Chapter 19 Starscream


Qin Jingru looked at He Yuzhu in puzzlement.

He Yuzhu didn't explain, but fell into the memory - it was a cruel and dark story.

They were originally young girls, but because of one or another reason, they went to extremes.

In the words of some professionals who study criminals: It is not possible to empathize with criminals when studying criminals. Too much sympathy with criminals is irresponsible to victims.

But as an ordinary person, it is still unavoidable to regret that the girls turned into "star spiders" who hunted and killed people.

The most typical of these is the story of a country girl who was deceived and hurt again and again after entering the city, and then murdered and shot.

What He Yuzhu wanted to tell Qin Jingru was such a story.

Let her be more vigilant and not be too easily fooled by the bad guys.

"In the old society of Shanghai Beach, where the lights were feasting, a country girl came into the city..."

He Yuzhu changed the background of this story and told it as mellowly as possible.

When this country girl went to the bustling Shanghai, she was cheated of her feelings and forced to sell herself. Every time she sold herself, the money was stolen by the bad guys.

Finally, she fell ill and needed money to see a doctor.

But the villain still didn't leave her any money.

She finally couldn't bear it, killed the bad guy, and was shot.

After a story was told, Qin Jingru felt chills all over her body.

She said in fear: "Brother Yuzhu, will I do the same? Are you telling this story specifically for me?"

"Everybody said it was Shanghai Bund in the old society."

"How can there be such things as male robbers and female prostitutes in the new society?"

He Yuzhu comforted her and said, "I'm telling you to be careful, some people will deceive you."

Qin Jingru nodded her head again and again: "Well, I see!"

"Brother Yu Zhu, I don't trust anyone except you!"

Hey, that's not what I meant--

He Yuzhu was a little speechless, and always felt that something Qin Jingru said was not quite right, as if he was the biggest liar.

Qin Jingru recalled the content of the story, and felt chills all over her body, and saw He Yuzhu wearing autumn clothes: "Brother Yuzhu, are you not cold?"

"It's okay, it's not too cold."

The two looked at each other, Qin Jingru got nervous for a moment, mustered up her courage, and decided to attack.

"Brother Yu Zhu, you are really amazing. I came to the city this time to..."

Before he finished speaking, He Yuzhu suddenly listened and stood up.

"Is there anyone outside?"

Qin Jingru hurriedly stood up: "Is there someone outside? No, I didn't hear..."

Before he finished speaking, a loud cough sounded from the yard.

He Yuzhu opened the curtains and looked outside - the uncle was running towards the house with a bag of noodles, and Qin Huairu was also turning around to go home.

In a blink of an eye, both of them ran home.

I understand, the uncle wants to give Qin Huairu a bag of noodles at night, but it is definitely not Jia Zhang who is coughing.

Jia Zhang has always been eating what Qin Huairu got, scolding Qin Huairu for being shameless and hooking up with men.

Obviously she doesn't eat these many things, and doesn't take painkillers, so Qin Huairu doesn't have to work so hard, and the family can have enough food and clothing.

But she, Jia Zhang, just can't be wronged, she just has to enjoy it by herself, and she has to scold Qin Huairu for being low.

"Is it Big Mom?"

It doesn't seem to be either.

Because the eldest mother is barren, she has long been eaten to death by the elder man, and she dare not control what the elder man does.

That's strange, who is coughing today?
He Yuzhu didn't think much about it, and told Qin Jingru what Qin Huairu had just come out.

Qin Jingru was taken aback immediately: "No, I have to go back to sleep, my sister doesn't know what to say about me... If the words are passed back to the commune, my father will beat me to death!"

He hurried out of He Yuzhu's house and returned to Jia's house.

As soon as he entered the house, the two people in the room turned to look at him.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang are angry——Jia Zhang scolds Qin Huairu for being useless, despicable, and hooking up with the old man.

Qin Huairu was so angry that he couldn't help but retort: ​​"Then do you hope I'm useful or useless?"

"If I'm useful and bring you white flour, I'll be cheap; if I'm useless, then I won't be cheap, but you and Stickyong have to eat stick noodles!"

Just as Jia Zhang was about to scold her back, Qin Jingru came in from the outside.

"Huh, are you all awake? I just went to the bathroom outside, it was dark, and the road was strangely difficult to walk."

Qin Huairu didn't think too much about it, it's not good to quarrel with her mother-in-law in front of outsiders.

"The road is very difficult to walk, so be careful and go to bed quickly."

Qin Jingru was secretly happy, and lay down to sleep outside.

Jia Zhang glanced angrily, and suddenly asked, "Jingru, when you came, did you hear anyone coughing?"

Qin Jingru shook her head: "No."

"Who, ruined our family's good business? It sounds like it's a woman...or else I would think it's a fool..." Jia Zhang muttered, and lay down to sleep.

Qin Huairu lay down and sighed.

What hovered in his mind was the story of Yueya'er that He Yuzhu had told.

I really can't help it... If I go on living this day, I will either sell myself, or I will have to ignore it...

When he was about to fall asleep, an idea suddenly popped up in Qin Huairu's mind.

He Yuzhu told this story to himself, and repeatedly said that he is no longer a fool, he is smarter than himself, and he has clearly seen his difficult situation!

No, I have to talk to him seriously tomorrow!
Early the next morning, the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant started working normally, and Qin Huairu was busy until noon.

She didn't pay any attention to the nasty talk of Guo Dashuo in the same workshop; when she met Xu Damao during lunch, she came up to ask about Qin Jingru, Qin Huairu was so full of thoughts that she didn't talk to him at all.

An angry Xu Damao shouted: "Hey, Qin Huairu, just wait!"

Qin Huairu was not afraid of him—two days had passed since the chicken was stolen, and it was impossible for the police comrades to go to war again because of a chicken that was lost two or three days ago.

After packing the food, Qin Huairu went straight to the back kitchen.

As soon as Qin Huairu came to the back kitchen, Ma Hua smiled and led the fat man to work. Liu Lan, who was doing vegetables in front, curled her lips: "The broken shoes are starting again."

"Sister Qin, what's the matter?"

He Yuzhu asked.

Qin Huairu nodded: "Yuzhu, I really can't do anything, I have to ask you for help."

"Well, Miss Qin, tell me."

He Yuzhu dealt with it in his mouth, carelessly.

Do you want me to bring her food, steal her face, or give her money?

Anyway, in the past, as soon as Qin Huairu came up with the reason of "I really can't help it", the two peach blossoms looked at Silly Zhu with watery eyes, and Silly Zhu immediately lost all resistance, wishing he could get in with his whole body.

He Yuzhu, of course, will push her out.

You have ruined all my money, and you still want me to help you?Think beautifully, go dreaming.

"Ever since you told me that story and told me about my mother-in-law, I feel that I can't go on like this. If this goes on, the children will learn to be bad..."

"But I have no other choice, and I can't control my mother-in-law and Banggen, so I can only ask you for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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