So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 420 1 The ending of everything is happy, if it is not good, then it is not the ending

Chapter 420 The ending of everything is happy, if it is not good, then it is not the ending
Hongli and Heiyang weighed quickly and made a decision.

"In that case."

Hongli's eyes were a bit cold: "Then let's just finish it!"

"Well, are you sure the experience effect has been completed?"

Heiyang thought for a while, and saw that some of the disciples below had lost their strength, and some of them were dying, so he nodded and appeared in front of his friends.

"Okay, everyone, look at me, look at me."

Heiyang clapped his hands, and Hongli walked out from behind him, with his hands behind his back, he obediently looked at Heiyang with a smile on his face.

"How do you feel after the experience of the previous journey?"

Heiyang tried to ask aloud, wanting to know whether the exercise effect had been achieved.

Don't seek to be reborn, at least it must appear to be somewhat improved.

"Me, me, I'm the first!"

Hei Xiaolong immediately raised his hand, took a deep breath, let go of all the aura on his body, and spread a layer of frost on the scorching hot rock layer, which quickly evaporated and turned into white mist.

"Brother Heiyang, can you feel it!"

Hei Xiaolong raised his head proudly, waiting for praise.


Heiyang scratched his head and asked curiously, "What do you feel?"

"Ah this?"

Hei Xiaolong's expression froze, and he was about to say something.

Hei Yang touched his head with his hand, and said happily: "Okay, okay, just kidding, just kidding you.

I saw it, breaking through to the fifth floor of the foundation building, and comprehending some new laws, which is expected to further improve the supernatural power.

Well done, keep up the good work!You will become stronger! "

Hei Xiaolong: "!!!"

Hei Xiaolong's face flushed instantly with excitement, and he hugged Heiyang happily: "Don't worry, Brother Heiyang, I won't let you down!"

"Well, I know, come on."

Hei Yang smiled and waved his hands: "Let's go back first, brother still has something to talk about."


Hei Xiaolong turned around like chicken blood, somersaulted to the back of the line, and cheered: "Oh ho! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Hard work will pay off! Oh hoo!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang Hongli and all the disciples looked at Hei Xiaolong who suddenly fell ill, and couldn't help but laugh.


Heiyang smiled mischievously, looked at everyone and said, "Everyone has something to improve, and if you want to share, you can say it..."

"Forget it, buddy, stand back and let me do it."

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang's embarrassed appearance, sighed, couldn't help pushing him, stood in front of him, and helped him out, saying: "Well, it can be seen that everyone has made great progress.

Improvement in cultivation, understanding of new truths, enhanced ability to resist setbacks, increased experience in field survival, and calm down when encountering problems.

Rookie disciples have transformed into qualified disciples, qualified disciples have become outstanding disciples, and outstanding disciples have become elite disciples. Elite disciples will strive to become the mainstay of protecting their homeland in the future! "

Hongli looked at the people with different expressions, among them, Xingyun's expression was the most serious, as if he took what he said as wise words.

"Well, so, I am here to announce that this experience is officially over."

Hongli waved her small hand and announced so.

"It's getting late, everyone pack up, we're going home."


The disciples couldn't help being stunned when they heard the sudden announcement.

"That, Miss Hongli?"

Xingyun, who was originally full of energy, was stunned, tilted his head, and asked in doubt: "That's it for us, is the experience over?"

"Uh huh, why not?"

Hong Li moved aside, exposing the volcanoes behind her, and stretched out her fingers.

"Of course, if you really want to continue exploring, it's not impossible to continue.

Well, the next one is an additional question, so don't force it.

If you feel that you have reached your limit or have no energy to continue participating, you can just quit.

It doesn't matter, everyone's performance this time is already good enough, and then just do what you can, and it's too late. "

"Ah this..."

Xingyun, Zhao Zhuji and several other strongest disciples looked at each other, still considering whether to continue.

"That, or else..."

Zhao Zhuji was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by a loud roar in the distance.


Hearing this roar, which was louder than the thunder that constantly exploded in the sky, everyone's hearts seemed to have been hit hard by a hammer, and their faces turned pale.

Heiyang Hongli turned her head and looked aside, only to see the mountains shaking in the distance, and the spiritual power rippled under the two people's feet, protecting the people behind them.

In an instant, the thunder and flames in the sky seemed to be frozen, and the lava that was erupting and galloping also died down.

But this scene was not a peaceful scene, but something more terrifying crawled out of the volcano!


There was a deathly silence at first, and then suddenly, a deafening roar exploded, and a ring-shaped air wave spread out from a distance.

All the disciples widened their eyes, and then saw a picture that was enough to remember for a lifetime.

