Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 1029 Risk level of the restricted area in the world!

Chapter 1029 Risk level of the restricted area in the world!

Inside Loulan City.

In a room specially set aside as a conference room.

Minister Molotov from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was standing in front of a blackboard with a map of Starfish's world, explaining to the Tailed Beasts where they were going next.

And Nine-tails, Eight-tails and the others have shrunk their size to less than half a meter high, sitting in a row on the conference table, listening carefully to every word Minister Molotov said.

It looks like nine well-behaved and obedient pets, without the slightest viciousness and violent madness in the past
"As I just introduced, Starfish is a much larger planet than Ninja World, so the territories assigned to you will be far apart. If you want to see each other again, it depends on luck and fate."

Minister Molotov met the eyes of the tailed beasts with a smile.

"It's nothing, we haven't seen each other very often in so many years."

Jiu Lama curled his lips indifferently, and at the same time gently shook his tail behind him.

"But I really want to find you often. I used to be involuntary, but now I can move around freely. Why don't I contact you often, and it's still in a strange world."

The eight-tailed bull ghost sitting next to him retorted harshly.

"Everyone should not have forgotten that when we were just born, we played together every day. We were friends!"

These words made all the tailed beasts, including Jiu Lama and Shuhe, fall into silence and remember.

That's right, I'm going to move to another world soon, so there's really no need to bring all the grievances and grievances from the ninja world with me.

"Ahem, actually, if you want to contact each other, you only need to use a phone bug."

At this time Minister Molotov opened his mouth to remind

Obviously, the tailed beasts haven't gotten rid of the inherent thinking of the ninja world.

But that's not a problem, and you'll get used to it over time.

"Then let's start with Your Excellency Shuhe."

Minister Molotov, wearing a suit and leather tie and a bright red tie, tapped a bright yellow island on the map with a pen in his hand.

Judging from the overall proportions, this island should be quite large.

"Because you like to live in a desert environment, we have decided to locate your territory in the first half of the great route, within the Kingdom of Alabasta. The specific location is about [-] kilometers west of this rainy city, with a radius of [-] square meters. kilometer range."

Minister Molotov drew a medium circle on the map of Alabasta with a pen.

"This area will be set as a medium-risk area according to the latest 'world forbidden risk level system' issued by the Court of Justice, and civilians are prohibited from approaching and entering."

"In the future, except for official personnel, you have the right to kill any irrelevant personnel who trespass, and you will not bear any responsibility. This is also for the others to hear, and you must remember it well."

"In addition, if you threaten or even attack other cities, you will be arrested by the police department or even the military. At that time, you will most likely be imprisoned in the 'advance city' and lose your identity again. Freedom, so everyone must abide by the law!"

Shouhe and other tailed beasts nodded repeatedly, they thought this rule was fine.

Originally, they were not irrational beasts, and it was impossible to attack the city for no reason.

"Then if we are attacked outside the territory, can we resist?"

At this time, Monkey King with Four Tails, with his hands folded on his chest, asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, unless the opponent is an official, the police will not intervene in battles outside the city or islands, as long as the safety of the city and civilians is not threatened."

"But because you are tailed beasts, you belong to the world government's precious resources, so if someone kills you, that is, temporarily disperses you in the world, then the other party will be wanted and hunted down by the police."

Sun Wukong, Shouhe and other tail beasts can understand the meaning of Minister Molotov's words.

That is to say, in Haixing, if someone beats them up, the world government will not care.

But if someone kills them, even if it is a temporary 'death', the world government will severely punish them and will not tolerate them.

They are also satisfied with this.It is a kind of protection.

It also made the tailed beasts who already had a good impression of the world government even more grateful.

At the same time, the nostalgia for the ninja world in my heart has gone to seven or eighty-eight, and more is the expectation for the starfish and the future.

"And Your Excellency Shouhe, I need to remind you that in the Santo River in Alabasta, there is also a Water Rhythm Dragon and its dependents from the Zero Demon World, called 'Mother of the Sea'."

"This 'Mother of the Sea' has also experienced nearly a thousand years and has extremely powerful water magic, but after we got in touch with her, we found that her temperament is very gentle, so you just need not to provoke her."

Minister Molotov explained the situation in detail.

This 'sea mother' originally lived in the zero magic world, the Sahara desert, the depths of the 'holy lake' in the original kingdom of elves.

Later, due to the "wind stone disaster", the entire Halkkinia continent fell apart.

Among them, the 'Holy Land' is fairly stable.

But with Shiji's aviation brigade and hundreds of thousands of auxiliary corps stationed.

The whole environment has also become complicated.

In the end, because he was too idle, Shi Ji, who started fishing by the 'holy lake', suddenly became aware of its existence.

Using the ability of fluttering fruit, the 'Mother of Sea' was forcefully floated out of the lake from the depths of the lake, together with a large amount of lake water, and floated in mid-air.

Naturally, there was strong resistance in the process.

However, although the water magic of 'Mother of the Sea' is not weak, it is not Shiji's opponent at all.Even paid the lives of more than a dozen rhyme dragons.

This made the 'Mother of the Sea' have to bow his head and surrender, just to save the lives of other dependents.

The final result is naturally to sign a contract with the world government, and then arrange to go to the Santo River in Alabasta.

Although 'Sea Mother' can also live in the sea, she said that she prefers the freshwater environment.

It happened that the Santo River in Alabasta had a width of [-] kilometers and a total length of nearly [-] kilometers, which was enough to accommodate her and the family of Yunlong.

By the way, Yunlong is a kind of blue dragon in the zero magic world, very good at water magic.

Among them, a small number of highly qualified Yunlong.

Not only can he speak human words, but he also has the ability to transform into a human form.

So generally speaking, these dragons that can change into humans are called rhyme dragons, while other dragons are called blue dragons by magicians.

"Mother of the Sea Rhyme Dragon. I know!"

Shukaku nodded.

It's just the smile on his face, obviously not intending to really ignore the other party.

Well, when the time comes, I will definitely come to say hello and get to know each other.

By the way, let's see what magic is.

After all, everyone lives in the same place, so how could they really not communicate?

I just don't know when I can see the Crocodile general again.

How is his injury?

Shukaku no longer cared about Minister Molotov's subsequent speech.

The chubby round face gradually lost its charm.
 The width of the Santo River is 50 kilometers. This is what Weiwei said in the comics. I didn’t make it up~~
(End of this chapter)

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