Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 49 Please read!What a real treasure!

Chapter 49 Please read!What a real treasure!

In Mary Joya, Pongle Castle, and the Hall of Power, the Five Elders gathered together as usual, and at this time they all had a thick stack of documents in their hands.

"I really didn't expect that this old man would receive an authentic handwritten handwriting by Mr. Im one day. This is enough to be called a treasure handed down from generation to generation!"

As usual, because of the relationship with the Government Affairs Council, Topman Woqiu Lisheng, who sat in the middle seat, excitedly looked at the extremely beautiful words on the document, even if the commas, periods, etc. Everything was perfect in his eyes.

The other four five old stars are breathing heavily at this time, and their eyes are mixed with envy, jealousy and other complex emotions.

But in the end, he could only helplessly look at the document in his hand. Although the handwriting on it was exactly the same, it was a photocopy. Although it was also valuable in their eyes, it was enough to keep it well, but compared to the original handwritten handwriting, it was still worthless. the difference.

This time, Lord Im notified them of what to do next in the form of a document, which was really the first time in hundreds of years.

From this point of view, their five old stars this year are really lucky.

However, judging from the thickness of this document, they can also understand Lord Im's thoughts. After all, if there are so many contents to be discussed in the Void Hall, it is estimated that they will not have enough time to wait for someone to kneel all night.

"By the way, Drago's fleet has arrived in the South China Sea. Judging from the information sent back from CP2, he's doing pretty well, especially in terms of brains. He doesn't look like Kap's bastard son at all!"

Shepard ten Peter St. changed the subject. He is in a bad mood now, so he wants to talk about other things first, and then talk seriously about the contents of the document in his hand when it is almost time. Therefore, he will briefly explain what he has learned. After narrating it again, the rest of the people are also listening carefully.

"Dorag's plan is indeed a bit like the Warring States Period. Taking into account various issues in the South China Sea, it is guaranteed that the 'Slave King' will not be alerted and prepared in advance."

Marcus Massheng laughed.

"Indeed, if it was Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan, they might not have thought so carefully." Jegarcia Satansheng echoed.

At this moment, Zambalon V. Nasshrou-san, who was holding the first generation Onitoru, showed a hesitant look on his face.

"If this task is successfully completed, the rank of lieutenant general for Drago can be arranged. It's just that the old man is thinking, what should we do in the future?"

Because he is the highest person in charge of the whole army of the world government, and the so-called commander-in-chief of the whole army is nothing more than completing complicated practical work for him, so he will be more sensitive in this regard.

"You mean the general position, this is indeed a big problem!"

Topman Woqiu Lisheng also became serious, because the admiral represents the highest combat power of the world government, so he has to take it seriously.

Since the founding of the World Government, there has been a maximum of three naval admirals. Now that Sakaski, Polusalino, and Kuzan have been confirmed as backups for the admirals, what will Dorag do in the future?
Drago's talent, strength, and fruit ability are comparable to these three in every aspect, and he is also the son of the naval hero Garp, and he is even much stronger in terms of Genzhengmiaohong.

So it stands to reason that Drago is fully qualified to become an admiral of the navy, but the quota is not enough. You can't just give him the title of admiral and let him sit on the bench and wait for decades, right?
After all, Drago has no advantage in terms of age. He is 34 years old this year, while Sakalski is 31 years old, Polusalino is 34 years old, and Kuzan is even 25 years old. wait.

Unless Drago, like his father, is willing to be a lieutenant general for the rest of his life, isn't that too wasteful?

Originally, Karp's refusal to be promoted to the general had already annoyed their five old stars.

Of course, the situation of the two is different. Garp refused because of the lack of a general, while Drago said that there are too many general candidates and there is no place for him.

"Hey, let him be promoted to lieutenant general first, and we'll talk about it later." Topman Woqiu Lisheng said helplessly, and Zambalong V Nasshoulangsheng beside him could only nod.

"After Drago has cleaned up the slave king this time, this year's World Conference will be halfway ahead of schedule." Jagarcia Satansheng changed the subject again.

Because of the matter of the general position, they really don't care about it, and they dare not change it without authorization. After all, these rules were established by Lord Im, so as long as Lord Im doesn't take the initiative to ask for reform, they will never mention it.

Whether it is this year's five old stars or the previous five old stars, they all know how much Mr. Yim doesn't like 'chaos' and 'change'.

This is also the main reason why the system of the world government has not changed in 800 years, and the five old stars also strive to ensure the 'stability' of the entire world situation.

Although the entire world government is now trying to change because of that 'big prophecy', no one knows how much 'change' Lord Im can tolerate.

So the five of them have formed a tacit understanding in this regard, that is, do what Master Im says, then do it!
"Well, Lord Im asked to deal with the Slave King before the World Conference. This is very wise, and it solves many unexpected situations."

Marcus Massheng asked: "But there is still a big problem in front of us. After the agenda is passed, what will happen to the 10,000+ slaves on Maryjoia?"

In this glamorous holy place, a large number of slaves bought by the Tianlong people are imprisoned, and they are all so-called 'high-quality' and 'extreme-quality'. The women are beautiful and cute, and the men are strong and capable, or they are good at possessing certain special skills , or some kind of sub-human race, after all, they are all slaves who are favored by the Tianlong people and are willing to bring them back.

"What else can I do, kill!" Zambalong V. Nashijuro Sheng stroked the scabbard of the first generation Guiche and replied blankly, and then continued.

"If they are released, their hatred for us Tianlong people will definitely have a certain negative impact, and even most of them will fall into the sea and become thieves. Now the number of pirates is constantly increasing!"

His words silenced the other four people, and after a while, Topman Woqiu Lisheng shook his head, and after thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate to do so.

"It's easy to kill all of them, but the consequences are not small. Improving the public's trust in the world government, restoring the positive image, and reducing the breeding of pirates is one of the purposes of Mr. Im's promotion of this year's agenda. Go out, don't you need to talk about the consequences?"

"Then what?" asked Shepard Ten Peter Saint.

"Put a batch, close a batch!"

"Just like returning the mermaid and murlocs before, let the crane come over to wash away the enmity of a group of slaves, and then escort them back to their hometown. The process of escorting them back to their hometown is broadcast live to the world, declaring that Mary Gioia has released all the slaves, and the rest will find a place temporarily. Lock it up and deal with it slowly, this red earth continent is huge, and there are plenty of places."

The proposal of Topman Woqiu Lisheng made the eyes of the other four five old stars light up, and they all felt that this was indeed a good idea.

There are tens of thousands of people, and there are no boundaries. As long as they release more than 1 people and control them on the camera, the scene will be enough to fool the people of the world.

At this moment, Shepard Ten Peter St. got inspiration and said with a smile: "Can this method be changed, first use it to solve the rumors about the great treasure?"

"Isn't there some people who were tempted by Roger's treasure to become pirates? Then we will organize a world broadcast to escort that big treasure back to Marie Gioia, claiming that we have found ONE PIECE, although not necessarily It can eradicate the generation of pirates, but it must have a considerable effect."

Jegarcia Satansan laughed.

"It's really a good idea. Isn't a great treasure just a treasure? We let the people of the world see for themselves what a real great treasure is. After watching it, it will stop when it is satisfied!"

In terms of wealth, who on this planet can compare with the world government?

 So what, are there any readers who haven't invested much, please invest, and reach 100 people as soon as possible, and this book will also have a website recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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