Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 85 Adding a Deputy Director

Chapter 85 Adding a Deputy Director
Deputy Factory Manager Li?

Xu Damao looked puzzled, and said in his heart: I have always been respectful to Deputy Factory Manager Li, and I did not offend him. Why did he punish me?
Where did I offend this grandson?

I was puzzled in my heart, but I was still not stupid after all, and didn't question Section Chief Liu repeatedly.

After taking care of Chief Liu, Xu Damao went back to the rolling mill in the afternoon, and saw a round-faced Yang Dahong waiting for him outside the rolling mill from a distance.

It happened that my stomach was full of fire, so I went to the cement pipe outside the rolling mill with Yang Dahong to get rid of the fire, and then I was going to go home and ask Lou Xiaoe for money.

To find out where the hostility of deputy factory director Li came from, Xu Damao had to show enough sincerity, which was inseparable from Lou Xiao'e's money.

He took two steps with his pants up, and Yang Dahong hugged him from behind: "Brother, don't go, I don't want you, I have something to tell you."

Xu Damao felt complacent and tired.

The proud thing is that the girl Yang Dahong is reluctant to part with herself and treats herself like a god; this kind of treatment has never been given to him by Lou Xiao'e, who is putting on airs of a lady.

What's greasy is—Yang Dahong's meat is really not very good in appearance and taste!
Even if you tell others that there is such a girl who is obsessed with you, you can't say it or show it.

"If you have something to say, hurry up and let your fart go!"

"Don't talk about it, I still have something to do!"

"Brother, I haven't had anything to do this month... I'm afraid..." Yang Dahong said hesitantly.

Xu Damao didn't realize it for a while: "What happened? What you said didn't match up?"

"It's not that I didn't go, it's that I didn't come." Yang Dahong said.

Nothing came... didn't come?
Xu Damao muttered, then turned to look at Yang Dahong in amazement: "You mean, you are pregnant?"

"Not necessarily, it's just that I should have come these few days, but I haven't come."

Yang Dahong said: "Brother, do you think I won't really have one?"

Xu Damao's expression was blank: If it were Lou Xiao'e, or other beautiful girls, he would be crazy about it, and he would definitely take good care of her.

But this one...

No way?If Yang Dahong is really pregnant, what should I do?
The child's fucking virtue, my mother--

Xu Damao was really entangled, he just wanted to curse.

Why Lou Xiao'e couldn't conceive, but this sheep Dahong made a movement instead?

"Is this pregnancy?" Xu Damao said.

"Maybe it is, maybe it's not..." Yang Dahong pulled Xu Damao, "Brother, if I really have one, you have to help me find a way!"

"I gave you my big girl's body, brother!"

Xu Damao was upset and waved his hands: "I'll talk about it when the time comes, I'll talk about it when the time comes."

Yang Dahong nodded repeatedly.

Xu Damao went back to his home full of thoughts, but he didn't see Lou Xiaoe, so he had no choice but to go to the door of the deaf old lady's house: "Moth, go home, I have something to discuss with you!"

After all, one yard counts for one yard. The matter of Yang Dahong is very bad. If the threat of deputy director Li is not resolved as soon as possible, Xu Damao also has no good fruit.

After shouting a few times and no one answered, I stepped forward and saw that the door was locked.

"Huh? Where did you go?"

"Xu Damao, are you looking for the old lady?" Liu Guangtian asked.

"I'm looking for my wife." Xu Damao muttered, "I'm not at home now, where have I been?"

Liu Guangtian shook his head: "Then I don't know, you can find your own wife."

It happened that the second aunt came out with a basin of dirty water: "Xu Damao, are you looking for Lou Xiaoe?"

"Yes, Second Aunt, have you seen her?" Xu Damao asked.

"Well, I see, I helped the deaf old lady out, I don't know what to do." The second aunt said.

Only then did Xu Damao feel relieved: as long as he didn't go back to his mother's house, at least the money couldn't escape.


