So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 404 You Lend Me Your Eyes Once, and I Will Repay You Countless Times

Chapter 404 You Lend Me Your Eyes Once, and I Will Repay You Countless Times
"Ahem, since the road of strengthening strengths may be difficult, why don't we change our thinking!" Yao Qingkong said with a smile.


Hong Li looked at the other party with raised eyebrows, and said quietly: "You tell me, I'll listen."

"Ha, then you should listen!"

Yao Qingkong stretched out a finger and spoke in a leisurely manner.

"It's a good idea to develop your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and the cuteness can indeed go a step further in you.

However, thinking about it in a different way, sometimes the extreme contrast may play an unexpected role! "


Resting her chin with one hand, Hongli hummed: "It's interesting, please elaborate."

"Ahem, think about it, you are cute now, since you don't plan to strengthen your style, then check for omissions and fill in the gaps!"

Yao Qingkong showed an appearance of holding a wisdom pearl, and said leisurely: "Think about it, as the saying goes, how much water a wooden barrel can hold depends on the short board.

Think about it, do you have any shortcomings, and list them one by one, which is the goal of your future efforts! "

"Is that so..."

Hongli frowned seriously with a teachable expression, but the frown became tighter and tighter.

"It's not very easy..."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Yao Qingkong asked curiously, "Any more questions?"

"Yes, there is a problem."

Hongli sighed again and again, and emphasized: "And it's still a very serious problem!"

"Oh roar?"

Yao Qingkong frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "Let's hear it?"


Hong Li nodded, rubbing the center of her brows, and said solemnly: "The problem is that Hong Li and I have no shortcomings at all!
Any deficiencies, shortcomings, or such and such bad things have nothing to do with me! "

"after all!"

Hongli smiled slightly, resting her chin with one hand, and said to herself: "The whole body is the most perfect me, there is no dead spot!"



Hongli's smile suddenly disappeared, and the dead fish turned his eyes to the side, and said unhappily: "Why are you laughing, am I wrong, huh?"

"Yes, it's too spicy!"

Yao Qingkong grinned and said, "Leave aside right and wrong, what you said, Xiao Li, is quite nice!"

Hongli: "..."

"What is called……"

A well popped out of Hongli's head, and she said angrily, "What do you mean putting aside right and wrong! Are you questioning the great Shangshen Hongli!"

"Puff, hahaha, how dare you say that."

Yao Qingkong showed half-moon eyes, smiled and teased: "If you don't want to say it, then let me do it for you?"

"Hmph, the arrogance of mortals."

Hongli snorted softly, and said with disdain: "Come on, express your stupid prejudice to your heart's content, so that I can hear what ridiculous words you have to say!"

"Hey, then I'll say it bluntly."

Yao Qingkong grinned and stretched out her finger, and said in advance: "It's done, I told you, don't get angry, don't get angry, and think about my suggestion humbly."

"Oh, gods never lack the virtue of humility."

Hong Li closed her eyes and said proudly: "It's just that the theory of mere mortals is really hard to convince the gods.

However, today, for the sake of my god's good mood, I will be merciful and allow your unbearable words to come to my ears! "

"You look sick from time to time..."

Yao Qingkong was speechless: "Does your family know?"

"Ha, of course!"

Hongli snorted softly: "If God Heiyang is here, he will have a very happy conversation with me!"

"Even if you are sick like this, are you willing to accompany the role-playing..."

Yao Qingkong whispered: "Thinking about it this way, marrying him is simply a match made in heaven."

"Hahaha, thank you, thank you!"

Shangshen Hongli waved her hands modestly and said: "It's just a patient, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning, hehe..."


Yao Qingkong rolled his eyes, and said, "Then listen carefully, I told you, don't be impatient!"

"bring it on!"

Hongli patted her chest confidently and said, "If you frown, I'm not a good man!"

"You were not a good man..."

