So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 231 Just after the holiday, it is the meat of the heart, and it will become the meat of the

Chapter 231 It's the meat of the heart just after the holiday, and it will become the meat of the hob in a few days, and the last piece of rotten meat is regarded as the enemy

"Xiaohuo, come and try on this dress grandma brought!"

"Xiaohuo, come and taste the cake that grandma just made!"

"Xiao Huo, don't you think it's cute to wear this little hat?"

"Small fire, drink the pork ribs and lotus root soup quickly, or it will be cold!"

"Uh, ah, chirp, ah..."

Xiao Huo looked at the grandma on the left for a while, and then at the grandma on the right for a while, his mouth was full of delicious food, and he was covered in beautiful clothes...

Grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma, grandma...

Xiaohuo kept shaking his little head, and after a while, his eyes started to turn around, and grandma and grandma were turning around on his head...

"Well, little fire, little fire..."

Xiao Huo muttered and wobbled, suddenly her center of gravity became unstable, and she leaned back. In an instant, four hands supported her on her back, and she was gently supported up.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaohuo, grandma is here!"

"Xiaohuo, don't cry, grandma won't let you fall!"


Xiaohuo's face was flushed red, and little hearts floated from his head: "Xiaohuo has been, has been given by happiness, happiness has been overwhelmed, Xiaohuo will be, will be spoiled, happiness..."

Xiaohuo closed his eyes peacefully, and his breathing became long and steady.

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at each other and smiled.

"Shh, I'm asleep~~"

"Even when she's sleeping, she's so cute!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Qing Yiyi gently wiped off the juice from the corner of Xiaohuo's mouth, and said with a smile: "I used to want to raise a daughter, but after having Xiaoyang, I felt that having another one would leave Xiaoyang in the cold, so I gave up the idea. Now Xiaoyang My granddaughter has fulfilled my dream."

"Ham, my Xiaoli said she was a girl, and you know that she has been out of character since she was a child."

Lan Yuying sighed: "It's obvious that other little girls like to dress up and play, but she's not interested in it, and she has a weird temper...Xiaohuo, this is what a normal little girl looks like!"

"Yeah, seeing Xiaohuo's current appearance, and thinking of her hard life in the hands of Xiaoli and Xiaoyang, I feel distressed, and I want to make up for all the grievances I suffered before!"

"Bad, fortunately, the child is only one year old, and there is still time to make up for it."

"Isn't it? Unlike the two outside the window, there is no way to control it!"

The two helped Xiaohuo to lie on the bed, took off his little shoes and coat, covered him with a little quilt, turned his head, and turned to the window.

I don't know when it started, two heads popped up, huddled outside the window and looked at the room, weeping silently, with envy and jealousy written all over their faces.

Heiyang, Hongli: (┯_┯)(┯_┯)
Mommy loves me again! ! !
Qing Yiyi: "Yeah, look at these two poor wretches, oh, it breaks my heart."

Lan Yuying: "Isn't it? When I think of them curling up in broken boxes on the street in the early hours of the morning and being bitten by mosquitoes if they can't find a place to live, I want to cry."

The two old mothers wiped their tears and walked to the window. Outside the window, the two stretched out their hands out of the window, looking like a mother with withdrawal syndrome.

Seeing mom getting closer and closer, the two became more and more excited, getting closer, getting closer...


Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying let out a long sigh of relief when the curtains on both sides were drawn tightly.

"I can't see it now!"

"Isn't that right? We are kind-hearted and don't want to see children suffer..."



Outside the window, there were two faces that lost their color.


Hongli's body went limp, and she collapsed against the wall.

"Don't want us..."

Heiyang was born with nothing to love, and slid against the wall.

Dark clouds shrouded the two of them, heavy rain drenched their heads, and from time to time a bolt of lightning struck the two of them, showing their loneliness, desolation and helplessness.



"Go, go, go! What and what!"

