible?"

Hong Li's eyes widened and said: "You still remember these?!!"

"Nonsense, I didn't remember that, what did I tell you before? Oh, I was thinking about it myself, then I'm really good!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes and kept complaining.

"Oh, oh, it's just that I didn't react for a while, what are you crazy about!"

Hongli was a little out of breath, but she was still a little curious when she heard Heiyang's words.

"Can you really see what you said?"

How should I put it, some stories are not intuitive enough for Black Sunshine to describe in words, Hong Li has always wanted to see it with her own eyes.


Heiyang nodded with certainty, and pointed to his head.

"Since it's a memory, then I can tell you for sure, Xiaoli, that you remember it clearly. After all, we are also the CPU brains of the Nascent Soul Stage!"

"How to say."

Hei Yang spread his arms, smiled and said: "You know that too.

In order to keep these memories, I have worked so hard, it would be even better if you could see them! "

"Damn, you're still ashamed to mention it."

Hongli cast a reproachful glance at Heiyang, slapped him on the chest and said, "You're going to scare me to death, really, I'm still scared when I think about it now..."

"Hey, don't want that, don't want that."

Hei Yang smiled and waved his hands, "Think about something happy."

"Hmm, okay, let me think about it."

Hongli suddenly stretched out two hands, pressed the sides of Heiyang's head, pretending to be fierce, and said: "Look at me breaking your head open and scraping all your interesting memories!"

"Ah, yes, yes, search and search..."

Hei Yang waved his hands helplessly with a smile, pointed at the gift box, and said, "Before that, let's finish opening the gift boxes, only five of them will be opened!"


Hongli was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the remaining gift boxes, nodded her head and said in affirmation: "That's right, okay, let's talk after opening..."


Heiyang smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand towards the gift box.

"Sixth, it's my turn, right?"

"Not really."

Hongli murmured in a low voice: "The black sun was also blooming just now!"

"Heh, you are so thick-skinned, sister Hongli, you can say such things."

Hei Yang turned to look at Hong Li with a look of disdain.

"It was Heiyang who opened it just now, so it should be opened by Hongli now, right? Is it reasonable?"

"Mmmm, that's right!"

Hongli nodded repeatedly.

"That's it... ah!"


Hongli rubbed her head, with a displeased expression on her face.

"Hey, if you don't let me drive it, you can drive it yourself, and do it!"

"Tsk tsk."

Seeing Hongli's pretendingly pitiful appearance, Heiyang couldn't help laughing, and handed the box in his hand to Hongli.

"Then come on, or you should drive?"

You come you come. "

Hong Li waved her hand and said with a smile: "I never thought that this could be so modest."

"There's more than you expected."

Hei Yang retorted casually, and without pretending to be polite to Hong Li, he reached out to open the gift box.

Well, as expected, it was red again.

Item: Dali Dragon Tiger Pill
Quality: red

Function: 49 pieces, each of which contains the mighty power of a dragon, god and tiger. Every time you eat one, the energy value will be fixed at full value within 49 days!
Introduction: The name sounds like a white quality item, but it is really a red quality item!
"Well, this thing..."

Heiyang frowned, and turned to look at Hongli.

"Xiao Li, do you have any ideas?"

"Ah this?!!"

The pupils of Hongli on the side trembled, her brain trembled, and eight characters flashed in her mind.

The big thing is bad!

My life is over!

No, she felt that she could still save her...

"Ahem, cough, this thing..."

Hongli snatched the medicine bottle over and snorted, "I confiscated it for the time being, you are not allowed to keep it!"


A question mark popped out of Heiyang's head.

"No, I said, what are you doing, I will confiscate it?"

"Hmph, don't blame me, I'm just trying to save my life."

Hongli snorted softly, and put away the things that Heiyang opened without hesitation.

Obediently, can this be eaten by humans! ! !

If Heiyang eats this thing, I'm afraid it won't be...

A few images flashed through Hong Li's mind quickly, and then threw them away in an instant.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about things that are not so important."

Hongli waved her hand, bypassed the topic, and looked directly at the next gift box.

"Ahem, it's my turn this time."