Those volcanoes are like brittle glass, with spider web-like cracks spreading and expanding on the surface, bursting out with dazzling brilliance under the dark sky, even blinding people for a moment.


There was a strange crisp sound, as if someone had dropped the mountain peak to the ground and smashed it into pieces. The thick rock formation instantly turned into nothing, and the dense dust was wrapped up with the storm, drowning everyone under the shield of spiritual power.

The eyes of all the disciples went dark, and the transparent spiritual power shield around them was buried under an unknown depth of soil like amber.

Before they came back to their senses, their eyes suddenly lit up again.

They looked forward, and the two in front were still standing.

Hei Yang raised one arm, his hand facing the sky like a claw, and stretched out the other arm, protecting Hong Li.

Hongli's long black hair fluttered wildly behind her. She put her hand on Heiyang's shoulder, gently pressed the arm in front of her, and stretched her other hand to the storage pocket at her waist.

The two looked up at the sky, and at the moment when the dust and rock dissipated, a huge body covering the sky and the sun cast a shadow, and the rushing fire around them had cooled down and extinguished at some point.

The flowing fire, the howling thunder, and the solidified blood on the wings swept away the black ash that had covered the sky for an unknown number of years, revealing the real sky of this broken world.

There is no sun, moon and stars, and there is no more wind, rain, thunder and lightning. The sky above the head is only dark.

With claws, wings and tail, the giant reveals its figure from the darkness.

After the light abandoned the world, the huge fireballs burning in the eyes of the giant were like two suns!

Race: Molten Dragon Spirit Vault Sky Mysterious Realm

Boundary: Sabi
Introduction: The world named Qiongtian is the product of the collapse after the failure of the robbery. After burning out the last flame, try to charge again.


Once again, a terrifying roar sounded like hitting the heart.

Before the terrifying roar could cause further harm to everyone present, ripples appeared on the shield of spiritual power, making everyone's ears fall into silence, and the receiver was forcibly turned off by the shield's control.

Heiyang slowly took out the long sword, and the end of the red glass gun lightly scratched the ground.

"It's all here."

Heiyang's eyes dimmed: "Everyone has arrived."

"It's all here."

Hong Li stared at the giant dragon: "All the power of laws left in this world."

"Is that so..."

Heiyang nodded slightly.

"Send it one last time."

"And turn it into the foundation of our world."

Hongli took a deep breath, calming her mind.

"In the future, help it complete the charge."


There is no agreed slogan, Heiyang Hongli doesn't need those.

The two jumped up at the same time, and under the witness of everyone behind them, the two small figures rushed towards the terrifying existence in the sky.


The dragon's wings trembled, and the whole world shook with it. With the sky on its back, it greeted the two of them. It opened its mouth to breathe out black and purple dragon flames, trying to wipe everything in front of it.

At some point, Hongli was already half a body ahead of Heiyang, charging towards the giant dragon's head.

Facing this black purple dragon flame, Hong Li didn't hesitate to dodge her thoughts.

The world space was cut and torn by the spear point on her attack trajectory, and a sound like cloth breaking came out.

Let all the strength of the whole body be concentrated on the tip of the spear, and there is no more energy to distract and dodge and resist.

And the hot breath of Heizi Longyan seemed to have licked that flushed face, but it was destined to be unable to move any further.

"The other shore returns to silence!"

A gray sword light flew from the side, and Heiyang swung the long sword towards the black purple dragon flame to split it.

The dense gray mist instantly spread and swelled, and the sword light exuded a lifeless coldness.

The scorching breath suddenly cooled down, and the violent and destructive flames suddenly became quiet, as if being killed quietly!

The black and purple flames were engulfed and eroded by the gray fog, and they were burning the gray fog as fuel.

The two collided and burned, and the black and gray smoke exploded. The smoke stretched and entangled, and climbed up the dragon's claws and the long sword.

"Cough, heh..."

Heiyang coughed lightly, a little gray smoke rose from his throat, and was spit out lightly. The corners of his mouth were raised, and he looked at the petite figure in front of him with shining eyes. Hongli pointed a spear between the dragon's eyes. between.


A little hole appeared in front of the dragon's forehead, and the whole body of the dragon froze immediately.


Gritting his red and silver teeth, his arm exerted strength again, and it turned into a long rainbow!
At the moment when the dragon froze, a cold light flashed in Heiyang's eyes, and he raised his long sword and swiped towards the dragon's claws.



A terrifying aura came from above the sky, and all the disciples looked up at the sky with their eyes widened.

It's just a pity that, apart from the endless fire, it was still fire, and they couldn't even hear the sound of the battle after their handsets were turned off.

