The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 169 168. General, do you still want to burial...

Chapter 169 168. General, do you still want to burial...

After Daning's industry has the craftsmen of Tiangong Pavilion, the daily growth rate is extremely amazing.

Just like today, under the leadership of Wang Jian, the entire Suzaku army boarded the flying boat.

The five hundred flying boats headed in the direction of Da Xu.

Today's flying boat has been strengthened for a long time. The materials around the flying boat's hull are all made of the toughest fine stone, and there are many cannons activated by spirit stones inside.

The soldiers standing on the side of the spaceship board stretched out in a circle, each holding a keel bow in their hands, ensuring that they could always pay attention to every situation below.

The red flag symbolizing the Suzaku Legion was planted in front of the bow, dancing with the wind.

The faces of the soldiers were full of fighting spirit.

"General Qi, Xu Guo's city was found ten miles ahead. According to our spies' report, Xu Guo seems to have been prepared and sent a lot of troops to garrison there."

A soldier walked up to Wang Jian and reported.

Hearing the report, Wang Jian sneered: "It's just the struggle before dying, pass on the order, keep on guard at all times, and prepare to attack the city!"

All the soldiers were sitting in the flying boat all the way, and they maintained their physical fitness very well. They didn't need to rest at all. When they got down to Daxu City, they just attacked directly.


After the herald went down to convey Wang Jian's meaning, the flying boat moved about five li towards Xu Guocheng.

Wang Jian shook the scarlet cloak on his body, held a spear in his hand, and opened his tiger eyes, staring at everything in sight.

After Feizhou and Xu Guo's city officially meet.

Both sides had a tacit understanding, without any nonsense, they directly fired spirit stone cannons and spirit arrows developed by various spirit stones at each other.

The power of this kind of weapon improved by spirit stones is far superior to those ordinary arrows and artillery at the beginning.

Whether it is the flying boat or the city wall of Xu country, it will be worn out by these blows.

On the city of Xu State, there are long strips like iron sheets. Behind the iron sheets are holes the size of the diameter of the gun holes and many arrow holes.

Da Xu's men and horses hid behind and launched towards the flying boat.

Wang Jian is well-informed, so he naturally doesn't feel that he is the only one who is researching and developing industries every day with Daning's family.

Seeing that these thick iron sheets were not directly broken under the attack of Daning's artillery fire, some interest could not help showing in his eyes.

Lu Ban from Tiangong Pavilion told him when he came here that if he sees any special equipment in the enemy country during the attack, he must bring some back for him to study.

Although Lu Ban is proud, he is not complacent. He does not think that his own wisdom can beat all craftsmen in the world.

He is also constantly referencing and learning.

Wang Jian felt that these iron sheets should be able to attract Lu Ban's attention.

However, although Xu Guo's iron protection is powerful, it is only a tool after all.

Under the roar of dense artillery fire surrounding the entire city of Xu State by the Daning Flying Boat, they were soon unable to withstand it.

Some iron sheets were blown through, and the Xu Guo soldiers behind were killed and injured countless times.

Looking at the huge flying boat in Daning, they had never seen the artillery fire they had ever seen before. It was so powerful, and some fear rose in their hearts.

This gap in industrial equipment cannot be made up for by these small soldiers.

The power of that cannon shot was no less than a full blow from a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Now most of the soldiers stay in the foundation building stage or the alchemy stage, and the Nascent Soul stage are some small captains, with a small number of people. Faced with such a powerful offensive, basically no one can stop them.

So after the iron sheet was destroyed, Da Xu's soldiers paid a heavy price.

Seeing the iron sheet that they were proud of being destroyed, some lieutenants on Da Xu's side also panicked.

They were invincible before, but now they seem to have encountered a terrifying nemesis. From the beginning until now, they have been suppressed to death, and they can't resist at all.

Cannons, arrows, and these sharp blades activated by spiritual energy and spiritual stones have all become reminders for Xu Guo's soldiers.

Finally, on the city wall, some soldiers of the Xu Kingdom began to retreat.

They, who had never suffered a defeat before, felt scared this time, and their morale was a little lax.

"Hold it, let me stand it!"

The adjutant guarding the city wall took a weapon and cut down several soldiers who wanted to escape. He stood in front of the only stairway down the city wall and blocked everyone's retreat.