Hongli stood up abruptly, slapped the dark clouds above her head viciously, grabbed Heiyang by the shoulders and picked him up: "Cheer up! How can a man live in depression for a long time!"


Heiyang shot Hongli a look: "But you even got your boudoir snatched by Xiaohuo, it's worse than me..."

Hongli: "!!!"

Little Wuyun gathered on top of Hongli's head again, she squatted in the corner and faced the wall thinking: "Oh, forget it, I'm not a real man..."

"If you want me to say, let's go to the other side..."

Heiyang sighed, and spread his hands, the left palm was filled with gray mist, and the right hand was Po Meng, the certificate of the underworld.

"Maybe you can go to Grandma Meng to borrow for half a month or something. I think her small pavilion is pretty good. When you wake up thirsty, there is still something to drink..."

"No way!"

Hongli turned her head quickly, and blew away the gray mist on Heiyang's hand in one breath, saying speechlessly: "My good brother, the one who can fall asleep no matter what the harsh environment is is not a lazy dog, it's survival in the wilderness, okay! It’s still the special episode of Resurrection of the Underworld!”

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang looked helpless: "Then what do you think should be done? I've suggested a solution, but you still don't want to."


Hongli frowned, grabbed Heiyang's hand, turned around and walked towards the other side of the house: "Kai Shenyin, come with me!"

"Ah, where are you taking me?"

Heiyang blushed and said shyly, "Well, I'm not mentally prepared yet, don't..."

"Grass, you're blushing like a bubble teapot!"

A black line appeared on Hongli's head: "Shut up!"


Passing by the door of the living room, the two of them could clearly hear their fathers laughing and laughing, "ton, ton, ton, ton, ton ton", laughing presumptuously and flamboyantly.

There was nothing serious about this conversation, listened carefully, it was full of the word "drinking", which made the two of them feel sad.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen were not only life-threatening friendships when they were young, but also old drinking friends.

It's just that after having Hongli and Heiyang, because the two little guys don't like the smell of alcohol, they gradually quit this addiction.

But now that Heiyang Hongli was kicked out, there was no need to worry about anything anymore, Hong Xiaochen dug out the wine that was buried in the courtyard on the spot, and started drinking.

In this way, a beautiful world and a harmonious homeland are created where only Hongli and Heiyang are injured.

People's sorrows and joys are not connected, and the scenes of laughter and joy are more suitable for sorrow...

"Is there really nothing to prepare?"

"Get ready to be a big-headed ghost!"

Hong Li let out a long breath, and pointed to the small house in front of her: "How is it here?"


Heiyang narrowed his eyes: "Xiaoli Bookstore, your bookstore is not very big, but with so many books stuffed in it, the place is even smaller."

"Hey, it would be nice to have a place for us to live in!"

Hongli rolled her eyes: "At least this is the room in Yangjian..."

After a pause, Hongli smiled and said: "Although this is within the scope of home, it is not very close to my parents' bedroom, and usually they will not be close to my study.

As long as we don't make too much noise, we can stay here for a long time! "

"walk slowly!"

Hei Yang turned the key lightly, opened the door, looked at Hong Li who was stunned, and pointed his thumb to the room: "Go in, what are you doing stunned?"


Hongli sighed, and walked into the room with her mouth curled up: "Sometimes I really don't understand what I was thinking at the beginning, what kind of brain twitch did I give you all the keys."

"Who knows then?"

Hei Yang raised his brows and closed the door tightly: "Probably someone had some bad thoughts at the time and was expecting something."

"I'm looking forward to you big-headed ghost!"

Hongli snorted softly, turned her head away, looked at her bookshelf, and changed the subject with a sigh.

"Ah, this familiar smell of books, when I was in the Five Elements School, I dreamed more than once that I came back here, lying on the bed and reading a book..."

"Not good for eyes."

"Jin Dan can read books and see myopia, right?"

"Tsk tsk, who knows?"

Heiyang patted the not too much dust around, showing a funny expression: "Then have you dreamed about me, how many times have you dreamed about it?"