Yao Qingkong muttered contemptuously, sighed, and said, "First, your character is too lively and jumpy, which will give him a feeling that it doesn't matter if he can bully him casually, and lacks awe of you! "


Hongli tilted her head, and said with some uncertainty: "Isn't it right? Husband and wife should still be in awe? Shouldn't they play around casually? You don't have to be restrained in what you say or do..."

Having said that, Hong Li chuckled, clenched two small fists and waved them in the air.

"Just like this, heheheha, without reason, if you are in a bad mood and give him two punches, he will not care about me.

At most, it's just a fight back, a little flesh and blood pain, it's nothing to worry about!
Bad things will not be taken to heart, and good things will be treasured in the bottom of my heart as precious memories!
There is no such thing as casual bullying, and feelings will firmly hold the line of propriety..."

"To be honest, the way you get along is very different from our husband and wife..."

Yao Qingkong laughed dumbly, and couldn't help but said helplessly: "Zisheng and I seldom get into such a row, usually he accommodates me, and I know..."

"It's meaningless to discuss this, each family has its own business!"

Hong Li waved her hand and said indifferently: "We are best friends, so what if we become husband and wife now?
Lucky people spend their whole lives being healed by childhood, and unlucky people spend their whole lives healing their childhood.

I belong to the super lucky one. Looking back on the wonderful encounter, I am still deeply moved. "

"Is that so..."

Yao Qingkong nodded thoughtfully and smiled in relief.

"Let's skip this point, let's talk about the second shortcoming..."

"What? There's a second shortcoming?!"

Hongli's eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: "Really, you can find a flaw that is not a flaw, but there is a second one?"


Yao Qingkong smiled disdainfully, and pointed to Hongli: "You look cute, you think cute, and you even have a cute figure, so do you know what your second shortcoming is?"


Hongli's little face turned pale, she covered her ears suddenly, closed her eyes and shrank her head, with an expression of not accepting reality.

"Ah, only this kind of thing, don't talk about it!
I don't listen, I don't listen, fake or fake, even if it's true, it's not a shortcoming, Heiyang said that small is also very cute...

Bah bah, anyway, I don't accept this kind of thing! "

"Oh roar?"

Yao Qingkong's eyes were full of smiles and said: "It's showing some flaws, hehe..."

"Okay! You don't have to say any more!"

Hongli looked at Yao Qingkong sadly and angrily, and said viciously: "If there is any way, tell me quickly, if you try to trick me, I will leave, let Xiaoyun stay here alone with you!"


Xingyun, who was acting as the background board, was startled, and quickly turned her head and asked, "Sister Hongli, sister Hongli, did you call me just now? What's the matter?!"

"Ah, it's okay baby."

Hongli coaxed the child: "Go and continue eating fruit and hang up. We are discussing some very boring topics. There is nothing special to pay attention to..."

"Well, is that so..."

Xingyun nodded, suddenly said: "Understood!"

Xingyun switched to busy mode.


Hongli turned her head to look at Yao Qingkong, and said directly: "Say it, tell me the method!

If you can't turn defeat into victory, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go! "

"Hey, don't be so creepy..."

Yao Qingkong rolled her eyes speechlessly, and didn't bother to keep showing off, but said: "I think you can try the legendary Pure Desire Wind!"


Hongli was shocked: "Pure prison wind? This is not very good!"

Hongli raised her small face, and the image of handcuffs and rope imprisonment flashed in her mind...

The little face gradually turned red, Hongli lowered her head shyly, and said coyly: "If Heiyang likes it, it's not impossible, oh, I'm so shy..."


Yao Qingkong put a question mark on her head: "How do I feel, what are you thinking about that horrible thing that I can't imagine?"


Hongli looked at her with the same puzzled expression.

The two looked at each other for three seconds, and Yao Qingkong couldn't help holding his forehead with one hand.

"I said, although I don't know how you understand it, the pure desire wind I'm talking about may not be the same thing as what you imagined..."


Hongli was taken aback again, and couldn't help but ask: "It's not my understanding? No rope..."

