Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 37 The child is still young

Chapter 37 The child is still young
"Mom, what did you do?"

Just as he was about to go back to sleep, the stick stuck out his nose and kept sniffing: "Have you eaten meat?"

Qin Huairu was also once a raw and second familiar, as if nothing had happened: "What are you thinking? I haven't eaten meat these days, are you crazy about meat?"

Sticky is dubious: "You really don't eat meat?"

After all, it's a child, it's fun to look greedy, Qin Huairu felt this way, and deliberately joked with his son.

"Don't say I didn't eat it, even if I ate meat outside, and you are interrogating me like a thief?"

"Your mother, I work so hard every day to take care of your three children."

"Can't you have a good meal?"

"I want to eat meat too!" Sticky raised his head and shouted.

Qin Huairu was immediately displeased: "My child, what are you shouting about? Mom is joking with you, can't Mom have a good meal once in a while?"

Stick stomped: "I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat tomorrow!"

Qin Huairu felt a little uncomfortable.

The child is still young and ignorant, and it is impossible to expect him to understand the difficulties of adults.

Yes, the child must be young...

Jia Zhang was sleeping soundly when she was woken up by the stick, and heard her beloved grandson crying, hugging the stick and scolding Qin Huairu at the same time.

"Be good, good boy, let's not cry, tomorrow your mother can get meat to eat..."

"Qin Huairu, you shameless, bring the meat back tomorrow!"

"If you want meat, you can give me the money. I have no money. Our family can only eat stick noodles now." Qin Huairu replied stiffly.

"You want my pension money? Don't even think about it!" Jia Zhang yelled and cursed.

The family made a fuss for another hour before falling asleep under the dripping saliva of the stick.

Early the next morning, Qin Huairu got up and went to work.

"I'm out of painkillers. You have to go to the Sixth Hospital today to prescribe me another ten and a half months."

Jia Zhang shook her body and said, "When the painkiller stopped, I couldn't feel my strength..."

Qin Huairu stopped, wanting to reason with her.

But then I changed my mind: I still have to rush to work, and I started arguing with her at this time, so I might as well talk about it after getting off work.

Therefore, there was no response, and he wanted to leave as soon as he took a step.

"Qin Huairu! Did you hear that?"

"Buy me painkillers! Buy more!"

Only then did Qin Huairu stop: "Mom, you forgot how you scolded me yesterday, but I haven't."

"You can figure out how to take the painkillers yourself, and I have to take care of the children with my salary."

"Qin Huairu, you're going against the sky—" Before Jia Zhang could finish speaking, Qin Huairu walked away quickly.

After Qin Huairu left, Jia Zhang woke up by shaking the stick.

"Bang terrier, stick terrier!"

"What's the matter, grandma, I don't want to go to school today!" Sticky yawned and said.

"If you don't go to school, you won't go to school. Grandma will tell you something."

BangGong regained his energy and sat up: "Not going to school? Grandma, tell me what's the matter, I have to get up and play."

Jia Zhang said in a low voice, "Your mother doesn't want us anymore, do you know that?"

Stick stunned: "Huh?"

Xiao Dang and Huai Hua were standing by, and when they heard this, the two children burst into tears: "Mom...I want mother..."

"Two losers! Why are you crying? Shut up!" Jia Zhang glared at the two girls fiercely, and then explained to Bang Geng, "Your mother hasn't left yet, but she's going to marry another man." gone."

"She won't buy you meat today, nor will she buy me painkillers."

"Grandma told you that this is not being filial to the elderly and not loving your son. She must have fallen in love with a man outside."

"When she gets off work today, you will quarrel with her, and I will quarrel with her."

"In this way, I can have painkillers, you can also have meat, and your mother won't run away with wild men, understand?"

Stick nodded: "Understood, grandma, you really have a way."

"I thought, if my mother doesn't buy meat for me, I'll go steal the old hen left by Xu Damao's house... Now that's all right, I don't need to steal the chicken."

