Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 35 Shiryu's Style!

Chapter 35 Shiryu's Style!
Two hours later, the warship successfully rendezvoused with another warship, and according to the major's prompt, Xiliu walked to the latter's deck alone on the plank.

At the same time, he saw the back of Sakaski standing on the bow at a glance.

In Xiliu's eyes, although the red dog lieutenant general was a head taller than himself, the aura exuded from his whole body was stronger than that of Magellan.

This made his heart a little heavy, and his expression had already restrained.

"Reporting to Lieutenant Admiral Akainu, the former warden of the advancing city, and now the colonel of the Navy Headquarters, Xiliu is reporting to you."

As soon as the words fell, Sakaski turned around slowly, with his arms folded around his chest, and his eyes full of oppression swept around the former.

"The chief warden of Jinjin City, you who are responsible for guarding prisoners, what do you think of pirates, tell me!"

Hearing this, Xiliu subconsciously pondered the other party's intentions. His knowledge of Sakalski was limited to the content introduced in the newspaper, the title of general's replacement and the ability of natural lava fruits. As for personality, likes and dislikes are completely different. clear.

That being the case, he chose to answer according to his own heart.

"A bunch of rubbish, except those with abilities, shouldn't be locked up to waste food at all. If you have to use the waste, you can use it as soldiers' gun targets and mats for testing knives."

Sakaski raised his brows. Although his expression was calm, he felt very satisfied in his heart. He originally thought that if a soft-hearted person came, he would just kick him out and let him swim back to Marin Fandor to wait for the reassignment. .

"Yes, I hope you can do what you say later." After finishing speaking, he ordered the sailors on standby: "Let's go!"


The sailor quickly ran back to the cabin to deliver the order, and soon, the huge beast under his feet started to move.

"You should know something about this mission, right?" Sakaski asked in a deep voice.

Xiliu nodded. On the way here just now, he had already read the mission content sent by the other party. He said that it was located in the first half of the great route, route No. [-], and the kingdom of Maidan on the fourth island was attacked by a large number of pirates. .

It just so happens that Route [-] is close to the windless sea where the city is located, so they are relatively close warships. Sakaski immediately accepted the mission when he heard the words 'a large number of pirates', and did not give Marin Vandona a chance at all. While passing the opportunity to other nearby warships.

Also in a hurry, Sakaski did not go to Jincheng to pick up Xiliu, but let the latter come quickly on someone else's warship.

"I won't take the lead in this mission, you will lead the team to solve it!"

"No problem, I'm looking forward to it too." Xiliu touched the red belt handle of 'Thunderstorm' on his waist with his right hand and smiled coldly.

He really didn't expect that there would be a chance to kill after leaving the city. He was more satisfied with this transfer, but he seemed to be too strong as the chief officer.

In the advancing city, although he, the warden, was the third in command, he was actually the second in command. Except for the orders of Director Columbus, he didn't have to talk to anyone at all, including Deputy Director Magellan.

As for the other wardens, the prison chiefs, seeing him is no different from seeing a mouse seeing a cat.

As for Director Columbus, except that the world government needs him to cooperate, he usually doesn't have a strong sense of presence and doesn't talk much. He even turns a blind eye to him privately murdering prisoners from time to time, and basically doesn't care about the first four floors. Prisoners, starting from the fifth level in his eyes, only prisoners with a bounty of hundreds of millions are considered important assets.

On the contrary, Magellan often reprimanded himself for these things, which is why he was annoyed by the former, didn't he just kill some little bastards, why bother nagging?
When a Motobu-class warship crafted by the shipwrights of Seven Waters was sailing at full speed, it showed amazing efficiency and speed, and it only took one hour and seven minutes to reach the waters near the Kingdom of Maidan.

At this distance, Sakaski, Xiliu and others on the deck could already hear the roar brought by the sea wind. Looking from a distance, they could vaguely see seven or eight warships with the pirate flag flying towards the sea. The towns on the island were bombarded continuously.

Among them, one of the ships gradually stopped its shelling and slowly turned its bow, as if it was about to sail out of the dock and prepare to leave.

"Looks like he found us." Xiliu smiled while blowing the sea breeze.

He casually took out a cigar, put it on his mouth and lit it on fire. Whenever he wanted to kill people, and he killed a lot of people, his emotions would become aroused. enjoyment.

Regarding his words and actions, Sakaski did not respond or interfere. Since he said that the task was handed over to the other party, let him do it.

Of course, he wouldn't really let the pirate escape in front of him.

【Swish! 】

In the next second, like other admirals, Xiliu, who was wearing a coat of justice, turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place, leaving only a faint smoke floating in the air.

This made all the school officers and sailors on the deck look forward to the next performance of the adjutant.

At the same time, the other pirate warships also stopped their shelling and hastily turned their bows. Obviously, they also spotted the huge warship approaching.

Among them, the first ship to react has completed its turn and is heading in another direction.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"Now is not the time to fight the Navy!"

On the pirate ship, a giant armored man nearly four meters tall, with a strong physique and a fierce face, urged loudly while waving a machete in his hand.

And the other pirates on the ship, no matter in temperament or clothing, looked like very normal soldiers, in short, they didn't feel like pirates.

【call out----】

At this moment, a sharp piercing sound rang in the ears, which made the faces of the giant man and the crew members change drastically, and the former even subconsciously shouted: "Be careful of shelling!"

Not only him, everyone thought that the warship in the distance fired.

But a few seconds later, as the sound of breaking through the air disappeared, nothing happened, not to mention the hull was shelled, and there was not even a column of water blasted up on the sea.

This makes rows of 'golden question marks' light up on their heads.

"Yo, rubbish, it's time to die, laugh~"

Suddenly, a chilling sinister laughter sounded from above, and everyone raised their heads in unison, and they saw a three-meter-tall naval officer standing on the top of the mast, with red pupils looked at them jokingly.


The giant man raised his machete and pointed at the opponent, and was about to say something viciously, but the person in his sight disappeared in the blink of an eye, but he seemed to see a bloody red light vaguely.

"Cal! Boss Cass!"

The surrounding pirates were stunned, because they saw the navy that was still on the mast a second ago, appearing behind Cass boss in an instant, and the long knife at his waist was out of its sheath, shining coldly under the sunlight. mango.

At the same time, a thin line of blood gradually appeared on the neck of the giant man, and the armor on his body turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

Who knows how many times he was hacked at this moment?

Xiliu didn't even look at Cass behind him, even though the person in front of him was still breathing and conscious, he still saw him as a corpse.

【Swish! 】

In the next second, his whole body turned into a white afterimage, and he shuttled at high speed between the exclamation and screams of hundreds of armed pirates, and blood-red sword lights were drawn in the air.

He prefers to kill people, and he doesn't like cutting ships and destroying ships, but prefers to hack them to death one by one with the knife in his hand. The feeling of the blade cutting through the flesh really makes him intoxicated.

There is a saying that killing people is a bad habit, but he can't quit it!

 Dear readers, this book has a new cover, have you seen it?How about it, is this cover much better than the previous one? I made it myself!

  Also, I have a piece of good news to share with you. With the help of readers and adults, this book has already ranked 46th in the light novel category of the signed author's new book list!

  Finally, for those who have not invested until now, I would like to remind you again, invest as soon as possible, otherwise you will really lose blood. There are starting coins for free, why not?

(End of this chapter)

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