Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 389 3 Unconvinced Uncles 1 Family

Chapter 389 The Unconvinced Third Grandfather's Family

He Yuzhu's words immediately surprised the third master's family.

The third master, third mother, and Yan Jiefang who were gnashing their teeth at Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiecheng who felt wronged, and Yan Jiedi who had been watching the show with two pigtails all found it hard to understand.

"Director He, what did you say?"

Yan Jiecheng also found it difficult to understand: "If I pay the money within a month, what can they do?"

"It's impossible to turn back and threaten me again, right?"

"Captain Gao of the patrol team is run by the Chengbei Sub-district. Can he still keep his word?"

The third master, the third mother, and Yan Jiefang all nodded.

They all have the same idea. On this matter, it's not that they don't mean nothing, right?
But He Yuzhu's complexion sank, and he said seriously, "It's very likely."

"This—" Yan Jiecheng subconsciously shook his head.

But He Yuzhu continued talking directly.

"Have you ever seen the patrol team involved in such a thing?"

"When Yan Jiecheng and I came back, we met a patrolman from the street office in the east of our city. He chased Yan Jiecheng and reprimanded him for a long time without asking for any money; this kind of patrolman is completely different from that Captain Gao. Not the same ideological consciousness."

"It can be said that ordinary patrol members should be called comrades; that Captain Gao does not have the qualifications."

When He Yuzhu said this, several people realized: That's right, Captain Gao can do such a ruffian-like thing, which is not right in itself; it is absolutely different from ordinary street office comrades.

Since this kind of person came here for the benefit, of course he wouldn't dislike the benefit too much.

So, it's a bottomless pit?
If you give him 200 yuan, he will want more, and in the end he will definitely be blackmailed into nothingness!

Yan Pugui and Yan Jiefang became more determined, determined not to pay a dime to help Yan Jiecheng in this matter.

Yan Jiecheng was also more at a loss and desperate - 200 yuan was already too much for him, he seemed to give birth on the spot, this is not the end, is it just the beginning?
There was a helpless thought in his heart.

Simply forget it?If they want to arrest me, they can arrest me, anyway, that's how I am?

"In addition," He Yuzhu said lightly, "I have to tell you that this trouble is a little bigger than you think."

"You know the woman Yan Jiecheng slept with, what does his man do?"

"A big teapot, bastard, what else can I do?"

Yan Jiecheng said disapprovingly.

"Not only that."

He Yuzhu said: "This man's name is You Sanleng. He lost two fingers because of gambling, and now he has set up a gambling hall in Xitiao Hutong."

"Some time ago, our Hongxing Police Station found out about this gambling place, and informed the Chengbei Sub-district Office to deal with it; you see, this You Sanleng is still in good condition, alive and kicking, and even came out with Captain Gao to make money."

Yan Jiecheng was taken aback: "This... is so powerful?"

Then he curled his lips again: "If you're good, it's none of my business? At most, just take me away! I've hung up my broken shoes twice, so I don't care about that anymore!"

Yan Jiefang smiled and said, "That's right, you're already like this anyway, and if you add another one to be arrested by the police, your reputation won't be bad!"

"Why don't we just pay for it and let them catch it casually, wouldn't it be fine?"

Yan Bugui was surprised: "Director He, I don't understand... this You Sanleng sounds so powerful, why does his wife still go to the pimp alley?"

He Yuzhu said slowly: "This just shows that the King of Hades loves to see Hong Hong, and the little devil is hard to deal with."

"You guys are unlucky, you met the brat Captain Gao."

"He dares to disregard his face and disregard the rules. As the saying goes, he is the most vicious. This is the kind of person."

"If you really attack, your old Yan family will not be able to fight."

Speaking of this, He Yuzhu suddenly laughed - he saw the expressions of Yan Bugui's family members, and they seemed a little disapproving of He Yuzhu's words.

Yan Pugui may still have hope, Yan Jiefang is still a little bit stupefied, why is Captain Gao and You Sanleng unconvinced.

On the contrary, Yan Jiecheng was really a little scared, and the third mother was also a little worried.

Being in a hurry is not a business, but a beg for help.

He Yuzhu wasn't in a hurry to ask Lao Yan's family to do something, this family was as shrewd as monkeys, if He Yuzhu wanted to use them clearly, maybe just bargaining would be enough to cause headaches.

Since they are not afraid, it is not too late to let their family try it first.

Captain Gao's voracious gluttonous ghost, even You Sanleng, has been beaten to the bone. The old Yan's family, I'm afraid it's not as simple as spending money to avoid disaster or simply arresting Yan Jiecheng.

Thinking of this, He Yuzhu smiled and stood up: "Okay, my original intention is to remind you, and there is no other meaning."

"The situation may not be as serious as I said."

"I'll go back first, you guys should discuss it carefully."

He Yuzhu left, Yan Bugui hurriedly went out to see him off, and said a lot of words of thanks without money.

"Director He, this neighbor in the neighborhood, if you want to say righteousness, it has to be you!"

"Without you today, I really don't know how much trouble this kid Xie Cheng can make!"

"Bring you a drink another day, and I must thank you well!"

After He Yuzhu left, Yan Bugui stood where he was, thinking for a while before going home.

Director He should have good intentions... But, how can a little ghost run by the street in the north of the city still make trouble in our courtyard house that is not in the north of the city?

Yan Bugui didn't quite believe it.

Back home, when I told Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiefang, and the three mothers, Yan Jiefang slapped his hands directly: "I just said, He Yuzhu is purely scaring people!"

The third mother and Yan Jiecheng were also relieved.

"So, [-]% is not a big deal?"

"Generally speaking, it's not a big deal...but," Yan Bugui pointed at Yan Xiecheng again, "Yan Xiecheng, you have to take care of the things you caused yourself."

"Either pay 200 yuan, or have someone arrest you!"

"If you make a broken shoe, return it a second time! It's a shame to say it!"

After speaking, Yan Bugui went back to his room angrily.

Yan Jiecheng also had a solution, and spread his hands together: "You don't care... I don't have any money, let them take me away!"

Yan Jiefang grinned happily at the side: "Isn't it because I framed you?"

"Get out, Yan Jiefang! I understand now, you are a despicable and shameless villain!" Yan Jiecheng said angrily.

"I'm not going!"

"This place will be mine from now on, if you want to get out, you have to get out!"

Yan Jiefang raised his legs.

Yan Xiecheng is so angry--I was angry outside, hung up my shoes, and when I got home, my wife ran away, my father asked for debts, and my brothers robbed the family property. Is there any fucking good for me?

(End of this chapter)

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