Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 99 Double Your Pension Money

Chapter 99 Double Your Pension Money
Curious, Qin Jingru stood up and looked out: "What's going on?"

"Who's shouting outside?"

"It's Jia Zhang." He Yuzhu opened the door and lifted the curtain, "Let's go and see the excitement."

The two stood in front of the house door, only to see that the people in the courtyard also came quickly after hearing the sound.

Chinese New Year is approaching, and there are many people in every household.

Seeing that it was Jia Zhang's yelling, he immediately regained his energy.

This is wonderful, worth looking forward to!

Most people's homes are not peaceful, they are scruples about face, and will not go too far.

Only the Jia Zhang family of the Jia family must tear their faces and swear in the street, howling and screaming, and can utter any unpleasant words.

It's like a stage, and the show is about to start!
The first uncle, the first mother, the Liugen family, the Da Mao family, and the second uncle's family came from the backyard, and the third uncle's family came from the front yard.

Xu Damao came to the courtyard reeking of alcohol.

Lou Xiaoe and the deaf old lady also came over. Seeing that this was Jia's own business and had nothing to do with He Yuzhu, the deaf old lady had no intention of participating.

Letting Lou Xiaoe support herself, the deaf old lady stood under the eaves with He Yuzhu and Qin Jingru.

"Zhuzi, what's the matter? Seeing that it's just a few days before the new year, why are you making trouble again?" asked the deaf old lady.

"It's nothing but Jia Zhang yelling, it seems to be about money." He Yuzhu pretended to be confused, "Perhaps he asked Qin Huairu for money again, and Qin Huairu didn't agree."

"This Zhang girl!"

The deaf old lady also shook her head: "As soon as you get old, you only care about your own happiness, so you have to break up the family?"

While talking here, the Jia family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had already come out of the house arguing and went to the courtyard.

"Qin Huairu, quickly return my pension money!"

"Old Jia, Dongxu! Take a look! This is the good daughter-in-law of our old Jia's family, stealing my old woman's pension money!"

"God, please open your eyes, is there any justice in this world!"

"I've lived most of my life, being diligent and thrifty, and I've saved so much retirement money!"

With a crying voice, Jia Zhang sat down on the ground, slapped the ground and yelled.

Regardless of whether what she yelled was annoying or not, the content of her yelling really made the whole courtyard house talk a lot: Qin Huairu stole Jia Zhang's pension money?

Is this true or false?
Some feelings are unlikely, Qin Huairu usually behaves like a sneaky person.

Others thought it was true. Jia's family was indeed crying about being poor all day long, shouting that they had no money. If Qin Huairu had no money to spend, he had no choice but to use Jia Zhang's pension money.

This "stealing" of pension money is also for the sake of living, there is no other way.

It's outrageous for Jia Zhang to cry and howl like this; even if Qin Huairu used your pension money, it was for your family, don't you think so?

Facing Jia Zhang's cries, Qin Huairu remained extremely calm.

She looked at He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu nodded slightly, signaling her to rest assured.

Qin Huairu knew more in her heart.

She said to Jia Zhang: "Mom, I didn't take your money."

"Fart! You didn't take it, how do you know how much retirement money I have?" Jia Zhang shouted, "Qin Huairu, quickly take out all the money I saved for food and expenses and give it back to me!"

Qin Huairu sneered at Jia Zhang's brazen words: "Frugal on food and expenses? How dare you say that!"

"Did you spend your pension money frugally?"

"You withheld Jia Dongxu's pension money and gave me three yuan a month for retirement. After so many years, you deducted part of my salary and saved it!"

"You deducted my pension money from my salary, but let me find a way to give you good food and drink. Is this what you mean by saving food and money?"

"Mom, if you say that, you really know how to save food and money! Food and drink are well provided by my daughter-in-law. You don't need to spend money if you eat and drink well, just save the money!"

Before Qin Huairu finished speaking, Jia Zhang once again howled: "Qin Huairu, you shameless bastard!"

"Dongxu! Hey, how can I survive!"

"This shameless bastard is not filial to the elderly! Stealing my pension money!"

People in the whole courtyard watched lively, pointing and discussing.

The elder coughed lightly, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then said, "Old sister-in-law, Qin Huairu, it's only been a few days since the last time the trouble ended, why did it start again?"

Jia Zhang shouted: "Yi Zhonghai, you won't open your eyes!"

"Qin Huai is like a wolf, and took over from our family Dongxu's class. He didn't provide for the pension, and even stole my pension money!"

"She doesn't pay back my pension money. Today's matter can't be settled!"

The elder Yi Zhonghai looked at Qin Huairu: "Qin Huairu, what do you say?"

"I know that your family's life is not easy, but no matter how difficult life is, you can't treat the elderly harshly, right? Only the children are not considerate, and there is no such thing as the elderly. This is our filial piety."

"If you take the old-age money, you will return it to the old sister-in-law; in front of so many people, you make a promise to the big guy that you will take good care of the old man in the future, and this matter will be over."

"That won't work!" Jia Zhang shouted, "Can she get my pension money?"

"Not only did she want to return my pension money, but she also had to add three yuan to my pension every month in the future, giving me six yuan a month."

"Otherwise, this matter can't get over, it's not over!"

The uncle nodded: "It's okay, as long as Qin Huairu takes the money, she really has to behave well."

"Six yuan a month for the pension is also what it should be."

"Qin Huairu, do you think this should be okay? There is also the pension money, if you take it, return it to the old sister-in-law immediately."

While the uncle was speaking, he and Jia Zhang had already finalized the way to deal with this matter, and no one else even had time to intervene.

The deaf old lady sighed and turned her head away.

How old are you, why can't you see it?If you want to make the pillar old, all these fancy thoughts have to be put away.

You just don't accept it, and you have to mess with the Jia family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; as for the matter of providing for the elderly, you are almost dead!
He Yuzhu also watched the performance of the uncle and heard the sigh of the deaf old lady, feeling emotional in his heart.

The uncle has always seemed to have the authority of "handling things fairly", and it is time for him to come to the ground today.

After Yi Zhonghai finished speaking, other people in the courtyard guessed that Qin Huairu would agree.

What they didn't expect was that Qin Huairu raised his voice directly: "Master, I cannot agree with what you said!"

"I didn't take my mother's pension money. This is what I say now, and I will say the same in the future."

"Besides, our family will not hand over pension money every month in the future, and I will not give my mother a penny of pension money!"

(End of this chapter)

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