Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 302 Sun Liushi (please subscribe, ask for a reward, please ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 302 Sun Liushi (please subscribe, ask for a reward, please ask for a monthly pass)
Ran Qiuye's words were sincere.

In such a desolate situation, Ran Qiuye was absolutely unwilling to talk to familiar people.

It's not just a matter of face, but also the consideration of not dragging others down.

For a person like myself, talking too much with others may cause problems.

However, Jia Geng's situation was special, and she still couldn't help but speak—Jia Geng came out of work-study school, how could she not talk to him?

This child is stubborn and awkward, if he feels that his former teacher looks down on him, it will be bad if he completely embarks on the path of becoming bad.

However, I don't know if it was because of being alone for too long, or because of other emotions, Ran Qiuye couldn't control his emotions for a while, and actually choked up.

As soon as Ran Qiuye cried, Stick Gon hurriedly looked at He Yuzhu—look, what should I do?
He Yuzhu said: "Teacher Ran, don't worry, speak slowly."

Ran Qiuye quickly wiped away her tears with her hand, and shook her head: "There is nothing else to say, you guys should leave now."

"It's not suitable to talk to you much here."

"Okay!" Bang Geng agreed, and ran behind He Yuzhu.

Obviously, through the principal's words and Ran Qiuye's current situation, Banggen has found that Ran Qiuye is a trouble, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

He Yuzhu looked at the performance of the stick at this moment, and he has already confirmed that the nature of the stick has not changed.

It's just that he already knows the hardships of life and knows that he must rely on He Yuzhu, so now he is obedient and polite to He Yuzhu.

This doesn't mean that stick stem is completely a good person.

People are not bad people to good people, there are only two extremes; when selfish people grow up and learn to pretend, they may not look too bad.

"Teacher Ran, is there a convenient place to talk?" He Yuzhu asked.

Ran Qiuye shook his head.

Before He Yuzhu said anything, he saw an aunt with a full face appearing. At first glance, it looked like Jia Zhang's resurrection.

"What are you doing!"

"Who are you? Talk to this bastard!"

Stick was startled, and called out in surprise: "Grandma?"

The swollen-faced aunt snorted: "Little brat, who do you call grandma?"

It was only then that Bang Geng could see clearly that this sultry-faced aunt was slightly taller than her grandma. Although they all had a domineering vigor, their appearance and hairstyle did not resemble each other.

"I was dazzled just now..."

"Spend your grandma a pen!"

This sultry-faced aunt was full of swear words, and she was so angry that she was scolding—this old bastard, I really want to kick her and kick her to death!
"Quickly tell me the truth, what are you two bad guys, one big and one small, talking to this bastard?"

He Yuzhu's face darkened, and he shouted: "What unit do you belong to? Why do you insult innocent people?"

"Are you from a street office or an elementary school? What specific job position?"

"This is how it works!"

He Yuzhu reprimanded her head and face with an official tone, and the arrogance of the stern-faced aunt immediately withered. Although she looked similar to Jia Zhang, it was obvious that she would change the direction of the wind.

"Comrade, may I ask if you are..."

Stick jumped out quickly and said: "This is my Uncle He, the deputy director of the management committee of the Red Star Rolling Mill, who is older than the officials you lead!"

I don't know if there is a leading official behind this aunt, anyway, I just opened my mouth and said it.

He Yuzhu directly reached out and patted him on the head—although this aunt is probably a coordinator, my little boy, what BangGong said is [-]% correct.

But if it doesn't happen by chance, if there is a special situation, if the stick is so flamboyant, it is inviting disaster.

What kind of person, what kind of words to listen to.

If He Yuzhu speaks in a low-key and modest manner, this aunt probably doesn't know who he is, and maybe she will go around in circles.

Now, when the stick yelled, the aunt immediately understood and was shocked—how did she meet such a leader?Did you even curse yourself?

"Well, Director He, I'm sorry! I didn't expect that...for a while, there is no one in my mouth!"

The fat-faced aunt quickly put on a smile, apologizing to He Yuzhu.

She kept her attitude low, nodding and bowing.

Although she looks like Jia Zhang's in arrogance, she is a villain with a flexible bottom line, and she is more clever and transparent than Jia Zhang's.

Because she is so humble, He Yuzhu won't be able to pursue her just because of her impoliteness just now—the most important thing is that after the stick revealed He Yuzhu's identity, He Yuzhu is not suitable for slapping her, or else give her A slap in the face makes it easier to vent your anger.

As for people from the rolling mill across the system, picking up another unit, that's an absolute big no-no.

Even if it's an inconspicuous bedbug, it can't be trampled to death by someone from another unit.

"Okay, comrade, you have to pay attention to the way you work in the future."

"What's your name? Which unit do you belong to?"

He Yuzhu didn't seem to be angry anymore, and the sultry aunt smiled and said, "Director He, I used to clean up the school, and now I'm in charge of taking care of this old lady."

"My original surname is Liu. When I was in my mother's family, I was called Liu Dani. When I married, the family name was Sun. The registered family name is Sun Liu."

"Oh, Mrs. Sun Liu." He Yuzhu's face darkened slightly.

"You treat this teacher Ran like a low-level person and a female child. Is this way of working okay? From now on, be more polite to Teacher Ran."

"No matter how you say it, she used to be a teacher who taught and educated people, and she was also a polite and kind-hearted girl. The problem of her status is not easy to change, but there is no need to torment her too much, right?"

"Yes, yes, you are right! You are right! I will definitely change it in the future! I will definitely change it!"

Mrs. Sun Liu nodded hurriedly, and patted He Yuzhu's chest as a guarantee.

He Yuzhu said: "I hope I don't let me encounter your behavior again."

"That can't...that absolutely can't..."

Sun Liu said quickly.

He Yuzhu looked at Ran Qiuye, and Ran Qiuye's face was full of surprise now, as if he had come back from a desperate situation.

He Yuzhu and Master He are now leaders?He spoke for me?
Then I don't have to suffer?
"Teacher Ran, I'll come to see you again when I have a chance... let's do this for today, goodbye."

Ran Qiuye nodded quickly: "Okay, Director He, please go, goodbye!"

Watching He Yuzhu leave with the stick, Ran Qiuye looked at Sun Liushi with a smile on his face.

What greeted her was not any kindness, but a sinister face.

Sun Liu sneered: "What's the matter? Nv Laojiu hooked up with the leader of the rolling mill, thinking she could soar into the sky?"

"I tell you, don't even think about it!"

"As long as you are under my hands, you will not be able to fall!"

(End of this chapter)

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