"No need at all! What are you talking about!"

As soon as Hongli uttered a word, she was interrupted by Yao Qingkong waving her hand in horror, for fear that Hongli would say something new that she hadn't played in hundreds of years cough cough...

"Anyway, stop imagining and let me tell you slowly!"

Yao Qingkong sneered a few times, then stretched out her finger and said, "This pure desire is not only cute, but also charming and charming from the inside out. There must be a charm from the inside out..."

"Oh, charming and moving, isn't it!"

Hongli scratched her head embarrassingly, and said with a smile: "Sometimes, Heiyang would praise me for being charming, hehehe..."


Yao Qingkong smiled disdainfully, and said, "Praise you when you're dizzy, right?"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li's expression froze.

"After you finish boasting, your eyes will turn black, right?"

Yao Qingkong sneered.

"Ah this..."

Hongli shuddered.

"At this time, no matter how charming you are, can you still save yourself?"

Yao Qingkong smiled.

"Also ask Master to save me!"

Hong Li clasped her hands together with a sincere expression on her face.


"Ha, for the sake of your sincerity, let me give you some pointers."

Yao Qingkong said happily: "If you want to show this kind of appearance that is completely different from your original personality, you have to master that temperament!"


A question mark appeared on Hongli's head.

"That's the kind, Leng Yan Yujie, or the arrogant young lady, or, uh..."

After a pause, Yao Qingkong looked at Hongli's confused look, sighed and said, "Forget it, let me give you another hint, um, it's that kind of high-ranking queen fan, you understand what I mean? "

"Uh, Queen?"

Hong Li blinked her eyes, raised her head and imagined.

No matter what kind of wind and frost went through last night~
Wake up after sleeping, the sun is still shining~

"Oh, oh, don't be so down-to-earth!"

Yao Qingkong swept away the fantasy image on Hongli's head with a wave, and couldn't help but put one hand on his forehead and said: "It can be less sunny, a little darker..."

"A little bit dark?"

Hong Li frowned, dreaming again.

In the dark basement, candles flickered.

"pia!" The whip flicked!
"What? Are you so excited to be whipped by me! Call me Queen..."

"no no!"

Yao Qingkong frantically photographed Hongli's even more terrifying imagination, and couldn't help complaining: "I made you dark, I didn't make you so dark! I mean let you dress up..."

"Ha, huh, I almost forgot, don't get excited, don't get excited, ha, huh..."

Yao Qingkong took a few long breaths to calm down his emotions.

She looked at Hongli helplessly, and said in an unhappy tone: "Why do I feel that you don't need me to teach you at all, your knowledge seems to be higher than mine!

Damn it, is there nothing left in your head..."

"Heiyang once said that as long as it can bring happiness to the two of us, it is not considered waste!"

Hongli snorted softly, and said confidently: "I know a lot, it's because I read a lot, it's because you are uneducated..."

"Wait, what books are you reading..."

Yao Qingkong complained aloud, but was ignored by Hongli who was talking freely.

"Plus, after getting married, Heiyang has allowed me to watch part of those ten t..."

"What are ten t's!"

Yao Qingkong got more question marks.

"And some of Heiyang's precepts and deeds."

Hongli paused, then stretched out a finger and said, "Although he is the same as me, he is a king of theory, but a bronze in practice.

But because of the environment, his conditions for learning these things are much better than mine, so the knowledge reserve is temporarily beyond my reach..."

"What the hell environment!"

Yao Qingkong couldn't help complaining: "You have such a strong reserve of knowledge, but the result is still like this, so let's forget it..."

"Ah this!?"

Hongli's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but said, "How can it be forgotten? It's agreed to fight back! It's agreed to turn around and sing!"

"It's okay, it's okay, after analysis, you have been eaten to death..."

Yao Qingkong spread his hands together, shook his head and said with a gloating smile: "His knowledge reserve is stronger than yours, his special combat power is stronger than yours, and you two know each other well...

