Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 323 The Xu Family's Funeral (please subscribe for monthly ticket for reward)

Chapter 323 The Xu Family's Funeral (please subscribe for monthly ticket for reward)

Early the next morning, the staff of the Chenghe Sub-district Office went to work one after another and got busy.

Many people were surprised to see Director Su sleeping in the office.

The saboteurs caught yesterday will be handed over to the police comrades today. Logically speaking, Director Su should arrange someone to take care of them. Unexpectedly, Director Su would do his best and stay in the street office to watch them all night.

Xu Damao waited outside the office of the street office, watching the people in the street office busy until after nine o'clock in the morning, and finally brought his father Xu Deqing out.

Because he ate and drank and rested for half the night, Xu Deqing finally recovered and could walk slowly.

The next step is to go to the police comrades - if there is no accident, according to what Xu Deqing said, please ask the police comrades to investigate the current situation of Xu's old house, there should be no big problem.

Lou Bancheng, a runaway capitalist, shouldn't the Xu family's old house he occupied be taken back by the Xu family?
Even if the comrades in the police do not support such an idea, they should be able to understand Xu Deqing's approach. The investigation found that Xu Deqing just wanted to disgust people, and there was no conspiracy behind it-in any case, he was not a saboteur, at best it was a disturbance Law and order, picking quarrels and provoking troubles are not enough for sentencing, right?

Xu Deqing's judgment last night was well-founded.

But for some reason, Xu Damao couldn't feel relieved.

Xu Deqing couldn't relax either - Director Su's profound words at night made Xu Deqing involuntarily suspect that he was from Lou Bancheng.

However, the thought of breaking one's hands and feet is not something that a person like Director Su can do.

Xu Deqing was dubious.

Director Su led the people from the sub-district office to take Xu Deqing just out of the sub-district office. I don't know if it was a coincidence that a group of young people singing and participating in learning activities came over.

Director Su smiled and stepped forward and said a few words, and the group of young people's eyes lit up, they became more energetic, and rushed forward.

"Leave it to us!"

"Director Su, don't worry, he will definitely get the punishment he deserves!!"

Everything that followed seemed to have nothing to do with Xu Damao, and the crowd became noisy.

Extra hustle and bustle.

When the uproar passed, Xu Deqing was lying on the ground, dying.

"Don't... the old house..."

" can't fight..."

Xu Deqing stared, confessed his last words to Xu Damao, and swallowed his last breath.

Xu Damao stared at this scene, his eyes widened, and he couldn't cry for a while.

More shock and fear.

Yesterday morning, Xu Deqing left the courtyard triumphantly, still in front of his eyes.

This morning, less than thirty hours later, he died.

It seems to be a coincidence, but Xu Damao shudders when he thinks of what Director Su said last night, "I will not give up".

Is it because they didn't give up on the old house that they died?

Can't fight... really can't fight!

Xu Damao thought so in his heart, and looked around, except for their father and son, there was only a mess left.

Xu Damao found a nearby family, borrowed a cart for [-] cents, and asked someone to help him to send Xu Deqing back.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, the whole courtyard was in a commotion—it was so good, why did he die?
"Ouch! Old man!"

"I told you not to calculate, you have to calculate!"

Xu Damao's mother beat her chest, stomped her feet, and wailed loudly, only outsiders could get a rough idea.

It turned out that Xu Deqing had to go to take back the old house after hearing that the Lou family had run away, but was beaten to death.

It's strange to hear this.

Although it is said that Xu Deqing's behavior is unethical, but in the new era, can there be such landlords and bullies who beat people to death?

Someone couldn't hold back the sense of justice in his heart, and said, "Don't talk about it, go to the police comrades! Let the police comrades arrest people!"

"Yes! The police comrades will give your family justice!"

"Ah... this... there's no need..." Xu Damao stammered.

"Why not?" Someone asked curiously.

There are also neighbors who are not stupid, and it can be seen that Xu Damao has a guilty conscience-he dare not report to the police, because he is afraid that there is a big problem with him?

"Ah... No need, no need... Thank you neighbors for worrying. I, Xu Damao, thank you here, thank you!"

Xu Damao bowed and bowed to thank the neighbors. This round of thanks drove the neighbors away—they all thanked them at the end, and there was no need for others to stay and help. Wouldn’t it be unwise for anyone to stay?
Anyway, when the neighbors in the courtyard sum up, the Xu family must have a guilty conscience.

Their family didn't dare to call the police, so they shouldn't worry about it.

After the neighbors had left, Yang Dahong and Xu Damao's mother chased after Xu Damao and asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

"Isn't it done in the streets? Why did you beat people to death?"

Xu Damao talked about the whole process of Xu Deqing's beating to death, and his last words, don't want the old house, you can't beat others.

Xu Damao's mother burst into tears immediately: "I told him not to calculate, don't calculate!"

"It's all right now!"

"You can't beat others, you put your life in it!"

Yang Dahong was curious: "Who the hell is this? Is he so awesome?"

Xu Damao almost opened his mouth to say "Director Su", then shook his head: "I don't know..."

No more fights, no more fights...

Xu Damao knows that his own mother is a shrew who can jump and swear, and his daughter-in-law Yang Dahong is also an ugly bastard with extremely poor qualities.

Xu Deqing had a saying, and Xu Damao also kind of agreed with it——a woman's opinion, it's not enough to accomplish something, but it's more than a failure.

If they go to trouble Director Su, Xu Damao is not sure if he will need to collect their bodies...

Don't fight anymore, they can't fight Director Su, so let's keep it in our hearts.

"I don't know, that's awesome..." Yang Dahong clicked his tongue in amazement, "How powerful is this?"

"Then what should we do?" Xu Damao's mother said, wiping her tears.

"What else can I do...Don't think about the old house in the future." Xu Damao said bitterly, "Let's mourn my dad first!"

we can only do this!

Xu Damao's family looked sad and began to get busy with Xu Deqing's body.

In the afternoon, when He Yuzhu came back, he heard the news of Xu Deqing's death.

Director Su's actions were quicker and more powerful than He Yuzhu thought, and there may be some coincidences in this. All in all, the Xu family's old house has been completely safe since then.

After all, funerals were not allowed, so Xu Damao gave Xu Deqing a funeral the next day.

Suddenly, there was one person missing in the room.

Um, should I talk about it or not... After Xu Deqing died, the space in the house seemed larger and less crowded; Yang Dahong and Xu Damao's mothers were both women, so it was easy to take a bath and change clothes.

For a while, the Xu family really didn't have the urgency to seek a house anymore, and they couldn't count on the old house at all.

The Xu family's housing problem seems to have been satisfactorily resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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