Harry Potter: Charlie's Candy Factory

Chapter 229 Peng Peng Has Another New Friend

Chapter 229 Peng Peng Has A New Friend
The sun was shining at noon, and Russell obeyed Charlie's order in the morning. After the other party had finished eating, he quietly left, leaving him a period of time to take a nap.

Charlie drew the thick curtains to block the harsh sunlight outside the window. After yawning, he closed his eyes, found a comfortable position and fell asleep on the long work desk.


Due to the holiday, there are no Muggle employees in the factory at this moment.Even the little elves lost their vigor and vitality due to last night's carnival.When the big bell rang, they all walked off the assembly line at the same time, and walked towards the cafeteria in groups of two or three, planning to take a good nap after eating to make up for the fatigue from last night.

However, when the factory was no longer as lively as before and seemed extraordinarily quiet, in the deepest part of the factory building that was only used by elves, there were two figures, a short one and a fat one, pacing and shuttling between the corridors on the second floor.

"Aren't Muggles sleeping today? If I remember correctly, you should start working tomorrow."

Peng Peng opened his mouth blankly, yawned big, then raised his head, cast a glance at Dursley beside him, and said with a bit of complaint unavoidably.

It seems that when he was about to go back to rest, he was stopped by the other party.

Compared with Peng Peng, who was exuding exhaustion all over his body, Dursley on the side seemed to be in a completely different state.

He had a rosy face and a smile on his face. While listening to Peng Peng talking to him, he couldn't help touching his hair that had just been waxed and his beard trimmed neatly when he came this morning.Even the clothes he was wearing had been changed from the worn-out suit he had been wearing to new high-end ones. Compared to before, he looked five or six years younger.

Even Peng Peng, who was nervous to a certain extent, was taken aback when he saw him for the first time.After looking up and down at least five or six times, he finally dared to confirm that the fat man in front of him was indeed the same person as the Vernon Dursley he knew before.

"Isn't this... Mr. Black said yesterday that he wanted me to be the director of the new department... I just thought, come here earlier to prepare and save the trouble of waiting until tomorrow."

While talking, Dursley reached into the pocket of his suit, rummaged for a while, then took out a letter, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to hand it in front of Peng Peng.


Peng Peng, who was so sleepy that he was crying, looked at the letter that suddenly appeared in front of him, feeling a little inexplicable for a while.

The drooping eyelids were half opened, and he glanced at Dursley first. Seeing that the other person's expression was tangled and constipated, he raised his eyebrows, slowly took the letter from the other person's hand, and asked casually road
"what is this?"


Looking at the short and stalwart elf Pumbaa in front of him, and remembering what his sister Maggie Dursley said when she left last night, begging and threatening again, Dursley's heart at this moment cannot be described with mixed feelings. Even after a whole day of ups and downs, even the joy of being promoted and becoming a supervisor, it can't help but dissipate a bit.In the end, he groaned and flattened his stomach, and just spit out a word angrily.

He really didn't understand what kind of aesthetics his sister had, why she became interested in Peng Peng who had only met once by accident?
The point is, this misunderstanding is so subtle that I can't even explain it myself.

After all, as a person who was [-]% resistant to the magic world before, he had no doubts about how Maggie would react when she found out about this... Besides, there were rules in the factory when she started working. .

If someone really revealed something about the wizarding world to an unrelated person, not only would he not have to do this job, but he might even use the Amnestic Curse to erase all the violator's memories of this place.

And at this time, he is working hard, has no worries, and is about to get promoted and raise his salary to reach the pinnacle of his life, how can he accept this kind of consequences? !
Ever since, after seeing that Maggie's determination could not be changed even by coaxing and deceiving, Dursley weighed the pros and cons for a while, and finally decided to hand over the letter to Pumbaa.

As for what kind of oolong these two people will make... I can't control it.At worst, I'll find a chance in the future, and then find a way to make it clear to Maggie!

However, when Peng Peng asked whose letter it was, he played tricks and explained to the simple elf.

"My sister...you met Maggie at the door yesterday...she said she wanted to be...friends with you. Yes, they are friends, the kind of good friends who keep in touch by writing letters. Of course, if you don't If you want, you can just throw it away, ha, ha, it’s actually not a big deal.”

After finishing speaking, he rubbed his hands together nervously, and even the smile on his face lost its naturalness just now and became a little more stiff, then he looked at him with nervous and "sincere" complicated eyes. Peng Peng.

But I didn't want to, after hearing his words, Peng Peng was stunned for a while, and then, under Dursley's naked eyes, I saw that Peng Peng's eyes began to gradually grow bigger, and even faint light could be seen coming from the pupils. The deepest part blooms.The smile on his face also changed from the original impatience to a big smile.

"New Muggle friends?"

Subconsciously, he asked Dursley again.

"Uh...yes." Dursley, who stared straight at him with flickering eyes, was a little guilty for a while, but then subconsciously moved his gaze to the side, and repeated it with a dry smile.

"I have a new Muggle friend?  …"

Peng Peng withdrew his gaze, stared at the letter in his hand, as if he was looking at something particularly sacred, and murmured.

"Sure enough, you Dursleys are all born good people!"

For some reason, a sense of danger surged in Dursley's heart. Seeing the other party's behavior, he suddenly thought of a particularly bad future.Just when he was in a hurry to open his mouth to make amends, he only heard Peng Peng say

"The office that Mr. Black is going to give you is the one at the end of the corridor. If you want to see it, go see it yourself! I won't accompany you, I want to see what my friend wrote for me!"

After all, Dursley saw Peng Peng holding the letter and running along the corridor like a distance without looking back, shouting happily while running:
"I have a new friend!! Peng Peng has a new friend!!!"

Only Vernon Dursley was left alone, looking at the back of the other party in the distance, he could only widen his eyes for a while, feeling the silence in the factory alone dryly.

(End of this chapter)

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