Facing Hongli's intentional change of subject, Hei Yang followed her words.

"That's right, drive quickly!"

"Hey, okay!"

Hongli smiled, reached out and opened the gift box, the golden light was shining.

Item: Wooden fish with immeasurable merit

Quality: golden

Function: Every time you tap the merit wooden fish, the merit value will be increased by one.

Introduction: Some people's merits can't be recovered, so let's accept their fate (bushi)

"Ah, what a weird item..."

Hongli looked at the wooden fish in front of her, and knocked tentatively.


The sound is crisp and sweet, which makes people feel at ease.

Hongli seemed to see a small "+1" floating from her head, adding one to her merit!


Hongli showed half-moon eyes: "Uh, why don't I feel anything, is it really useful?"

While Hongli was talking, the other hand tapped the wooden fish subconsciously continuously, causing the words plus one to pop out of her head!
But Hongli felt it on the spot for a long time, but she still frowned, and said doubtfully: "It seems that there is really no obvious change in feeling?"

"It should be because there are too many bases, so I can't feel it."

Hei Yang on the other side came to understand, showing dead fish eyes, hehe said: "Back when we were doing winter vacation jobs with Grandma Meng, just handing me a bowl of soup could beat this broken wooden fish for who knows how many years..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched. If she remembered correctly, she remembered that Grandma Meng said that merits are generally very precious, and they are counted by points.

Some practitioners have worked tirelessly to help the grandmother cross the road for decades for the sake of a little bit of merit...

Wait, helping the old lady to cross the road for decades, is it from childhood to old age?
Hongli's thinking is diverging...

"Ahem, okay, okay."

Hongli laughed helplessly, tapped the wooden fish lightly and said: "At least the sound is quite crisp, just listen to it to relieve stress or something."

"It doesn't matter."

Hei Yang showed a funny face: "You knock on the wooden fish, I have a red glass head to knock on."

"Grass, why don't you pay off your merit!"

"Don't be negative, are you angry?"

Heiyang stretched out his hand to hold Hongli into his arms, moved his body, and opened the box again.

"Wow, golden legend!"

Hong Li, who was lying sideways on Heiyang's lap, saw the golden light emerging from Heiyang's box, and immediately felt a lot better.

"Hey, you kid can't open the highest-level red quality items every time!"

"whispering sound."

Heiyang glared at Hongli unhappily, who had a playful smile and no fear.

Sighing, he looked at the item.

Item: Clover Seed*9
Quality: golden

Function: After the seeds grow into clover, they can guard a certain area of ​​territory, turn the fan blades and blow away malicious flying objects...

Introduction: Blow, blow, my pride and indulgence~


Heiyang Hongli glanced at each other and saw the bewilderment in each other's eyes.

"Hiss, this can't be..."

Hongli suddenly thought of something, took a breath, and looked at Clover.

"Could it be the one who is said to be able to blow away the fog and balloon zombies..."

"Ah this."

The corners of Heiyang's mouth twitched slightly, and he recalled the scene of Hongli holding a destruction mushroom and yelling to feed it to him.

"Ahem, calm down, we don't have any balloon zombies here."

Hei Yang waved his hand, stretched out a finger, and imagined: "It should be able to prevent some human traffickers from coming to steal children or something.

For example, a certain elder who did not want to be named..."

"Or whoever throws a missile at our Yangliju can blow it away?!"

Hongli knows how to draw inferences from one example.


"Hey, where did you get the missiles in your traveling world!"

Hei Yang couldn't help but a well popped out of his head, and patted Hongli on the head.

"I think you're bewildered because of my problem!
I guess, free fall or parabola? "

"Ah this..."

Hongli smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Keep going."

Hongli put her hand on the ninth box, raised Heiyang's arm, and pressed it on the tenth box.

"I'll count three two one, come together."

Hong Li explained to Hei Yang: "I don't believe it anymore!

The timing of opening the box is controlled at the same time as you, maybe the one you open will be much better! "

"Oh, Xuan can't help Fei."

"Don't talk nonsense, see the real chapter under your hands."

"Tch, it's exactly what I want!"

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