On weekdays, Jiwei was still the same, and now he has chopped down several people in succession, and the remaining Daxu soldiers never dared to run away again.

He could only grit his teeth and return to the front line to continue to resist.

Standing on the flying boat, Wang Jian had a panoramic view of the scene below, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes. This general of Daxu is indeed somewhat bloody, and he resisted desperately in the face of an inevitable defeat, and did not run away, which is rare.

Wang Jian recalled those opponents before, many of them ran away when they saw that the momentum was not right, so there was no desperate resistance.

Right now, this one is really rare.

"Wait until you die and have a decent burial."

Wang Jian turned his head and said to the soldiers on the side, and at the same time pointed to the general of Daxu.

The soldiers on the side also saw this scene, and nodded in admiration to express their understanding.

However, the next scene made Wang Jian dumbfounded again, as if swallowing a mouthful of feces.

I saw that when the general whom he praised just now saw everyone returning to the front line to fight, he sneaked away by himself...

That's right, they went down the city wall without making a sound, and then headed towards the north gate.

Daning's offensive has not yet reached the north gate, which is the only way out.

Watching this scene, Wang Jian's scalp exploded instantly, and he didn't know how to spit out his stomach.

Seeing this scene, the guards next to him also had black lines all over their heads, and asked softly, "General, do you still want to have a generous burial..."

Wang Jian was angry: "Buy a fart, don't let me catch him, or he will be cut into pieces. As the chief general, he left the subordinate soldiers to escape alone, not as good as a pig or a dog!"

The soldier shrank his neck after hearing this, and stopped talking.

Wang Jian waved his spear as if he had been slapped in the face: "Hit, hit me hard!"

As soon as they heard the order, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment shot more joyfully with the arrows in their hands.

The overwhelming rain of arrows rushed towards the city wall below like locusts.

Xu Guo's guards on the city wall immediately fell down again.

Facing the critical moment of life and death, some surviving ones turned their heads to look.

He found that his general had long since disappeared.

His eyes were tearing apart, his eyes were blood red, and he shouted: "Brothers, run!"

After finishing speaking, he gave up on the city wall and ran to the corridor.

The other soldiers quickly followed after seeing it.

The entire city wall was defenseless at this moment, and Daning's flying boat was driven straight in without any resistance.

In the city, only a few soldiers of the Xu Kingdom resisted desperately, and then lost their lives, and most of the rest fled towards the north gate.

In this regard, Wang Jian did not order to pursue them. He wished that these remnant soldiers fled back to Xu State, and then explained the situation to the remaining soldiers of Xu State, telling how cruel and brave the people in Daning were, so as to shake the morale of the army. .

Just like that, Suzaku easily won the victory.

Wang Jian led the army to sit on the flying boat and cross the city. While replenishing the spirit stone drive, he continued to order: "Continue, next city!"

It took only half an hour to capture this city, Wang Jian did not intend to stop, but continued.

Now the Suzaku regiment is in full swing, and just now they used keel bows to attack the enemy on the flying boat. There is basically no damage, and they can continue.

With the momentum of victory, except for the scattered soldiers who stayed behind to defend the city and joined the Daning soldiers who came behind, the rest of the five hundred flying boats started the battle of attacking the next city.

The mighty flying boat army marched towards the territory of Xu country again.


Xu country, the capital, inside the palace.

A few wisps of Zen incense rose slowly and scattered in a house.

This hut is not big, and it is closer to a Taoist temple in terms of decoration.

Inside sat a priest.

The Taoist leaned lazily on the bed, and the expression on his face was very slow, without the rigor of a Taoist at all.

At this time, a young guard dressed strangely walked outside.

He was wearing armor, but a Taoist head was pierced on top of his head. From the corner of the armor, one inch of the corner of the Taoist robe could still be seen exposed from his underwear.

He walked up to three meters away from the bed, clasped his fists in salute, and then made a Taoist gesture, and said, "Your Majesty, Ningguo is here to attack. The enemy's name is Wang Jian. In just one hour, he has already captured I promised three cities..."

After hearing this, the Taoist opened his eyes slightly, then hummed lightly, his tone was calm, he didn't seem to be heartbroken because of the loss of the three cities, he just slowly raised his palm and waved lightly: "I see, let's go down."

The guard lowered his head slightly after seeing it: "Yes."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the Taoist on the bed suddenly asked again: "Is there any movement from the Yinhun Cult?"