"Next time, steal it next time." Jiazhang reminded him, "Next time you steal it and bring it back to grandma, grandma will make delicious food for you."

"You don't want to bring two small money-losing items."

Stick shook his head: "Grandma, I have to take care of my sister."

"You—" Jia Zhang was reluctant to scold him, and waved his hands: "I'll talk about it when the time comes, I'll talk about it when the time comes."

"What I told you just now, do you remember?"


"Hey, good!" Jia Zhang smiled, turned her face away, and gritted her teeth, "Qin Huairu, fight with me? You are still far behind!"

"And silly Zhu, sooner or later I will clean up the two of you who have no parents!"


"Go to work?"

After eight o'clock, He Yuzhu had finished his breakfast and packed up. He had just closed the door and was about to go to work when a voice came from behind him.

He Yuzhu nodded in agreement: "Well, go to work."

Looking back, it was Lou Xiaoe, who was immediately surprised.

But seeing that Lou Xiao'e was not as cold-eyed as usual, He Yuzhu didn't quarrel with her, nodded and went to work.

Lou Xiao'e stood and watched for a while, then returned from the middle courtyard to the backyard.

She really seemed to have a cold face and a kind heart, and didn't pay much attention to me...

When he arrived at the canteen of the Red Star Rolling Mill, He Yuzhu taught Ma Hua cooking skills when he was free.

While frying the big pot dishes, Ma Hua, Fatty, Liu Xiaobao and other help cooks were called over.

This kind of cauldron dish technique is not the same as professional cooking skills—cooking skills are perfect, and the heat, saltiness and saltiness of cauldron dishes are well controlled. Although rough, it also has a rough atmosphere and a unique taste.

He Yuzhu doesn't plan to fry big pot dishes every day, so it's no big deal to pass this know-how to the helper.

The main thing is how many people, how many dishes, and the ratio of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar...

As long as you remember this ratio, when the heat is reached and the dishes are not mixed with raw food, you will be able to cook rice in a big pot.

Red Star Steel Rolling Factory basically has a fixed number of people and a fixed amount of dishes in the cafeteria, so this big pot of rice is easier to learn and get started.

While He Yuzhu was teaching, Wang Baoshan, the director of the cafeteria, came and praised:

"Okay, Master He, pass on the craftsmanship with sincerity, and don't hide any secrets!"

"Liu Xiaobao, all of you have remembered."

"Study hard, this is a means of earning a living. No matter what time you are in the future, you will be able to survive if you know how to cook."

Liu Xiaobao, Ma Hua, Fatty and others nodded quickly: "Yes, Director."

Wang Baoshan looked at He Yuzhu again: "Master He, are you almost done? Factory Manager Yang said that you are done, so go to the factory manager's office once."

"He has already approved the seventh-level cook, saying that it is a special case, and consider the possibility of you being promoted to the sixth-level cook a year ago."

He Yuzhu was taken aback: Why do you want to be promoted to the rank of cook again?

Then it dawned on me: Yes, I am not the original silly Zhu, of course I am different.

I am not a silly cook in the big leader's house, but a rather trustworthy image.

In addition, the fact that Wang Baoshan promoted me to the rank of cook was sent to Director Yang in the past few days.

Factory Manager Yang must think about it: when going to a big leader’s house, the cook’s rank is too high and he will be conspicuous, saying that he is privileged by the leader;

According to this idea, if Director Yang continues to be the factory director, He Yuzhu's cook grade should not be raised again in the next two years.

 Rubbing his forehead with his hands, he sighed speechlessly...

  Let me tell you some bad news, big readers, follow-up and support in all aspects are slightly worse than other books in the same period, and the chance of recommendation exposure next week is gone.

  What else can I say, please support me a lot.

  If there is no chance of recommendation and exposure next week, and the book of the same period is always knocked down, it proves that few people are willing to read it...


(End of this chapter)

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