You are hopeless, just obey obediently, bear with it for a lifetime will pass soon.

Oh, I forgot that you are practitioners, and you are not yet twenty, hehehe..."


Yao Qingkong's face seemed to have a special effect of a smirk, grinning white teeth, resting his chin with one hand, looking at Hongli leisurely.

"It seems that your happy life has just begun. I really look forward to what you will look like in a few years, or even decades."

Yao Qingkong looked at Hongli's terrified eyes, and said, "Don't worry, I will remember your half-pure cute eyes.

When the time comes, wait for the love to cough in your eyes, and then compare it again, it must have a different flavor..."

"Less, come less!"

Hongli snorted softly: "I didn't scare Hongli, Heiyang is very gentle.

Even if it takes decades or hundreds of years, I will still not change.

If there must be any changes, it must be that the relationship between the two of us is better! "

"Huh, but a little bit, you're right."

Hongli clenched her fists tightly, and said with a firm face, "I have a lot of knowledge, but it's just that I haven't sorted it out carefully.

As long as you search carefully, you will be able to find the opponent's weakness and turn defeat into victory.

Thinking about it, when I go back and step on him hard..."


Hongli clenched her fists and said, "Even if you lose, you have to lose more beautifully, more decently..."

"Hey, you thought of losing before you even started, your momentum has completely collapsed..."

Yao Qingkong complained about Hongli's declaration.

"Nonsense, do you think you can do it just by shouting slogans!"

Hongli snorted softly: "Even if there is, it's the domineering heroine in the story of the hot-blooded king. What does it have to do with a waste like me who eats and eats black sun!"

Yao Qingkong: "Ah, this..."

"That's right, my original goal in life was to just let Heiyang take care of me and let him take care of everything.

What are you thinking about killing him, who will support me if he is so tired..."

Hongli was taken aback suddenly, and glanced at Yao Qingkong vigilantly, and couldn't help but said: "Damn it, I was almost led astray by you, when did my painting style become so inspirational? To enjoy life comfortably is my life pursuit what!"

Yao Qingkong: "..."

"Okay! Sister Hongli is right!"

Xing Yun clapped and applauded, her little face flushed and said excitedly: "It's really a speech that makes people's hearts beat!

Sure enough, just like what my dad said, if you decide the right path in your heart, you must persist in walking through it unswervingly! "

"Well! That's right, that's it!"

Hongli nodded: "But by the way, Xiaoyun, have you been listening?"

Hongli's complexion changed, she turned her head and stared at Xingyun closely, as if if you dare to nod, I'll bury you in the grave.

If those words just now were heard by Xiao Yun, sure enough, it seems that it needs to be silenced...

"Ah, no."

Xingyun scratched her head embarrassingly and said with a smile: "Because I was eating just now, and I was thinking of bringing some for Gaga.

It is necessary to consider not only the taste that Gaga likes, but also nutrition, ah, it is so difficult to raise a child.

Thinking about how hard it must have been for my dad to raise me so much, I still have to continue to work hard to repay my dad! "

"Is that so..."

Hongli heaved a sigh of relief.

Slowly let go of the hand hidden behind...


"Are you sure you have detected the location of the world fragment?"

"The intensity of the energy response is correct, isn't it?"

"Suddenly disappeared? What do you mean? Someone intervened?"

"Where was the last time it was seen?"

"Is that so, I understand, don't worry, I'll find a professional..."

"Huh, that's weird..."

Elder Huo Le looked at the news and waved his hand to block the messy voices in the Lingshi group chat mode.

After thinking about it, Huo Le took out another communication spirit stone.

Although I really don't want to bother him anymore, but this is the task assigned by the master after all, if he messes up, maybe the old man will come back to beat people someday.

Thinking of Master, Huo Le couldn't help shivering, and stopped hesitating.

"Hello? Xiaoli, ah no, hello, suzerain?
Ah yes yes yes, smart, too smart, I do have something to find you, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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