"Brother Heiyang..."

Hei Xiaolong clenched his fists, staring at the sky with both excitement and nervousness.

He spoke incoherently, he didn't know what to say, he just shook his fist fiercely, as if he wanted to help Heiyang punch his opponent.

"Sister Hongli, you're so handsome!"

Xingyun's eyes shone brightly, trembling with excitement.

"I will definitely work hard and work hard to become an excellent person like you!"

"Well, the ancestor blesses, the master blesses..."

Zhao Zhuji clasped his hands together, his face was tense, sweat dripped from his forehead, and he kept muttering prayers in his mouth.

"Praise the boundless my great sword gate, the five elements go to the holy sect, roam freely in the world, and the luck is favored..."

Zhao Zhuji has never seen such a terrifying guy in her life. The giant dragon that blocks the sky is something she could not have imagined in her dreams.

The sense of despair and suffocation that comes from the whole world betting against everything makes her heart still feel like it's aching.

As a genius disciple of Wuliangjianmen, Zhao Zhuji's talent is even more genius among geniuses, she has her own pride for being hardworking, just like she would never be willing to admit defeat to competitors of the same class like Xingyun Heixiaolong.

Only Heiyang and Hongli, two guys who did not follow common sense and mastered a bunch of illegal skills, could make Zhao Zhuji sigh and have no idea of ​​confrontation.

Even, she didn't regard the two of them as imaginary enemies. In her heart, perhaps the elders who had lived for hundreds of years in the sect would not be the team members of those two guys.

That was already the existence of the realm that Zhao Zhuji couldn't even guess. She even thought that in this world, those two guys were the Aoyoujie system accidentally running wrong.Two loopholes are generated, two are enough, any more is bullying.

And just now, after she saw the huge fire dragon, she immediately knew that this was also an existence she couldn't fight against.

As long as the other party thinks, I, and even these companions around me, will be in front of the other party.There will be no resistance in the slightest.

At this time, the only thing they have left to rely on is Heiyang and Hongli who are fighting fiercely with each other.

But to put it another way, whether they can survive or not depends entirely on the outcome of this battle!

Once Heiyang Hongli failed, they couldn't even run away.

In other words, Heiyang Hongli can only succeed, not fail!
But several minutes have passed now, and the sky is still fighting non-stop, which makes Zhao Zhuji feel even more uncomfortable.

Must win!

Zhao Zhuji prayed in her heart.

If we lose, we'll be screwed together.

At that time, it will be sprayed into ashes or something by a flame.

Constantly thinking about it, Zhao Zhuji couldn't help turning her head to look at her boyfriend Hong Butian, but couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

From the moment he first came in, the other party looked cautious and fearful of death, a nervous look that was weak and easy to bully.

Although Zhao Zhuji also knew that the other party was doing the right thing, after all, the other party's cultivation base was too low, and the first priority was to protect himself here.

But if you know it, you know it, cowardice is really cowardice.

But looking back at this moment, Zhao Zhuji was taken aback by the other party's appearance.

I saw the other party with a relaxed and calm face. While packing the package, he occasionally looked up at the sky, muttering in his mouth: "It should be almost over, huh? Zhuji, what kind of eyes do you have?"

"Ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji was looked at by Hong Butian with puzzled eyes, and couldn't help but said: "No, don't you look nervous, are you in such a good mood?"

"What's there to be nervous about, isn't it that you can go back?
You don't think the two of them can beat it, do you? "

Hong Butian waved his hand and said casually: "Don't worry, if the two of them can't beat them, they will definitely run away with us.

Since they chose to rush forward, it meant they were careful.

Well, tidy up these things before going back, so as not to make a mess when you leave later..."

"Ah this..."

Zhao Zhuji opened her mouth slightly and wanted to say something else, as if something had fallen from the sky, she frowned and turned her head to look, her eyelids twitched.

One, two, three...

Three huge dragon claws fell from the sky and fell to the ground. Before they landed, they turned into balls of fire and dissipated. Then there seemed to be...


Zhao Zhuji squinted her eyes, it seemed to be a torn dragon head...


A red light streaked across the black sky.


The tip of the gun was inserted into the ground, Hong Li fell, stepped on the gun shaft with one foot, jumped slightly, fell to the ground, and turned to look at the sky.

Heiyang landed lightly, looked at Hongli who was coming up with a smile, flicked the sword lightly, and a few sparks fell.

Immediately afterwards, a huge body fell from the sky.

Heiyang turned his head, looked calmly at the falling shadow, put the sword back into its sheath, and hung it back on his waist.


The long dragon tail flicked violently on the ground, and the entire dragon body turned into a ball of flames, disappearing without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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