Siheyuan: Starting from Saving Qin Huai Ru

Chapter 224 The Stick Is Going to Stab Someone

Chapter 224 The Stick Is Going to Stab Someone
Just had a full meal, and he was in a pretty good mood.

Recently, Yi Zhonghai is very sensible, every meal has white flour steamed buns and meat.

In view of the three good meals a day, Stickyong was a little patient with his nagging every day, so he didn't run home.

After all, you can only eat corn bread when you go home, and if you want to eat delicious food, you have to speak nicely to that bastard Sha Zhu—Bang Gon would rather listen to him nagging in front of Yi Zhonghai than avoid Sha Zhu and his own mother Qin Huairu .

Qin Huairu is different from Yi Zhonghai, Yi Zhonghai can only chatter and coax the stick, for fear that the stick will run away; Qin Huairu sees that the stick is stubborn and disobedient, that is to stretch out his hand to beat the stick.

However, all good moods were completely ruined when they saw Liu Guangfu.

"Liu Guangfu!"

"You wait, I'll kill you when you come back!"

Stick pointed at Liu Guangfu and screamed, turned around and ran back to Yi Zhonghai's house, took out a white pill from the corner of his clothes, poured water to take it.

"What do you eat stick stem?" Yi Zhonghai was taken aback.

Bang Geng didn't answer, he opened his mouth to swallow the pills, and sat in the room panting, like waiting for a red-clothed pit bull.

The first mother screamed: "My child, why are you taking painkillers again? If you take painkillers again, someone will really arrest you!"

Yi Zhonghai also yelled: "Yes, Bangjo, you can't be confused! You saw how long your grandma was locked up for taking painkillers, how dare you take painkillers?"

"I beat Liu Guangfu to death, so I won't take painkillers!"

Stick gritted his teeth and said with wide eyes.

The familiar feeling slowly came up.

Yi Zhonghai and Da Ma hurriedly persuaded him, since he had already eaten painkillers anyway, so he ignored these words.

In the courtyard of the middle courtyard, Qin Huairu ran out when he heard the stick yelling.

Seeing Liu Guangfu standing in the yard, he immediately got angry: "Liu Guangfu, you brat, haven't you done enough harm to our family? The last time I took medicine for the pain of the stick and it took several days to relieve it. I don't know what happened. There are no after-effects!"

"Go away now? Are you really going to fight with me with sticks?"

"I'm telling you, if you don't get out, I'll beat you!"

As she spoke, Qin Huairu picked up the rolling pin and pretended to hit Liu Guangfu.

This is of course a scare, Qin Huairu is an adult after all, it is impossible to fight Liu Guangfu, a boy in his teens, without seriousness.

Contrary to her expectations, Liu Guangfu did not run away, but said: "If you want to hit you, hit it. Anyway, I won't hide this time. I have to talk to He Yuzhu."

Qin Huairu was surprised: "What are you talking to him about?"

"Two days ago he saw me on the road and told me to go home and not fool around outside so that I could live a better life in the future. I heard what he said made sense, so I came back."

Liu Guangfu said: "I still want to talk to him today."

When Qin Huairu heard this, she felt a little complicated and disappointed.

He Yuzhu really has the ability to educate children. Liu Guangfu is also a bad boy who is not obedient. If he educates him to be obedient, this is better than anything else.

However, this kid, Bang Geng, is difficult to deal with - he is born with the same restraint as He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu said that he couldn't teach him well, so he had to be taught by Qin Huairu himself; Bang Geng was indeed unwilling to be educated. Teacher Ran Qiuye in the school was a very good teacher, so he refused to obey; As he spoke, he still refused to listen.

He Yuzhu couldn't talk to Bang Geng even more, the two were enemies.

How wonderful it would be if Yu Zhu was his father from the very beginning!
After a pause here, He Yuzhu opened the door and saw Liu Guangfu.

"How is it? You're almost in good shape?"

"Yes, it's almost ready." Liu Guangfu said.

"It's about time for you too. In the last two days, there have been stubborn masters walking around in the alley, just waiting to ask for benefits from you." He Yuzhu said, "When you go out now, you have to pay them, otherwise you have to pay them." You lied to me and made you a Buddha."


Liu Guangfu screamed: "He Yuzhu, brother Yuzhu, you have to help me!"

"I really listened to what you said, and I don't want to hang out with them anymore!"

"Don't worry about this. It's not difficult to clean up this kind of bastard who dares to come here to make trouble." He Yuzhu looked at Qin Huairu and Liu Guangfu when he said this, "I heard the voice of the stick just now, where is the stick?"

Qin Huairu thought that he and Liu Guangfu got along very well, but when he thought that he and Bang Geng were not getting along, he felt a little uncomfortable.

You are an outsider, but you are not so enthusiastic about my son.

"You still care about our sticks?" Qin Huairu said.

Liu Guangfu was very down-to-earth, and said: "Bang Jian went to Uncle Yi's house to take painkillers, and he will fight with me later."

Qin Huairu's complexion changed drastically when he heard the words, and he quickly ran to the door of Yi Zhonghai's house.

"Great! Come home to me!"

"Yi Zhonghai, get the hell out of here! How can you still feed our sticks on painkillers!"

Yi Zhonghai walked out helplessly: "This is really not me, who knows when he hid the painkillers, and he ate them without paying attention!"

"What kind of mind do you have?"

Qin Huairu shouted: "I put you here because my stick is letting you take medicine like this?"

Yi Zhonghai was really wronged - in the past two months, the deaf old lady hadn't been very filial. He took care of the stick every day, making the stick grow whiter and fatter than before.

But the child was disobedient, so he was also worried.

How can we provide for the elderly in this way?
I can only hope that when the stick grows up, he will become sensible and understand Yi Zhonghai's love and care, and then he will naturally treat Yi Zhonghai as an old man in the family to take care of him.

After all, people must have a conscience, and there should be nothing wrong with it.

One of them explained, the other yelled, a little fat man rushed out suddenly, bumped Yi Zhonghai into a stagger, and went straight to Liu Guangfu with a pair of scissors in his hand.

"Liu Guangfu, I'll stab you to death!"

The big mother screamed from behind: "Hey, stick! Don't move the scissors!"


The stick actually wanted to stab Liu Guangfu with scissors!

Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu also exclaimed: "Bang, put down the scissors!"

"Stick, be obedient! Don't hurt anyone!"

The exclamation and screams of the three of them didn't make Bang Geng hesitate at all, and went straight to Liu Guangfu.

Liu Guangfu was so frightened that he yelled "he's crazy", and ran to hide behind He Yuzhu.

This time, He Yuzhu and the stick holding the scissors were face to face.

The stick didn't stop at all, and turned to He Yuzhu: "Silly Zhu, I want to stab you to death!"

When Bang Geng called out, Qin Huairu was stunned, almost speechless.

It turned out that Banggen's hatred for He Yuzhu could not be dispelled!
He Yuzhu looked at the running stick, his eyes turned cold.

This kid really wants to make a move.

 The update is a bit later than usual, because the biological clock is disordered, I couldn't sleep with staring eyes last night, and I was sleepy during the day.

  Tomorrow I will adjust my schedule.

  It's still three o'clock today.

  There is an event on May 5th, I will explode the update on that day, and then readers can draw a lottery, which is considered to be some welfare for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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