Chapter 79 Ran Qiuye
After hearing the words, the stick glared at He Yuzhu immediately.

"I'm not a white-eyed wolf!"

"I'm too lazy to tell you this." He Yuzhu said, "You brought Xiaodang and Huaihua here. Tell me, what do you want to do?"


Bang Geng wanted to call him "Silly Zhu", but when he saw He Yuzhu's menacing eyes, his back immediately shivered.

"He Yuzhu, I want to introduce a daughter-in-law to you!"

He wisely changed his words to avoid being whipped.

"Oh? Who is it?" He Yuzhu looked at him amusedly, "Can you introduce me to a wife? At such a young age, do you know what it is to marry a wife?"

Stick said: "Ms. Ran from our school will come to our house today. I'll help you speak well. She might be willing to be your daughter-in-law."

"Do you have to give me a matchmaker's fee?"

He Yuzhu sneered: "You still say it's not a white-eyed wolf?"

"As far as I know, you were a stinking piece of shit that no teacher would care about you in Hongxing Primary School. Whoever reprimanded you, you would pull out the valve core of his bicycle."

"In the whole school, only Teacher Ran has the patience to reason with you slowly."

"When you meet such a good teacher, as long as you have a little conscience, you should study hard and don't let down the teacher's painstaking efforts in nurturing talents."

"But you little white-eyed wolf, in order to buy firecrackers for yourself, you sold me such a good teacher in advance, and charged me a matchmaker fee?"

While talking, He Yuzhu heard the sound of a bicycle coming from behind, followed by a wisp of fragrance.

When he finished speaking, BangJiao had a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and stared, as if he was going to bite someone.

Xiaodang and Huaihua all looked at He Yuzhu, they didn't know what He Yuzhu meant.

But their gazes followed, and they saw the person behind He Yuzhu again.

The man's expression was awkward, and he didn't know what to say.

Stick call out to her: "Teacher Ran."

He Yuzhu looked back, only to see an elegant girl with fair cheeks and a slight blush.

It was Ran Qiuye, the teacher of Hongxing Elementary School, Bangjong and Jin Dalong.

She was wearing a plaid scarf, and she was very gentle. When she saw He Yuzhu looking over, she was embarrassed at first, but her face turned brighter and her redness became more obvious.

The main reason is that she just listened to the second half of He Yuzhu's reprimand to Bang Geng.

Ran Qiuye's heart was really moved.

As a teacher who travels from house to house and collects tuition fees during the Chinese New Year, she is of course hard-working; it is certainly not easy for her to care about mischievous children like Bang Giao, regardless of others.

Why is she not like other teachers, who can ignore it?

That is of course the sense of responsibility of teaching and educating people.

She really didn't expect that the child Jia Geng would charge a matchmaker fee to introduce himself to his neighbors.

What was even more unexpected was that this neighbor was so considerate, as if he understood his own inner thoughts behind his back, and understood his painstaking efforts.

While being moved, Ran Qiuye thought that this was the stick that was going to be a matchmaker for her... and felt a little embarrassed and shy.

Matchmaking, blind date, marriage.

It's hard not to associate these words, especially, as a girl who likes to read all kinds of literature, Ran Qiuye is very sensitive in her heart, and she is even more embarrassed.

"Mr. Ran, hello, I'm Jia Geng's neighbor, and my name is He Yuzhu."

"Jia Geng is a little mischievous, and he has worked hard for Teacher Ran on weekdays."

"Hello, this is what we as teachers should do, and it's not too hard."

He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye are both adults. After getting to know each other, of course, if there is anything else to say for a while, it is all polite.

The two were polite and talking, and they were about to push their bicycles to the courtyard.

Both Xiaodang and Huaihua stepped aside.

Stick is still standing in front of He Yuzhu's bicycle.

He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye looked at each other, and said, "Banggan, get out of the way."

Ran Qiuye also said: "Jia Geng, I told you when I was in school, it's okay to not study well, but you must be a good person."

"You are still young, you shouldn't think about money like this, it's not good for you."

"In the future, if you are only looking for profit, then it is not the original intention of the teacher to teach you."

"Get out of the way, I'll go to your house for a home visit."

Stick raised his head and said, "Teacher Ran, you don't have to go, my mother hasn't got off work yet, and our family has no money to pay tuition!"

"Also, He Yuzhu is not a good person, he hit me!"

"Teacher Ran, don't talk to him."

Hearing this, Ran Qiuye looked at He Yuzhu helplessly.

This kid, Banggen, is really too shrewd—Ran Qiuye doesn't even know what to say.

It would be great if these minds can be used in learning.

He Yuzhu smiled and said: "Bang, even if you speak ill of me, I don't care; but if you scold me again, I still have to beat you."

After saying this, he pushed his bicycle forward.

"Teacher Ran, come with me; wait in the courtyard for a while, Jia Geng's mother, Qin Huairu, will be off work soon."

After all, Bang Geng didn't dare to confront He Yuzhu who would give him a "big ear scraper", so he could only hide aside.

After He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye pushed their bicycles away, Bang Geng cursed at their backs.

Xiao Dang led Sophora Hua over and said, "Brother, didn't you say that there is a way to get money?"

"What should I do now?"

"Is the teacher here to ask for money from our family?" Huaihua asked.

Stick gritted his teeth, staring at He Yuzhu's spinning bicycle wheels, his eyes gradually lit up.


After entering the courtyard, He Yuzhu and Ran Qiuye arrived at the courtyard one after the other.

Liu Gen's daughter-in-law was packing up her things and called out, "Zhu Zi, who is this?"

"I haven't seen it before! Zhuzi is your partner?"

He Yuzhu raised his hand and waved: "What are you messing up! This is the teacher of this boy, come to make a home visit!"

Ran Qiuye was even more embarrassed, and the blush on her face never faded away.

At this moment, Qin Jingru quickly ran out of the house: "Brother Yu Zhu, you are back!"

Running to He Yuzhu's side in one breath, and hugged He Yuzhu's arm tightly, Qin Jingru seemed to notice someone around him, and looked up at Ran Qiuye: "Brother Yuzhu, who is this?"

Ran Qiuye was stunned for a moment, and the blush on his face faded: "Who are you?"

"Oh, this is my partner, Qin Jingru." He Yuzhu said, "Jingru, this is a great teacher. Teacher Ran is here for a home visit."

"Hello, Teacher Ran."

Qin Jingru said with a smile on his face.

Ran Qiuye sighed softly in his heart: "Hello, Comrade Qin Jingru."

He asked again: "Which family is Jia Geng's? Can you show me the way?"

Qin Jingru hugged He Yuzhu's arm and showed Ran Qiuye the way.

Ran Qiuye nodded: "Thank you."

Finally, his eyes swept over the arms held by Qin Jingru and He Yuzhu, and he turned around and pushed the cart to the door of Jia's house.

(End of this chapter)

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