So lazy, how can you become a fairy

Chapter 198 Pseudo-exquisiteness and a false sense of ritual are hollowing out the new generation of

Chapter 198 Pseudo-exquisiteness and a false sense of ritual are hollowing out a new generation of young people!See through the essence and open up!

The sword light flashed, and the big watermelon was evenly split in half from the middle, exposing the red and black flesh.

Hei Yang put the sword back into its sheath and stored it separately. This is a brand new sword that has not been used. The melon-splitting sword is incompatible with the human-slashing sword, and washing it clean will also have psychological effects.

Two small spoons were inserted into the melon, one on each side, Hei Yang pushed half of them in front of Hong Li, and gave her a look: "Yes."

Hongli pursed her lips, and squinted at Heiyang: "Huh? I don't understand what you mean, please speak clearly."

"Well, it's just..."

Hei Yang turned his head away, and said vaguely: "Eat... um."

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Puff ha ha ha ha..."

Seeing Heiyang's appearance, Hongli broke his skills instantly, and couldn't help laughing out loud: "What is it, smelly Heiyang, it was obviously you who took the initiative first, okay, so you are so shy now?"


Recalling what happened more than ten minutes ago, Hongli swallowed subconsciously, her face flushed slightly, but she pretended to be calm, as if nothing had happened.

"What! Isn't it just... um... a kiss, a kiss on the mouth, a... ahem, what a mess, what's the big deal!"

Hongli turned her head away indiscriminately, and waved her hands: "Oh, I know, I can understand, after all, it's normal for you to be shy when you formally kiss a girl for the first time, yes, that's right, that's right. In this way, there is no embarrassment at all!"

"I don't feel ashamed, okay, don't forget that I am the one who took the initiative..."

Heiyang snorted softly, and muttered: "But, is this the first official kiss..."

"What? Isn't it?"

Hong Li rested her chin on one hand, turned her head, looked at Hei Yang, and said in a flat tone: "First of all, those with my mother's elders must not be counted.

Then, the time you bit me can't be counted, that time was too stupid, and isn't this the first time? "

"Actually, one more time..."

Hei Yang frowned and said, "I don't know if that counts as..."


Hong Li showed a puzzled expression: "Have I ever kissed you before?

How come I don't remember... well, I forgot?No way! "


Hei Yang glanced at Hongli, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Are you so sure it's me and you? Can't it be another girl?"

"Oh, absolutely impossible."

Hongli rolled her eyes, and said to herself: "One girl who can kiss you is enough, and her name must be Hongli!

As for the rest, heh, don't think about it. "

After a pause, Hong Li showed a puzzled expression again: "But when exactly, why do I really not remember?

Well, I can only use a stupid method to count from the year I met you..."

"It's not fun to count!"

Heiyang was taken aback, quickly stopped Hongli, and said speechlessly: "Yes, yes, you guessed it, that girl is you, you are satisfied."

"Hey, what does it mean to guess correctly? This is called certainty, certainty!"

Hongli corrected her dissatisfiedly, but her brows became more and more frowned: "What the hell are in a dream, right?"

"Okay, don't guess."

Hei Yang waved his hand, and said truthfully: "Just last month, on your birthday, I carried you back after getting drunk..."


Hong Li's eyes widened: "Hei, you took advantage of others' danger to do such indecent and shameless things..."

"You took the initiative."

"Such an elegant and romantic thing! Ahem..."

Hongli coughed twice, smiled awkwardly, and confirmed in a low voice: "It's really... I took the initiative?"

"Ah, you directly used a terrifying grappling fighting technique on me!"

Heiyang showed a frightened expression: "Although I tried my best to resist, I would rather die than follow, but in the end I was defeated, and you succeeded!"


Hongli's face was ugly: "Then I'm not at a big loss..."

"Ah? What did you say?"

"Ah, nothing."

Hong Li shook her head, raised her chest and raised her head, and said in a relaxed tone: "So I'll just say, it's not a big deal at all, this is all my sister's leftover trick!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Hei Yang showed dead fish eyes: "Then sister Hongli, can you tell me why the other hand that was holding me tightly at that time did not let go? Is it because you are afraid of what will happen to me?"

"Ahahaha, that, hehehe, eat melons!"

Hong Li showed her half-moon eyes, and with a smirk, she stuffed melons with a spoon, "Oh my, this melon is really sweet. Well, Hei Yang, do you usually spit out the seeds when you eat watermelons?"

"Oh, what a blunt technique of changing the subject."

"Eating without talking, sleeping without talking!"

"Ah yes yes yes."

Heiyang Hongli ate a big watermelon with her head buried in it. In the end, the skin of the melon was dug into a thin layer, and the corners of her mouth were wiped clean. The two of them took a deep breath together: "!"


Hei Yang whispered: "Should we just steal food like this? Xiao Huo and the others are still outside."

"Ah, if she wants to eat, she will open her mouth."

Hong Li stretched out her thumb: "That's right, this is the child I raised, not afraid of life at all, lively and cheerful!"

"I'm afraid it's because she doesn't speak, her mother won't be able to find out if she's starved to death..."

"Impossible! It's pure slander!"

Hongli argued for herself: "According to experts, Lithoma cranes as big as Xiaohuo have already started to forage for themselves, and our Xiaohuo is still gnawing on us!"

"Which expert?"

"Red glass expert!"


Heiyang gave Hongli a look, paused, and nodded again: "But I have one thing to say, if we live together in the future, should we prepare a separate bedroom for Xiaohuo, and then another..."

"what about me?"

Hong Li pointed to herself: "What about me?"


Hei Yang tilted his head, with a puzzled expression on his face: "What are you talking about? Of course you are sleeping in the same room and bed with me!"

"Ah this!"


Heiyang looked at Hongli with a dangerous expression: "What's your opinion?"

"Ahaha, no, of course not!"

Hong Li resolutely confessed first, then raised her head and sighed: "It's just a feeling, it's amazing, we will live together in the future, and it's even more amazing if you really say it from your mouth, this is the legendary two people The world!"

"What about the two-person world..."

Hei Yang thought for a while: "Didn't it always be the two of us who were not bothered?"

"That's different!"

Hongli emphasized: "It's the two-person world after the relationship is confirmed!"

"Actually, I think..."

Hei Yang mercilessly poured cold water: "There really won't be much difference, because no matter how many plans there are, neither of us will be bothered to do them, and all plans will be extended indefinitely..."

Hongli: "!!!"

Damn it, it makes a damn sense!

Hongli smiled awkwardly: "Give me a little arrangement, let me feel the sense of ritual a little bit, and experience the difference..."

"Do you want a sense of ceremony?"

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes: "Okay, brother Heiyang will give you a sense of ritual..."

Taking a deep breath, Heiyang adjusted his mood slightly, showing an expression of hatred for iron and steel: "Dear Hongli, it has been several days since your last breakthrough, and Heiyang dare not rest like you!
Now, eat enough, drink enough and sleep enough, then hurry up and practice seriously for me, and I will supervise you next to you!

How about it, isn't such a two-person world very ceremonial! "

Hongli: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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