"The suggestion to add a deputy director to the logistics department was put forward by deputy director Li, and I basically agree with it."

"Just now, all the comrades present also expressed their opinions."

Director Yang said, "Now, let's vote with a final show of hands."

"If you are willing to add a deputy director, please raise your hand."

Raising his palms in unison, Director Yang nodded: "Okay, this matter should be reported to the superior, and it should be approved in a few years."

Factory Director Yang and Deputy Factory Director Li looked at each other. That's all for the main content of this meeting.

After the meeting, deputy director Li went to the canteen director's office and called Wang Baoshan and He Yuzhu over.

"The opinions in the factory were unified, and things were basically settled."

"After the Spring Festival, the higher-ups will approve this matter——Wang Baoshan, you will be promoted. As the additional deputy director of the logistics department, you should be able to be promoted from a second-level clerk to a first-level clerk. After two years of qualifications, You can officially become an official cadre at the deputy department level."

"He Yuzhu, after Wang Baoshan leaves, the cafeteria will be handed over to you to take over. At that time, you can transfer to a fourth-level or fifth-level clerk, and it will not be a problem to think of a way."

"In terms of qualifications, you take your time; the salary is definitely not as high as your sixth-level cook, but it is enough to hold the power of the canteen."

After the deputy factory manager finished speaking, he looked at Wang Baoshan and He Yuzhu with a smile.

Wang Baoshan immediately nodded and bowed, thanking you a thousand times.

He Yuzhu also nodded with a smile: "That's good, thank you, Deputy Director Li, for worrying."

Not long after Deputy Director Li left, Director Yang found He Yuzhu, and the two were still walking and talking in the factory area.

"He Yuzhu, you have to prepare materials and transfer to hire a clerk. You had to be hired as a fourth-level clerk a few years ago."

He Yuzhu thought about it for a while, and then he understood the subtle differences in the arrangements of Director Yang and Deputy Director Li.

Years ago, He Yuzhu was hired as a fourth-level clerk; after the year, the position of director of the canteen was vacated, and after the assessment and approval of Director Yang and Deputy Director Li, Comrade He Yuzhu, a fourth-level clerk, was appointed as the director of the canteen. Very standardized.

According to the arrangement of deputy factory director Li: He Yuzhu went straight from the sixth-level cook to the fourth-level clerk and canteen director in the next year. This situation is definitely an emergency promotion, which is not normal.

In the future, some leaders can use He Yuzhu's little shoes under the excuse of not conforming to the process and failing to pass the serious examination and test.

Anyway, Deputy Director Li is "killing but not burying", and he is not going to help He Yuzhu deal with it at all.

He Yuzhu was promoted to the director of the cafeteria and entered the system from clerk to cadre, but it is impossible to go any further.

Factory Director Yang thought that since He Yuzhu wanted to enter the system, he should do it cleanly and in line with the process from the beginning.

In the future, He Yuzhu still has a bright future.

The intentions of the two are also clearly visible.

He Yuzhu followed Director Yang's advice, and did not leave early in the afternoon. He took paper and pen, found someone to make a model essay, and wrote some materials and applications in deliberation, and sent them before Director Yang got off work.

Factory Manager Yang saw that his handwriting was correct and powerful, so he also nodded slightly.

"I thought about the suggestion of the big leader, that is to say; I didn't expect you to have the opportunity to enter this system so soon."

"Be careful in everything, don't just look up, look up."

 This chapter explains that, for example, the process of transferring from a chef to a clerk cannot be set exactly the same as the reality. Of course, the reality is also full of flexibility and is not rigid.

  If you have to talk about the process of the 60s, I don't think it is very necessary to copy everything.

  One more thing, the next story about celebrity chefs will definitely not use real people's names, it is specious, even if there is no such person, it is normal, please don't be too harsh.

  Finally, thank you all book friends for your rewards and support.

(End of this chapter)

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