Hong Li was taken aback, coughed twice, flipped through the books in her hand hastily, and said angrily, "Not even once, it's too bad luck to dream about you!"

"Hey, you're being stubborn..."

Heiyang casually opened the small bed in the study house, and muttered: "I remember that I just flipped through a few pages of your diary, and saw many times that I dreamed about Heiyang..."

"Dog thief!!!"

Heiyang hadn't finished speaking when a roar sounded in his ears, a flying kick kicked him on the ground, and a figure came to hold him down: "Take your life!"

"Hey, Xiaoli, calm down..."

Heiyang wriggled on the ground, trying to shake off the red glass on his body, the latter's sinful hands were pinching his delicate neck, obviously he had the desire to silence him.

"I've seen it all, it's useless for you to be impatient now..."

"Fuck! What kind of scumbag are you talking!"

Hongli's fists were hardened immediately, and the two fists pointed at Heiyang's back and output: "Taste my muscles and bones!"


Hei Yang gritted his teeth: "Don't, if I do this again, I will yell, and it will be over if my parents hear the noise!"

"I'll kill you before that!"

"But I let you read my diary..."

"You were peeking, I got your permission, can it be the same!"


"Don't let it go, try this trick! Drink!"




After finishing a set of punches, Hongli looked at Heiyang who was under him who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, smiled coldly, and lifted his shirt up, revealing Heiyang's back covered with fist marks, Hongli swallowed, coughed twice Voice: "Now I know I'm wrong! Suck...cough cough!"

"Wrong, wrong..."

Heiyang waved his hands dyingly: "I'm wrong..."


Hongli's two hands seemed to be unintentionally pressing on someone's back, uh, moving in parallel, spinning and jumping, turning palms into claws...


Heiyang struggled and shook twice, and said angrily: "What are you doing!"

"Cough cough..."

Hongli turned her head away guiltily: "Well, I must be punishing you!"

"The punishment is over, let me go..."

"I haven't spanked you yet..."


"Suck, cough cough, I mean, do you know that you are wrong?!"

Hongli pretended to be calm.


Heiyang's tone was resentful.

"Then... what's wrong?"

"The fault is..."

Heiyang stretched out his hand tremblingly: "The fault is..."


Hongli raised her eyebrows: "Where is the mistake?!"

"It's... HA! I'm not wrong!"

Heiyang suddenly turned over like a salted fish, grabbed Hongli's shoulder, and pressed her down: "Hahaha, how can a man live in depression for a long time!"

"Well, what the hell are you..."

Hongli's long hair was scattered on the ground, her eyes widened, she took a deep breath, and stretched her legs: "The rabbit kicks the eagle! Hongli kicks the dog!"


Heiyang's pupils shrank, and he moved his body abruptly, avoiding the danger of his waist being kicked, but he was still kicked into the air. As expected, the next thing was Hong Li's bombs and blows!
The strong wind howled, and at the very moment, Heiyang exerted strength from his waist, turned around suddenly, adjusted his god position, and swooped down smoothly: "The crow is flying!"



I saw the two Jindan powers wrestling together on the floor, poking their nostrils and pulling their hair, ahem... The battle reached the border of the world, and the avenue was wiped out a bit!


A muffled sound came.

Heiyang Hongli looked at the shadow that shrouded her body getting bigger and bigger, and raised her head in bewilderment, the bookshelf finally couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped it down like a fly swatter, purifying the world!

"Hey, Hongli, let it go, let it go, it's about to fall!"

"No! We must die together!"

"Hey! Don't do this!"

"Give up, look at my deadly scissor legs!"

"What are you..."


Huh, the world is clean...


Heiyang suddenly stretched out an arm from the pile of books: "We are so quiet...

Well, it's so small, it shouldn't be heard..."

"I do not care……"

Hongli stretched out an arm: "You have to be responsible, help me organize the books..."

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."


Arms hang down weakly...

(End of this chapter)

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