Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 20 Bartholomew Bear's Kingdom!

Chapter 20 Bartholomew. Bear's Kingdom!

In the extremely luxurious Dragon Palace City, Coulson and the two CP7 members had long since left, but King Neptune and other senior officials of Murloc Island still stayed in the banquet hall and did not disperse.

Because of what happened just now, the shock brought to their hearts still has not calmed down.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable, is this really the world government? Is that the world government?"

King Neptune sat on the wide throne, looking at the gate at the other end of the hall in amazement, and looked down at the two golden scrolls in his hand from time to time.

"It's like dreaming."

Princess Otohime stood on the stage, the tears on her face were still wet, and the fatigue caused by childbirth was even more swept away at this moment.

"In this way, our murloc's long-cherished wish for hundreds of years is about to be fulfilled. We mermaids and murlocs can finally freely enjoy the sunshine, forests and land on land, and be able to communicate with human beings and even other races in a fair manner. come and go!"

In her opinion, although the [-]-meter fishman island is good and safe enough, why can't it be regarded as a relatively large cage?

"This speech at the World Conference, I must prepare well, and I must convey to all the kings the mood that our Fishman Island is willing to integrate into the world's big family!"

Princess Otohime clenched her fists to cheer herself up, only feeling a fire burning in her heart.

"Cough cough."

But at this moment, the minister on the right who was standing under the stage deliberately coughed twice, attracting the attention of the other three, and then said softly: "Your Majesty, princess, can I have a few thoughts?"

"Of course!"

King Neptune agreed without hesitation, he was not the kind of person who would not listen to the minister's advice.

"Regarding this matter, from the surface, the world government has indeed undergone a huge change, and it is full of sincerity towards our Fishman Island."

As a civil servant, the right minister had a more delicate and complicated mind, and slowly narrated his views.

"But Weichen thinks it's better not to have too many expectations now, otherwise when things don't match our expectations, it will be too cruel to be disappointed, after all, it's the world government."

What he said made everyone calm down immediately, Princess Otohime also fell silent for a while, and slowly sat back in her seat.

The minister on the right continued to speak.

"Also, although the communiqué has come into effect since the signing of the communiqué, Weichen feels that we still have to wait until the end of the world conference to take concrete action on the above contents."

"Of course, the premise is that this issue must pass smoothly and be strongly promoted. Otherwise, even if the world government allows us to land, we dare not let the citizens go!"

King Neptune nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, it still depends on the specific actions of the world government in the future. As for the passage of the agenda, I think that since I have greeted us in advance, I should also contact other kings, but I don't know which kings there are and their status. Is the influence big enough, and the quantity is enough."

This made Princess Otohime's eyes dim slightly, and anxiety and worry began to appear in her heart.

"Besides that, there is one more important thing!" Minister You said distressedly.

"Even if everything goes well and the World Government is serious about it, we can really leave the Fishman Island safely and live on the sea under the sun. It will be very difficult for us to move our citizens there."

"Although everyone in our Murloc tribe can breathe in the sea and parade at high speed, there is no place to put those shellfish, furniture, and pots and pans. We can't ask the citizens to give up their property, right?"

Princess Otohime looked at him puzzled.

"Why can't we let a small number of citizens live in the Chambord Islands first, and then we can move there bit by bit after we find a suitable island to be the new Murloc Island."

"Also, we don't need to give up here. After all, some people like to live under the sea."

The minister on the right was stunned, and thought to himself, indeed, no one said that all the citizens must be relocated at one time, unless there is a situation in the future where the Fishman Island must be abandoned.

Indeed, if no one destroys the holy land above, Marie Gioia, nothing will happen to the Murloc Island below.
at the same time.

Just as King Neptune speculated, at this moment the senior directors of the administrative department are either heading to the target kingdom, or have conveyed the agenda and the attitude of the Five Elders to the king in advance in the palace.

Of course, not all kings are limited to the kings who may support this issue after research and investigation by the Ministry of Administration. To put it simply, it is to find some kings who have a good attitude towards the people and are relatively kind-hearted.

Because only they will sincerely support the passage of the agenda!

For example, the desert kingdom of Alabasta has just had a major event recently. The young Prince Cobra became king last year.

Therefore, the World Conference in 26 was the first time for the [-]-year-old king to participate in the World Conference, which is of no small significance.

The South China Sea, the Kingdom of Solbey.

"Can you say that again?"

A little giant nearly seven meters tall suddenly stood up from the humble throne, looked at the man in black in disbelief, and held a golden scroll in his hand.

"Of course there is no problem, Your Majesty Bartholomew Xiong."

The senior directors from the administrative department of the world government are not impatient, and their attitude is very respectful and polite.

Although I don't know the reason why the Minister asked himself to be kind to this insignificant and poor kingdom, but the experience and wisdom of being a senior government official for more than ten years made him dare not neglect or ignore it in the slightest.

"As long as you support the passage of this issue at this year's World Conference, then until the next World Conference, the Solby Kingdom's annual Heavenly Gold can be reduced by 50.00%."

Bartholomew Xiong, who has always been gentle and introverted, may be so stunned for the first time since he was born.

When he heard it for the first time, he suspected that his ears had auditory hallucinations, but after hearing it for the second time, he felt magical again.

The world government is willing to take the initiative to reduce the amount of gold in the sky?

It seems that nothing like this has happened in hundreds of years!

The Solbey Kingdom he manages is a well-known poor country in the South China Sea. In other words, it was actually doing well a few decades ago, but since joining the World Government, the high amount of money in the sky has sucked up the country's wealth every year. blood.

A few years ago, the previous king directly took the treasure that was only enough to pay the heavenly gold for two years, and the whole family left here in a boat without making a sound.

In this way, the entire nation will face the consequences of not being able to pay the heavenly gold, and then the army troops sent by the world government will capture the bridge country Tequila Wolf in the East China Sea and build a bridge for a lifetime.

It was at such a desperate moment that he stood up!
Relying on his strong physical talent and the ability of the meatball fruit, he successfully robbed seven groups of pirates at sea, grabbed enough treasures, and paid the heavenly gold that year.

Since then, he has been directly promoted to the position of king by the people of the whole country.

In the next few years, he was like this every year. While leading the people to plant and fish, he went out to sea alone to search for treasures.

Except for the ships of the navy, the world government, and other kingdoms, whether they belonged to pirates, slave traders, or ships of dark forces, they all robbed them.

Finally, the situation in the kingdom was temporarily stabilized.

It's just that as his reputation spread, it was difficult to find robbed ships in the nearby waters. Today, the gold in the sky is like a knife still hanging on the heads of all the citizens.

But if only half of the heavenly gold is paid, the situation will be quite different.

"Then, Your Majesty, what is your answer?"

"Of course, even if you don't have what you said, such a good topic, I will strongly support it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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