The guard hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the general has been watched secretly, and he has not noticed any movement from the Yinhun Cult."

Hearing this, the Taoist on the bed sat up slowly, then got off the bed, walked slowly to the side of the guard, patted his shoulder with his hand, and said in a gentle and indifferent tone: "Xu Zhi, you can be regarded as following me." You've been an old man for a long time, what kind of benefits did the Yin Soul Cult give you, and it actually made you betray me."

When Xu Zhi heard this, his face changed suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his whole body trembled. Thinking of this person's method, his eyes were filled with fear, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

This Taoist is none other than Xu Tianling, the emperor of the Xu Kingdom. He spent the first half of his life fighting with blood, eliminated all the opponents around him, and conquered the huge Xu Empire.

In the second half of his life, he became obsessed with all kinds of vulgar things, first female sex, then rare treasures, and now he became obsessed with cultivating Taoism, and even picked up Taoist palaces in the imperial palace, and regarded himself as a real person.

It is precisely because of everything he has done that the current Daxu Chaotang is in chaos. Various factions are fighting openly and secretly, the subordinates are obsequious to the superiors, and the people are fighting each other every day. For various interests, all kinds of murder and arson have been done. come out.

Generally speaking, Xu Tianling is now a fool.

Over the years, the people at the bottom have gradually become more courageous because they have discovered the stupidity of this person, and they have begun to dare to lie to each other and fight endlessly for their own interests.

It's just that I didn't expect that today's Xu Tianling would suddenly wake up...

Xu Zhi was flustered, thinking about what he had done recently, even if he had ten heads, it would not be enough to chop off.

That's right, as Xu Tianling's guard, he was bought by the Yinhun Cult to keep an eye on Xu Tianling for them and report Xu Tianling's daily whereabouts.

It's just that they have lived in peace for so long, why did they suddenly become known today.

Xu Zhi was full of doubts, but he was more afraid.

Xu Tianling had already walked in front of him at this time, and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, go and do something for me, and I will forgive your crime."

After hearing this, Xu Zhi raised his head and looked at Xu Tianling. When he was about to ask, he suddenly found that Xu Tianling's eyes were particularly charming, as if there was a kind of magic that attracted his mind.

Xu Zhi's eyes began to blur, and his sanity lost the clarity it had just now.

At this moment, Xu Tianling became amiable in his eyes, just like his closest relatives. Now he only has infinite loyalty to him in his heart, even if he dies for him, he will not frown.

Xu Tianling took out a scroll from his bosom, handed it to Xu Zhi, and said softly: "Give this to the person behind the scenes, just say that I have been practicing this thing recently, and my cultivation base has greatly increased. I secretly copied it when I was away."


Xu Zhi nodded with a dull gaze, then put away the scroll and walked down.

Xu Tianling looked at the other person's back and smiled slightly.

Ordinary guards, even close guards, would not be able to enter the emperor's bedroom and successfully transcribe the exercises practiced by the emperor. Anyone who heard it would think it was a fraud and would not believe it.

But if the emperor is the incompetent and confused Xu Tianling, then everything is uncertain...

If it is added that the person who transcribed is Xu Zhi, a powerful pawn of the Yinhun Sect, then the credibility of this matter will be increased a lot...

One last thing to add is that the Yinhun Cult had accidentally obtained similar fragments of exercises before, and also received some benefits from the first half. Now that they have obtained the complete book, they will believe it 100%...

"It's not in vain that I have planned for so long, it's time to close the net..."

"Hehe, what kind of emperor's hegemony, what kind of heroes and beauties, are just a pile of loess, as long as I succeed, a mere Xu country, if you lose it, you will lose it..."

Xu Tianling was talking to himself, and at the same time, he leaned lazily on the bed again, his eyes were far-reaching, and he didn't know what he was thinking.



The Suzaku regiment's flag waved forward.

Wang Jian swept away a group of soldiers of Xu State with one shot.

He stepped over the corpses with cold eyes, and behind him were the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment with fierce faces, rushing towards the city.

Three days have passed, and this is the No. 30 six cities captured by Wang Jian.

In one breath, he led the soldiers of the Suzaku regiment to charge all the way, revealing to the public that he was invincible, and the people of Xu country had already run away when they saw him now, without any fighting spirit.

His prestige of Wang Jian can be regarded as really spread in Xu country.

(End of this chapter)

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